La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 21, 1905, Image 1

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    Tniumws Tfliuv ' inffi,mn ; i
; . : 1" llUalUull occasional rain.
T" " ;
Vi a rv
! jlAU
(By Scripps News Association)
jk. .Washington, Feb. Xl.-Rspresenta
v tlve Campbell, of Kansas, called upon
the Secretary of the Interior today and
requested him to fully Investigate) the
blanket leaae of 70(1,000 acre of the
beat oil and gas lands In tbe Oesge In
dian reservation to tbe Standard Oil
n 7 . .
Company alleging the lease waa ob-
tained by fraad. The sabiect waa dia.
tained by fraud. The sabiect was die-
. cussed at the Cabinet' meeting today
and at Its close Seoretary Hitchcock
said the view of the administration is
that parties owning onder the lease
bad oertain Tested rights which would
be an just for the government to inter,
Tragedian III '
(By Sorippe News Association
Luuuou, f u ai. oil hurj Irviuu,
toe world s famous tragedian,
loasly 111 at Wolverhampton.
I By Scripps News Association
' Washington D O Feb 21 Tbe
death knell to ell railroad rate legisla
tion for this session was sounded t
da, wben Senator Elk'mi, tbe chair
man of the inter-state commerce com
mittee announced on the floor cf the
eenatt that all efforts to secure such
legislation had been abandoned and
that it was the intention of the com
mlttoe to continue the investigation
dufripg tbe summer. This is consider
ed tflnal and therefore nothing further
is w be expected along the line of
rate legislation during this session.
Of the Best Quality at Less
: k Quality Prices
i Nothing bat the very beet Rubber Footwear is ever allowed a place in our stock The
; Hood Rubber Company's products have pushed their way to the front. The Hood factories
i today produce more robber goods than any factoiy'in the world. ' Reasons? Quality first
; last and all the time. Note prices.
fi $1.50 Men's Arctio Overshoes $.2Q
Men's low rubbers
fo heavy box
f $2.50 Metf- high lace, lubermen's $2.10
; , all rubber shoes
i ; -
: $2 00 Men'8 2 bakIe Captain Rubber
T Vamp, solid rubber hell, with cloth
: upper and fleece lineing throughout
' Bcrlppa News Aaaooiation
Santa Barbara. Cal. Feb. 8L The
north bound Southern Paoiflo eoaat
line was wrecked between Santa Anna
and Bt. Aguatlne, early this morning.
Win. Lowrle of Baa Franolsoo wai in-
tantly killed. Many pacsensers and
crew were injured, among whom la W
W Blank, county clerk of Fraltdale.
lhe train wae the first section of No. 9
and while going at a moderate rate of
speed (track a laud slide which had
completely filled the oat. Tbe engine,
mail and baggage cars were burled
f, ui uvc turning partly, orer.
He, ralni were Jmmedlately ,ent
w . t . . .
urn the track turning partly over
out, the track soon cleared and tbe
train proceeded on to San Francisco
with tbe Injured
(By Scripps News Assocation)
Boston. Feb 21 Fire broke ont thia
morning and destroyed piers 3 and 4
of tbe Hoosio tunnel docks together
with hundreds of thousands of .dollars
worth of freight which is badly
damaged. The steamships Dilton
Hall and Philadelphia's losses will
reach $1,500,000. Two firemen and
two members of the Philadelphia's
crew were severely injured.
Russian Fleet Coals
By Scripps Newa Association
Copenhagen Feb 21 The third
Russian Baltio squadfon is today coal
ing near the tikaw, preparatory to
proceeding on their journey to the
Attacked by Japanese
By Scripps News Association
Toklo, Feb 21 Oram a reports are
to the effect that a small infantry was
atiacaea by Japanese on
Shang yesterday. The
the Fangi
shelled Capatai Sunday with heavy
guns. .
b ne
$2.25 M,n
v rolled
very diessable
$2.00 Meu'8
v with
1 lot Boys' Overshoes, regular $1.00
and $1 25 volues, Thie sale at
Federal Grand Jury
After The Beef Turst
By Scripps News Association J
Chicago, Feb. 21. The promoters,
orgarjzert and owners of the beef
trust will soon have reason to know
they are In business. Hy an order
from Washington issued last evening a
special grand Jury flairs will be Issued
today and ten United Mates deputy
marshal were sent out with subpoenas
this morning. Over twenty five mem
bers of the so called beef trust will
receive calls from these United States
marshals with tnttructloa to appear
before the Federal Grand Jury at once.
When the jury la sworn la these men
will be taken before It and an at
tempt will be made to indict all per
sons who were restrained by Judge
Uroescop's decision In the beef trust
case which was recently sustained D
the supreme coirt.
District Attorney 8oL Berthea, who
has been quietly mappiog out bit
line of campaign for the past number
of months will direct the fight for the
Government. More than a hundred
and eighty witnesses bava been sub
poenaed who will testify regarding the
Statehood Bill
By Scripps Newa Aaaooiation
Washington Feb 21 Advocates of
tbe statehood bill have abandoned all
hope of legislation thin sessiou. Sena
tor Teller has served notice ou them
he will uot allow the bill to go to con
ference so long as the conferees are
not in favor of tbe bill which passed
the senate
Street Fights
l By Sorippa News Association
Bt, Petersburg, Feb. 21. Dispatch
es from Baku, a city of about 2C000 on
the Caspian sea state that In a street
fight between tbe Mussulman and Ar
menians Sunday thirty fire were killed
ae ' J?,Kn"n. was retnmed
Ttt&ij and reinforcements were
summoned and the rioters are being
auDaaed today
Than Second
B 2 buctle overshoes, heavy
edge, wool fleece lineing, a
shoe for cold Weather QQ
a11 rubber arctics overshoes,
heavy wool fleeced lineincr.
o f
made for slushv Al
operations of the packers. It is belie v
ed that the Qrand Jury will occupy
several weeks in their investigation
I will be tbe moat exhaustive in.
vestigation ever conducted, practi
cally every man who is in any way
prominently Identified with the pack
ing house business in tbe city of Chi-
capo has been summoned to appear
before the jury and measures will be
taken to sea that they attend.
The beef trust investigation will not
be confined to tbe city of Chicago.Offl-
oers were dispatched today with sub
ponaea to fifteen other cities inoluding
SkFaul, Minneapolis. Fniladelpbla,
Boston, New York. Omaha and 8t
Louis. The work of serving subponaet
in Chicago is practically completed
thir afternoon. Most of tho wttoevses
are clerks, managers and private tea
eetaries of tbe packers. Tbe grand
jurymen whioh are to be drawn are to
the jury will delve into the workings
of the alleged beef trust's manner , ol
doing business.
Salem , Or., Feb. 21 Tbe supreme
oourt today rendered a decision affirm
ing that of the lower oourt in the
case of tbe State vs. Frank Guclielino
tbe Italian who murdered Freda Ga-
racio in Portland, June 14, 1904. Tbe
decision is rendered on the point wbe
tber the deputy distriot attorney had
tbe reght totign the distriot attorney's
name to a criminal information. Tbe
supreme oourt rules that by prosecu
ting the oase District Attorney Man
ning ratified the action of bis deputy.
Quglielmo has 20 days to file a peti
tion for a rehearing.
The fallowing opinions weie also
handed down :
State of Oregon, respondent, vt.
James Q. Lee, appellant. Appeal from
Washington County. TA McBrlJs
judge. Reserved and a new trial or
dered. Opinion by Justice Bean. Tbe
defendant was tried and oonvioted of
stealing a calf from one Dennis. Tbe
lower oourt admitted testimony tend
ing to snow that Lee bad committed
otber crimes, which the supreme court
holds erroneoqs.
More Indictments
By Sorippa News Association
Oleveland Feb 21 The Federal
Grand Jury this afternoon returned
several indictments against Mr Chad
wick and several bank6ra Inoluding
Spear who was indicted for misseppli-
cation of funds of tbe Oberlln bank.
'Cleveland Feb 21 L P Ollgcr, pre
slpentof th Worcbester National
Bank who Is charged with embesale
ment and making false entries, and J
R Zimmerman, a director of the same
bank charged with abetting and aiding
in the offences, and !0 M Krsrer and
O C Little the president and cashier
of the First National Bank of Conneaut
Ohio, were jointly indloted this after
noon oj eighteen conn ts.
Seven Reported Killed
(By Scripps News Association)
Spokane. Wash.. Fab. '21 Tl,a
North Coast Limited was wrecked at
Hope, Idaho, at seven thia morning.
It la reported that seven passengers
were killed.
Re-elected Secretary
By Scripps News Association
Milwaukee Feb 21 Ham Kroft was
today re-elected secretary of tbe
American Bowling Congress. Tbe next
tournament will be held in Pbiladel
pbia.J H Hanger of Louisville wis
IBy Scripps News Association
New York Feb 2L-The recent ac
tion of tbe Kansas legislature bat bad
a detrimental effeot upon Standard
Oil stock. Standard Off stock acid to
(Jay for (600 per share, a decline ol
thirty one points, within a week. It
is stated that tbe drop represents a
thrinktga of thirty one million dollar
in the value of Standard Oil property
State Of Terror
London Feb. 21 Tbe eichange Te
legraph has a St. Petersburg dispatch
reporting a state of anarchy in the
Cauoaseus district. Masaaores oo cur
ing oo all sides. Oil wells are ablaze.
trains have been destroyed, river na
vigation stopped. Tbe peaceful ele
ment is In a state of terror and tbe
authorities are helpless.
No Building Bill
Scripps News Asaooiatiou )
Washington Feb 21 Speaker Can
non today informed tbe committee on
Publio Buildings that he would not
.aotarulolor tbe consideration ol
tbe public building bill which carries
sppropriatlona for f 9,500,000.
Tbe speaker was presented with a
petition signed by P(M members ol the
House aaking tht the bill be consid
ered but he was obdurate, .'
By 8orippt Newt Association
Salem iFeb 21 Governor Ueorge
Chamberlin today appointed bam
White democrat, judge of the eighth
judical district Lawrence T Harris,
reDublican. judara of the anoond ladi-
cial district and Claire Crawford, de
mocrat, distriot attorney (of tbe new
tenth judicial district which compris
es the counties of Wallowa and Union,
Are Charged With
Misuse of Funds
, (By Scripps News Association)
Salt Lake, Fib 21 Inquiry into the
financial affairs of the Utah com
mission of tbe Louisiana Purchase Ex
position begsn in tbe Bouse of Repre
sentatives this morning. Very grave
charges have been made as to the mis
use of tbe funds. Ex-gouernor Wells
was the first witness. One of the
members of tbe commission sod a
member ol one of the br-t known
" , .
The Nurse and the Doctor
Will tell you that the success of a prescription de
pends ou the purity of its ingredience. There is
as much variety in medicine as in other merchan
dise. In our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always
our fjiet consideration.
Youcan implicity trust your prescription to-us .
quality, uccurocy and (he right price -are the never
foiling trio upon which we think we have a right to
appeal for your patronage.
A. T.
Phone, Farmers Line, 68
Pacific States 1301
Observer Special
Birmingham. Ala.. Feb. 20. B an
explosion o( ens at tbe Vlrslnla mines
at S o'clock between 200 and 200 min-
era were entombed.- The bodies of 107
dead have been recovered.
The mines are seven miles bilow
Beteemer and belong, to th Alabama
8teel and Wire Company, which Is
owned by the Schulyers,
The number of men in the mine at
the time of the explosion is now known
to be one hundred and sixteen Includ
ing the nine bodies removed The
cause of the explosion is known to
bavs been that just txifore tbe day abift
left the mines at four o'clock last eve
nlny, the men overcharged one ol the
shots" and when the night shift
went to work and "dry shot," It the
gas was Ignited and toe flames shot
upward a distance of several ttnnarea
feet and through the month of the
ehaft Tbe force of the explosion waa
sufficient to cause a Urge quantity o
the timbering and walls of the shaft to
(all whioh completely filled the mouth
of tbe mine. Tbe scenes at the mouth
of tbe shaft, where the families of the
entombed mluers are assembled, Is be
yond all powers of description.
Mothers, wives and children stand in
mnte despair waiting for the worst
and hoping for the beet, though there
is httle or any hope that a aingle miner
win escape.
; The work of resoue is continuing
with unabated interest arnf by nine
o'clook nine baA been taken
from the mine. They were all black
ened at to be almost unrecognisable.
Tb're are at preeeot tbree hundred
men at work attempting to open up
the mine aud render atsistanoe to
tbe living and remove tbe bodies of
tbe dead. Tbe work is progressing
slowly oq account of the great mass ol
earth between those entombed and
tbe retcurer ' .
Chicago Wheat Market
(By Horlpps News Association
Chicago Feb 21 -The wheat market
opened at one dollar and three eights
snrt closfd at one and seven eights.'
families in tbe state is missing.
Governor Weles today told briefly
the story of his discovery of bis nam
being forged towarranta totheamannt
of 1-100 and of the dramatic meeting
of his brother-in-law John Cannon,
secretory of tbe commission, who when
confronted with the charge mads no
denisl and Wells stated further that
since that day be bad not seen him and
did not know wherehs bad (rone
La Grande, Or.
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elected president.
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