La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 18, 1905, Image 5

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    Real Estate
O NNo I A good six room bouse
tnd three loU. erioe.tlflOO cub.
L Gr Co No 2 Aj newJ.threeI,rooin
hnnaa. two lota, near R K ahnn. Clt
: water In houe, small, barn, trice
1060, $100 cub A balance monthly pay-
CLPNo 8 A good, nloely furnish
ed tt room house, two lou, near school
A K R shops. Price SlUOO, 1100 cub
and balanoa monthly payments.
J R U No A good six room hoaaa,
Hnaii earn, two iota, good location.
'fries wau.uu, juu cash, balance
reaeona bis terms.
AD M No 6 A fine six room boats
comer North Fir A "J" Street, tins
bun. moe shade Wees and lawn.
Uxtra nloe house . price $2500, 00
a so, Daiance one, two and three years.
T V PNaILlI treuA at hmib hnnui
shade trees aud lawn, two lots, good
location, rrloe own
and balance monthly paym n...
H No 7 email house andj large lot
101U2U, set to fruit. Price 1400, one
half cub.
J K No 8 Three acres of land, Good
10 room bouse and barn, bjllt two
years ago with family oi chard. A tins
bouse, price 0UO, one-half cash and
balance to be arranged.
O J No 9-Lots No 7 4 8. block No
69 Chaplin's Auditi..., price 550,
A D H No 10-Lots No 10-11 li,
block No 12, Bomig's Addition, Prios
HOO, Cub.
F DP No 11 Four acres ' aU set to
(rait, new eilitroom hoase, small barn
wind mill and out buildings. A snap.
Price 12000, $1200 ouh. $1300 in three
e) J B No 12-Two lots, block No 83,
Chaplin's Addition. CO0 ouh,
IWG.No 13224 acre farm near
mbler, Oregon. Part in fall sown
rain. Price (30 per acre.
Hit XT. 11 -ion -I Al
arj ii u --iou aurva muii uiiitra
north of La Grande, 100 sores in cul
tivation, balance timber, Good baild
lng and orchard. Prloe 65e0.00, ;
A 8 No 1560 acres six miles north
of Island City, 20 acres in orchard,
small buildings. Price 1 1000.00. Part
caabialanoe on easy terms.
U F No. 10 A fine home, six room
Lonse, shade and fruit trees, lawns and
(onr lots in block No 6, Predmore's
Addition. Price $1400.00, $900 osab
and balance one and two years. -
J C P No 17 A six room boose,
barn and orchard, three lots each OOx
110 feet In block Wo 8, Chaplin's ad
dition. Price 11000, half cash, balance
to be arrtmged satisfactory to boyer.
J O P No 18-Four lots, block No 13,
Chaplin's Addition, fenced and some
small buildings on same. Pries $300,
ball ouh.
F P N No 19-One :Mook of 8 lota
near high school. Price $1200, $500
F T No 20-Ualf block of six lots.
Romig's Addition, Price $100), half
cash. ,
I F T B No 21-A block of four .lota,
each 60x140, on Fourth Street in Old
Town, Price $600, $250 oasb.
F No 22 A good one story brick
building at a bargain, 60 feet wide.
If yon are interested in this, uk for
price and terms.
J K R No 23 A good seven room
house, city water, best of bath and
plumbing, barn and oat buildings,
four large lots, partly set to frail and
bearing, fine location. Prloe $2000,
1350 cash and balanoe monthly pay
R E No 244 acres about ons.half in
good bearing fruit trees, good house,
barn and out buildings, nice sightly
location in La Grande. Price $2000,
' part oash.
Mrs (S No 25 A 5 Irootn cottage,
furnished complete, ono lot In good
location, all in good condition with
city water in bouse and water rent
paid for about 12 months. Price com
plete (1100. This la a snap. Rents for
$16.00 pw month. .
M C No 26 A 4 room house and
orner lot in good location. Price $500,
bait 4uh.
The above Is a parrlaljlist of proper
ty whiclMLe have for sale. If this does
not suit.yoo, call at the offloe and per
baps we will have Just what yon want
We want to write your nre and pia
glass insurance.
We will make you a loan on your
real estate or build yoa a hous from
your own plans
Call at our olflce In the Foley block
if yoa want anything in our line.
Fiendish Suffering
is often caused by sores, uloars and
cancers, that eat away your ekln, Wm
iiedell, of Flat Rock Mioh, says; I
have used Bnoklen'a Arnica Salve, for
Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It is th
best healing dressing I ever found.
Soothes and heals cuts, burns and
5c at Newlin Drag store guaranteed.
Best equipped abstractor
in Union county. Many
years experiences with
the Union- county records
gives me a great advant
age. It is folly to pur
chase realestate without
first securing a proper
abstract. An abstract
from my office will show
; the title just as it appears
on the official record.
Opposite Sommer House
The Gran
Telephone Line
- Mrs. A. K. MorohUoa
"T and
MiMf) Iff fla. Fmm
.10111 II TBI 111 Oi fill
Bperlal rates fornialMd monthly
patrona. This house ta; sbaolatal
new and is thoroughly dean from
kitchen to parlor. Every room Is oa
th ground floor. AU white help
Tha table Is supplied with alt the
aeaaoa t (fords.
The Oeatealal la eeatrally toasted
'Adams avsona, between '
Greenwood and Fir.
La Grande, Oregon.
The" stockboldtra of tha Grange Hall
Tela phone eampaay met la regular
seseloa at Grants Hall oa the' Sod of
February, a large majority of the
stockholders being pre sent, and adopt
ed the following by-laws tor the eoa
Pny: -
' Article 1. Each member shall oar to
the Decretai y within 30 days bis lust
Proportion all assessments for neces
sary, repairs, extensions or Improve
snsats contracted for by tha directors.
, 3 Mo person shall be allowed to ass
the Pbons for snore than five minuets
a aay one time.
3 Comaoa conversation shall not be
permitted when the ass of the line is
required f or the transmission of busi
ness message. And it shall be the
doty of all members to' see that this
pro vision of this artlole are' rigidly
No person shall be added to the pre.
sent number of stockholders without
a two thirds vote of all mam bars of the
company. .
No abusive,' profane" or obscene
language shall be permitted over the
line. Any person' so offending1 shall
be fined one dollar,' and shall be de
prived of the farther use of the line
until the fine Is paid.
No person shall be allowed to take
down a receiver for the panose of
listsning to a message passing over the
line. Aay person persisting in the
violation of this rule shall be dealt
with as the company shall deem most
just." '
That after, hesrlng'any call oa the
Una. not his own or for the central
office he will not use the Instrument
or take down the receiver antll at least
three mlaates bsvs elspsed from the
Urns of bearing such call. .
That no eubeoribcr shall rinr or eot
Into any conversation, whan ha knows
or has reason to believe one. Is being
conducted on tha line and, when be
discovers after ringing that a conver
sation Is in progress or the 11 ae bnav
be Immediately haog up tha receiver
and not again ring until be has reason
to believe suoh conversation is dosed
or aald line is not busy. '
That eaoh member shall enforce
these rales In bis own family and all
members of bis household or persons
attempting or wishing to ase the phone
placed In bis residence
Mirs TV
SXS a aX 1 4
r- r .T i j . i . .-.
ex set tt w
JLif- JL'
Arr. f 1 1
; . :' I c:.. ! ! - -
Hack and tLrtrj Hai :now Int slock .at just
Halft .Price
I' ii i I I " .
Come irr- anJ ' SecurC a ' Genuine ' Barga'iiV
PcrfutlaaAT oilct Soaps ad; Powders1
Switches, Pompadours and Bangs
Novelties Ribbons, and Handle hiefs
f .-L' -11. -yn;:Jvlsi.L iunr.n h
r,rV iri VMillirifcr1-rfuit ......
- e
V.....M.saaaeWa .....;.T.....V.....;.e.....'
IlJy 8crlppe News1 AseooUtlon
' ' New London Ho Feb 18 The Jury
this morning la the ease of Dr T J
Watson, charged with the murder of
his wife;' returned a verdict of not
guilty. Weteea was accosed of poison
ing hla wife In order to' seoare' the
tnsarance . carried on ber life la his
favor." The partlss are'wealthy and
prominent. , ' -
s Russians are Active
I , l By Serlpps News Asseciatleal ,
. Toklo Feb 18 It U reported that the
Basslans are shewing an Increased
aoti v lty on both flanks, and are ei tend
ing and strengthening their right,
evidently for soma aggreile wove.
"There is ao ranch bad in the beat tf us;
And so much good in the trorst of ns," :
That it hardly behooves any of as
To talk about the rest of ui." ' ; ;
Therefore, let ns devote our spaVe' time (b talking :t
about the superior advantages of banking al the.
farmers ana Uraaers
ational G3ank
of jCm Srumdi Ortyom.
All commercial business attended' to promptly' and
It has safety Deposit Boxes for it's patrons, yon can
rent one for $3.00 per year, all your papers 4 will be
perfectly safe and protected ! from fire. You have
the key to your own box.
There is a Savings Department connected1 with 1 this
bank where you get quarterly interest on yonr money
placed in this department
From the day of the opening of the Farmers ' and
Traders National Bank, on November 8, 1890 down to
the present time, all the efforts of it's offioers have
been to advance and protect the interests of it's
patrons and depositors; we ' want your banking
Capital - - $60,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Pronto . 17,000.00
Joseph Palmer,
Oa shier. . Asst. Cashier.
i. We believe In the municipal!
ownership of all publlo utilities, suoh
aa alsbtrlo light plants,' gas and water
works, street oar lines, pnbllc parks.
2. We believe In the Initiative and
referendum, and the right of recall of
representatives, as a meant of major
ity role In oltles, as well as in state
and nation: That the peoole of a city
are more Capable of luteins their
wants than those who live at a dts
tanoo. .
3. . We believe tbat all city contract
labor should be abolished, and that all
work ahonld be done by day's labor, at
a fair wage, to the end that the work
required by the city be done by those
who pay the taxes the laboring and
consuming public rather than by the
migrating alien. : .
4. we are utterly opposed to the
present system of licensing vice for
tns purpose of raising revenue with
which to pay the salaries of ofllcera
sworn to enforce the law against the
0. We denoonce tbe appropriation
or tax money of the city or oountyfor
lairs or any other snch purpose while
uey are Indebted to exoeed the coo-
! o. rre;deuoonce tne reoent takings,
luniuu turiuea, ot an tne prep
erty ef the wealth -makers, ' whlls ex-
I emptlng that of the wealth-takers,
unjust eiass legislation.
i. we believe , in universal and
eompulsory education in onr publlo
schools of all children np to tbe ags
of 18 years, books to be furnlsbsd by
the state or municipality, and ' when
necessary, food and clothes also.
6. We - demand equal clril and
political rights for men and women,
and the abolition of all laws discrim
inating against women.-
cwccee- ' MseMiMiiMvvOvMtM
" J CM' ain w " d by the Cord
, 128 cubic ftet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain
wood 3 per cord.' This is cheaper than by tha load.
You pay tor what you get and get what yoa pay for.
Pa'ai'r57i' H. W. NIDLEY
Four Persons Marked
By Soripps News Association :
Berlin Feb 18-Tbs Russian embassy
at this place first received the news of
the assassination of Grand Duks Ssr
gius through ths newspaper correspond
ents. The reports from 8t Petersburg
say that the .terrorists had marked four
persons for assassination, namely,
8ergiua. the Emperor, General Tre
poff and Minister Boullgan of the
Reconsider the Vote
By Soripps News Association
Washington, Feb. 18, The Senate
today reconsidered tbe rote on the
amendment to the Agricultural Ap
propriation Bill, abolishing th draw
back oa wheat. Tbe action was : taken
la , deference to the House, which
protested " against tariff legislation
originating in ths Benste.
... A Touching Story
Is the saving from death of tbe baby
flrl of Geo A .Eyler ComUrland, aid,
le writes -At the age of 11 moatbs
our little girl waa in deoliulng health
with serious Throat Trouble, andjtwe
pkysiolaDS gars her up We were al
most In despair, when we resolved to
to try Dr King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs, and Golds.
Tbe first bottle gave relief, after tak
ing four bottles she was cured, and is
now in perfect health." - Never falls
to relieve and core s cough or cold
At Newlin Drug Store 6O0 and $100
guaranteed. Trial bottle free
, The rush ef Holiday trade ir over and business
u g,aiwiM vavoai iu aormai ronaition, l
wish te inrorniall mv patrons, and those Jnot my
patrons bat who are liable to be,' thaV I am .now in a ,
position ''ia'iasie) Vw. af. all watch, olook and iewelrv
repairing with dispatch. I have secured all the neces
sary help in all the latest tools and materials known
to the rradsai ifsll' ai the best workmen1 that money
can procure. , .. V:iiy,. -
All repair work is under my personal supervis
ion and I guarantee eaoh and every piece of work done
ta be finished in first clasi workmanlike manner, and
to give (with' proper attention) perfect satisfaction .
All wrk ien by iaaU or express wilt receive the same
careful attention as it delivered in person, and to be
promptly retnfeed in first class condition.
Thanking my patrons for their past liberal
patronage And assuring them of ' my utniosfc ability to
give then perfect satisfaction in the future.) I remain
a atari"'" " " J. IL PEABE,
Next to Neeiias Drag tore. La Grande's Leadlnr Jeweler
L. A . G RAN D
V V JL. M. A.
X i 1 ! ,
Will-'W' ready for" hw&asss Februirv lS i
-. ... .w '-iK M--- -.fHA.-si mm'-4r"0Armiwe.'m- 1W --wsass '..-.--w;ar .' - a
. . . : p
Complclc Machine Shops
General I" Blacksmith
and(I Waon ( 'SAdrk ;B
Elanutacturer ot The FitzgeraU Roller Feed Mill M
D. F. FiJ-TJZQ E R A L. D.
rnupnit i vjr-f , . as
-Jt & y it w: iv O
, if. - Iff. Vi
INcv Lace Collars
j. New SlioprglitfiskeU sv f' ,Vv.
' -tr OJ V-'':vtl-i"sn lli
New Tablets and SchoolISupplie3 .
: e tt-'wfeMkitei oo
' (
"Lax Gratide CJ ; --k'v Oregon
"f- iC;