Hotel THE HOTEL -gOMHERJ UH, LeefcB 5 .-a n WE C VT R TO .TRADE ROOMS WITH BATH I1IISTEAM HEATS All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. m m A. m J. P. DORPAN, , , Secretary. , .. m Notice to the patrons of La Grande Light aud Power Co. That on and after January 1st we will install a day circuit in this city and take this means of notifying our patrons. Any changes to be made in lights which can not be turned off during the day should be arranged as soon as nntihlA. ThoA desirinsr power can confer with us at any' time regarding prices of motors,' rates, etc. We have motors priced as iouowb, i. o. o. can i h. p. $ 37 75 hp 44 50 1 h p 2 hp 8 h p 95 50 104 15 128 85 4 To this price must be added freight from San Francisco to La Grande. Shipping i hp 8 phase hp lhp 2 hp , " 8 hp " 120 lbs i 155 lbs 242 lbs 345 lbs 425 lbs form K form K form K form K 6 hp 7 hp 10 np 15 hp 20 hp form KgpT2345 lbs formK 2980 lbs 80 hp For information call at office ot LA GRANDE CITY iBREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant inJEasiern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh 1-kEFERENCE. When you want the Best a PHONE i85i Ae B. C. Steam Laundry La Grande, Oregon. Sommer m COMMERCIAL ,m m 1 L. MORRIS, Tres. and Manager. p rancisco; 6 b. p ...$192 00 10 h p ........ 279 75 15 h p 867 70 20 h p 462 50 80 hp 655 65 weights hp single phase 225 lbs 270 lbs 275 lbs . 380 lbs 465 lbs 680 lbs 670 lbs . 820 lbs 1075 lbs 1350 lbs 2300 lbs 2810 lbs i hp " " 1 hp M 2 hp " 3 hp " 5 hp " " 810 lbs ,j form L 950 lbs form L 1175s form L 1430 lbs form L form L form L LIGHT AND POWER CO ' a Orande Evening Observer IEY BROS., Editors A Pr pa Entered at the (PoatOffiot. at Le Grande, Oregon, aa Beoond Claas Mail Matter. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance ...... $6 50 Six months in advance. . . .3 60 Per month . 65o Single copy... 5c ADVERTISING RATES DUpU? Ad rata farrilahed upon application IxMal reading notloea lOo per Hoe Scat iruaraa Uon, so par Una for each sutweqaent loauru- Resolutions of condolence, so i er Una. Oarda of Uianka, 60 per Una. He that wrestles with ns strengthens oar nerves and sharpens our skill. Oar antag onist is our helper. Burke. Corvallis Feb 16, 1905 Editor Observer; I have been thinking that perhaps a few lines from this part of the country would be of interest to the people of Union County , Gorvalhs is a" town of about 3000 population situated on the weat side of tbe Willamette River some 90 miles south of Portland at one time a thriving Rail Road town but at present it gams - its support from the surrounding country and the Agricultural College which is situated here, the Receipts from the College are from $80,000 $100,000 per year I have -been struck with the truthfulness of the argument presented by 'our wet brethren that th&J grass woald grow in the streets of a dry . town for. I have found such tcfbe the case here, this town went dry (inwardly) the first of the year since that time the grass has grown very rapidly While they manage to keep it down on the principal streets yet in the alleys aud back streets there is a luxurious growth Now, while one will have to admit after seeing this that graBS will grow when rum is prohibited, yet it is not so bad as they would have us believe, for it not only does way with tbe dust on those streets, where the sprinkler doa'ent reach There has not been a particle of dust since the first of the year But it can be made to bring in quite a revinue to the city in way of pasture for that "town cow" a problem our wet town have been trying to solve for, lo! those many years. Tbe cow here is not allowed to run at largs but is protected with or rope some thirty feet long This is changed once a day, and at ten cents a day would bring in quite a sum. for some of our towns You may ask if the people are satisfied with the change. In answer I will cite you to a mass m:eting which was held in this town few days ago the meeting was called to get the sentiment as to the change of Local Option Law. It was unanious against changing it. I have ne.vei heard of an arrest being made or any disorderly conduction the streets. The Co.leg is situated on an elevation west of the town proper, this I will . not try to describe at this time for want of time. There are about 630 students enrolled in the different departments. There ia a class of one hundred in wood work of which .ten are young ladies, they are supposed to give one hour a day to this work. There are about the same -number in the blacksmith ehop'Tliere is quite a class in the machine shop, but as I understand only seniors can take this course the class is 'much . smaller. There are large classes in all tbe other departments such ai Horticult ure, Floriculture, Mining, En Eineerine, Surveying, Dairing, In fact averything needed in the ordinary affairs of life is taught here. For those who are old er and have not had the advant ages of such a school, they give a short course in Farming and Dairing, which every farm er and dairy man should take. While the lectures are free yet they take up the latest and most scientific means of hand ling these indastries A more compitent and obliging set of Professors it has never been my lotto meet. Every one seems to be anxious that his part is thoroughly understood by -the class. They never tire of questions by those who are try ing to learn. The students are all required to take the physi culture except those who are physically liable. A more healthy lot of students one seldoms (ees, and for gentleman ly and lady like conduct it is not to be surpassed. More A None CITY ELECTION NOTICE To Whom It May Concern; Notice is hereby given (hat there will be a General Election held li tbe City of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, on Monday the 13th tday of March 1905, for t'e purpoa ot electing a Mayor, Recorder, and Trea surer, of -aM City to f irve for one year aul one : councilman from each war J in aidCity lo serve for the ter i two years. .ne'polllng place in the First Ward Intbe old Council Chamber, and the following named persona have been appointed to act as judges and olerks of aaid first ward,j Judges, i'erry Clark, J L Curtis, and O Kale ton, Clerks, i Warnick, Ed Coolidge, and Frank Brown. The polling place in the Second Ward Will be in the 1' ire Department Building .on Elm Streat, and ,the fol lowing named persons have buen ap pointed to act as judges and clerks of said Second Ward, Judges, 11 W Stoner, m Masterton, and F B New som, Clerks, Win Urant, 1 B Snook, and O J Vanderpool. The polling place in the third ward will be in the Gangloff building on Fourth Street north of Jefferson Ave. and the following named persons have been appointed to act ae judgea and clerks of .said Third Wrad, Judges, Arthur Williams, Wm Grandy, and R L Lincoln, Clerks, Clare Scriber, W I Bissonett, and C L Thornton. Tbe polling places will be open from eight o'clock A M until seven o'clock P M of said 13th day of March, 1905. Dated this second day of Feb 1905. Chester 1' Newlin. Recorder of the City of La Grande Uniou County, Oregon. In the Seattle courts Ed Goodrich was convicted of manslaughter for killing Jams Jones, Deoember 3. Jones was stabbed, and lived 12 da a. Land Scrip For Sale Unrestricted forest reserve scrip for sale at lowest market prices. My scrip secures title to timbered, farming, graiing or desert, land, in any quan thy, without residence or improve ment. Ac dress H M Hamilton, Tbe Portland, Portland, Oregon. The Best Physic When yon want a physio that is in 11.1 ami oantln. eimv to takrt and gentle, easy to take and certain to act always use unsmoeriam-8 momacn and Liver Tablets. For sale by Newlin Drug Company. sv . CHICKENS WANTED .We pay cash for chickecB, and want all we can get at our new warehouse on Jef son avenue. fSnANUR RoNnK Cash Co. A Touching Story Is the saving from death of the baby girl of Geo A Ejler Cumberland, Md, He writes; "At the of 11 months Our little girl was in iieoliuing health with serious Throat Trouble, andjtwo physicians gave her up We were al most in despair, wbeu we resolved to to try Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cought), and Colds The liret bottle gave i el let, alter tak ing four bottles she wat cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve and core s cough or cold IAt Newlin Drug Store 50o and 1100 guaranteed. Trial bottle free x Everything you Sunday Is AwaitingVVour Order at U. RALSTON'b . ' MCDfiAC rA r.nrircnv ' ' c "ADP " Uoi. I'ir and OUR SPECIALTY - SH01S ' K Full Line "Perferred Stock" " Good S jol Shoes Y i Oanred Goods. LUMBER Headquarters for Letth, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Boxes all kinds of Mill Work tel BUILDING PAPER AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL Measurements on tbe STODDARD LAJGRANDE, JUICY MEATS are the only kinds we sell. The meat that has that rich appear ance and tickets the palate ia tbe kind you will Choice lamb, pork aud . veal chops, sirloin, rouud and porterhouse steakss and other luxuries in our line, are sold here daily and pi ioea that are right. HARD WORKERS require good, solid food. Meat is a necessity to such a man and he should have it. All women of the house should have it. All women of the house should provide their hus bands with food that will etrengt'iea them so that they will be ingood condi tion to toll so that the family may live. Bock & Thomas RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial traveler", Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free delivery to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Homes, barneta and wngona bought and told Health Means the ability to do a good day's work, without undue fatigne and to Und life worth living, ifoa cannot bave indigestion or constipation with outits upsetting the liver and pollut ing tbo blood. Such a condition may be best und quickest obtained by ller blne. the beat liver regulator that the world has ever known. Mrs. D w Smith writes, April 3, 1002: "1 nee Heroine, and find it the best medicine for constipation and regulating the liver 1 have ever used." ftioe 60'centi Newlin Drug Co. want" want lor I'.ut Winner 1 1 I 47 1s Jefferson Sts. . f . , . .asi-Jalty - YARD 1 p3 p. m 03 Place 1 Business on the LUMBER CO. 1 OREGON. 1 mil LA! GRANDE SCHOOL Vt MUSIC PROF. DAY,ncip .; ujhr DAYAsiluant Thia onejofithp'l itmusical In atitutions in the Bu te. Daring the there fl wp i e nearly Four thousand lessons g: .en. Xbe people in this city and vt :ey are begin ing to discover tbe . reat advantage of this school. Tb- svitem used is the latest and moc' practical, and inoladee all tbe h. est discoveries in the art of teach i ; a- masio Ths school is divided ii o two depart ments; No. 1 la for beginners, from 5 yean ap, and tak': g in the 1st -to 3rd ffrades. In tlj ! tflnnnrf man! pupils come one bov.r every day In No. 2 the grad' we from 3 to 15. -Here they g. daate. Popilt take one or two leef ns a week as they desire. No liolars will be permitted to remain in this tobooi who do not Btudy. The kind y.'ir mother used to mak Baked every day an 1 deliver ed at your L. me. Why net buy the Jiest when it costs no more. W ILMOSBOK, OLS H VvX. PBOXB !llt prompt attes ;ion given Itch Rinfiworm tu 1 ia, "li go, Kr . wrltpn. April 25th 1902: fml& to n vear. - w known aa the 'itch.' The Itchin VL most unbearable; 1 l,d tried for vp I6oSn.Jlief' all meyd?Pa Iooaidhearof,besiJesa number of doctors. I wish to state that one sin Kle application of lllard's snow Lin iment cured me completely and per niauently. Since th, n I have used the mment on two separate occasion, for nng worm and it ennd completely. 2V, 50andU holUe. Newlii Drug We manufacture Butter ftom sweet cream. Our ' butter is full weight and i I guaranteed. Leave orders at J. D. McKennon's lianarvilld Creiniry Ass'a I HOME MAi BREAD 1 ve0wttS)v00a)Ae)a)s)s)sittA Z - i 4 4 . i 4