La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 18, 1905, Image 1

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    mmm today
TbJs afternoon, tonight and San day,
Rain or Buow.
im o
v : - . .-
By Soripps News Association
.Moscow vd ia ine assassin
Sijfglasle said to have confessed be
longing to the Workmen's Secret
,l4mojracy, andaddei "I occompliih
e4the will of the executive".
- .
.Moscow Feb 18 Latei reports Itate
'. thjat the assassins were in a sleigh and
that tbe force of tbe exploalon broke
al the wlndowe in the law oourta ;and
the report was heard ontaide of the
city, within a few momenta an Im
mense crowd and gathered and made
demonstration against "a nomber of
stpdeuts who commenced to aeatter
reyoiouonasy proulamatlona.
It haa transpired that Saaoaneff, the
. assassin of M Pleve, wrote a confession
before hie execution, giving iu detail
, v the aims of the terrorists, which In
. clijiied the assassination of Sergius.
Haeld ia hia confession "We do not
" ff4 overthrow the existing sys
tem by meana of assassinations. Oar
'vnf obeot avenge the orael
V vrbnes inflicted on the oeonle. I
aMaseinated Plehve. not beaanaa I
tbf ught it would shatter the Govern
mit, but because af his innumerable
' 3 fOur party. In reality, la devoted to
fpeaceiai propaganda, and it .is only
wueu me ministers refuse as our
LJtfghts of speaking in human laagaage
tanX we ase lananaffa nf afinti
Ifis violent repression of the popular
aspirations wnJon causes our revolu.
tloniam. It is because the Government
does not permit freedom of speech and
m press assembly that we preach, ne
ctisity for a change. "
; fet. Petersburg, Feb. 18 When news
oine assassination of Duke Sergius
reiched the Czar at Tzarkoe Helo, he
wjia completely prostrated. The Im
Of the Best Quality at Less
. Quality Prices
Nothing but the very beat Rubber Footwe&r is ever allowed a place in our stock. Tie
Hood Rubber Company's products have pushed their way to the front. The Hood factories
today produce more rubber goods than any factory in the world. Reasons? Quality first
last and all the time. Note prices. .
$1.50 Men's Arctio Overshoes $1.20
SI 75 Men'8 lw robbers lace K
J? for heavy sox
$2.50 M,eu' !ace Mermen's 52.10
w all rubber shoes Y v
52 00 MeQ'8 2 ba-kl Captain Rubber
Vamp, solid rubber hell,' with cloth
upper and fleece lineing throughout JQ
perial family was entertaining Prince
Frederick Leopold of Prussia at the
time. All festivities were immediate
ly abandoned -. . - : , ; i
St. Petersburg. Feb. IS It ia not
generally believed that tbe aasassina
tlon of the Grand Duke Sere'ua will
causa tbe Ozar to reconsider the pro
olamationa of reform for the w irking
men. It Is thought that It will nrob-
ably have the opposite effect, and the
result will be a new regime, hastened
by tbe act of assassination which is
t ken to indicate a desperate state of
the minds of the revolutionary element.
ia aws am a 4U"J -
By Scrlpps News Association
St Petersburg Feb 18 Tbe memorial
services of Grand Duke Hergiua were
held at tbe Stasoh cathedral today and
a large congregation was present, in
cluding many of the Grand Dukes and
other notable personages. It is an
nounced that tbe funeral of Herglus
will be held several days henoe within
the walls of Kremlin at Moscow. The
Czar and the Imperial family will be
represented by Grand Duke Alexis.
Tbe Council of tbe Empire will hold
extraordinary session to consider the
situation resulting from the assassi
nation of Sergt us.
Moscow, Feb 18 The body of the
Grand Duke Sergius liea'at tlie Chan
doff monastery where he was remrved
yesteday. The churoh bails are toll
ing today and masses are beinJl cele
brated the priests ceaselessly ohantian
prayers for tbe repose of ,the soul
or the murdered Duke
The Widowed Grand Duchess is
Is prostrated and remains in ber a Dart
msnts at the palace and ia not able to
attend requern mass . The troops are
patrollng inaide of Kremlin, from
which the pubic ,is excluded All of
the shops are olosod and the news
OCL Men's
very dressable
$2.00 fln'8
. with
best' overshoe
1 lot Boys' Overshoes, regular $1.00 Q'lr
and$125volues, Thie sale at uoc
(0m 'mm m&to?mm
papers have moornlng borders' In
several instances the students have
roughly handled in tbe streets
Mosoow, Feb. 18 Bo terrible were
the effects of tbe explosion of tbe
bomb wbicb killed Duke 8ergiut, bis
head and limbs were torn from bis
body. Tbe driver of the Grand Duke's
carriage was pioked up fatally wound
ed and died later in the hospital. The
people gathered op the pieces of tbe
carriage and of tbe clothes of Sergius
as mementoes. When the Grand Du
chess was told of the murder she rush
ed to tbe scene without bat or cloak.
One of tbe murderers when taken into
custody remarked don't care for I
have done my duly".
By Bcrippt News Assooiatton
Ibe Grand Docbtss. wife ol Duke
Sergius , who is beloved by all tbe
people waa reoenily warned not to go
oat with Duke Sergius, indicating a
plot to kill him The remains of tbe
Grand Duke have been taken to the
Nicholas Palaoe.
Chicago, Ftb. 18th. Baron Von
3cblippenboh, the Russian oonsul to
Chicago,"" when Informed of the estate
ination of the Grand Duke Sergius to
day said : "The assassinasion of the
Grand Duke, while deplorable, Is cot
of espeoial Importance. He could be
spared as well as almost any man in
Russia. He was extremely unpopular
and extremely reactionary. He stood
for and was the embodiment of tbe re
actionary party. He was unpopular,
not only among the people at large,
but among the nobility".
Than Second
2 buckle overshoes, heavy
, 1 fl li'l
shoe for cold weather QQ
a raDDer arctics overshoes,
heavy wool fleeced lineing,
made for slushy Kft
Salem, Or.. FaW 17.-The bill ap
propriating $30,000 for an extension of
the portage road waa defeated ta the
house thia morning.' It lacked just
one vote, the roll call showing 30 ayes, !
27 noes and three absent. The oppw
Itioo to the biU waa led by Oernett,
NeweUaad Miles, while McLeod and
Smith of Josephine advocated It. The
vote was as follows:
Ayes Bingham, Blakley, Bramball,
Hargess, Barns of Clatsop, Barns of
Coos and Cnrry, Chambtrlaln, Cola,
Cooper, Urang, Dobbin, Donnelly, ltd
wards, Hudson, Jackson, Jayne, Kay,
Kulingsworth, Knney, Laws, McLeod,
Moir, Shoct, Bitz, Soaneaaann, Smith
of Joseohine, Stelaer, Vonder Hellen
aad Welch.
Noes Bailey, Barnes, Caldwell, Cal
vert, Capron, Carter, Ca vender. Col
well, Oornett, Fawks, Flint, Graham
Gray, GrifBn. Henderson, Hermann,
Uolcomb, Hantley, Jagger, Llnthlcum,
ellRiohie, SetUemler, Vawter,' West
and Mills. f ;
AbsentCarter, GrifBn and Graham.
(By Scrlpps News Association
Ban Franolsoo, Feb. IS Aocordleg
to local newspapera a private detective
is working oa an alleged attempt to
murder Mrs. Jane Stanford, widow of
the lata 8enator, in her home here, by
placlDg poison In her mineral water.
Mrs. Stanford, according to reports,
drsnk three times of the deadly mix
tnre, but tbe poison waa used In such
targe quantities that It served as Us
own emltlo The contents were vem
ited from the stomach and there was
found In the water analyzed that it
showed suWoient poison to kill a doz-
en parsons. Mrs. Stanford's servants
are being watched.
Law Firm fobbed
(Soripps News Association)
Boston Feb 18 It is .reported todav
that the law Arm of McPheraon, Hade
and Bamon were robbed .of notes and
bonds valued at fifty thousand dollars
whlob were in possession of the firm.
Tbe details of tbe crime have not been
Another Russian StriKc
i icy Bcripps in ewe Association 1
r r o a . ...
St Petersdurg Feb Sevsral thous
and of the employees ot the Sarmovo
works struck today.
By Scripps News Association
Sacramento, Feb 18 State senators
Frenoh, Banker, Emmons and Wright
were today arraigned In the superior
court on indictments charging them
with bribery. Senators Bunkers and
Emmons entered demurrers wbiob are
now being argued. The eases sgainst
French and Wrfght have been post
poned until next Thursday when mo
tions will be made to quash the in-
dictmenta. None of tbe four iodioted
senators have entersd a plea.
Sacramento, Feb 18-(Later) When
the senators were arraigned in tbe
Suparior court, the oourt room waa
orowded with spectators. Tbe argu
ments of tbe defendants ''attorneys
were cbieny directed to the proposi
tlon that bribery consist in tbe pay.
mentof money to influence a vote and
as the Senators had not voted coo
sequent ly there was no bribery.
Made To
By Hcrlpps News Association .
Washington, Feb 18 In an In.
ves igetion of the Panama railway be
fore the House committee on inter.
state commerce today, K ' A Drake.
vice-president, testified that mmmi.-
slooer Harson was the only member
oi tne oommission who drew fees as a
member of tbe executive board bat
that all of the eanal oosamlssioners,
exoept General Davis, aoeepted a fee
for attending meetings. Drake was
ordered to submit to the committee
on Monday the books aud aooouots of
tbe railroad showing these payments
He said a majority of tbe stock of the
Paoifio mail steamship oomoanv we
owned by tbe Southern Paoifio and
tnat tne raoarfa railroad and the
steamship company divided fniahi
tecblpte equally.
William Nelson Cimnull : K.
attorney for the Panama railway, told
Scrlpps News Association
Washington Feb 18 Benreaanta.
tlve Barthsldtof St Louis called at
the White House today and introduc
ed Payue Davis, a distinguished au
thority on " International law. On
leaving they said that the Preidint
would , at the next meeting of the
Hague ooofereooe , I present for con
sideration to the powers a gene-al
treaty arbitration, containing sub'
stantially Ihu treaties which tbe Sen
ate rejected.
By Soripps News Association
Auburn, Feo. 18 Attorney Tutlle
for the defense in the Weber mar
der trial finished his argument today
and waa followed by attorney Johnson
also for the defense, who will probably
notoonclode until Monday. Attorney
General Webb will then close for. tbt
proseoutlon and the case will gi to tbe
jury on Tuesday. In opening his argu
ment attorney Johnson intimated tbe
matter that would be tbe main defense
He will oontend tbat, at the time the
screams were heard in the Weber
house it would be impossible for tbe
defendant to have committed the
murders, set tbe house afire and get
down town all in fifteen mljutes.
The Nurse and the Doctor
Will tell you that the success of a prescription ' de
pends on the purity of its ingredience. ,There is
as much variety in medicino as in other merchant
dise. Iu our prescription-filling "Qulity" is always
our fiist consideration. :
You can implicity trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and the right priceare the jiever
failing trio upon which we think we have a right to
. appeal for your patronage. - - - . .. ... ..
. ': ,. ' ' r CI - -v
A. I , . H I L. L., - " .. . ... .
Registered Pharmacist. , , I
Phone, Farmers Line, 68 j
Pacific States 1361 ; J, , , ...... , La Qraude, Or.
the committee that. In hia UAo
the bill passed by the Houw condem-
mg tne outstanding railroad was con
stitutional. The railroad waa a num.
slty to the canal, so he stated. He
aeniea that the Panama railroad had
any connection with the Southern
memo or tbe Union Pacific railroads.
Ibe commit toe received Mmmnni...
tlon from Commissioner Qmnsky ot
viioruia, swung ut he had attend
ed the meeting of the directors, but
had refused to accept feea. - -
Washington Feb 18-Admlral Wal
ker, chairman of the Pan mat Mnftl "
commieaion, lu an interview today.
sBiainai me 1'resident himself lul
authorized the members of the coin- i
mission o accept fees ss directors ot
the Panama railroad, and that hi yA '
boaght stock lathe railroad with the!1
nthnrltw nrtl.- a & . ...
..j .uv uotm.rj o& was Wlin '
Government foods and that the dlvi-'
dends on the stock was turned over to !
tbeUovinment , : t, .-
v- . :s -;.-t-l:i i
, (By Scrlpps News Association)
St Petersburg Feb 13 Prince Fred.
erlok Leopold of Prussia, who it Is
saw, was bearer of personal reprr Ban
talion from the Kaiser to the , Cm
urging the neoeetdty of toe wsr in the
far east, left for Berlin last night. f
Will . Kill Others.
(Hy Scrips News Association)
Paris, FA), I8th Accotdiog to re
liable infjimation the Russian Nibi- "
litj have scle3ted Grand Duke Vladl- i
miraa their next victim, with Gover
nor General Trepcff at 8t Petersburg
to follow. Tbr n it is stated, will come
the assassination of M Pobiedonots-
s ff, procurator of the Holy Syncd.
1 ho liar's turn will not come unti
after he has signed the constitution,
since his signature is neceesar; It is
thobgot that the Russian Government
will resort to reaction in the hope ol
sviog the lives of prominent man.
A Later Report I
. ( By Scrlpps News Association
Pottsville, Feb 18 (Later) The oage r .
which was struck bv orotndlnir tlmha
in the shaft' this morning contained
iwemy nvo men, nTe of whom are
dead and twenty severlv InlnraH ;
a result ot the aocident ' , ''
Five Lives Lost
IBy Sorippe Nefs Association
. Howebrook Maine Feb 18 Five lives
were lost In a fire which todav deatrn-
ed the home of Samuel Auiworth. The -dead
are Mrs Antworth and her tun 't '
children, and Mrs John Bhorey and