1 Ktb FRONT UVERY BARN ' wm. 5mith,Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn. at all times. 8pecial ac comodations furnished to commercial traveler, . Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hav. Gi vw. x'joo deliver? to alt parts of the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 The kind your mother need to make. Baked every day and deliver ed at your home. Why -pot buy the best when it costs no more. i.EioiMULiiQH " rionnn prompt attention given rpasi TrLflP'ifjwrififf' iftSffHiffiwiiirfiWBmnii,M JULlIlb QU1UUU CHAS. MELQU15T, Proprietor, j WINES, ' LIQUORS I AND CIGARS j I Finest collections of stuffed I animals on the Pacific 1 i coa8t i IIIMIMIIHIIIIIIIIMMII Blue Front Saloon L THOKSON. Proprietor. ' : FINEST . WINES, LIQUORS 2 Imported and domestic CIGARS Hot or cold lunch all hours Jefferson Ar.nue Opposite Depot iwwtewwweeeesesewe saetiee Palace Saloon CHAS, ANDERSON. Prop. FINK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS - -Always oh hand. Jefferson Arena Opposite Depot rrrww. THE OXFORD BAR JOHN BiEVER, Prop. Couplet awnrtment of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS . Mixed Drinks a Specialty - Fir St inBdnomgwwaiiinaSniituJWMimniffWlM THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. - v ruts WltfES. LIQU0R5 Gentlemen' always Welcome Fir Street Eagle Saloon ULRICA LOTTIS, Prop. FINK WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Lunches art our specialty Jefferson Yenne, OppoeiU depot A Surprise Party A pleasant laarpriMSpartylfray be given to j oar stomach and liver, by taking a medicine whie will relieve their pal a aad discomfort, vis; Or Ktara New Life Pilla. Thar are a moat wonderful remedy affording sore relief and cor for headache, dlaaineae and constipation. 25c at.... drug store Mewlin Drug Co BnlnMHB PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. C ffloa orex Hill's Drag Store, Office Phone U6S BnHwih Pa era N. MOUTOR. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adams arena and Depot St. Oflaoe Phone XM. , Bestdeoos Fboae cU WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone TU IvU baudlng, eppoatu 8ommt Hons Offloe Bonis, 1 to t, 7 to S BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Offloe la Foley bonding, phone 1UL 0. T. BaeooBerfdenee Pbone 1181 at. K. Ball, Besldcaes tin DKS. BIGGERS & B1GGERS ' Pnyaictans and Surgeons O WBlfjen, M. D. Cea.r.Biggera.lC.D. Telephone Nos. Offloe, 121 . . Reeldewoe.il Offloe, Ralatoa Balldln erer J. M. Berry's Store. Besldcaes ea Madlsoa AVe. Mcood door west oTforaur residence, Dr. a W. Siegers La GRANDE - . ORKOON Professional ealla promptly attended to, day or sight. DENTISTS kzlaVIS tskOS. . DENTISTS. Offiee Somaaer Building Offloe Phone H Besldeooe Phone U71 C. B. Cauttiorn DENTIST OOloej Oyer H1U Drusl.Btor La Grande, Oregon R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Up stairs, Oor Adams avenue aad Depot Hk Phoneme VETERINAAY SURGEON Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at AT Hill's Drugstore La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 Farmers' line , 68 ATTORNEYS CPAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA Q RANDS, OREGON Ofilee In Bonuner mUdln-. J. W. KNOWLES Att&rney and Counsellor At Law Offios in Ralston Balldlng Phono 156 La Grands Or. H.T. Williams A. C. Williams 1 WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EY8-AT.LAW ' Offloe in Balaton Bnlldlnf Phone iOjl La Grande, Or. ACCOUNTANTS W. J. BISON ETT KXPBRT ACCOUNTANT Offlo witnJ.T Williamaon. La Grande PsxtUs wlabing the aerrieaa of a eom- Ctant bookkeeper are aaa red aatis story result. Prioes reasonable D.O.KELLEY, Books posted and complioaUd ao eooata adjust!. Pea ion papers specialty. Notary Public Ulaima against the torernment considered. Gorreapondeata aollcited. Address Lock bos 613 Try the Observer for first class Job Work. Lodge Directory. KAOLKa-Lt Unade Atris ra F O It marts every Vridey alfht In KoiFtuUsttpaa Virtual brethera tnrited U, acteo' J. A. aiatoti, w. r. t. n. uunao, w. a. tXMtSSTBBS OF AMEBIOA Otrart Mel fcUrion. Mo It WMeU mek Taeeday la Kike hell. Brother r Invltod to atieadL kl Haianer Chief Baaccr. 0 J Vaadarpooi Keeaee. . I O 0 P La Gnhd Ledge, Ho es meeu m their hall every Saturday night. VislUng auam ban eordiallyuiyited to attend. a W.Booertooa,NU LR. Snook, Sob. A F.A A. M. La Grande Lodge o. 4L meet every lat tnd 3rd Satur day of each month. A C Williams 80, O D Huffman) W. St.; ttnetheseooadand toorth WedBeaday of sjavrjl eWMUtBUBI H Tiav B asm aaa am 1 nasi uauw iire Ura T Lyte, W M MaryA Warniek,aee I MTAB ENCAMPMENT N U, I. O. ft P. saaaw erery Brat and third Thnradats ta the saonU In Odd Follows hall. Visiting patrt- aroba alwaya watoome 1. n. aaooa, r. SAmaA ftoJMasoa,SwU Proposed Amendments to the City Charter Tbe bill introduced In the legisla tor amending the charter of oor city baa pssssi the aonate and will un doubtedly pasa th botuo. We enier etead the amendment were made by a committee of tbe Commercial olno and a committee from the coanotl. Th amendments provide for th en largement of th city limit on th north and cast, for dividing th city Into low wards Instead of three, I his will lncrae th number of coqdo li Special Services at Presbyterian Church The church wm well. filled at lb evening service last night, and muoti interest Was again manifested. Mauy seemed to be almost persuaded and one young woman did yield. Th singing was at usual worthy of Prof Power. His beautiful solos, 'I will pass over yon" and "The Pre cious Price" were tonobingly . suog aad bad a tender influence over the listener. . CUrtrAnM WM1i wee f Mw 17-11 - v Rev Needntm gave another splendid eerowo Ha said " Ibis it on of tbe vital doctrines of tbe Bible. It it the Cjhristian's hope, th sin tier's plea, and la th key-stone to the great arob way to atonement and heaven. . Tbe Bibla is Ailed with bit prec- Grip k "atching" Dr. Woods Hatohinson, secretary of the atate board of betltb. in speaking of the epidemie of the grip now ra ging in Portland aays to the Oregon Daily Journal! , The best meant of protection it to avoid exposure to a previous esse. Nine-tentht of what we call "colds" do not come from tbe weather condi tions. They are the result of direet ia faction. A person with grip should be ieolated lo a warm room and remain very quiet -not go oat ot doort and difv tbe disease. The best way to pre vent a cold it to have the bed-room well ventilated and ate plenty ot cold water on the skin. Tbe theater, botel and the Pullman sleeper are tbe most common meant of tbe spread iag of tbe disease. " Repreive Expected Montpeher, Vt. Feb 1 Governor Bell this afternoon listened to an ap peal for a repreive lorj Mrs. Mary Ro gers who it under sentenoe to bang far the murder of her husband. Unless the Governor interferes in ber behalf the will bang next Friday. Tbe feel ing it gaining ground that th Gover nor will issue a repreive or that be failing to do to, the Supreme court will issue an injunction . ' New Postmasters Washington D. 0. Feb. 1 The t jl- lowing post masters wero nominated thie afternoon lor California, Winslow Bidant, at Lake Port, George P. Man ley, 8anger, Herve Friend, Hollywood Notice To whom it may concern Notice ia hereby given that my wife Ella 0 Peach having left me without any jut can or provocation, I will not be reiponelble for any debts that ah may contract Dated at La Grande. Ore. tola 27th. day of Jan A D 1005. Wm. G. PEACH. THE CENTENIflL Mrs. A. E. Mnrehlsoa and MiasO M. tiara. Props. Mill II f II III 01 fill wis mi i iraim hiu Special rates tarnished monthly patrons. Thia hoose Is sbaolately new and la thoroughly eleaa from kl token to parlor. Bvary room la oa . the ground floor. All white help The table is supplied with all the eeaaoa afforda. TheCentanlallaeeatrally located Adams avaoae, between Greenwood and Fir. La Qrancte, Oregon. : me a from alx to efgtt, also make a new provision for th collection of the road taxes aad cover what defect if any thin ma be Id the wording of th present charter with refereaoe to th building of wooden ballillugs within the fir limits. This w ' have been told ta all the char ges made and as tber is no emergency cUaee it will not go Into effect lu time to be effeot lv for th coming city election. ious blood from 1M 0 lid la Qsu. Ex. aad Lev. wo fiod lb bojks full of it and in the new testament ia Bom. Eph. Col. and Heb. we find it. In Peter we read of the sprinkling ot it and in John of the cleansing. If you try to appease God with your own works yoa will' b9 wafted from bit presence. He will reject you You can't bouse the world sad God at tbe tame time. Many ohrittiana try to shoulder God on one side and the De , vil on the other. But they can't do it You mast not trifle with God. Jesut Christ shed hit precious, blood for as, be laid down hit life for nt. What will you do for bimf Will yoa accept tbe blessed atonement? '' M W A Attention All member of tbe La Urande camp Modern Woodmen of Amerloa are re quested to attend the meeting tonight. A delegate to the state and ooanty con vention will be eleoted tonighi. ; Clerks, Attention All Union Clerks are requested to at ' tend a special meeting at Labor Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. G A MOLDEN, Pres. Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "It will wear sway," are drifting towards Bright's DUeate. which Is kidney trouble ia one of Its worst forms. mm stops Irregularities, strengtheas the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kid Bey so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities from the blood ss it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not. and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dixsinett, bsckache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, Irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs ef Kidney Of Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dif order ia a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to lake and benefits the whole system How to Find Oats You can easily determine If your Wd Beys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle ot the urine patted epos arising. If upon examination It It cloudy or milky or baa a brick-dust ediroent or small particles float about In it, your kidneys are dlseaaed, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB should to taken at one. O. . Barhan TeaWUs Aftaw Four Tear. aaawams(OeratleCster.B.r,rneai . east aedlment and pala aod syniptoouotBldnet. Siteaea dleappeared. I am glad to ey tkee r iKi MM Bar oever bed a retura 01 any of taoee eytaa tome durlas the four yeara that hav elapsed. rod I am evidently enred to euy cured, ao eartlly reeomeMDd Foley "a Kidney Oor to aaa an suaarlna Irom kidney or bladder iroaele. Twe aiaea, BO and 100. AiT. HILLy DxaggUt Who. you want GOOD PRINTING Call Phone No 1371 -. ? . Ill I - . - Printing . ; . That Satisfies IHENRY r.1 a m a a a a n . . THE OBSERVER BVmMVMHIMI.HMHMtaMHHMMH.aHMHMi FUHERfIL DIRECTORS LICENJEb EnBf1LnER5 Lady assistant. Oallsanswered day and night, Phone No. 181.' J. 0. Henry, residence 664 . t J. J. Oarr, residence SS6 aaaaaaaaaaaaasfittieeff1tttttwt-mmttttttl ' Notary Fablio , - Insurance i Mon ; Reoresentia the Bauitable . ciation of Portland, Or.f the strongest, safest & most reliable institution on the Pacido coast, under State, supervision. Loans, made short or long time to suit. WM. GRANT, Agent City property forsale. - NOTICE We will move into our New Warehouse on Jetterson Avenue, about February 15, and will be in a much better condition to handle our trade and satisfy . our customers Grande Ro ide Cash Company, Press Lewis " Dean Crowe wtteota r two ED EATON, Experienced Piano polisher and wood finisher. I Bar fixtures and Bank furnitvro and all stain imitations a W . ... specially, uemodeiing and r 1. mrnuure poiisaea 'ana repaired. All wort guaranted, 2 Leave orders at Stacaland BLOCKLAND BROS , Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE! and POLANOOIIINA SWINE. We' now have eight yoaug bucks, pure bred, Jots-v wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need, ing choice, backs, should see these to appreciate them Young stock always on hand, and alwaya glad to have yoa call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before buying some where else. ' ijphere is a difference between printing that "will do" and that which is tbe kind yoa really want. We make a specialty of pleasing, as -we havo the equipment with which to produce good printing and printers who understand the art : of printing. There is no order too . small or too large to receive our careful t attention . - . . VW print anything lroni posters to visiting cards. . . S6 CARR 1 La Grande Oreg te-seei tseeeetee i sin i sss- repairing. All kinds of house Z . .... A a ass . . TT A MoLaohlea, Paone 644 asette.iee oq In aAaiiun4