SB Proceedings Term of County la Ibe natter of Eecelflng Sealed Proposals for tbe Soperinteridoncy of the Poor Farm, tbe bid ol Alex Slater wit accepted, and it was ordered that be be appointed Superintendent fr tbe ensuing year. Tbe application of Dr 0 M RamsdeU, to change location of certain county roads, was continued for tbe term. The county road petitioned for by D McDonald et al , was continued for tbe term. Tbe petition of John Anthony et al., for the opening of a certain eron'y road was granted and tbe Court ordered tbe Board of County Road Viewers to meet at commencement of said road, Feb 6, 1906, to view and lay cat tbe same and appraise damages. In the natter of tie selection of county paperi for the ensaing year It was ordered by the Court that the Eastern Oregon Observer and tbe Eastern Oregon Republican be desig tated as such official papers The application of Mike Royes for .the return of liquor license fee was continued for the term. Tbe application of James F Barley to change boundary lints of road dis trict 35, was granted. Application for change of boundary of road distrlctc 5, 6, 12, 15 and 18, war ! mntad. In the matter of the appointmi nt of a county physician for the entaing year it was considered and ordered that O E Saunders be appointed. The application of E J Conrad for a new road district, to be numbered 34 was granted. The petition of J ROlirer for refund of taxes o doable assessment of pro perty owned by Mrs Trtar, but assess ed tolTH Wilcox, for the year 1903, lasigranted and it was ordered by the Pourt that the Clerk draw warrant on lie Treasurer in favor of said H II Wilcox in the sum of $9.69. The application of HolvereonA Mo Earland foi license to sell spirituous ard malt liquors in milliard precinct. for the period of six months, was grant 1 ed. In the mutter o! refunding ho money paid roDTI Dee ring, by bidder on 1901 tax sale, it was ordered that tbe Clerk aurreu Ux said money to bidder upon his surrendering certificate . of j sale la person or apon bis written order. Bills allowed at tbe February term of tbe County Court. C 0 FentiltiRton, prisoner, board for January .$ 67 PI Ed WrlKhl, work on 'ax rolls.. 78 00 Samuel Bonder, relief for Jan.. 10 00 John Illtdebrandt, eamo 8 00 John Medlock, same... 6 00 Ella Neason, same. 15 00 George Msy, same 8 00 Mo7oy & Mi'Farlutio, merchan When you want GOOD PRINTING Call Phone No. 1371 Printing That Satisfies THE OBSERVER of Feb. Court dise as per bill. Clark E 8a under a, services as county physician ........ .'. Wright Mero Co, mdse as per bill La Grande Chronicle, printing as per bill Irwin-liodson Co., stationery as per bill Eastern Ore'. Republican," pub lishing delinquent tax list O E Fowler, moring safe up stairs Same, dray age as per bill. Fr-nk Row, witness fees state T Lewis. W F Snodgraea, cleaning court room..'..!....... Owen Thompson, witness before grand, jury .". II O Cotner, work on court room Eugene Ashwlll, procuring affl davits state t O La O Light Power Co , lights as per bill...... ..." T B Jobnaon, window pane .... J O MoKennon, merchandise as per bUl Pao States TAT Co., phone serrloe poor farm Same, Sheriff's offioe 8ame, Clerk's office John E Dough, J P fees, state r Olirene 6 05 29 10 20 10 17 70 IS 60 S3 12 -s 00 4 00 1 70 8 00 6 60 1 60 6 00 74 05 1 30 1 90 1 00 11 35 4 i5 9 66 J M Moiiaooiin, cull l lees same Willie Wllkle witness fees same Fred Pohrman, same. . Harry Brooks, same J E Pollock, same.. BF Wade, same J HMcLacblen, same.......... John E Hough, J P fees, state f Williams J II McLacblen, const fees same J E Pollock, witness fees same Herman Goeck, witness fees same Elmer Burtmess, same Andrew Alatott, same.'....'."... Chas Fleming, same George D Olivenne, same ...... J U Mol-achlen, same John E Hough, J P fees state v Hansen ....... 4 tfO 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 10 85 6 80 6 :i0 1 70 10 75 J II Mo Lacblen, const fees same John E liougb, J P fees state t Ilewitt J II McLachlin, const fees same Ilenry ISellemor, ' wltues i fees same W H firamlet, same LRayburn, same F M Bar tmess, samu l.'i.t I) A Brown, same.. B Chancey, work on tax mils. . BCbancey, printing for Sheriff's i office John Mahaffey, work as Janitor Robert blumentein, aorvkea as Commissioner J M Selder, same S M Uoff, stock inspector La Grande Chronicle,- printing I blanks for school superin - 63 00 31 00 1400 13 CO 25 00 in? here is a difference between printing that "will do" and tha which is the kind you mil j want. We make a specialty of pleasing, as we have the equipment with which to produce . good printing and printers who understand the art of printing . There is no order too small or too large to receive our careiul attention. We print a uy thing ironi posters to visiting cards. ieodent. ........... .V: .... . IS 60 Tbe following warrants were drawn on tbe road fond J W Bills, work as road super visor : 13 60 D M Tomer, road work with team. ............. ......... 6625 H C Baker, work on county roads. 23 5 CTlca, same 2100 11 Bark, aame 21 00 J D Ackley, same 2100 F D Gaskill, work on rd No. 21 70 00 Simon WoodelL same No. 8.. . . 6 00 Van Houten Messenger, lum ber for rd No 28 17 28 Lee Wilson, work on r d No. 32 17 60 Stoddard Lumber Co., lumber for roads. ......I... 38 Galloway Bros., lumber No. 6. . 6 98 John Klnnick, work on r d No. 4...: : loo Frank Wade, aame...! 10 00 Galloway Broa , lumber f or r d No. 2 , 7 98 Terey Chandler, work on r d No. 4 10 00 P A MoDonald, aame No. 37.... 38 00 Thos Shaw, aame No. i8 12 05 Frank Qempe, same 4 15 Albert Roetbler, same... . 40 00 Tbe following warrants were drawn on tbe Contingent fund. J 11 Gilham, clerk, freight, ex- preso and stamps 6 00 Marion Irwin, boarding paupers 79 80 J B Gilhara, clerk, moving vault fix tares. 9 00 John Frawley, Trees , cash for stamps.. 2 60 O E Fowler, wood. 37 00 D H Proctor, Recorder, stamps, etc 8 10 O M Rlchey, P M, stamped en elopes Wrf 'M SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENflON A Sunday School Institute is being conducted at tbe Baptist oharob in tbis city by Mr. James Edmonds of Portland, to wbiob all are cordially invited. Business was transacted at the two meetings today and this even ing Mr. Edmunds will have for his topic - "Tbe Missionary Link." ' To- morrow morning be will speak on "Methods ot a Successful School." In the afternoon "Getting and Keeping Attention" and In the evening his toplo will be "Moral and Religion Education ol the Child." This sub ject will be especially interesting to parents, sohool and Sanday school teachers and a good attendance is ex pected. All in the oity who are inter ested in ttanday Bcnooi work are ear nestly requested to tarn out to theee meetings. Croup Beizlns with the symptoms of a com mon cold; tnere is chilliness, sneering sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, coarseness and Impeded respiration. Oive Irequent small doaea of Ballard's Uorehound Syrup, (the child will cry (or It) and at the first sign of a croopy oough, apply frequently Ballard's bnow Liniment to the throat. Mrs. A Vliet. New Castle. Colo. writee' March 19th, 1901: "I think Ballard's Uorehound Syrup a wonder ful remedy, and ao pleasant." 25o, OOo and II. Newlin Drug Co. YOU . WILL U SATISFIED If your llckota md oret the IVnivef nd RIoMrnnil Railroad, "Soenlo Llneul the world" .BEOAUSK There are so many aoenlo alt -art mi and points of iutwrcHt .lonu thn fie twaen Otrten and Denver thai llitill never becomes tiresome If vnn are ffoma east it. wi bttyl nation and get a pretty book that will teUvuu aU about 11 W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. Portlard Oregon ) 70 I .'. 1 70 I 170 l 170 1 170 i 93 00 I Biigs Of buying Furniture, Carpets and Ilouse Furnishings where you can get more for a dollar than a dollar will bay elsewhere 125 Iron Beds $2.75 to $12 00 Brussels carpet, ' 65c per yard All wool Ingrains 62? per yard i wool unions 38c per yard Brussels Ingrain 80c per yard -r . . . 7 E. G. ADCOOK Successor to Et. Andross. Andross Old stand Phone 9 1 Lodge - Directory- EAQLK8 La Urmnde Airis in FO K meets very Bunday night in K ol r ball ar I to VUituu brethern Invited If. tte-.. J. ATXutoU, W. P. T. H. Gilham, W. B. POREOTERS Or AMERICA Oonrt Hal Marion, Mo SU moeta each Tuesday la El a Uau. nvuMninuivntuwwMMu, Al Helauer Chief Banger. CI Vandsrpool IteeBeo. I O 0 F La Grande Lodge, Ho IS ireete -n their ball every Haiurdsy night. Via) Inig mem ben cordially invited to attend. . O. W. iiobertaon, N U I. R, Snook, Sea. , HTAB ENt'AMPMKNT No 81, I. O. a F, meets every flrw and third Thursdays In tbe month In Odd Fellows ball. Visiting patri archs always welcome I. H. Snook, C P. Udmoud ttobinaon. Berlbe A. f.k A. M: La Grande Lodge o. 41. meets every 1st and 3rd Satur--.y ol each month. A C Williama Sec, O D Huffman W. M EASTERN STAR OEM dope Chapter Wo ti meeta the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at rJX) p m in Masonic Temple is re Clara TL.yle, W M Mary A Wsriiiok. 4eO Free Washing No'. is your chance to have a fami ly a a hlng done free ot vharge. II ynit iab to ktow how -to havtt this dote call up Thos. biejttnuud at the Koode VhiIi y lluuee ai d ho will ex pla.n it all. leneral agent for the Ideal Washer, . Call up Phone 3-6 1 wetk FOR !SAL 2 lots for al. on Ad uns Ave nowo ne ne areeanonse nroneilv Win sell leaaonable if colli nt nu(e. Fenco sbadu tr and i ii'e nlot of good lunibi r, nt. kn an I l.i it-kr". Ai'p'y to Wm Gilpin, La Grande, or Mr. J F Kiol.ardgun t ext door to lot F 16-22 FOU SALE Poland China boar En quire of W T Stein, R F D No. 2, two miles east of La Grande. Phone 1774. w 1 16-2 16 WANTED: An elderly lady to keep house and take care of Ave children. Will pay good wages. Apply at this offioe. Irrigated Land For Sale We have 710 acres ot some - of the best land in this county, for sale at $28 per acre. All but 175 aorea under tivation and irrigation. A bargain. A big list of other lands in tho county. Call on or write . 'i coucu a Mcdonald, I .'"'L Wallowa, Oregon, Peculiar Disappearance J D Uunvan of 'Butlerville. O laid the peculiar disappearance of his pain ful ystoms. of indigestion and bili ousness, to Dr King's New Life Fills lie says: "They ere a perfect remedy, tor 'dizziness sour stomach, headache, constipation, etc," Guaranteed at Newlin drug store, price 25o. CHICKENS WANTED" We pay cash (or chickens, and want all we can get at our new warehouse on Jef son avenue. Grande Ronde Cash Co. .AkAAA tAAAAS AkAAAA iAASAAj Still in business and don't you forget it. Every week, briugs us new customers. There is a reason for it, and the reason is that eur cus tomers always receive fair treatment. Wholesale and retail dealers in Produce, Hy, Grain, lmbler Flour. Lawson & Zundell Phone 1113 Free delivery Jefferson Avenue A Trial order solicited PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 PHYSICIANS , DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. C0oa over Hill's Droc Store. -Office rfcone IScS ' Eealdeeroe Phoae Rt N. MOLITOR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adams aveaoe and Pepot 8C Offiee Phone 134 Baeldenee Phoae est i WILLARD SMITH: PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - Phone TU lewis ball dint, oppoalle Sommar Hons " Office Boars,! to t,loS . BACON & HALL, YSICIAN3 AND SURGEONS , .. Offlce la Foley balldlnt, Phoae 1L9L C T. Baeon, Beaidenoe PI) one 11B1 - - If . E. Hall, Beaidenoe DkS. B1GGERS & BU30ERS Pliyaioiana and 8argtoaU O WBlggen, H. D. Geo, L. Blggera, It. D Telephones ' OdlcelXl Beaidenoe 41 ... Qffloe Ralston BnUdins over J. M. Barry's Store. Keatdenee on Madiaoa. ATa. aacond door west of 'ormer realdenoe, Or. C. W. Blggera LaGRAHOB - . OREGON) Profekoaal calls promptly attended to ... v night. - f. . DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. j DENTISTS. Offloe Boiaaaer Building Office Phone 5-1 " ' Besldeooe Phone 117 C. B. Cautliorn DENTIST Omo Over HtU Dru'M8tora La Grande, Oregon R. L-. LINCOLN DENTIST Up stairs, Oor A da ma a vena and Depot Bt. Phoneyt VETERINAAY SURGEON Dr. Y A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Urande, Uregon fhone 1361 Residence phone 701 Farmers' line 58 ATTORNEYS CPAWF0RD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA ORANDE, OKIQ0N Ofllee In Bommer 'mlldinf . - J. W. KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office in Ralston Building Phone 166 La Orande Or. H.T. WUUnma a. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EYS-AT-LA.W Qfflos in Ralston Balldlnf Phone iOjX ' -' La Qranda, Or. ACCOUNTANTS W. I. BISONETT 1 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Offloa with J.T. Williamson, La Grande Parties wishing the serrteee of a com' potent bookkeeper are assured aatis factory results. Prioea reasonable P. C, KELLEY, Books posted and complicated ao ooauts adjusted. Pea .ion paper specialty. Notary Public. Claims against the government considered. Correspondents solloited. Addres Lock box 613 10 PER CENT OFF On all cash purchases of $1.00 or over, complete stock of meats . poultry, lard, our own cured breakfast bacon and hams a specialty. ' Phone 1601 I. HARRIS We pay the highest market price for hides, pelts, and furs TEAMS WANTED J L Mars wishes to hire twelve teams to haul rook. Inquire at Oregoa Pro- Uinpny'i new building fmrnsmmsaxsasBseBBism a .. I m n ar i an " CKAS. MELQUUT, Propridof. .WINES, IIQU0RS . AND CIGARS ! Finest collections of staffed l ' f i .1 r.-:c-l anunaia uu ms svmu coast, iitimiiimiiimiiiiiiv f Blue Front Saloon 6 E. THOtJSON, Proprietor. FINEST WINES, LIQUORS Imported and domestic ' CIGABS Hot or cold lunch all hoars Z Jefferson Avesas Opposite Depot u iiiimu Palace Saloon CHAS. ANDERSON. Prop. FINK WINES. LIQUORS Always on hand Opposite Depot asaaaaaa aisai THE OXFORD MR JUHIN B1LVCK. rrop, C Complete assortment of , WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mixed Drink, a Specialty Fir St. vWvVvWvWrVMvV flgjggl iiB9IMimBIW'TOSi3BBH6!HC!!ill8HBB3glg THE LOUVRE I CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. TINE WWE5. LIQUORS !2 CIQ1R5 Gentlemen always Welcome I RrJtred Eagle Saloon ULRJCH LOTTIS, Prop. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS LuncheB are our specialty JelTttaoa Avenue, Opposite depot OREGOS SiiorTaUroB aHDlMQNPjfgpB DEPART Time Sohcdol LA GttAMDB, OR FROM Not 8:s0p m No 6 Salt Lake, Dentcr. Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan aaaCity.Bt. LoaU. Chi- . Nol No 3 &50,pm 8:30 a. m.oaoau(l East. No i Portland, Dalles, aieton. Walla Wall.. Uavton. Ponumv mi. Not IPOalm. fax. MosOOV. Hrnlta.n. and pot ola erat and norvn naapokace Portland. Dalles, Pen dleton, Umatilla. Wal lula, LewUtonTCbirax, OS 86 p. m. Ne 8 JO am w aiiace. w r ner, Spokane and other points east and Bonn via Bpokane No. 82 DaJlr ex cept Bandar SUiam IsUnd City, Alice!, 1m bier and a- loin Cn. InC tlCMUl At 7lin '.K HoSl SiSOpn pta-e lor point In Wat- ill S?-MlerarI, 'we.o Portland sad Saa naaoaoo every Svs days. &aooa,Aastu.