i " w x - v r Everything you SUNDAY Is Awaiting .Your Order at U. R ALSTON'S NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Ooi. Fir and Jeffersub 81a. OUU 8PE0IALTY Fall Lii eTerferred Stock" (hra ed Goods. Ff.TLC MEASURE CI? ain w od by the Cord '128 cul.ic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood 3 per? rd. This is cheaper than by the load. Yon pay tor what yon get and get what yon pay for. j Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY i T . When you want the Best . PHONE j 1851 A, B. C. Steam Laundry I I i ... . . :- La Granie. Oregon. v H l A GRANDE IRON WORKS Will be ready for business Februir 15 Complete Machine Shops i General Blacksmith g and1 Waon Work I m Manufacturer ot 1 he fitzgerai i toner reeo mm D. F. FITZGERALD, , HOHRIETOR 3UCl'E8SOR IO H. i CITY BREWERY v ' ' titr trio ' onRCirH Pronritnr. JUL.1UJ - vw - - A: - Largest Brewing Plant in Jiasiem Oregon - . ' Ask-for La Grande Beer and get the Best ' LA GRANDE BEER IS AND SHOULD HAVE want want for that WINNER , " snnr.a Good School Shoes J a specialty 1 vve j I ALEXANDER w. - t - " -I A V MADE IN LA GRANDE THh HEFERENCE ; ij A GIFT FROM FRANCE WMhingtoa Feb 11 M Jasserand, tbe French Ambassador at this capital od behalf of the people of Fnnoo will present to tbe GougreM of the United Ktatee oo February S3 bronse lust of Gsorge Washington, mounted oa a beautiful marble pedestal. This bait ia a replica of the original boat made by the sculptor, David d'Angers in tbe year 1823.. All the expenses were defrayed by publio subscriptions aad the bait wae preaented to the United 8 tales in the name of the people of France. The sculptor waa aided in bii work by General Lafayette. . The buit was placed in the Capitol hfre and was destroyed in the fire of 185L Jhywently it waa ascertained that the clay model from which tbe ori gmal bust was oast was still intact at Angers, the native town of the scalp tor. ... A popular fund waa raised and' a fresh, cat of the bust made and a marble pedestal provided for it. WILL INVESTIGATE SLAUGHTER (By Bcrlppa News Assoolatibn) , St Petersburg, Feb 11 It is report ed that Count Paplen, a member of the Council, has been ordered to con duct an investigation into the slaugh ter of tbe workmen on tbe streets of 8l Petersburg on tbe 22nd day of January. . Quarter Million Fire (ByScripps Newa Association) Cbicsgo Feb 11 Fire this morning dettroyed t.e six story, building ot the Central Electrio Company on Fifth Avenue. The loss is - estimated at a quarter of a million dollars. Chicago, Feb 11 Later The losses of the tire now aggregate at least six hundred thousand dollars. By the ex plosion of a gas tank after the firemen had gained control of the fire, canted tbe flames to spread to the adjoii log property. , The Singer Maohlne Com pany and A Stein, manufacturer of garters, both sufferered severe losses. as did also Gage Downs Co manufact urers of corsets, Jono Oliar, engraver, the Opher Oo tailors and the Coyne Overall Co. Will Separate . By Boripps Newr Arooiatloo Paris, Feb. 10 T e Chamber of Depntiee votcl ar order approving the separation of the Church and State. Lincoln Day Next Handay bring the 12th of Feb ruary it is the anniversary of the btrtb of Abraham Linoolu As ia the custom of the O A R, the day will Iw fittingly 'commemorated by Memorial services which will be held in the Presbyterian church where the Bev. B B Hays will deliver the address. The publio Is cordially invited to attend the services Member of the GAR and the W R C will please meet at the I O F hall promptly at 1 p m, Sun day, Feb. 12th The address will be at two o'clock. ADVERTISED LETTERS List of unclaimed letters remaing lng In the La Grande Oregon Pjet office for tbe week ending Feb 05 Brown I) A Garner Mlas Catherine Holmes John .Zilly Fred M Wood Mrs Rebecca KiosarJL Gonyon Airs Marlon Wade Miss A Gilmour Miss A Thompson tl D Tho above will be held 14 days aad then sent to tha dead letter office when oalled tor please say advertise Feb 9 1905 ' G M Riohoy Postmaster Socialists Qty Party Call Convention for All comrades are hereby notified that tbe Socialists of La Grande will bold a ootventlon in the old City Hall, Thursday night, February It), 1905, for the purpose of naming nominee! for the various city offices, to be voted for at tbe next city election, to b held on Monday, March 13, 1905.J All Socialists are earneatly urged to be present. Hy order of City Central Committee, A M PAUL, Pres., BIRD F LEWIS, Sec. JBIOLLOCK, ERIESLAND, 1 wk J D HEIDENREICH. K1LLES DRUNkEN ASSAULTER Memphis, Tenn Feb 11 To re lease bis mother from the clutches of a drunken man who was chokiog her LeeF Magnns tbe fourteen-year-old son of Mrs Ida Magnus this afternoon placed a pistol against tbe head ot Ward B log. bis parent's asss llant and blew out the man's brains. Tbe boy was placed under arrest but several prominent city cffioials immedistely gave bail for him and be was released. leg a carpenter had been boarding at tbe bouse oon lucted by Mrs Mag nus. WARDEN FLOGS HIS PRISONERS By Hcrlpps News Association Wilmington Del.- Feb 11 Warden Meeerve of New Castle County work bouse flogged several prisoners today William Poatel who stole three maok re was given ten lashes. Several of the culprits spent an hour in tha pil lory before being flogged. FROM PORTLAND TO PORTLAND Portland Feb 11 A novel excursion ia being planned by F R Drew ot Ard- aley N Y who will conduct a train of prairie schooners from Portland : Me, to Portland, Ore, next summer. Tbe WMHuua will iwlwt. IS. ZZZzl ;- elble.the trail ot Lewis and Clark when they get far enough west and all along the way free lectures will be given in different towns. The journey will be through 17 states and will end here about the end ot October, just before the Exposition closes. Japanese Celebrate (By Bcrlppa Newa Association) Tokio, Feb 11 Tokio and the en tire empire of Japan is in gala attire today and decorated in honor of the anniversary ot the coronation of the first Emperor of Japan. The celebra tion extends tbrougout the whole em pire. Tbe emperor entertained a party of six hundred at luncheon to day, at which time he toasted all the powers who were represented. Good Appropriation Olympia, Feb 11 (Special) It Is es timated that fully 12000,000 can b ap propriated by counties in Washington for displays at the Lewis and Clark fair if the bill now before the governor becomes a law. The state has already appropriated 975,000, and thn bill pro vides that count! a may appropriate up to an smount equal to one-half i f ot one mill for eaoh dollar of taxable property in the county, to defiay the expense of displaying tbe product end reeonroes of the county at the big fair On this basis a large sum of moony could be raiBed. It is urged that nearly every county in the state will make an exhibit alhough but few, if any, will reach the limit allowed hy the bill. Did Not Order Search Boripps News AdHOcUtion Ht Petersburg, Feb 11 The report that M Bonligan, the new Russian Minister of the Interior, had ordered tbe house of M Witte, president of the Council of Mil latere to be searohed nd all documents taken, is denied in official circles here today, J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS I..UUIUI1MIPUI Bast equipped abstractor in Union county. Many yeara experiences with the Union county records gives tne a great advant. age. It is folly to pur chase realestate without first securing a proper abstract. An abstract from my office will show, the title just as it kppeirs ou the official record. I J, R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREGON Opposite Pommer House Grande Ronde PERRY. Manufacturer of JLUMBER LATH BOXES and Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRT.IQREGON. ! Ore gon Produce Phone 1761 Corner Jefferson Avenue largest Packing House J -: Sailn aOSastorn .Oregon. WiiUPav.:Hishest Gash Price . lor Marketable 0 A.pules. ' , . A Touching Story Is the saving from death ot the baby girl of Geo A tKyler Uumleriand, Aid, lie writer ; "At tne age of 11 months our little girl was in deoliuing uealtb with serious Throat Trouble, nd;two ptiyttiolaue gave her up We were al most in doBpair, when we resolved to to try L)t King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. The drat bottle gave relief, after tak iuK four bottles she was cured, and is nowinperteot health." - Mover fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold At Mewlin Drug Store 5uo and tUH) guaranteed Irial bottle free Public Is Aroused The publio ia aroused to a knowledge of the curative .merits ol that great medicinal touio, Kleutrlo Bitters, for sick Btouiaoii liver and idueya, Mary I Mary 11 Waller, of 64(1 dt Clair Ave, I Columbus O, wrttea: "For several I months i was givou up to die, 1 nau 1 fever and aga my nerves were wreck-1 ed 1 could uot not sleep, and my ! atotnaoh waa ao weak, from useless doctors drua, that 1 could not eat, Soon alter beginning to take Electric Ditters, 1 o'liaiue i relief, and ia short time 1 was entirely cured," Uuarau teJ at Newltua drug store, price &0c JUICY MEATS . are the only kinds we sell. Tbe meat that has that rich appear ance and tickets the palate ia the kind you will get here. Choioe lamb, pork aud veal chopa, sirloin, round and porterhouse steaks and other luxuries in our line, are sold here daily and p ices that are right. HARD WORKERS require goo I, solid food. Meat is a necessity to such a man and he should have it. All women of tbe ulubh should have it. All women of tbe house should provide their bus bands with food that will strengthen tliem so that they will be ingood condi tion to toll so that the - family may live. Bock & Thomas Lumber Co. OREGON. La Grande, Oregon. and Greenwood Streets LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF- MUSIC PROF. DAY, Principle ' WkS. DAY, AuWant This Is one.ofthe.best maslcal.In stitntlons In the state. Daring tne yutr.190 there ware nearly Four tbousaiid leasona given. The people in this city and valley are begin lug to discover tbe great advauUge of thissotiool. Tha ay stem oaed is the latest and moat practical, and includes all tha lateat discoveries 1 1 in the art of teaching moaio. The school Is divided into two depart menu; Mo. 1 is for beginners, from 5 years up, and taking ia the let to 3rd grades. In this department pupils come one huur evry day. In No. 2 tbe tirades are from 3 to IS. ..Here they graduate. Pupil taae one or two lessons a week as they denire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this eohooi wto do not study. We mauufaoture Butter i fiom sweet cream; Our t butter is full weight aud w guaranteed. Leave orders at J. D. McKennou'a J u m narville Creimxy As3 a S Itch Ringworm ' . T Lucas, wlngo, Ky . writes, April 25th 1902: "t ot 10 to 12 years 1 had been atllicted with a malady known aa the 'itch.' The 1'ching whs most unbearable; I had tried for years to had relief, having tried all remedies 1 oould hear of, besides a number of doctors. I wish to state that one sin gle application ot liallard's onow Liu imeut cured me completely and per. manently. Sinoe then I have used the liniment on two separate occaaiom for ring worm and it cured completely. 25c, 60o and $1 bottle. Newlin Drug Co. Health Means the ability to do a good day's work, without undue fatigue and to hod life worth living. You cannot have indigestion or oonstipation with out ita upsetting the liver and pollut ing tho blood. Such a condition may be best and quickest obtaioed by Iler bioe, the beat liver regulator that the world baa ever known, Mrs.. D vv Smith writes, April 3, 1902: "I nao Heroine, and Und it the best medioine for oon-tipation and regulating tlx liver 1 have ever used. Prion 60 ceuU Newlia Drug Co. 1