La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 20, 1905, Image 1

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Ths afternoon, tonight and Sunday,
Rata or Snow.
fhe commission to
Segin investigation
By Scripps Nsws Association)
Petersburg, Feb. 20 M 8chid-
lersy, president of the commission
Appointed or the Cstr to inquire into
the grievances of the Russian working
mou, locay oompietea arrangmenis
with- the owneri 4 the faotoriea tor
the appointment of fifteen delega.Ua
to be obosen from the rank of the
owners. The worklngmen bars been
invited to aeleot a rapreaentatire ioi
each fire hundred workingmen. Theie
in turn are to eelsot forty delegates to
the commission,
Some Monev Paid to
Panama Commission
Washington, J'eb. 'ju.a. ioui ui
Il27 baa been paid by the Panama R
ft, as' fees to membera of the canal com
mission for attendance to the meetings
at tba executive committee and board
of directors, according to the stats
mania sin t ivy. it tatl IA rhsk nnneiA
mittee of Commerce by Vloe President
Drake this morning. Admiral Walk
er, chairman of the oommiseion, and
Commissioner Ornmsky attended 25
meetings of Board Directors, recelring
$25 for each meeting, Commissioner
Paraona attended -7 meetings and r
ment ahowlng one diridend declared
by the company ilnoe bis election to
tba board of members to the commiss
ion was five per cent. " The checks
mailed to members of the board of
commissioners are as follows: Wa'.ker
91 shares -to Burr, Davis, lleckeer,
Hanod, Parsons, Gramsky cheoks for
five dollars on one share each.
Drake atated that although Grams
ky returned first fee paid him it was
subsequently not returned.
X (By Scripps News Aeeociatlon
. Kansas City Ho. Feb 20 Rspreeen
tatire Lyons will introduoe ia the
Missouri legislature a bill declaring
pipelines common oarriers and fixing
toe maximum freight rate. Senator
Clark has also introduced the same
bill In tba senate.
Washington DC Feb 20Repre
sentetiva' Campbell cf Knaas tbe
author of tba house resolution to in
veetigate tbe Standard Oil Company
bad a long talk this rnoraiog with the
This afternoon the President held
a consultation with Mr Ua-field with
reterenoe to the governments method
of prooeedure in tbe investigation of
tbe Standard Oil oompanys business
regulations in Kansas
By Soripps News Association
Berlin. Feb 20 Tagcblatt reports
that the pesos party h ia gained tbe
upper band in. the Russian court
eolipaing anything heretofore made
manifest including many prominent
men of tbe war party Peace says the
leading papers is now in sight li tbe
far east.
Washington, Feb. 20 During the
debate in tbe house today, Repress n
tativetjoaee urged tbe house to cut off
tbe appropriation for one of tbe pro
posed new battleships and devote that
money to constructing another dry
dock; at the Puget Sound nary yard. He
said' a larje nary was of little use if
there ws no place to dock and repair
it (hips. He thought it-expedient to
In Id another deck at Bremerton with
out delay pointing out the increasing
demind for dockage facilities on the
P.cifia coast. He offered no amend
ment proriding for tbe dock, believing
il would be roted down, but gave no
tioe that at tbe next session be would
insist upon an appropriation for an
other dock. ,
Another Capture
Soripps News Association
Tokio Feb 20 The Japanese bare
captured the British collier Powder
Horn bound to Vladiristock.
Train Wreck
By Bcrlpps News Association
ranerson h i reo H- An uria way
train jumped the track this morning
three milea east of this place killing
Hiss Grace Matbewes, and injuring
twenty other paseengera.
(Later Tbe Injured number 41 of
whom one woman will die. Tbe train
went over a twelra foot embankment.
Thna mnat aHonaW luiured have
been taken to the Patterson hospitals.
Called Him a Liar
(By Mcrlpps News Association)
Chicago, Feb. 20 Thomas H Law
son received the lie direct this after
noon when James U Eoclea, president
oi tha Commercial National 3anlc, de
niad Lawaon'a charge made in the
Haroh iaaue of "Everybody's Maga
zine" that he, Eoclea, while oomp.
trailer ot the currency under Cleveland
threw hundred million bond Issue to
the Morgan MoCall syndioate,
Vatiderbilt Wins
By Scripps News Association
Washington D O Feb 20 Tbe Sup
erior oourt today deoided in faror of
Alfred O Vmderbllt in the auit in
which he sought to reoorer from the
goreroment tba sum of 1225,000 paid
tbe gorernment under protest in sat
islaotion of a wsr tax assessed against
tbe estate of tbe late Oorneliout Van
Reccomends The
Bopdlers be Expelled
By Scripps Newt Association
8aoremento Fab 20 The eenate
boodring Investigating oommlttaemade
their report this morning finding
senator, Frenoh, Connors Wright and
Buskers guilty of aooeptlng bribes as
charge and recoommenda their ex
plosion .fotthwith. The eommlttee
also finds that tha San Francisco
Examiner assisted in preparing tbe
resulted lathe bribery scandal and
exonerated Lieut Anderson from the
charge of knowingly selecting com
mittee alleged to be 'packed" for the .
purpose ot 'holding' up" the Building
and Loan Association,
This' legislative acandal haa been
the oaose of miicb excitimsnt In the
golden state for aereral weeks.
The consideration of thU mnort
investigation ot tba Continental was made a special order for Tuesday
Building and Loan Association which morning.
Frozen To Death
A young man named Christensen
was frozen to death Friday night be
tween 8hedley and Idaho Falls. Chris
Jensen in compauy with aereral others
bad been drinking heavily at a dance
at Shedley. They left the dance and
started home in a wagon with Chris
tensen lying in the bottom. When
ihey reached borne he was dead.
Blaokfoot Democrat.
Oppose Leases -
(By Soripps News Association)
Topeka, Kansas, Feb. 20 Tha Oil
Producer's Association baa engaged
Senator Fltz Patrick nd representa
tive Bukman to go to Washington to
oppose the trsnsfor of ths Foster
leases in Indinn territory to the Stand
ard Oil , Tha Kansas delegation in
congress will be asked to oppote the
Of the Best Quality at Less Than Second
Quality Prices '
Nothing but the very best Rubber Footwear is ever allowed a place in our stock. TLe
pood Rubber Company's products have pushed their way to the front. The Hood factories
today produce more rubber goods than any factory in the world. Reasons? Quality first
last and all the time. Note prices.
$1.50 Men's Arctio Overshoes , $.20
Men's low rubbers lice
for heavy box
2.5o flasftia iiitww'.$
$2 00 Men'8 2 backle Captain Rubber
T V Vamp, solid rubber hell, with cloth
upper and fleece lineing throughout yQ
$2 25 Mia's 2 buckle overshoes, heavy
P rolled edge, wool fleece lineing, a
very dressable shoe for cold weather QQ
Men's all rubber arctics overshoes,
with heavy wool fleeced lineing,
overshoe made for slushy tf Cft
- S.Vf
1 lot Boys' Overshoes, regular $1.00 fl'lr
and $1 25 volues, Thie sale at , OJl'
By Soripps News Association
St. Petersburg. Feb. 20. While the
Cossacks were parading tba streets,
especially Nevsky Inlhe neighborhood
of Kazan cathedral, the usual diatrlot
for student demonstrations today,
great meeting of students, professors
01 tn bt. retersourg university as
sembled to discuss the question of
joining tbe strike under similar in
structlons. The auditorium of tha
university was paoked. Student orat
ors denounoed the course of the govern
ment declaring its promises ot no arall
and that tba gorernment must grant
freedom of speeoh, conscience, press
and convocation of the national assem
bly also demanding the end ot ths war
At an orerflow meeting revolutionary
apirit ran riot, atudents ersn glorify
ing in tbe murder ot Grand Ouka
Herglus. The meeting took a recess at
8 o'clock, the atudents singing "Mar
seilles" and carrying red Bags.
After voting to auipend all studies
until September, atudents and faculty
adopted resolutions demanding 1st a
constituent assembly on basis of uai
versal suffrage and under conditions of
liberty ot speech and press and of
the association and freedom ol laborers
in the strike.
2nd Foil annesty for religious and
political offenders.
3rd Autonomy for each part of
country not of Russian nationality.
j -
' By fjcrippa News Association
Obeyene, Feb.ZOIa tha Cody di-
voroe ease nw In progress here, At
torney MoArthor ot North Piatt tea
titled that at a banquet at North Piatt
in 1903 Mr. Oody called for ooffee and
that lira. Oody gave bim whiskey In
stead whioh made bim very aiok.
Tbta Is one 01 tbe ccoasloas on
whioh Goby alleges that hia wife tried
to poison him. The witotss for ths de
fense today testified that Mrs. Oody
oever used profane or vulgar language
never drank or kept liquor about the
place and that sbo was at all times
kind and indulgent with Mr. Oody
Ths witness also stated that the
family of Mrs. Oody slways treated Mr
Cody's guests with tbe greatest cou
nauiuglou Vi ii lu a Mu w Lunula
speech, Baker, democrat, from New
York, criticised tbe President for send
Ing tbe Czar a telegram expressing
horror at the assaaslnatloo of Grand
Duke 8erius snd offered a resolution
to this efTVet which the chair decided
out of J cider, Maddei fcof Georcia.
Democrat declared that ths demooratln
aide of tbe .house did not approve of
mi damnable assassination'
Important Decision
By Bcrlpps News Association
Washington, D O , Feb. 30. The
senate committee on Indian affairs to
day deoided to Insero the clause in ths ;
ndlsn appropriation bill prohibiting
use of Indian funds for tha suppoit of
any sectarian or denominational
By Scripps Newa Asaoolatlon
New York Feb 20 Dennis Donohue
financial editor of the Commercial
waa arrested this afternoon charged
with criminal libel prefered by Her
bert Gray of Mas. The arrest was
based on publlo opinion mads in an
iwer to Lawsons "Frenzied Finanoe"
Gray ohargea Donohue refers to him
as a former keeper ot a gambling hous
H denies that be ever kept such a
bouse that he is a breeder of blooded
horses. Wall Street ia Inclined to tbe
opinion thai Iewson ia being charged
against Donohue.
Still Fighting
By Hcripps News Association
Tekos, Feb 20Oyaraa reports tbst
tbe Bussians yesterday moved a divi
sion from front of the Japanese center
(0 front of tbe left wing and advanced
from Tl mountain Several columns
morsd fifteen miles westward to Uan
Ohio. The Russians continued to shell
portions of Japanese lines Saturday
without effect.
Revolt In Angola
(By Scripps News Association)
Lisbon, Feb. 20 An attack by the
rebels on Fort Marapia, in Portugess
South Angola, has been reported and
it is stated that there are beary losses.
Tbe Governor has requested reinforcements.
Two Killed
(By Scripps News Association)
Dea Moines Feb 20 Ths Rock Island
flyer No S ia reported ditched and two
killed. Tbe report dees not stats
causa of accident. Ths wreck oooured
about 1 U0 . T 0 were killed Ber J J
.Tntin. An . PatnfnM Til . . TV w.av
VWWIH.WH vt vsiiiuu j 11 muvuvurj juon
lrf twelre Injured in thtamoku which
1 ck and tamed over.
(By Soripps News A ssocatlon)
London, Feb 20 A dispatch re
ceived here today by the Central News
from Eydtkayin a place situated on
tbe Polish frontier states that the
Russian authorities bars sloDoed
large quantities of bombs whioh were
being smuggled across the frontier
apparently to be used by ths anarchists.
The Nurse and the Doctor
Will tell you thai the success of a prescription de
pends on the purity of its ingredience. There is
as much variety in medicine as in other merchan
dise. In our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always
our first consideration.
You can implicity trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and the right priceare the never
failing trio upon which we think we have a right to
appeal for your patronage. ,.
A. T. Hlt-U
Registered Pharmacist.
Phone, Farmers Line, 68 v
Pacific States 1361
La Grande, Or.'