RED FROV Wrf- Sale and , at all ti comodati commer LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY II. 1905 ODAVS NEE TOD AY ' ""' WJU 1 Til CD Tonight andSund.r ! J II Tirl I III ill I UUIUUil ! y . l tv I 11 W! ; i i A 1 I lA T vHv trr. T n tr n tr,r-tr. - x 7 V V II II I vlli 111 II U II I vl II I Vl t i H II I TV W U i I i . V-' ft II II 1 K P IBYIfcl fill Il llVli I 1 I II I I I I II I, tit -X. "V I 14 i. 1 B I r IWI H . U s.v AVJ 11 A It 1 Mil J J I - II . 7 II I 1 I !Vt I 1 f 1 11 M 1 1 I i V I M a 1 " " 1 " fo NUMBER 9S' il 1 7. .. J INDICTED JUDGE (By Scrlppa News Association) Portland, Feb. 11.-3:30 p m The Feleral Grand Jury baa voted indict meut against United 'States Congreas man J N; WMUnnoa, Doctor Vaa Gessner, Williamson's partuer, Mar ion Riggs, United States Commission r at Prlneville, (or conspiracy to de fraud the United States Government out of its lands. The Indictments are to bs made'pablio either this afterno in or Mondav , Sensational developments are promised this afternoon. Tbe indictments against Congress- Will Talk It J : - ' .... Over (By Scrlpps News Association) Topeka, Kan., Feb 11. A majority of the legislators have gone to their homes in order to talk with their con stitaents about the pending oil legis lation In regard to tbe boodle investi gation. The committee announced that it would extend the inquiry to all corporations having lobbies here, as well as the Standard Oil Compauv. Several of the lobbyists left the city last night. PRESIDENT SENATE Washington, Feb 11 The president today gave out copies of a letter, written yesterday to Senator Cullom, chairman of the Senate Committee ou Foreign relations protesting against the proposed amendments ' to the ar bitration treaties to die. The President holds that the amendments will neces sitate a separate treaty whenever an Issue arose, which . would be a step AflEE Taking inventory of a stock ends. Four Dstvs 32 pair of shoes, each $1.13 15 Misses' and Children's flTin4o8tod& Cape j and Coats, each $1.50 no more, your choice P,IO These garments lange fu size from 3 to 14 : yesr, and are priced regularly at d C 5 Duck Coats, each 75 cents' 3 tQ 7-60 Your cboice t!ti8 8ale- m1, ou Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values. Blanket . , . ... lined, with corduroy collar. This' nr Only, ImantS WfapS, 4yC sale only JU Rpg qo garments mad from matted . . flannelette, well lined, with Angora A(n 12 pair WOrk pantS, eaCh 5UC tri imed capes Thiseale ....4" Good weight, striped cotton pants, regular " 85o and 1.00 values, This sale gQc 5 only, Ladies' wool Sweaters, 95c Positively regular $3 sweaters. Black, ACp 0 . . ir i i or white and navy. This sle yOC 3 doz men s golf shirts,caci 35c These shirts are from our regular 65c and DisheS, Half PHce 75o shirts, slightly mussed, but best O.EZr .- values 'ever sold JJv Fancy Plates, Cupi and Saucers, Fruit ; Dishes, Bone Dishes, mush and trilk sets, Three doxen 25o Men's Bow Ties T sugars and creamers, etc. 14 -If f) Each 3C Thiseale.. lldllrUCC M AIM- Will I FOR LAND FRAUD TANNER man Williamson were on a subornation of perjary charge By Soripps News Association Portland Feb II Judge Alfred H Tanner one o! tbe mont prominent attorneys of Portland, and the law partner of tho United States Senator John H Mitchell wbo was recently 'ndicted by the Feder I' Grind . Juiy for conspiracy connection with the land Iraud cafes made a full confes sion in court this afternoon before Federal Juries Bellinger. Nebraska Snow Fall By Scrlpps News Association " . saw from sixteen to twenty four In ches in depth oivers every eqnnr inch of Nebraska. , Tremeudnus cattle loss es arerspoited in tbe range oouniry where tbe otttle are unable to get gnss. 4-oan Quickly Made Scripps News Association London, Feb. 1L The Hats of the new Chinese loan for . five million dollars was opened this morning at this place, at Hong Kong, and at Shanghai, and has been several times oversubscribed. -. AND CONFLICT backward instead of forward. Senator Cullam called at tbe White House and informed the President that tbe Senate was unwilling to withdraw tbe amendments, and opposed any special agreements with foreign countries by tbe Executive without the advice and consent of tbe Senate, Tbe issue is now fairly joined and the outcome will be watched with interest. IITENTORY SAIE of goods like oura discloses many broken lines, and odds and These we will place on sale for the next . at verv special Prices I A AACAtvi CONFESSES Attorney Tanner admits a partner ship agreement, which he furnished the Grand Jury when testylfyirg for Mitchell, and made up within the past three months. In order to frevent Mitchell from being caught flu en indiotment. and later ' presented. Judge Tauner admitted that he 1e wore to a falsehood, and admits that' Sena tor Mitchell received money for ill-gal fees, la fact that all the fees of the firm received in tbe Government Department work weot to Mitchell A Base Ball uer By Soripps News Association V Butte, Mont. Feb. II A meetfng of the diiectors' of the Pacific National League wilt bs beld here tooigbt in order to determine tbe status of the league, and alo the interests beaded by W. H. Lucas, formerly president, wbo declares that the league is defunct ud announce his purpose to form a new league, despite tbe fact that the directors of the Pacifio National have reorgaoizsd by 'el'eoting W. D Riehet of Salt Lake as' prasident, and an nounce ttnlr intention of ' placing teams in tfbia territory. -5 Severe Cold Wave '(By Bcripps News Association) Portland Ore Feb 11 Tbe entire northwest is in the grip of tbe sever est cold wave experienced for several years and is aqoompanied by severe gale The' bliziud bas raged throughout central and eastern Ore gon and yesterday a heavy fall of snow was reported in all localities, blocking traffic Tbe lowest tempera ture is at Shanike where it id fifteen d-grees below zero. Lea a FRENCH SEND TROOPS . uy ecripps ws Assoclatjon to the army, Instructing the soldiers Marseilles Feb 11 The Uovernmpnt etrlctly observe the Chinese neu bas ordered the rushing of tlx thousand trality troops and supplies to Tonkin, French Cochin China, and the cruiser, Lnto esch. all! sail tomorrow with the first detachment of five hundred artillery men, and tbe remainder will follow on chartered steamers. The sending of the troops i- due to the disturbed conditions in the far east. Will Accept Nomination (By Soripps News Association -Chicago Feb 11 Judge Edward F Dunne todav formally oi unified his .... - wu mg eaio accept toe aemocr - tin Underel Ibelr m.glmtlons, hut that Domination for mator on a platform on March 6t i all of theru will be re calling for tin publlo ownership of tbe .npoh.t mn4 inmfnM mo.b, P(.. wrees railways. BUB.RIED TWO IHUUAND London Feb 11 dron HaylHii issueJ a. tcp rt srora Oyama stating that up to February the 10th, tb e Japanese had - burned two thousand Rusiian corpse in 'the direction of Hei Koutai, ' i Deadly Engagement By Soripps News Association ; Lodit, Feb 11 Aooordiog to the Governor's report the casualties as a result of tbe fighting between tbe troops and the strikers at the Kath ring Iron Works on last Thursday thirty three were killed and thirty six were wounded, . ' : ' America and Japan iij Scripps News Association Washington Feb 11 Tbe arbitration raaty with Japan was signed toda at be Stat e Department by Minister Tak. ahira and Secretary John Hay. Have Very Narrow Escape By Soripps News Association New Jfork, Feb. 11. -While Lillian Russell's company representing tbe play of "Lady Teassle" was rehearsing In tbe Casino' theatre on iiroadway and Thirty Ninth SI reet. a fire brok out in tbe auditorium and aooo filled the whole house It is believed that the theatre is doomed. Several members of the company wer obliged to jump from the windows in oider to save ther lives ' Webers Trial Continues By Bcripps News Association Auburn Cal Feb ll-Heirv Carr. the Kan Francisco second hand dealer, wbo sold tbe pistol to Adolph Weber, tbe accused murderer, was croas examined this moining in a session of the murder trial. The witness demon strated by the weapon itself bis means of identifying it Tbe barrel was shaky and poitionaof the nickle plate were worn off. At the noon adjourn ment, Adrian Wills, a school mate of Weber, was on the stand. Vills took Weber to his home the night of tbe murder and fire. Stated that his shoes and stockings were wet and were changed at Wills' hime. During the evening the defendant suggested repeatedly that they go up to the barn where tbe pistol was found The witness also stated that at the suggestion of the defendant they and Lilncoln Morrow bad ,ice cream, and that the defendant wanted to go and call on some ladles. All of this he stated, happened within a fow hours of the murder. GEN'L KUROPATKIN DEFINES FRONTIER By B.rlppsNews Association Bt Petersburg Feb 11 The Manchu ria ouioial Gazette today publishes an order iaaned h i;nart Rnun.tLi. DEFINES FRUN TIER LINES The General defined the frontier Hue as from Mi.ngdian border of tbe v. ILL TENDER THEIR, RESIGNATION (Soripps News Association) Washington, Feb. 11. It is an nounced at the Wlhte House tht all "i nm iuriiiupr vi ia I HlllUrt nsVS LuLrn.luw ', ff uaf nuu wall 1W appoints! at OonsolOeDprnl to Loodoa Cortelvon will be nomlnntil um Pn.t-t mtnnr.i viK.i vaa o lay For Vladivostock j BaoFiancifoo, Feb. 11 Arrange ments have baen made for tbe British steamer Gl nturret to dock and begin loading a cargo of 35000 tons ol bay . It is presumed that this freight is in tended for Vladivostok, but little in formation san be obtained from ibe parties directly interested in the steamer or cargo. Collect Customs. (By Scrlpps News Association) Washington, Feb. 11 The Stats department has announced that Lieu-tenant-Commander Lsiper lth ; tbe cruiser Detroit bad been authorized to take over for the (Jolted States such other ports of San Domingo besides Puerta Plata, for the collection of cus toms as he deems neoaroarv nnder thn arbitral award made last July. Investigate Rebates Washington Feb 11 Attorney General Moody bas appointed Judson Harmon o! Ginoinnatt. whu waa at. torney general during tbe second ad ministration ol President Cleveland and Frederick N Judson a promineot lawyer of St Louis to investigate the alleged action ol the AtohisVToDeke & Santa Fe railroad in granting rai bates to tbe Colorado Fuel & Iron company. This employment is with the view of taking legal proceedings againat the company if after Investi-1 i"" ouuu p"uoouiugs seem justineo: Cold Wave St Paul Feb 11 Extreme oold pre, vail again throughout tbe north went ranging from 15 below here to 30 below at Calgary, N W T Duluth re. ports 20 below au i Lacrosse, Wis., 15 below. SEVERE COLD IN NEBRASKA Omaha Ft b 11 It U i n b 1 jw htr today and 'redio'ions atid for suli colder weather. Io it is much oolaer, with 23 bidow at Norfolk. HailroadHraffio iu that pari of the st: t9 is impeded and on some lines trains have been abandoned. Oibe points ir, idle state report snowdrifts to a depth of 12 feet. THE BARGAIN STORE New Lace Collars New Shopping .Baskets New Hair Switches New Tablet and School'Supplies E M WELLMAN & CO La Ghra ido - Oregon river to Lathnon. then to 81 moo ton thenoe to Gavrantsl, and tha to Vin- gow. tie also says that on no account must the Chinese railroad be .crossed. JAPS CAPTURE P08ITION , Toklo Feb 11 A hill south of Chang Chla was captured bv tbe Japanese Thursday, and two companies ef the Russians were driven off. GRANT THEIR DEMANDS By Soripps News Association " Warsaw Feb 11 Tbe manager of the Weather factories todav granted their - employees a nine boar day and increas ed their wanes fifteen per cent- Work will be resumed at these factories on Monday. It Is thought very probable that many of tbe other factories will make concessions, and that a general resumption of work will follow. The butchers are threatening to strike, and the bakers are considering a like move. Indictments V. -: Quashed ( By Scrips News Association) Peoria, 111., Feb., 11. Judge Green today again allowed a motion to quash the indlotmenta nsainat Thnmaa 1 Noonan' James E Cummlngs, former ' business manager, and the s'sge car penter at the Iroquois theatre, who were beld on a charse of maualancrhtar in connection with tbe Iroquois theatre disaster when hundreds lost their lives in the flames, by being trampled to ueatn ana by falling walls, Egg Market Cornered Chicago Feb U-The Dally News says: It is estimated that there are 45,000,000 ergs in cold storage in Chi- csgo. Notwithstanding this a famine in the product exists and householders are paying 38 cents a doteo. The big meat packers are said to have a corner on the market. ,. Served With Subpoena (Uf Soripps News Association) Cleveland, Ohio Feb 11 Andrew Carnegie tbe retired Mulii-milliooair was served. with a subpoena - today to appear at the trial of Mrs Qh ad wick st Cleveland on March 6. The papers were served at his filth Avenue resi denca in New York. Carnegie and his family are oomiemplatiog a trip to the south, which may have to be ot()u: d. . .'. , We Know Them A candy drummer uamed Bradbury and a whisky drummer named tob ling always travel together through eastern Oregon and are oalled "ttock and Rye" Journal 1 ..4 1 - r u I 1 : I t - ' i It Hi1 N ' ? pi 5i t-. s . S t - i I :r'r -