i! 1 m f Hotel Sommer THE HOTEL PQMHERJ .UO, WE CVF R TO COMMERCIAL TRADE ROOMS .WITH BATH : iHSTEAM HEATra All . Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. A. J. F. DOSPAN, Secretary. Notice to the patrons of La Grande Light aud Power Co. That on and after January lit we will instill a day circuit in this city and take this means of notifying oar patrons. Any changes to be made in lights which can not be tamed off daring the day should be arranged as soon as possible. Those desiring power can confer with us at any time regarding prices of motors, rates, etc. We have motors priced as follows, I. o. b. San ih. p. ......... 37 75 hp -4460 1 hp 05 60 2 hp ........404 16 20 hp t hp 128 85 80 hp To this price must be added freight from San La Grande. Shipping i hp S phase bp u 1 hp 2 hp " 8 hp 120 lbs 155 lbs 242 lbs 845 lbs 425 lbs form K form K form K form K form K 1 2 8 6 hp 7np 10 hp 15 hp 20 hp 80 hp M form K For information call at office ot LA GRANDE CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant inJEasiern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS AND SHOULD HAVE ' I e When you want the Best PHONE j i85i A B. C. Steam Laundry ' La Gr an Jc Oregon. aitssssssssusismsaissasii fr3 m 1 Jl 13 1 L. MORRIS, . Tret, tad Manager. y (Trancisoo: 5 L.p. . 10 h p . 279 75 867 70 15 hp ... 452 50 . . . 655 65 Francisco to weights hp single phase 225 lbs 270 lbs 275 lbs 380 lbs 465 lbs 680 lbs 670 lbs 820 lbs 1075 lbs 1350 lbs 2300 lbs 2810 lbs bp hp hp hp 5 hp " 810 lbs 950 lbi 1175 lbs 1430 lbs 2345 lbs 2980 lbs form form form form form form LIGHT AND POWER 00. MADE IN LA GRANDE THH PREFERENCE. is)m La Grande Evening Observer rr tT BEOS Editor A Pr pe Entered at the post. Office! at Lb Grande, Oregon, as Second Class Mail Matter. Published daily except Sunday One yejur in advance...... $6 50 Six months in advance.... 8 60 Per month 65c Single copy....... ..6c ' ADVEBTialKQ SATIS Display Ad rata roraUbea spoa appUeaUon fcml reading soUee 10 per Uu am inaara Uon, jflpr UMejrwcksutweqoentlJMana- lt.wjlutUiij ef eoadoleaee, jo pr 11 n. Cards ol tbmaka, So per lis, LIFE'S PROBLEM The poet sang: "From harmony, heavenly bar- monyi , This universal frame began, Closing its diapason on man." Bat it man is the ultimate re sult of a harmaneous mingling of all the forces and elements that constitute the universe, viewed from a human stand point, the quality of harmony was exhausted in the making, for mane astions show him to be a complex if not heteroge- of waring elements physically, socially and mentally. He is born hungry, naked and help- leas into an existence where all the surrounding elements seem at war with him and bent upon ms destruction. Wnen paren tal care and labor has pilated him through measels, whooping cough, bad colds and school days by means of much chiding scolding and spanking and he reaches maturity, and he starts put upon life on his own hook, harmony presented to his view along the pathway he has to traee whet tier he likes it or ap proves thn direction it leads, is anything but assuring of a smooth voyage or successful termination. . His wants are so many and the means of satisfying them so irksome, that it is a bold spirit that sometimes does not have fits of the blues as he trudges along life's path way despoadingly coning. "Life is all a fleeting show, to mans delusion given" while in search of a job whereby he can earn some bread to satisfy his inner cravings, or clothes to aard off the fierce assaults of the north wind. Hungry, shiver, ering and alone in a ; seemingly unfriendly world and absolu tely an indifferent one th para mont mandate from his sur roundings'is "Root hog or die" arrouses his courage, appeals to his manhood and .he tackles lifes problem because he has tp If he makes no mistakes and can under all circum stances "keep a stiff upper lip" and falls into no bad habits he will succeed that is not starve to death, keep out of prison or the poor house, and as his -friends lay him to his eternal rest they csn give his biography by say ing, "Life is but a day at moat, Sprung in night in darkness lost" The senate wants all sommer to study the railroad question. Does this indicate ignorance on the part of senators or a desire to postpone the evitable? Noting the demand of the St. Louis Republic, a paper which bas bad many years' service as a democratic leader, and is pub lished 1,200 miles from the sea, "that a progressive naval pro- gram must be developed which when carried out, will put the United States in a position of sapremacy on the ess," the Washington Post aptly declares, "It is only one of many strange incidents that have marked the course of the democracy since the wheels of the werldran over it on the 8th day of November." It is quite possible and great ly to be desired that as a result of the present land frauds, that the two rival political republi can factions mar be dissolved and men of merit in which 'fac tion may be selected to fill posi tions of trusts. Heretofore only those of the successful faction were considered. CITY ELECTION NOTICE To Whom It Mar Concern S Notice is hereby given that there will be a General Eleotioa held la the City of Lt'Orande, Union County, Oregon, on Monday the 13th.day of Maroh 1205, (or the purpose of electing a Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and Trea surer, of ttatd City to serve for one 7ar and one councilman from each ward in aaldCity lo serve for the ter.ii 'X two years. -nejpolllng place In the First Ward wlll.be Injthe.old Council Chamber, and the following named persons bare been appointed to act as jadges and clerks of said first ward, Judges, n m i. T r r. .1 - ... r I ton, Clerks, A Warnlck, Ed Coolidge, and Frank Brown. The polling iplaoe in the Second Ward will be in the Fire Department Building ;on Elm Street, and jthe fol lowing named persons hate been ap pointed to act m judges and olerks of said Second Ward, Judges, U W Stoner, m Master ton, and F 8 New torn, Clerks, Wm Urant, I R Saook, and O i Vanderpool. The polling place In the third ward will be In the GangloS building .on Fourth Street north of Jefferson ;Av. and the following named persons have been appointed toct as judges and clerks of .said Third Wrad, Judges, Arthur Williams, Wm Greedy, and RL Lincoln, Clerks, Clare Scrlber, W I Blssonett, and C L Thornton. The polling plaoee will be open from eight o'clock A M until seven o'clook P M of said 13th day of March, 1906. Dated this second day of Feb 1905. Chester 1' Newlin. Recorder of the City of La Grande Union County, Oregon. Music R P Tait, the pioneer muslo teacher of Grande Ronde Valley, Is still in the ring. During my vacation I made It my business as well as pleasure to at tend concerts, operas, and In fact everything la my line of basinets and I found that I as a teacher, and in terpreter of music am still in the front rank. Pupils who do not wish the full conservatory course may take the pop. ular ptaco course. This plaoee the pupil in position to plsy the popular music of the.day, Church and Sunday School muslo. The Violin popular course places the pupil In position to play all kinds of dance muslo as well as light overtures Quite a number of musicians who have been under my Instruction are now making good, money as teachers and soloists. Pupils who are under my care will be thoroughlv Instructed in music. HP TAIT, teaohej Irrigated Land For Sale We have 710 acres ol some of the best land in this oounty, for sale at 128 per acre. All but 175 sores under cultivation and irrigation. A bargain. A big list of other lands in the county. Call on or write coucu & Mcdonald, Wallowa, Oregon. Peculiar Disappearance J D Uunyan of 'BuUervllle, O lai. the peculiar diesDDearanoe of his nain f ul systoma. of indigestion and . bili ousness, 10 uraing'intv lAle tills uo tars: "'J bey ere a perfect remedy, for diuiness sour stomach, headache, constipation, veto," Guaranteed at Newlin drug store, price 25c Public Is .Aroused The public is aroused to a knowledge ot the curative . merit of that greai medicinal tonic, Electrlo Bitters, for siok atomacu liver aud kidneys, Mary Mary II Walter, of 546 St Clair Ave, Columbus O, writes: "For several months I was given up to die, I had fever and ague my nervee were wreck ed 1 could not not sleep, and m stomach was soj weak, from oaelest doctors droits, that 1 could Dot eat, Soon alter beginning to take Electric bitters, I obtained relief, and in short time I was entirely cured," Qoarau teed at Hewltne drag store, prioe 60c 9 y 0 EverytrJng ypuwant want for (hat . SUNDAY Is AwaittogYourOrder at O. RALSTON'8 .; NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE v Uoi. Fir and Jefferson Sts. . . OUK SPECIALTY . Full Line "Perl erred Stock" -Oanred Goods. 1 LUMBER Headquarters for Lath, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Boxes all kinds of Mill Work BUILDING PAPER BUILDING MATERIAL Measure ments on the STODDARD JUICY MEATS are the only kinds we sell. The meat that has that rich aDtiaar- ance and tickets the palate is the kind you will get here. Choloe lamb, pork and veal chons. sirloin, round and porterhouse steakss and other .luxuries In our line, are sold here dally ;and prices that are right HARD WORKERS require 'good, solid food. Meat ' is a necessity to such a man and ha should have it. All women of th bouse should have it. All women of the bouse should proviJe their hue bands with food that will strengthen them so that they will be ingood condi tion to toll so that the family may live. Bock & Thomas RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial traveler?, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free delivery to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phono 1961 HorsM, harneii and wagons bought nd sold Health Means the ability to do a good day's work, without undue fatigue and to 1nd life worth living, ifou cannot eve i indigestion or constipation with rat its upeettinn the liver and pollut ng thobleod. Suoh a condition may J best and quickest obtained by Her oine, the best liver regulator that the orld has ever known. Mrs. D vv Imlth writes, April 3, 1902: ! o.ee ierbine. and find it the best medicine or oonntipaiion and regulating the liver 1 have ever used." Price 50 oents NtwliaDrugCo WINNER ,, SHOES Good School Shoes a specialty YARD Mn rsnrt rnrt ..taw y Place of tJ Business on the LUMBER. CO. LASGRANDE, OREGON. j LAJ GRANDE;! SCHOOL OF MUSIC .. PROF. DAY. Principle? I iucnivi..i.i i Thistis onelof 'tbelbestimuslcal In stitutions In the state. During the yiar:19C4 there j, were nearly Four thousand lessons given. The people in this citv and valley are bearia tag to discover the great advantage of this sohool. Tbesystem used is the latest and most praotical, and Includes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching muslo The school is divided into two depart ments: No. 1 Is for beginners, from 5 years up, and taking in the 1st to dtd grades. In tbie department pupils come one hour every dsy In No. 2 the grades are - from S to 15, IJlera they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school wto do not study. The kind your mother used to make. Baked' every day aud deliver ed at your home. Why 1. not buy the best when it costs no more. WIIQJBOULJTOWJI, PS091 2111 prompt attention given Itch Ringworm T Lucas, WloffO. Kv . write. April 25th 1902'. ..ft tfj. "'""J had been afflicted with a malady known as the 'itch.' The Hching was most unbearable; 1 had tried lor Vats to find relief, having tried all remediee 1 could hear of. besides a number of doctors. I wish to state that one sin gle application of Ballard's onow Lin imeut cured me completely and per manently. Since then I have used the liniment on two separate occasions for ring worm and it cured completely.. 25c, 50c aud $1 bottle. Newun Drug We manufacture Butter ' e from sweet cream. Our 1 butter is full weight and j guaranteed. Leave orders ! at J. D. McKennon's ! ! Junuiamlle Creatnjrjr Ass'a