rcr; '4 iTttfcf'' sif l llliftitl I GIFFIN & HOG AN UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Scientific EmbalmingHLS Licensed Oregon and Montana Experienced Lady Assistant in attendance : The only Exclusive Undertaking Pailors in La Grande. Our office U always open Phone 1761 Office in LewieJBuilding, opposite Bommer House BOLD BLOKL AND BROS Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POLANDOHINA SWINE. We now have eight young backs, pare bred, Cots wold and shropshires, ready for service, aayone need- in oVnMiKnVa ahnnlrl tliAaa tt annrAoitU than ' m - - -1 a -r-z - X -- Youjgjstock always on hand, and J always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paioos befor buying some where else. Notary Publio Insurance Money to Loan Representing the Equitable Sayings k )Loan Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest A most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under State supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit WM. GRANT, Agent City propertyjforsale. MMMMMMMM MM M DIAMOND ROBBERY Br Scripps Nsws AMocUtioo Nsw York Feb 18- ithln two doors of their horns at 138th Bt early thl morniiff Mr and Mrs John JCornlat wars held no and Mia Cornish waa robbed of a Are thousand 'dollar dia mond brooch. In tiyihg to defend his wife Mr Cornish who is reputed io be a millionaire was ahot and (serious If wounded by the bandit who escap ed, , " Henry lieppner Henry Heppner oHeppner Or one of the eldest and most oonspioaoe real dents of the state died last night at hospital according to word which reached his friends id this city. He had not not been In the best of bealib for aome time bnt until a few days ago his condition . was not regarded as serious. Henry Heppner waa founder of the town of Heppner. Hie body will be brooght to Portland Saturday morning where funeral sarvioes will bejheld Sunday. Henry was 74 years of age, 4 Forty Three Wives rhiruA Fb IS FortT three wirea arenow .erditea ny id yvivm Jobann Hoch, the modern blaebeard. Of these Hocb admits marring w ana the police are confident that they will 'sweat" further admissions rrom nun and probably run the list op to SO Insanity will. In ell likelihood be Hoch's defease. Suggestions along this line are' made by the prisoner himself and also by his attorney and eren the state admits that It is the only logical defense Hocb continues an amused and non obalant spectator both at the lnqoest and at the recognitions by women whom he baa deceived Two wooen rlelted him this morning and Identi fied him aa .their ' husband and were received by broad grins. Their tor rents of vituperation did ' not distnrb his Jaunty air. ' ; j Want to Control Povrtlntinn m B m w ) e Ramnant 1 (By Scripps News Association Odessa Feb ; 18 Leaflets are being circulated here tbia morning signed "The South ; Russian .Section of the Social Democratic Revolutionary" an noanolng .the Jdeath of Grand Dale Sergins and closiDg. "The eventmarks the beginning of war reprisals forced on the people by the unbending stub borness and the intolerable (oppressive rnle of the present regime" Free Washing Now is yonr chance to have a fami ly washing done free of charge. If you wish to know how to have thia done call up Thoa. Biegmund at the Ronde Valley House and he will ex. plain It all. General agent for the I Ideal Washer, Call up Phone 3-6 1 week 1 LET 61S SH0V YOa Pie Iron By Scripps News Association Chicago Feb 13 Plans for the con solid ation of the Southern Iron and Bteel properties Into a new corpora Man. which will . practically control the output of pig iron In the country mm MinnUiul hnF trulnv at meet tag of, the New fork, Chicago and Southern men. The capitalization will be about $115,000,000 'GLASSiriCD - DVCRTlSCnCNTS vl AVE ANYT.1NG TO SELL LETfIHE PEOPLE HEAR ABOUT IT THROUGH THIS DEPARTMENT AND YOU WILL FIND A BUYER. IF TOu WANTUO BUY EX PLAIN YOUR WANTS THROUGH THESE COLUMNS. For Sale FOR 8ALJ5 OR TRADE 5 good work horses, 1 SX inch wagon, 1 4 Inch logging truck, 1 4 Inch logging truck. JOHN ANTHONI. FOR SALE Pure Bred Black Minorca t- Roosters from Imported Stock Also Eggs for hatching. If D Halsten Hecond Hand Store Board and Lodging by Mra Good all 2114 3rd st. Phone 707 t! For Rent FOR RENT Barn close In. Apply grocery store to sUUs, water, Baker Bros FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms to rent. Inquire of Mrs Zuber. " Entombed, In Cave i By Scripps News Asscolatoln PotUville, Penn., Feb. 18. Ten men are reported entombed in a cave in the lytle collier of the Busquehsnna Coal Co., this morning. ' 1 ' Pottsvllle, Feb. W bile a cage containing ten workmen was (bsing lowered in the shaft of the Lytle mine this morning, It struck timbers - pro jecting from the side of the : shaft and knocked the bottom out ot the cage, precipitating the nun twelve hundred feet to the bottom ol the shaft. It is believed that all are crushed to death. FOR RENTFurnished rooms with or i without batik. In best residence ! district. Inquire at Cor Fourth and Main at, the Georae Hansen proper Shingles, Shingles Two ear loada of first olasa shingles Just reoeived by the Stoddard Lumber Company. -$ Home Cured If you want a good home cored bam or baoon or first lolasa lard. Call at the Harris meat market. Opposite Geddes. 3-1-a.l For Investments In I MALHEUR COUNTY Writato 0, T. McDANIEL . Outaario ....... .Oregon The Best Physic rou want a physio that la ! Jan 6 tf FOR RENT One six room house, good location. One Ave room cot tage furnished complete. A new five room bouse! all modern lm provemeuts. La Grande Invest . ment Co., Foley Hotel Building. - - J wnen v mild and gentle, easy to take and gentle, easy to take and certain to act always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. For sale by , ttewlla Drug Company. Lost LOST By Mrs Fred Stanley, in this i city yesterday, a pearl collar pin. The finder will please leave same at ! the residenoe of Mr J M Berry and ' receive reward for same. WANTED To buy legelmate business I State what yon have for sale Address 33 care Observer. F 8 tf LA. GRANDE MARBLE WORKS E. C. DAVIS, Proprietor, Complote assortment ofjfin est marble and granit always on. hand. EstimateaJ cneeriuuy iurnisneu upon application. Headstones and Monuments A Specialty saawawawawawawawawsawasBW-swjan II How Would You Like to have One Hundred New Customers? t'la'your storUnsuoh shape that One Hundred New Cuatomera would 'tarn the tile" for youf Are things with yon only just "so so"? Uille maturing too fast sales a little to alow too many peopla going t aat your doors lack of 4nap" and "go" and Uiuetlo" around your counters f Are fixed expenses coming to be a burden while they should be merely an Incident In yonr business. If you leel these symptoms-no mat ter whether you are a big merchant or a little one. You need a Tonic PUBLICITY In just as large doses as you can stand REPEATED EVERY DAV will change the whole situation for you It is Idle to suppose that you can not secure the one hundred new cus tomers regular ouatomers who would 'turn tha tide" for yon. YOU CAN GET THEM but not by wishing for them. It's not so easy as that. Nor by distributing hand kills, or putting up posters, or buying space In programs It's not so easy aa teat. iou must spend some money more than you have ever spent for Ads quat ADVERTISING SPACE your Daily Newspaper Let Your Newspaper Do Things .For " You When this newspaper has given to yon the last word about the events ot the day when It has acted as a sort of central office In 'connecting" you with "all ot creation" it has done muoh for you of course. But it can do more than that it can help you run your store, your olfloe, Iou factory or your house, t oan carry your little worries for you and never turn a hair. You do not fully uao your news paper if you Mmply read It. iou do not know your newspaper until you have used its want columns It can dispose ot things for yon . It can find lost things for you, find any kind ot.help J on need, find buyers for you house, you lot. your horse, your furniture, your shop or store, leasehold or equity. la short, any day every day, thia paper stands ready and able to do things for you I AESL , Mesdames Whitly and Halatent en tertalned the AESL members, their husbands and a few friends Friday evening at the home oi the former. A very pleasant' evsnlng waa spent and a dainty lunoheon was served. Ihe members will meet next Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. John Anthony. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE In the County Court of the State of Oregon or Union County. In the matter ot the Estate of Jane Ball, deceawd. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Jane Ban, deceased, pnniuant to aa or der of the above entitled Court, made and en. tared on the Uth day of December A D 1904 will from and after Monday the 8th day ot March AD 11109, prooeed to sell at private sale for cash to the highest bidder, subject to con firmation by the Court, all the rUUt, title aud Interest of said decedent, in and to the following described real ettate, towit: An undivided one half Interest tn lots 1 and 2. and all of lot S in Block MM ot Chaplin's Addition to La Grande Oregon: an undivided one half interest In and to lot sis and the north twenty-one feet of Lot 7 In Block M in Arnold's Addition to La Grande, Unl on County. Oregon subject to the life estate ot George Ball, therein, and a mortgage of $700 on LoU 1 and 2 in Block 102 aa aforesaid, or so muoh thereof as is neoesssarj to pay estate debts. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, and first pub lish ed this December 28th, 1004. GKOBGB BALL, Admmlstraor, Oregon Produce Go, Phone 1761 La Grande, Oregon. First Ol ass Job Printing KWrvWrVlrWrWrVrVS CHICKENS WANTED We pay cash for chickens, and want all we can get at our new warehouse on Jef eon avenue. Grande Rondh Cash Co. . . . saaelaBWSSWast ? rlfVWwwvWW WW WW 3f h&smi 1 nfwgiWM YOU WILL M SATISFIED . If yonr tickets read over the Deuver and RloUmmte Railroad, t a "Scenlo Line ot the world" I1EOAUSK There are so many scenic alt-act -ti points 01 interact monir thi aie tnd iwen Olden and Denwr t ut ill. n In ;. Ifyon are going east, write for ifor mutton and get a pretty book that will ; UUyoa all about 11 . W C McBRIDE, Agent, , ' 124 Third St. Portlard . . . , ,. , Oregon Corner Jeffersoa Avenue anl Greenwood Streets. Largest Packing House In lEastemllOrescoiia iWillSPaySHaizhest Gash , Price lor Marketable Aptles. Brick furnished in any quanity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO KREIGER. La Grande, Oregon. Notice T. 0 whom it may con oern Notice Is hereby given that my wife, Alios Crip pen. having left ms without nj just cause or provocation, I will not bs lecponslbls for any dsbts that ah may contract Dated at La Grands, Oregon thia Uth day ot Fsb. A D.t 1906. -! ME CRIPPEN. G. E. FOWLER Truck and Transfcij Woodjand Coal Phone 1611 All or dergiven prompt . attention.' WOOD SAW G. W, ALLEN, Proprietor, AllOrders receive prompt attention Phone 1846 Residence 615 Osbora St.