Loiibh, sh four lots Addition and balaif J CP barn and 110 feet ii dition , to be ar JO P Chaplin small bill ball casb FFK near him cash. i F T N Eomtg'si CBUO. I PTB eaohCOx Town, V F No building! If you ail price and J K R house, c plumbioi (oar larg bearing, $350 oae uients, REN good bea barn anl location pait oasl ; Mrs fi furnish)! location! eity wal paid forf $$$$ MC orner I ball- oai The ty whlttWJ Dot suitfi baps wet We wi a1?" Hi we real estfc your o!i if you I I n is ofted cancer bedel 1 i have ua Ulcers, best bea Soothe! 6c at N Senators AVDonald's Visit The following in teres tic g letter baa been received from the O A. C at the (,'orvallia Collfge; ' ditor Observer- Last Saturday tbe Senators and Be- tesentatives from Balem visited the UfA 0 aod among them was 8enator McDonald aod wife from 8ammerville futon Co.- Tbe fteoator created a fioe i3preeeion n poo the people here. All fie Senators end Repreeentstivee ex- GIFFIN & HOGAN , UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Scientific Embalming. . Licensed Oregon and Montana Experienced Lady Assistant in attendance t The only Exclusive Undertaking Parlors in V La Grande. . Our office U always open Phone 1761 Office in Lewis.Building, opposite Sommer House 1 BLOKLAND BROS Island City, Oregon - Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POIANDOHINA SWINE. We now have eight young backs, par bred, Cob wold and shropshires, read for service, anyone md ing choice.baoks, shoald see these to appreciate them ; Younglstock always on hand, and 1 ways glad U have yon call and see our hogs, as we breed then for the Farmer, and ask you to compare oar paices before? buying some where else. Sotarv Pablio Money Representing the Equitable Savings & .Loan Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & most reliable institution on the Pacifio ooast, under Stat supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit. Wil. GRANT, Agent City propertyjforsale. ESTABLISHED the La Report of condition RESOURCES At-ica am1 Ti crsrw f e VVOiiO 4 AAVA A A - LTuited States Bonds jteal Estate Furniture )ue from banks and Xash on Hand J Total George Palmer, President T. Cleaver. Assistant " J. M. Berry, th ample capital, large urity for your deposits; and solicit yottr banking uiness. promising you connei atmem and every liberality consistent' with coniwyate Banking. pressed their sorpriaa al the magnifi oeaoa of the iasUtntlon. The "Lunt of the UaaaUlU". written by Bert Huffman of tbe Ess: Oregoolaa la being qalte wide! read by tbe etndents ban. Tbe llrat of a aarira of three games waa played bore leal night between the Albany and O A 0 (trie fiaaket Ball teams to decide the ebaaapioMbip o! the Bute. Boor 4 to U O A 0a favor. 010 Injunction Denied By fkaippa Hewa AaaoolaUon . Loa Aagelee Feb tt-Jodge Welbora of tbe federal court baa denied tbe la Junction naked by tbe SaaU Fc rail road to restrain atr iking boiler soakers from attempting to keep mea from working at the company ehopa at laa Bernardino. Tbe lodge held the teder- al court bad ao'joiledlctloa. , MMMMMMMMIMMIMM Insurance to Loan Grande National Bank mUe to comptroller of carreacy, Jauaary xt, 1905 9tCC9.AfA ft! eoowwoef- TT T 25,00000 Fixt1 17,000 00 U-S.tres 92,865 62 S768a 31 $745,022 74 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. F. L. Meyers, Cashier. Cashier. W. A.B.Conley F.J.Holmes ...... rm via national Daok, Lai Ural experience and unsurpassed facilities, we otter you absolute "oJj- GREAT DAY CENTRAL CHURGH TWENTY TWO ADDITIOS.H Teetarday waa n great day la tbe re vival In Central Cbureb of Uhrist, Tbe lecture room waa needed both morning and evening, tbe evening aodlanee filling tbe booao The main Mdleaoc room was filled wltb man at 3 p m At 10:30 am, Atr.Coombe addreaaed tbe Bible Pchool and Invited tbe boys and girls to aooapt Christ. One man, one girl end five boya responded and eon feesed tbelr faith La the Sartor. At U e'olock aarrloa Ore mote oonteesed their Lord and tvo who bad bald membarablp elsewhere malted with the Held An Interesting Boolely met al the nsnel hoar lsst Friday. k good prog ram was rendered. The question debated was Beaolred "that tbe national government should es tablish a system of postal wrings banks such as was recommended by poet master general Wans maker ia hie report tor 1890." Affirmative W B Jasper , Fred Hoffman, James Anson Negative 0 D Huffman, E D Jasper Boost Ooodall.' The decision waa ren dered in favor of the negative. Next Friday evening will bo the tail meeting of the aooiety and the program should bo a good one. Every one invited. 7:30 p m. Noted Breeder Dies By Scrippa News association Buffalo, Feb. SO Oioero J Hamlin who has a world wide reputation as tbe bleeder of the famous horses "Ab bot" and "Lord Derby" and a ban dred other famous racers, died this morning at eight o'oloek. Ho waa one of tbo few men who devoted their lives to bono business and it the same time was able to to manage his affaire as to amass a largo fortune. Miss Alice Abroad By 8orippS News Association Washington rea 30 It is (stated on good authority that Miss Alloa Boose veil will aoompany Beoretaty Taft and party on their tour ot tnepeotion of the PhUllpine aadill start obout July 1st Land Scrip For Sale Unrestricted forest reserve sor!p for sale at lowest market price. My scrip seeuros title to Umbered, farming. graslag or desert land. In any quan ttty, without rosldenoeor Improve ment. As dross B M Hamilton. The Portland, Portland, Oregon. 1587 Aketing LIABILITIES Capital Stock - $100,000 00 Surplus 20,000 00 Undivided profits 29493 88 Circulation 20,85000 Deposits S74678 86 Total $745i"74 M. Church, Vice President. I Brenholts, Assistant Cashier F M. Byrkit AT oong rogation. Before tbe erasing ear. on tbe evangelist extended the invi tation and throe responded. At the eloae ot the sermon two more came and after tbe audience was dismissed tbe people were called to order and three mora made tbe good oonfeaaloa. Al togetfer twenty two people was tor ward, nineteen of them to begin tbe Lord's work and three who ware mam bore to unite wltb tbla congregation. The evangelist will preach aaoh eve ning this week, Subject this evening "Delusions," dealing with witchcraft, spiritualism, ato. Special Meetings That waa a meeting full of power at the Methodist Chorea yesterday mora Inn as Bev Mr Hartahorn dlacvuosd the questlen "Are we all going to heaven T" With bated breath tbe largo segre gation followed bis every phase ot argument and excuse we offer. The moot effective part ottho service ct the forenoon meeting was the elaes meeting and tbo after service connect ed with It.. Saturday evening be fully analysed the "Old Man" and at the Bible readings at two o'clock each day will tell na how to kill aim. Mr Hartshorn will annik Ihla mmm evening this week at 7s30 Parading Prisoners By Borippa Newt Astoolatlon Tokio Eeb SO It ie reported here that 120 Japanese prisoners captured at Kei Kaa Tai were paraded through the stresU of Mukden. It is said the Japanese governou nt is making of fioial inquiry into tbo matter. Moscow Postmaster "By 8crippe News Association. J Washington. Fob. 30. President Booeevelt today nominated Joseph & Collins to bo postmaster ot Moscow, Idaho. Os-tc-op-a-thy FAOI KECON8TBUCT THEOSIG8 Medioins as a whole' will simply have to oome to aooept tbe Ostsopath- diotum wherever trained fiagsrs looats snob adequate aaatomieal les ions. The people already bavo dsns so not beoause they eared much about finely spun medical theories, but beoause this theory appealed to them as oommoneense The proof of this is the million people who be lieve in Osteopathia pnotioe, after its giowth of only a deoado as aa Indo pendent system, and more than twenty-five statutes that have oaaoted from Vermont to Ca'ilornia legalis ing Osteopathy as a curative soienoe and protecting it from persecution 1 and mierspreeentatlon by impostors. Appreciated The news eorviee lurnisbwd the Ob server by tbe "tJcripps wewe associa tion" upon a orltioal comparison will bo found to bo ideotioal wltb tbat furnished the Portlaed Journal, Pen. alaton Fast Orogonian and tbe Boise Capital News and la tbe first complete telegraph report ever lurnUhed any papor in this eity, and we are pleased to note the appreciation of tbe same by tbe publlo, wbiob la demonstrated! by the inoreased number of subscrib ers. GUARDIAN'S SALE OP REAL PROPERTY Notlcslsbete1vra tbat aader and by vlrtneofaa order of lbs OoontT Oosrt of tbe Btets ot oraD "or Union Oounly, dulj aukd rendered and entered la the Journals of said Court on tbe 28 tn day or Jsnsery. W, Uosns- laa and empowering tbe undenlcasd ss guardian of the estats and person of Alberta Hoc per. a minor. I will offer for sale and sell totbebJtheat bidder rot eaati in baae, on Tatedar Ue 28 U dav of rebraary, at the bout of tiro o'eleok P. at tbe front door ef tbe Court bouts in La Oiande, Union Qoanty. oreaon tbe following desorlbed real property Lot ; tbe soutbeeat qr. of the norlbwott qr. sad nortbaaat qr. of the soutbeeat qr. and tbe nortbweat qr. of tbe seutbeaet qr. of Heatlon I In townablp I soutb of Bang . X a W. Is tbe In Union County, Oregon. ABU A J ACOBBON Ouardlaa of the penon end sitate of Alberta Hoppei a miner. ICATB UHHEB,E8TATK:Notica UgicnttUHD andcrt igtMd bas been duly appointed-' admlnl trator of tbe estate of Kate Daher, deceased, by tbe Oounrr Court ot Union County, Ortson. All persons bavlnc daims against said ertsn are hereby netlrlcd to preeat Ibe aaaa daly verified ta the nude eigocd at the la Qnade Matlonal Bank, La Qranda, -Oregon, withia r. I MEYERS, Adaffiutreter. DH. FllUt, Attorney . 0LASSiriCD AVE ANYT 1NG TO SELL LET THE PEOPLE HEAR ABOUT IT. THROUGH THIS DEPARTMENT AND TOa WILL FIND A BUTER. IF TOU WANT TO BUY EX PLAIN TOUR WANTS THROUGH THESE COLUMNS. For Sale . FOB iAldi OR THADEr a good work horses, 1 H ioh wagon, 1 4 Inch lcawlnt truck, i 4K Inch logging truck. JOHN AHTHONY. FOB BALK Pare Bred Black Minorca Itoeetere from Imported Btook Aleo kgs for batching. PDHaUten ' Recond Hand Store Board and Lodging by Mrs Qoodall 211S 3rd st. Phono 707 tf For Rent FOB BEST Barn 3 close In. Apply to ' grocery store stalls, water, Baker ,Broe FOB RNT Housekeeping rooms rent. Inquire of Mrs Zuber. to FOB BEST Faralahed rooms wltb or district. Inquire at Oor Fourth and Mala at., the George Hansen proper, ty. JanStf FOB BENT One six room house. good leoatlou. One Ore room oot Uge furnished complete. A new Ave room houss, all modern im provemeuU. I Orande . Inveat meat Co., Foley Hotel Building. Lost LOST By Mrs Fred Stanley, In tbla city yesterday, a pearl collar pin. The fladerwlll please leave ssmsat tbo resideace of Mr J M Berry and receive reward for sams. WANTED Ta bay legelmato busioesa State wbatyeu have for aalo Address 13 sare Observer. F 8 tf Oregon Produce Co, I Phone 1761 La Grande, Oregon. oj Coner Jefferson A?enue and Greenwood Street?. J? Iargeet Packing House In .Eastern iiOreacon. ( iWilUPay :Hiarhe3t Oash Si Price tor Marketable Aptles. JaAAAeOOO00000000 I vvvvyvvtt I HI I Brick fur'niahed in any No quanity or any ityU. ooatraot too email or too Urge. 8et samplei of our preesad brick . GEO. KREIGER. La Grande, Oregon. Notice t wtora It asay eoaotra Notloe hereby firsa tbat my wife. Alios Crip- pea, kavtag tell ne wltboat aoy Just iix eAsaor ptovooatlon, I will not be es possible lot any debts tbat she may contract Dated at La Qranda, Oregon tbla Uth day of Feb. A D., 1905. MECRIPPEN. DVERTISMNTS Home Cured If you wsnt a good home curel bam . or baoon or first olaea lard. Call at the Harris meat market. O.npoxlte Geddes. l-l 3-1 For Investments In I MALHEUR COUNTY Write to O.T. McDANIEL Ontario Oregon The Best Physic When vou aaot. a physio that Is mild and gentle. easy to tak am gentle, easy to take and certain to act always nse Chamberlain's Slomach and Liver Tableta. For enle by Newlla Drug Company. What's the will of the f ebple between a Senate and its dig nity? . LA GRANDE MARBLE WORKS E. C. DAVIS, Proprietor. Oomplote assortment of,fi i est marble and grsnit always on hand. Estimstes cheerfully furnished upon application. Headstones'and Monuments A Specialty G. E. FOWLER Truck and; Transfer) Wood J and Coal PUone 1611 - All ordergivenjprompt A.ttaatiou. WOOD SAW G. W, ALLEN, Proprietor. 4110rdera receive prompt attention - Phone 1848 Residence 615 Osborn St. I'i 1 . 1 i - ' . ''.- . 'r . 'v ; I' si; -.ft