La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 17, 1905, Image 1

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Tonight aod Eatardav " i
j ' , ijiudiumi Mr. ... .
a -'' '"-v a . A.auA. n:.. ' . ........ I "
ii n - j i a i i mi r 1 1 Mimiiir iii miim.m. Hill, m i ir i
Several criticisms of Ofmob Lla.
lators ra nude by Governor Geo E
Chamberlain in an addreaa delivered
before tbe students of JWllllamette
"The four normal aohoola of this
state" declared the governor, "are
todaj oontrolliog legislation lathe
precnt eeseion .of the Legislature
I made the charge without fear of
contradiction that no measure which
does not meetwlth the approval of the
men who are representing tbe different
normal schools no any measured
which they oppose can poaalbly be
The mbjeot of hit address was 'Of
tidal Delinquency' and it waa ohoeen
aa he aald by the occurence of recent
venta which mad it peculiarly
After 'calling attention to the facte
that corruption la public life waa not
m Imi m general aril that it was
confined to no one department of pub
lie life, bat that it was to be found In
city, county, state and federal govern
mant, he oited instances to ahow that
it waa alto not characteristic of any
peculiar polltioal party -
S "Tn thief has no party," ha declar
ed. Where there ia Democratic con
trol, ha ia a Democrat, aa in St Lonla
and where there ia Republican aa la
Vi it .. -
The Speaker next aonght for the
causes of this tUte ol affaire, ;this
'grafting" and corruption and stated
that in every instance, it was
the business man who is responsible.
Why young people" he aaid, "if
j : muraerer nangs
By Sorippe TSa wa Association
Owenaboro Feb 17-Roy Geen eight
fen years of age, waa bauged hare this
porning for tha mnrder of Jamea
jDoomeaonthoSlat day of June 1903
jTne prisoner confessed to hia 'crime
had eaid that whiskey was the cause.
Coomes waa murdered In cold blood
tor his money.
if . . , f
I Of the Best Quality at Less
Kothine bat the T.rr best Bubb.r Footwe.r i. .ver .11n1
W - - W M VU4 HVV4 AAV
Hood Rubber Company'g products have pushed their way to the front. The Hood factories
today produce more robber goods than any factory in the world. Reasons? Quality first
last and all the time. Note prices. '
$1.50 Men's Arcti. Overshoes $.20
Men's low rubbers
for heavy box
S2 50 Meu'8 lace lubermen's $) I A
' all rubber shoes .pv
$1 00 Men'8 2 bnckl Captain Rubber
Vamp, solid rubber hell, with cloth
upper and fleece lineing throughout yQ
you will go over here, Just across the
treat, to our Legialature and atndv.
the oonditloaa there, you IwlU find
tnat it Is Impoeaible for a alcirle meri
torious measure to be pat through
anleee eome .business mau ia lded
thereby or wlthoot first havlnt aaalat-
ed aoma basinraa man or men in the
passage of soma ?graft Leglslatlon"
It wu then he referred to the Nor
mal aohool domination aa above stated
--xnitosndiuon of affairs tn our
publio lite is Ivory deplorable." aaid
the governor aad the made a etrona
plea for educated men and women who
should should So out from .Willamette
University and other -schools. DreDsr-
ad to nee their .influence toward the
uplifting and eduoation of-Doblw
opinion uotlt that publio opinion
would demand of man in publio life
aa high a standard of moralitv as it
demand M ! til,.-- iua.
Incidentally In the coarse of his ad
drees, the governor mentioned the faot
that be bad Dad eome quarrels with
the present legislature 4 'And I ex
uect to have some more before it ia
over" he aald "bat I do not wish to
quarrel with them and will not unless
1 am satisfied that I am right and
when convinced that I am right I ahall
oeitalnl oppose them, and I donH
care with what they do with me"
Ha was warmly cheered by ' the
students and faculty aud many tlmea
waa compelled to pause because of
the applause. . Wneu he finished
President I Joleman thanked him very
bearttlr for kavinir a annkan tn tha
students ao eloquently upon timely a
aubjeot ..
Los Angeles Suicide
By 8cripps News Association .
Saa Franoisco fab 178 L Moore,
president of the Western Commercial
and Investment Co at J.oa Angeles,
auicidad thla morning in tha publio
lavatorinz at Tlburon Ferry waltlna
room by ahooting himself in tha bead
No cause for tha act is known -
Quality Prices
52 25 M,n'8 2 buckle overshoes, heavy
rolled edge, wool fleece lineiug, a
very dressable shoe for cold weather QQ
S2 00 Mfin's all rubber aretica overshoes,
P ' with heavy wool fleeced lineing,
best overshoe made for slushy t XA
weather . pi.uv
t1'"! $1.35
1 lot Boys' Overshoes, regular $1.00
and $1 25 volues, Thie sale at
Crawfordvill Ind fab 17 General
UwVallaoe author of "Ban Bar." at
one time minister to Turkey, and a
veteran of the Mexloan aad civil wara
die-1 at hit home ia this city . Wednee
day evening aged 79 years.
Tha health of General , Wailaoa has
been telling for several years and for
months, despite tha efforts of the
family to keep tha public in igaoranoe
of hie true condition, it has been
known that hia vigorous constitution
could not much longer withstand tha
ravages ofsa wasting disease, "
Or W B Rlatine who has been Gen
eral Wallace's phyalclan tor many
yeara, aald tonight that tha direct
cause of death waa exhaustion, result
Ing from starvation. He haa been an
Inveterate smoker, and this waa as
cribed as tha cans of his ll'oass prl-
martlv. He cave no tha habit, how
ever, and lent every, aid to the skilled
specialists that were called, tie failed
slowly, but surely, and three months
ago hi oodition became alarming. He
rarely left hia homo, and the last time
be waa on tha atreata waa November t
Soon after he waa confined to hia bed
zzz il-o i miu. u ui up- only a
few hours each day A week ago it
became known be waa slaking rapidly.
(By BcrlppaNewe Aaaoolatlon)
N.a Vnrk. Fah. 17 Th Mnnnaal nf
Nan Patterson waa notified thla morn
ing- by tha Diatrlot Attorney that the
second trial far the former chorus girl
charged with tha murder of Caesar
loung weald be moved for the first
Monday in March before Judge Eane
fik of the criminal branch ot tha Su
preme Court. l . , r; v
Rwdy For Trial
. - By Sorippe News Association
Saoramento. Fab. 17. Gavin MoNab
arrived thla afternoon to attend the
meetlag of tha aanate bribery investi
gation committee wbloh is now pre
paring reports. AH fonr of the Recused
senators will be arraigned la the Su
perior court tomorrow morning. The
Uwrere and principala are no here.
Than Second
. i An. .ii ti..
Portland, Or. Feb.17 The nollae.
about midnight surrounded a house tn
the portion of Sooth Portland known
aa -Little Italy" within which Jo
Fiorebello an Itellac, who killed Ame
lia 8irianni Friday last, was concealed.
Several detectives among 'whom waa
uanici weiner, entered tha boa to
place Fiorebello under arreat. They
had hardly, dissapeared throoeh tha
door when a shot waa heard and ner-
eons came rushing from the house say
tut that Weiner bad been wounded.
Upon examination it waa. found that
when Fiorebello saw tha detectives en
ter the room in which he waa hidden
be drew a revolver and shot himself
dead. The exoited Italians had how.
ever managed widely to circulate tha
report that a battle between tlie po
lios ana rtorebel'o bad oooured as
result of whioh Weiner
was dead or
By Horlppa Nawa Aaaoolatlon
Cheyenne, Wyo., Feb. 17. In the
Cody divorce case today, Mr. C S
Parker, wife of the former foreman of
Oody'a ranch, testified that there were
no aoasea of III repute, nor Indian
villages near MePheraon. refutloc the
testimony of Harry Rlaka, who aweara
tnat uody ireqoented suoh bouses and
was with Indian women at MePheraon
The witntss said that she was com
palled to aead her dausbter away from
the ranch because of the font language
aed byMra. Cody, who, ah atated,
alao drank oonaiderabiy. The witness
also atated that Mrs. Cody poleoned
valuable eggs ewned by Uol. Cody,
that ehe interfered with tha foreman.
Parker, and finally drove him fram tha
By Scripps News Association
MuDole Ind Feb 17 The Independ
ent operators in the Indiana Oil fields
met here today and asked tha atateto
aid them ta Unlit aralnat tha. Rfam1al
uil compary, which, they claim la se
I oaring control of tbe Monoie fields and
freesing ont the Independents by ex-
oessive pips Una ratea. Tha legisla
ture la requested to paaa tha anti trust
biu now belor it.
Creates a Sensation
By Scripps Nawa Aeeoclatlon
8t Petersburg Feb 17 Tha news of
tba assassination of tba Grand Dnke
Sergina at Moscew has created a aansa
tion her. Few ol the particulars are
obtainable owing to lb excitement
prevailing at Moscow. Th tragedy
ia no great surprise as it was known
that tbe Grand Duka bad atresdv
been condemned to die by the terror
ists ever a inoe the affair of January 22
As Govornor af Moscow Bergiua by
harsh measures s roused tbe greatest
hostility especially among tbe student
and many threats wsra made against
his life.
No More Warships
By Scripps News Association
Washington, Fb. 17th. Speaker
Cannon and Senator Allison, with Re
presentatives Tawnty and Wadiwortb
bad a conference with the Presidbnt
today. It ia understood thai tba Preci.
dent sent for tbem. Ha aaid that "he
wifhed to have at least two battle
ships provided for tbe Navel Bill, It is
reported that the callers Informed the
Pre sident tbal tbsy would not be ab!e
to carry out his wishes.
Thrower Kills
. By 8orippa News Association .
London, Feb. 17A dispatch from
St. Petersburg states thtt an explo
sion has occured at tbe Krtmlin Palace
Moscow, and another report says that
the Grand Duke Seigine has been asset-
Moaoow, Feb. 17Tba assassinatiAn
of tha Grand Duka occurred at three
o'clock- thie afternoon. The Grtnd
Duke, tha horsea and the carriage
wer blown to pieces. rThe Grand
Duke waa driving from tha Historical
Museum in tha direction of Kremlin
Palace, aad waa olose to tba law court
when tha bomb exploded. "
. aunuaiDU
Moscow, Feb. 17 Several studenti
have been arrested in connection with
the aasasaiuhtion ot Grand Duke Ber-
giue who is uncle of tba Csar and one
ol tbe moat bated men in tbe Ciai's
oourt. Ha opposed all movement of
reform, a hunter of students, and ob
noxious to all the inhabitants- of Moa
cow. Alter tbe recent "Blood Run.
day", Rergioe, fearing for ble own aate
ty, returned to Moscow where be took
rafnge io one of the, Kremlin Palaoes
under olose guard. On aeveral ocoa
sions recently it has leaked oat that
he haa been selected for assassination
The bomb waa thrown at suoh clore
quarters that, oot only was Duka
ergius killed, but both hie assailants
were wounded and one of the,m st ri jus
ly. The identity of the assaislne Las
not yoi been made known to the pub-
lie. aa tbe police hurried them off for
surgioal atteotion and refused ell in
formation. Tbe wildest stories are car
Gov. Chamberlain.
That La Grande ia In need of a hoa
pltal becomes mora convincing avery
day. Two men have been aent ont of
town to hospitals dating the past 34
The Nurse and. the Doctor
frill tell you that the success of a prescription de
pends on the purity of; its ingredience. There ia
as much variety in medicine as iu other merchan
dise. In our prescription-filling "tjulity" is always
our fii st consideration.
You can implicity trust your prescription to us
quality, accuracy and the right priceare the never
failing trio upon which we think we have a right to"
appeal for your patronage.
a. x.
Phone, Flirmers Line, 68
Pacific States 1861
rent about tbe affair and tha exoite-
ment ie intenee. Few sympathise with
tne victim aa ha waa detested to the
ntmost by tha great mass of nmlr.
Kremlin, near where the assassination
occurred, Is a district enoloeed by walls
aeving fire gates, and within are tie
palace, state buildings, arsenal, treas
ury, barracks and several churches.
The Nioholie gate in the northeast on
trance leads to tha wail known "Bed
ftquare". '
Moscow, Feo. 17 Todey Ouka 8er
gius Mt Kremlin Prlac in a oerrlrg
and drove to the maaeum , of History
and about three o'olock he started t:
return. A. ..
law courts, a cab whioh had h-mn
standing , there for soane Una, and
which contained two men, drove 1
behind tha carriage. When Bear tha
Nicholas gate of Kremlin, the driver,
ai a signal, whipped op hia horse
and in a few seconds the cab - and tha
carriage of the Grand Dukf wer at
ci e quarters. Then one of the men
la the cab hurled a bmb directly nn
ier tbe carriage of 8ergius, blowing
tbe vehiole and horses to pieces and
horribly mutilating the Grand Duke
Pt Peierebura Feb 17A m..
dlapatoh states that tha Grand Dak
Serglae waa killed at . Kremlin , from
the effeota of (ha explosion of a bomb
thrown "under hia carriage by tw men,
both of whom were wounded, and both
af whom have been arreatad.J ':
St Petersburg Feb i7. (Utav) Tha
report or the aaaasetuatloa at Grand
Duke 8erglue by a bomb thrower haa
been confirmed. There haa alas baa
an exploeion In the Kaem- in Palaoa.
11 N
By 8crlppsKaws Association i'
Kmlthvllle. TexV. Feb. ll-A na4.'
chaiged with Criminally assanitlns
rs Powell Tiffany waa eanturad anA
ahct dead by a mob today. . Tha negro
made a fall confession implicating
ttiree othera. Ua also atated that
three women wer implicated ! tha
orima. Two af tbtte nersona haa
been arrested and the third la now be
Ing sought for. While searching for
the negro, the mob found the body f,
a Mexican hanging Id a tree. , H bad
been taken from the officers' at' Dal '
andlynohed. i!
Y:': Do'N6t igree A X
J (By Hcrippa News Association) . f
Washington Feb 17-Th Hons to
day adopted a -rule declaring their
disagreement to the Beoate amend
ments to the State-hood bill, aeudlnf
the bill to conference. ,
La Grande, Or.
- h