I I t '; fate - f buying-FarnituTe, Carpets nt.d House Farnishings where ou can get more for a dollar ihan a dollar will bov elsewhere 125 Iron Beds --ru88el8 carpet. $2.75to $12 00 65c per yard 62c per yard 38c per yard A.l wool Ingrains 'i wool unionn , 1 lUSEels Incrrain 20t ner vard (. E ,G. ADCOOK Successor to E. Androas. . wdross Old stand . , Phone 9-1 My Picture Frames Mouldings, Plate Rail room mouldings shades and Curtain Fixtures. I cture framing, hand made due shades. Oval Bevel Mat tilling a specialty. I have the 'y Oval Bevel machine in ion county. Frank Harris ; i. dross old stand Phone 9-1 i t ! Still in business and don't you forget it. Every week brings us new customers. There is a reason for it, and the' reason is that eur cus tomers alwuys receive fair treatment. Wholesale and retail dealers in Produce, Spy, Grain, Iaibler Flour. Lawson & Zundell Phone 1113 Free delivery i Jefferson Avenue A Trial order solicited edge Directory. SLES 1 UiaOdeAirie 350 K O K meet y Sunday nUthl In K ul 1- lull a't dd ling brntberu Invited t' men-., I. Matott, W. F. T. U. Gilhara, W. S. IREHTERS OF AMERICA Court Mai on, No 22 meet each Tuesday In Klk (Brother! are Invited to attend. Ai Helsner Chief Ranger, anderpool kecBeo. I 1 0 F La Grande Lodge, No 16 neet ji ihall every Saturday u in tit. Vis) lug u.em cordially invited to attend. J U. W. Uobcrlson, N U (Snook, Sec AK ENCAMPMENT No 81, I. O. O. F, w every firm and third Thursday In the tu in uuu r enow nan. visiting putri always welcome - I. K. Suouk, C f. uood Hoouwon. serine r St A. M. La Grande Lodge 41. meets every 1st uid 3rd ijutur ut each month. ! A C Willfams Sec. 1 0 D Huffman w. M ITERS 8TAB OEM Hope Chapter No en the tecona ana loartn weouesuuy oi ontn at r.i p m in Masonic Tempie ra Clara T L.vle. W M v A Warnick. See I YOU m; tlr-hota rrnd over tlie Denver tNfo tmn. Railroad, t if "Ucenlo eol the world" tre o nmiiy scenic utt net t pnl its of intmtwt ionir thi '-ie an Ocden and Denver l!iat llntllji er booomeH tireeume onareirclne; rant, write for n (op tion and gut a pretty book that will you aU about ll C McBRIDE, Agent, ". 124 Third St. d Oregon GREAT DAY AT CENTRAL CHURCH Lt evening a great andienoe beard evangelist Coomb 00 Delations. The eerviee was longer than uaaal bat tbs interest was intense and no one seemed tired. This evening be continues along the ssme line. ' Tomorrow there will be fire prayer meetings held at 2 o'clock. 2 he cottage prayer services will be held kt the following homes: Mrs Jelt north of tne track, Mrs Preparing For An Attack (By 8cr:pps News Association Tokio Feb 21 Anticipating that the next move to be made by the Japanese will be an ettack on Vlad ivostok toe Russians are tbrowitg np intreuchments along the' Northern bank of the river To men. Undisturbed !'7 2 crip pi 2w Aitaociatton J Chicago Feb21 Because the cbern ioal anaiysffof the stomach of Mrs Wllker Uoch not being completed the inquest over the remains of tbe wo man exhumed was postpoend nntil Thursday. Hoch the allegsilaystamist remalLS ia the county jail apparently in the best of humor. Has Appendicitis (By 8cripps News Association) Sacramento Cal Feb , 21-i8pnator Emmons one of the legislators accus ed of boodling was taken from bis hotel this afternoon to the hospital to undergo an operation tor appendicitis His condition is considered cri'ical. Czarovitch III By Scripfis News Association Berlin Feb 21 Reports have been received here of the illness of the Uzatovlich of Russia and several pro minent physioians have been summon- ed to Tsarsko-Selo where she is staying at the summer re-idenoe 1 When you want GOOD PRINTING Call Phone No. 1371 Printing That Satisfies THE OBSERVER .1 Stops the COUGH and Heals the LUNGS JEI1LL. Sd ALLEN Comer on 3rd street, Mrs Reynolds on Adsms Are and I W fsolk Old Town. A special prayer tarries for all who hare confessed Chrltt or united with the congre gation daring these meet ings will be co ad acted by the pastor in one of the rooms of the charch at the time boor. At 3 o'clock a service will be held In the charch and a nam ber cf persons will be baptised. More Oil. Trouble By Soripps News Association Springfield. Ill . Fsb. 21 Beeolu tlona were introduced in the ltgialatare thi afternoon expmting sympathy with the state of Kansas in the fight that state is making against the Standard Oil Company. The resolu tion" piovided for a committee to in vestigate the 8taodard Oil Company's pipe lines in the state of Illinois with a riew of deolaring them a common osrrier. It is apparent that the legis lature is eager to tsaiet Kansas in it's struggle with the oil monoply. An immediate tearing for the resolution is demanded by those back of tbe reso lution. Corrunt ' Jude By Soripps News Association Mupcogee, I T F-b21 After a sen sational cenji with federsl judge 0 W Raymond, assistant attorney gen eral Fuller who was sent here to in vestigate Judge Raymond said that he would strongly recommend tbe Utters removal. Jury Out ( By Scripps News A ssociatlon) Anburn Cat Feb 21 Attorney General Webb is closing his argument for the prosecution in tbe Webber tnalf Tbe judge will obarge the jury t 4 o'clock,. The-verdict's not ex peered until tonight or tomorrow. Will Omit An now 'comes the ennonnoment that the man who haa bad the honor of ! Dlaolnir in nomination thnir amwnaafni candidate for toe United States senate n this state, senator Brownell of Oregon ..City, has deoidad to . quit politk-e and practice law. T here is a difference between printioer that "will do" and tha which js the kind yoo really want. We make a Bpeciilty of pleasing, as we have the equipment with which to produce good printiug and printers who understand the art of printing There is no order too small or too large to receive our careiul attention. We print anything from posters to visiting cards. . SB'1 ej i" u SUMaABi La Grande Boy The joint committe appointed to investigate tbe account aad affairs ol the Lewis and Clark Ceatennial Ex position committee In their report com plisjen ting the Seoretarj also did oar former fellow towntmsn Goo 0 Goodall credit who was assistant sco re tar y and apoa whom Urgsly fell the heavy duties oftbe Offios. Piatt Lost By fieri pps Msws Association J attics Gormond of the snprems co art this afternoon dismissed the salt sgainst John B Piatt, tbe aged lullllonair to recover SCS3,000 from Hannah Ellas, the negreea whom Piatt alledged. bj threats to expose him foroed him to sire ber the balk of bis fortune. , ' . Notice of Stockholder's Meeting Notice it hereby given to tbe stock holders of the Grands Bonds Valley Agricultural Society. That the annual meeting of the stockholder will be held la the parlors of the La Grands National Bank on Monday March 20th., 1903 at 2:30 o'olook p m for the pur pose of electing a board of director to serve for tbe ensuing year and for the transaction of each other business as nasy properly corns before the meet ing. Dated this 20th day of Feb 190a. By order of the President. WO HUNTER, Pres. FRED J HOLMES, Boa. (Administrator's Notice to Cred' itors. Notlcs ia hereby given that the underaicni haa been appointed administrator of the estate of John Morrison, deceased, by tb. County Court of Union County, Oregon, and all people having any claims against said eitate an hereby notifie to present the same properly verified within all momlu from this date, either to the undersigned this ranch near All ) i MO , Ramsey a Oliver his attrlieyH, at La Grande, Oregon. Done and dated this lflh day of February, 190V . P. A. MoDOXALO. Administrator of the estate ofajoha Morrison deceased. ' 'I Treasurers Call for County Warrrants Notice Is hereby gives that tb undersigned Treasurer - of Union County, Oregon, haa funds on hand with whioh to pay all Oonnty warrant tbat were presented and endorsed by tbe County Treasurer prior to Novean ber 9 1809. Such warrants may be prsreatod for payment with Interest np to Feb 17, 1905. Dated at the Treasurer's office in the eity of La, Grande Feb 17, 1905. No Interest allowed after this date. , JOHN FRATTLEY Treasurer of Unioa Co. Orsgon NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is htinhy given, that the unaeraifsed, has been dulr appointed Executor of the lis Will and Tes ament of Harah C BaUer. deoeaa. ed by the County Judge for Union County state of Orego i, and that all persona bavins, claims against the estate of said deceased, will present the une properly itemised end verified, within fix moiiths from this date, to the under signed, at his residence north of Island City, aald Jounty and siaie, or at IlieoOloeof K Ivanhoa, attorney for Executor, at l a Grande, Ortfen. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 17th day mt February, iVOi. EDWAHU h HALLET Kxecutoresutelof Sarah C Halley, dacaased F 8 Ivauhoe, Attorney for Executor, J. M. CHURCH. EJTATE;-Not7os ia hereby given that the undersigned bss been duly ap pointed executor of the estate of J. II. Church, deceased, and has qualified at Such. All -per sons having claims agaimt said estate are here by noli fled to present tile aanw to the Undersigned at the oulceof C. II. Finn, Fsq Attorney, La Uraude, Oregon, with proper voucher duly Verified, within six month from the date thereof Dated and first published February 16, 190&. W. J. CHURCH. Executor Howell is 51 years old, wbll tbe hia not yet rescbed ber sigh b yeu. fear sgo be created a sensation irchasing three of New York's i.ahinnble aoartment bousesH early 5,000,000. He maintains ibmeein Wsshlngton, Virginia Palm Beach and has , splendid a yscbt. He is a son of tha " Ute few Howell of Wheeling W Va. 4ft9 occupied pulpUe in Pittsburg adelpbia and sevsr il other cities at present is without a obarge. 41 Croup 3. w Ins with the symptom of a 6m cold; there is CDiiiinen, atnaatwAot pto pttUe KATE UMII RK,KHTATE:Notice ia giventhat the Uudersliined bs been duly appointed adminis trator of the estate of Kale Usher, deceased, by the Coiimv Court of Union County, Oregon. AU persons having claims against said Cutate are hervby noil fled to present Ihe same duly verified u the unde signed al the La Urande National Bank, La Uraude, Oregon, within sis months from thlt date. Dated February 16, 1K. F. U MKYEIIS, Adminiurator. C. II. FINN, Attorney PROFEGSI0NAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON. Physidin and Surgeon. CSosorer EUTs Df S Btore, - Ofltorkeuias BaeideaeePhaweSH N, KOL1TOR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Garwer Adaaas avsaae and Depot bc -. OttetrhoaexM Bildsoot Phoae 681 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Pkooe Til ' Ltsls svJlaiac opposlts aoaamar Boom . Omot Hoars, It 4, T to! V ' BACON & HALL, YSICIANS AND SURGEONS Ofltes U Foley bnlldlag, Phoas 11M. O. T. Basoa, lUsidanoe Psoas till St. su uall, Healdcaoc 2121 DKS. BIGGCRS & DIGGERS Pnyaiolan and Sargeuna O W Blcgen, U. IX - Q. L. Bigger. M.D Telephones OflleelZU Reaidanoe 41 QOos RaUtoa BnUdlng over J. M. Berry's tors, auaiaesea oa MadUon AVa, ascond door west of u-mer rsaldenee, Dr. a W. BlgYcra uumiids . , OREGON - FMtoioaat ealU proaaptly attended to . dayoraichu . .. . DENTISTS REAVIS BROS, . DENTISTS. ' OOoe Soattssr Bulldlag , . OmoePheaeM . Realdenot Phone 117 C B, Cauthorn DENTIST CiCflsM Ovsr Hill Dmsl.Btore La Grande, Oregon R. L.. LINCOLN DENTIST Up stairs, Cor Adanu avena and Depot HU Phoos yt VETERINAAY 8URQE0N Dr. P A CHARLTON VETEMNABY BURGEON, Oficaat AT Hill's Drugstore La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Eeaidence phone 701 Farmers' line 58 ATTORNEYS CFAWF0RD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA GKANOI, OBEQON Offlse la SaaanMr SaildlDf. J. W. KN0WLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law OSes ia fUltton Balldlpc , .'; Pnsnslas Le Grande OrN H. T. WUluuas A. C. Wllllanw WILLIAMS. BROS. ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Qdot la Balstoa Building , Phone 'La Grande, Or. ACCOUNTANTS W, I. BISON ETT ' aUCPtttTT ACCOUNTANT OfOaa wiU i.T. WilUamaon. La Grande fartlaa wishing tb serviess of a com petent bookkeeper are assured satis factory resalta. Prloes reasonable D. 0. KELLEY, ' anil MinnllnataJ W$ ooaot adjostsd. Pea Ion papers a VpspecUlty. Notary Pabllo. Claim v against the government considered. jCorrsspondsat solicited. Addrss uwa wa vw 10 -PEBOENT OFF On all cash purchases ' of 11.00 or over, complete stock or meats poultry, lard, our own cured: breakfast bacon and hams a speoialty. Phone 1601 I. HARRIS We pay the highest market price for hides, pells, and furs ' TEAMS WANTED J L Mar wishes to hire twelve teams to aaol rock. Inqaire at Oregon Pro Otnpta'sas balldiag I aBS215CK2Sd5Z2222i3;i.: ZSZ. a ... .. ,;. -lint r ; Saloon CHa MELQU1ST, Proprietor. WINES, " LIQUORS AND CJGAIiS 1 Finest collect iona of stuffed g animals on the Pacific i I coast. ,, .; . lMHHtmtlttTH Blue Front Saloon ! . E.TH0RS0N, Proprietor. ' X FINEST . - i wines; LIQUORS Imported and domestic .0118-- Hot or cold lunch all hours JeOersoa Avecae Opposite Depot ww 4w4H Palace Saloon CHAi, ANDERSON. Prop. WINES, IIQUORS AND CIGARS , Always on hand JeSeraoy avenue Opposlts Di pot the ;.: . OXFORD VAR JOHN BIEVEr,Prop. ; ; Complete assortment of WINES, - LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mixed Drinks a Specialty Fir SI. vrwrWwVrwVrVVwVVVVv5 I THE LOUVRE i CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. FIXE WIHE5. LIQU0R5 I ,1 ClQiIRS Gentlemen alwayi Welcome Fir Street Saloon ULRICH LOniS, Prop. , ' '. " PINK ' WINES, LIQUORS and 1 1 GARS Lunches' are our specialty Jefferson Aveuue, Opposite depot OREGOh SllOJrlilR! m Union Picirir ra EJBSSg PKPABT tATltTB"'OR fcOM Ko a Halt lathe, Denier. Kt. hoi , 8:c0 p ro Worth, Omahn, Kan- b:Ht a iu No 6 saa City, Ht. Louin, Chi- So 3. 8:30 a. m. ougo aud LaaU tj;3t p in ' JS01 ' - Cortland. Da, leg Pen- . ' . dletou. Walla Walla, va . I'aytou, Pomemy, Col- - and poinu erst and v ' north via epokace Portland, Dalloa, Pen- " dletoik Umiitills, Wat Ho 5 lula, Levrixton, toUai, No Moscow, Walluce, War 8:06 p. m. ner, Mpokane aii.l olhitr 8JU a m point east acd north via Hpoltane No. 83 Island City, Alice!, lm- Dully ei- Mer and 4fin. Con- Ho SI eept ne ttons at tlitm w tb Bunday staeior polute In wak oJOpm iUSam lowa. , Uraait Htcainera betwreu I'ottland aud San Ktanoaoo every ate d ys. 5.0.alOUaie,A4Jit i t 1- H" r". '