mm NEWS TODAY TonigLt and Tnss day Till. Continue VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY (3. 1905 NUMBER 95 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVED TANNER PRODUCES MITCHELL'S LETTER Portland, Feb. 13 Among the pa peri brought by Senator Mitchell's secretary, Harry 0 Robertson, from Washington. D. C, was ooe from Sen ator Mitchell to bin law partner, Judge Albert M Tanner, dealing with their partnrsbip agreements. The letter wai tar re a !ered by Mr. Robertson to United State District Attorney Heoey and appear as one of the exhibit in the case worked np by Mr. Heoey a gainit Senator Mitchell. The government considers this loi ter of 8enator Mitchell's valuable to its case, in that tbey contend that it howa the line of testimony which Mitchell desired Tanner to give bsfore the grand jury on bit eeoond appear noe before that body. The letter fol lows : Washingtor, D. G., Feb. 8. My with any land office matter. Third, to this day I do not kuow what book entries you have made or what yon did with any cash or checks: if you ever received any for service. Nor was I ever advised by you, nor did I have any knowledge that any part of any such cash or receipts was placed either to the credit of oar firm or myself. ' Now Judge you will agree with me I am sure, these ere the facts, and I am also sure, whatever entries you made you never intended I should have any part of aucb cash or checks, if any, and that you intended that in some way ia settling accounts between na no part of any euoh moneys or checks should be mine, but your indi vidual property. I tad supposed, of course, that you bad kept all such charges and accounts in your own dear Judge: I em almost a fr aid to wt hen n. There is no iffeuce on your a word as the scoundrels will miscon-1 part in doing business for honest nen- fore tbs grand jury. Sincerely your friend, JOHN H MITCHELL. P 8 Don't show Harry this letter or tell him anythiog in it. Don't let him aee our books. Tell him nothing P 8 Kep all important papers ia safe and office carefully locked as these scoundrels will get in if possible ? 8 Burn this without fail. Subsequent to writing this letter Senator Mitchell sent two messages to Judge Tanner, which were intro duced as further evidence by tbe gov ernment in support of its contention that the letter was intended to direct Judge Tanner's line of testimony. Tbe messages follow: Washington D 0 Feb 8 Hon A H Tanner Portland: Harry is due in Portland Tbhrtday morning. Don't fail to compel with my request. It ts important. Don't ba interviewed. JOHN H. MITCHELL Washington Feb 9 Hon A H Tan- ner Portland i I am deeply grieved. I am sure you are not guilty. Don't be interviewed. Say nothing. Don't fail to comply with my request , in Harry's letter. JOHN H. MITCHELL President And Party ( By Scrlpps Naws Association) Whshiogton Feb 13 The President accompanied by Mrs Roosevelt Secre tary aod Mrs Taf, Mra Cowles and Mr and Mrs 'Edwin Roosevelt, left for New York this morning at ten o'clock on tbe Pennsylvania rail road and will arrive at three this afternoon. Tbe Presipent will address tbe New York Republican at a Lin oolb Banquei given at the Waldorf! Asioiia this afternoon. - COUNTY DIVISION BILL IS BEATEN true everything and distort all that is said. Your friend with letter did not arrive hers until today. Your letter only received at 3 p. m. I hare made search for my articles of copartnership of 1902 but I am unable to find them. I think it must be among my papers in office. , Hairy, of course, prepared these ar ticles, You will see Harry on bis arri val. I found otber supplemental agree ments of date November 1, 1904, which are all right. Haray has these with him. Now the facts are these and you must deal with them accordingly. First under our ar tides I was not to have any interest whatever in any business you might do in any of tbe departments or any land matters. Sec ond, as a matter of f act, I never knew nntil now '.bat any charges for any such services had been credited either to me or the firm, or that my account bad ever been credited ith any part thereof. As I was never furnished with any statement of any bank ac connt or of any other thing whatever, and I bare notbi'ng to do with tbe book, nor did I see the same and yon will remember several times I cau tionea you cot t j mix up in any way pie in these land matters. I hope, therefore that you til) do me justice at tbe proper time io giving the tacts just as they are and as I have stated them. You must not get rattled or alarmed . Harry will doubtless identi y th is copartnership articles of 1902, as having been prepared by him. See him at once on bis arrival. Don.t be interviewed until I see you and now strictly confidential, don't tell Harry, your son, or any one else. Can't you immediately on receipt of this, drjp everything and oome di rectly here. Bring with you la trunk, but don't let your family or anyone know, all the company's books, day ledger, all of them, also your bank book as I am extremely anxioas io see for myself personally what tbe books show. Besides it U important we could talk it over with Fulton who is to help defend me In regard to the cases. 1 hope you can come. If so dmi'l let a soul know you are coming not even Harry. And if you conclude o oome, wire me a follows: "Join leaves direct for Washington this eve ning. Tanner." 1 do hope you cm come and imme diately before you are called again be- TOWIT1NESS INAUGURATION Rosebnrg Or. Feb 13 Today a con test was started by the directors of tbe school district of this place to pay the expenses of tbe most popular pupil In the high school to the inauguration of President Roosevelt at Washington, DC. Some time ago President Roosevelt Invited a student from each high school in the United States, the result being tbe oontest. The race will last about two weeks, each vote costing 5 cents Trains Are Lost In Storm By Scrlpps News Association I Kansas City Feb 13 The severest temperatures of the season were re corded early today In the west and scuth-west, ranging from fourteen to twenty eight degrees below iero Tbe rail roads are all tied up and business is prostrated in all directions. Six, of the Missouri passenger trains' are lost somewhere in .central or western Kansas Tbe railroads are making every effort to send him relief J'Something Doing' Saltm, Feb. 11. The bitterest feel ing exists among the Union county delegation and the Union lobbyists, ovvr tbe defeat of the bill cresting Hot Lake county. b nooontering Senator Pierce in the lobby yesterday evening. Frank Wll sop, of Union county, declared: 'You and McDonald both promised In an open meeting at Union prior to the session that you would support 'divis rYou are an infernal liar," retorted Pterce. He endeavored to strike Wil sofa, bat was prevented by Senator VsVlvht and nthor htan JeL big crowd soon jammed the lobby, llson also a censed Representative Dobbins of being pledged against county divialon before the session, This was denied by Dobbins. O. Cold Wave kills (By Scrlpps News Association) Chicago, Feb 13 With tbe temper ature at twen'y two degrees below zero this morning it bas brought death and suffering to Chicago. Ten persrns have been froitn or injured as a result of tbs cold wave. John Qon don a street laborer and Andrew Mc Cartby a janitor will die, A score of fires this morning cauied losses sum ming np to twenty five thousand each'aud adding to the suffering, I IWsli the lowest temperature t-in six I years. (Special to the Observer) ' Salem, Ore., Ksb. 13. This after noon a vote was taken ia the bonse on tbe county division bill, providing for tbe cutting off of part of Union eonnty and making a new county to be called Hot Lake county,' and resulted In a defeat of tbe bill. Very great In terent baa been taken In tbe outcome of this bill, and its progress baa been watched with care Tbe vote waa thirty one against county division and twenty seven In favor of it. CHIEF JUSTICE MAY RESIGN Wsshington, Feb. 13 Rumors re garding the . possible retirement of Chief Justice Fuller were set afloat a- gain Saturday when it became, known Ibat this was tbe 72ud birthday of the cbief justice and the age at which be becomes eligible for retirement from tbe supreme bench and enjoy a salary of 110,500 a year at long as be livee. Those who nrstenri so have in!H in formation declare that Justice Fuller will resign' bis office . next montb, or immediately after be has administered tbe oath of office to President Roose velt. It is reported by the same per sons to be the president's plan to 8 AFTER INVENTORY SALE Taking inventory of a stock of goods like oura discloses many broken lines, and odds and ends. These we will place on sale for the next Four Davs a,t very special Prices 32 pair of shoes, each $1.13 15 Misses' and Children's For men and boys, the regular price range fanPC anH Pnaf oarh HI ft from $1.40 to $2 5o! Just 32 pair, i 1 Q 2PeS anQ 0aiS CaC" I1 no more, your choice J) t w These garments range in size from 3 to 14 years, and are priced regularly at 4f C( 5 Duck Coats, each 75 cents 3 10 7-60- Yoar cboice thiB Bale- v1. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values. Blanket . . i r ir te lined, with corduroy collar. This lr 7 01y, (MantS Wraps, 49 sale only .. ........ Regular $1 00 garments made from matted 7" flannelette, well lined, with Angora A(n 12 pair work pants, each 50c trimmed capes. Tim sale... 4y Good weight, striped cotton pants, regular 85c and i.oo values, This sale gQc 5 only, Ladies' wool Sweaters, 95c Positively regular $3 sweaters. Black, A C p n . . if i i i or white and navy. This sale yD 3 doz men s golf shirts,eacS 35c . These shirts are from our regular 65c and DishcS Half Price 75c shirts, slightly mussed, but best CJZT- V values ever sold ........ v. . . .... JC Fancy Plates, Cups and Saucers, Fruit : : Dishes, Bone Dishes, mush and milk sets, Three doten 25c Men's Bow Ties sugars and creamers, etc. j-Jj J Pf jg si I II I 11, "T J S 1 1 Js I Vi Mob Kills Jews (By Bcripps News Association) Berlin, Feb 13 News ' bas reached bere of an anti-Semite riot at Qjmel Russia A thousand drunken pea ants attacked three bunderd , Jews and flogged - and maltreated them. They mutilated and murdered" a Jew ish girl of seventeen, and wounded one hundred of the Jens seriously and two hundred slightly. Tbe Synago gue was demolished, while the police were passive witnesses of tbe r.ot. POSTAL EMPLOYES MORE THAN ARAW Tbe postal service of the United ' States employs more persons than that ot any other government ;ln the world. The chief clerk ot the post office department has prepared a list showing that 207,502 persons are onder orders of the postmaster general. , The army and navy combined does not ag gregate more tban ball of this uomfcsr. The postal employes are divided as fnllnva Pnrtn... on .00. ... delivery carriers, 30,001 j city letter carriers, 21,554; star routes and rail, way mall service, 42,731; of which 12, 214 are in the railway service; clerks, second class offices, .21,743; assistant postmasters in Crst and second class proffer tbe post of chief justice to Bee cUrk-,. lhlrd fonrth.nla.. nffinM retary Taft. Sbocli Chief Justice Fuller resign as reported, be will have established a precedent, as no Cbief Justice of the Supreme Court bas ever resigned be fore. AH have died on tbe bench. Cbief Justice Fuller bas administer ed tbe oath to four presidents Harri son, Cleveland and McKinley twice and next month will add a fifth to bis reoordbreaking lit Batoom Striks Ended IBy 8cripps If ews Association Batoom, Feb 13 Tbe strike bere has ended with the exception of some dock laborers. All the workmen who struck two weeks ago returned to tbeir work this morning. Journalist Suicides Helena Moat Feb 13 J W Connor, a weil known northwestern newspaper man committed.sulcide at Kalispell by shooting today. No cause for the deed Is known although he bat bean o nusually morose for several weeks. Train Service Hindred By Bcripps News Association Omaha Neb Feb 13 It was twenty two dejrrees below zero this morning ' at six o'clock at the train .throughout tbe state is completely demoralized, Sultan Has Fears . (By Bcripps Newt Assocatlon) Constantinople, Feb 13 Tbe Sul tan fearing an anti-Russian demon stration bas asked that the' steamer 'Australian' which is conveying Gen eral Stoessel and stsff back to Russia, proceed through tbe Bospborus with out stopping. Surprise Party ... . A number of friends of Miss Alberta Gates tendered her a pleasant surprise at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Price Gates, Saturday evening. Games were played, refreshments served and a very enjoyable evening was passed. Those present were: Misses Queenie Shilling, Jean Nibley, Lib Watson, Tilla Henuing, Mary Hatcher, Joel McLauRhlln. Messrs. Gene Taylor, Ralph Dickinson, Ralph Pidoock, Billy Shoots, John Spltzinger, Chss. Oliver, Ben Soott, Wallace Black, Alfred Hy att, Ira Watson snd VI all. 11,000; estimated number of clerka paid by postmasters, 62,000. These clerks are paid from alloc ancea ont of the salaries cf the postmasters themselves. In the Dostoffloe department there are 1158 clerks and other employes and 400 inspectors. The figures of Chief Clerk Chance do not Include some 30, 000 "substitute rural free delivery carriers and about three thousand sub city letter carriers, whioh would swell tbe figures to 302,302 employes. In point of numbers of postal em ployes, Germany ranks next to the United States, then Great Britain and ' France. .It Is estimated that the post al employes draw about, f 10,000,000 year in salaries, B O. EIGHT MEN 5 HELD UP. Eight people in the Green Tree sa loon 460 Glisan street including the bai tender were held np and robbed at 8 o'clock last night by two masked highwaymen who entered by the front and departed by the rear door after securing f25 In money, a check for 9175 and a number of worthless articles. John Keller, the proprietor was be- bind the bar and even customers were lined np In front They were ordered to stand against tbe wall and remain quiet The highwaymen explained that tbey merely wanted money and that no violence would be done if their vict ims offered no resistance. Each of tbe bandits wore, a. mask and was armed No arrests. Portland Journal Strikers Grow Quiet 1 By Scripps News Association ' St Petersburg Feb 13 The strike situation continues quiet,"" and tbePotiloff Works will resume opera, tion tomorrow. At Lods, Poland, all is quiet, some of the workmen having returned to work this morning. At Warsaw there were one hundred and forty four bnried who loat tbeir Uvea in tbe recent fighting. Two hundred ' of the wounded are still In the boa-' pitals. , ' Free Washing f Now is yonr chance to have a fami ly washing done free of charge. If you wish to know how to have this' done call up Thos. Blegmnod at the Ronde Valley Hoose and he will ex-' plain it all. leneral agent for tbe Ideal Washer, Call np Phone 3-6, ' 1 week " '. -'4 ' FOR SALE Eight aorea of land 4 in orchard 6 room house good barn, well watered just one mile east of postofflce. " For, particulars enquire at MoFarlanes ffrnflAi-v oi1 John flavin 1 tb nvnor nn' the premlsM will 'exchange tor town property ,'.''. Feb 8- Mob. 6 ' All members of the Degree of Honor are earnestly requested to be present at the regular session tonight as busi ness of importance is to be attended to. Special meetings are in progress at the Methodist church, Rer. Mr. Hartshorn will be bere tomorrow to asalst for ten days or so. Ptstor Gilll lan speaks this evening. Eggs Eggs . Eggs INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD . LEE'S EGO MAKER KOW KURE WOOD WOOD K-'U.OLaHZBR IEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571.