1 h . ! "1 RED FRONT LIVERY BARN wm. smith, Prop, Safe and relukle rigs furn-m-U times. Special ac comodations furnished to crmmerciatiraTelerP, " Pboue. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hov. Ufi.i-1 and feed. F ee nv-ry to p wU e the Jy. MoiMium trade a Mialty. pone i96l The kind your mother used to make. Baked every day and deliver ed at your home. Why pot buy the best when ., it costs no more. f.lIOlSOUll TQU PS0II2111 prompt attention given rn4- a-b CHAS, MELQUIST, Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGABS J Finest collections of stuffed animala on (he Pacific coast,. IIIIIIIIIMMIMIIimilll Blue Front Saloon E. THOMSON, Proprietor. . SWB8T..., ,,'... : . WINES, LIQUORS Imported and domestic CIGARS Hot or cold lunch all hours Jefferson Arena Opposite Depot HMMn WSto-, Palace Saloon j CHAS, ANDERSON. Prop. TINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand Jefferson Avenne Opposite Depot e r THE OXFORD PAR JOHN BiEVER, Prop. . Complete assortment or WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mixed Drink a Specialty Fir St ilffiGSBSiaBBaSGESiSSIISSIBSB THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. WIPES. LIQUORS . CIQ.R5 Gentlemen always Welcome .Mr Street Eagle Saloon ULRICH LOTT1S. Prop. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Lunches are our specialty Jefferson Avenue, Opposite depot A Surprise Party A pleasant isarprisellpartyJSnay ba given to j oar itomaob. and liver, by taking a medicine wbio will relieve their pain and discomfort, vis; Dr Klog-sNew U(e Pill. The? ara a moet wonderful remedy affording sore liet and. core (or headaohe, disalneaa nd constipation. 25oat....dnf suw wlia Drag Uo kflHMB awawaw awa-DaWBa I HOME MADE BREAD 0 Special Services at Presbyterian Church The Bible reading was a usual, In terasung and well attended, on yea- viteraooa. Tba subject wsa -voasecraiioa." . neevenin aervloee wen fnli nf uoa'a spirit. It aa the heat maiinir. tbeerowalng meeting of tbe week, and the boase was packed. People are awakening U respoaee to Uod'e U. Never had Mr. Keedham'a tr- der words of. pleading seemed so pre- oioos and ret Denatratino-. a u Bight. ocripiare reading waa John 13-47 ne o. 'Mesas Christ cams to save. That is tbe greatest historical toot. For 83 years he lived here, theo was oraoifled, burled, and arose and asoended Into bearan. Why did he oomo to this earth t The Bible teach es os that there la no righteousness lu any man. We are all depraved in the slgbtufQod. BatJeuua Christ cams tors purpose. Every child of God may know what that purpose or miss Ion was. It waa a four-fold mission. He oame to declare onto us, Uod the Father. In tbe Book of Revelations he declares God's lore to us. John 8-16. Jesus earns to roll back or reveal We were shot out from God anises Jssus came. Bat through tbe graoe of God ba baa revealed himself unto us, ad we may know him as he la. "ine rending of the veil of the tem ple la typical of the death of Jesus Christ. Us oame to as to reveal God the Father. "Eph. 2:13. If you have sot tbe impaied righteousness of tbe Bon oi God, he will reject you. -Yoa must pat on the Kin'gs livery and ba ready to pass Into the prevent ofGid. , "We have no aooe as to God, unlets Prlnoe of God takes as into bis pre sense. "Jeans came to make oa rlon. God knows that tbsre ara too many selfish Christians today. Selfishness is the root of all . evil. Too many attend theatre and If asked to give the sams TO PRACTICE OSTEOPATHY Senator 8rownel! Introduces a Bill Licensing the Profession ; Following are the chief sections of senate bill tfo 120, introduced by Senator Brownell, licensing graduat ed osteopaths In the state of Oregon: A bill for an act to regulate the pra- tios of osteopathy in tbe state of Ore gon, and to provide for a atate board of osteopathics examiners, and to ansa osteopaths to practice in Uo- ji, atate, and punish persons violating tba provisions of this sot. Be it enaoted by the legielative as sembly of the state of Oregon, ba it enacted by tbe people of the state of Oregon; Section 1. That any person prac ticing osteopathy in this state shall possess tha.qnallfactlons required by this act. " Seo 2. The Governor of the atate shall appoint a board of examiners as soon aa possibls after tbe passage ol this act, to be known as the state board of osteopathic examiners This board shall consist ol five 5) qualified practicing resident osteopaths each of whom shall ba a graduate of a legally authorized collage ol osteo pathy, Each member of said board shall serve thereon for a term of two years and until bis aaooeaaor la ap pointed, except la case of tba first board, on whioh two 2 members shall serve for two 2 years and three 3 years, as specified in their appoint ment, In ease of a vacancy by death or otherwise, there shall be appoint ed in Ilka manner a person to asrve through aaoh unexpired .term. Sec 3. Haid board of ostopatblo ex amlners shall elect a president Sec retary and treasurer, and shall have a common seal, and ita president and secretary shall havs power to admin tsier oaths Said board shall .bold meetings for examination at tbe state capitol at aaoh other place as the board may select, on the tnird Fridsy of March and September of each year and aaoh other msetihgo as .may ta deemed necessary, esch session there of. not to exceed two .das, and shall Issue certificate .of qualification to all applicants having a diploma, and BLOCKLAND BROS Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKatURE aud fOL AN DO UIN A SWINE. We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Oots wold and shropshirea, ready for service, anyone need ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them ' Young stock always oa hand, and 'alwaya glad to have you call and see otr hoga, as we breed .them for the Farmer, and ask you lo buying some where elsel amount of money, to missions, would think it Impossible. Couldn't spare it. Too many hold onto tbe almighty dollar, until they make the eagle scream We want to be rich In graoe. Jesus can make as so. Us was rloh, but be became poor that through his poverty we might beoome rloh. "We were paupers and bankrupUl and the great Captain oame and res oued as, gave us grace bare and glory In heaven. He gave oa these rlohes. Jesus came to pat away sin, by the seerlOoa of himself, and to make as glad. Ws twve no merits of our own. We depend oa God, and we are all standing on bis merits. "But he 1U receive yoa, Just as you are, in all your slus, if yoa will only auoept him a your Bavloar. - lie has never rejected any- man, and wil save yoa. "tie came to seek and to save that wblob is lost. Tonight there is a stranger here, lie haa been to see all of yoa. He la waiting to aea yoa all. Be is the Blessed Bon of God Ue is saying, Behold I eland at tbe door and knock, if any man hear my volos and open tb door; I will come in to him, and will aup with him, and hs with me.' ii i-jrwur answer. Will yoa open ihe door and bid him entert Don't trifle with him friends l Yoa can trifle with man,' bat don't trifle with Uod. "Won't yoa now, accept this blessed Son of God aa your personal Saviour? The solos sang by Prof. Powers, were in keeping with the splendid sermon. 1'hey were alreat and Dearest," -would Yoa Uellsve," and ths "(xlory Song.; Beautiful and tender were the precious words ol earnest en treaty in utese Bymns, and they were sung aa Prof. Powers well knows bow to sing. Mrs. Forrest and Miss Talt aang beautiful duet, "The Peace of Jesus." who shall pass .the required axsml natlona as provided by section four tj of this aot, said certificate shall be signed oy tbe pacsident and .secretary of said board, and attested by lu seal, and shall be conclusive aa to the .rights of tbe lawful holder of the same to practice osteopathy .In (his state, tiaiu board shall keep a record of all its proceeding and also a register of all applicants for a license together with his or ber name and age and time spent in the study and practice of osteopathy, and .of the name and location of tbe ooliege of osteopathy from which aaid applioant holds a u'Jlumf -nu anaii .Keep a register whioh shall show the names of all ap -1 : -I a 1 1 . plicants licensed or that are rejected under this act Seo 4 It shall be unlawful for any person to practice osteopathy in thia state without a license from said board All persona practicing osteopathy within this state prior to the passage of this aot and holding a diploma from a legally authorized college of osteopa thy, of good repute, may be licensed to practice osteopathy in this state by submitting to said board of osteopathic examiners auoh a diploma, and satisfy ing such board that they are the legal holders thereof, and by undergoing an individual examination in the follow ing branohes, to-wit: Anatomy, phy siology, chemistry, histology, patho og7, gyneology, obsteterios and theory and praotlos of osteopathy, .and such other branohes aa tbe board shall deem advisable. Seo 5 Tbe license provided for by this act aball aot authorise the bolder thereof to give or prescribe drugs for internal use nor to perform major surgery. Forced To Starve BF Leek,.oftConcrd, ayst "Kor SO years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painf al some times that I could not eat, After vainly trying everything else I cared It, with Backlsn's Arnlo Salve." It's great for barns, outs and wounds. At tbe Hewlin drug store; Only SSo Heart Fluttering UndigesUdJood and gas in .tba stom ach located Just below the heart, preeses.it an I. causes heart palpitat ion r When your heart troubles yoa In that way take ilsrblne for a few days. koa will soon be all right. fiOo. Newlln Drue Co compare our paioos before IProiessional 5 CPAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA. ORAKDI, OREGON Office In Bommar Solldlng. N. MOLITOR. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oomer Adams avenue and Depot BU Offloe Phone St - Kealdeoot Phone 6S1 BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Offloe la Foley building-, Phoae 1191. C.T. Bacon, Bealdenoe Pbone IIM M. K. Uau, Basldcnee tm REAVIS BROS. ' DENTISTS. Offlo Bommar Building ' Offloe Pbone 6-1 Beddenoe Phone 1171 DKS. BIGGERS & BIGOERS Ptiysielans and Surgeono O W Blgxen, U. O. Geo. t Blggora, U. D. Telopbone Nos. - -Offloe, 121 . , Kteldenoe, 41 Offloe, Ralston Building over J. U . Berry's Store. KeeldcBoe oa Madison AVe. second door wot of Ibrmar residence, Dr. G. W. Blggtrs La GRANDE - . OREGON Professional calls promptly attended to, day or nlghu DR. A. L. RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. ' Offloe over Hill's Drag store, Offlce Phone 1366 Residence Phone 13! W. J. BISON ETf BXPBHT ACCOUNTANT Otfloe with J.Y. WiUiameon. La Grande Parties wishing the eerviees of .a com- Ktont bookkeeper are ass ired satis story results. Prioes reasonable C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Offloe Ovorfllll Drug .Store La Grande, Oregon Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 136J Residence phone 701 Farmers' line 58 Malheur County Investment For Investments In 4 ALHEUR COUNTY Write to 0, T.tMcDANIEL- Ontario. ........ . . . .Orecon D. 0, KELLEY, Books posted and eomplioated ao- ooaata adjusted. Pen don papers a specialty. Notary Pablio. Claims againat tba government considered. Correspondents solicited. Address Lock bot 613 Lodge Directory. EAOLEB L umuh Airia O K meets very Vriday aluM In K ol r hall 6 Vliltlna brethxru InvlUd tr. item.. J. A. MatoU, W. P. T. a. tillham, W. B. OR ESTERS OP AMERICA 4 Vinrt Mai Marlon, No Zi nueta aaoh Tueaday In Klk u IkoUiers ate lnvltad lo attend. Al Halailar Oilaf Ranirr. OJVanderpool Keoeeo. 100 9 Lai Grande Lodm. No 16 manta j. their hall every Saturday nliht, Vlt) lAJg nuem bars cordially Invited to attend. o. w. tdODcnson, n m U R. Snook, Sec A. k A A. M. La Grands Lodge o. 4L meets every 1st ind 3rd Satur ay oi each month. A C Williams Seo, . ' 0 D Huffman W. M CA8TErN8TAB OB it Hop Ohaptar No U meeta tha second and Coann Wednead&r oi each month at rJH) p m In Maaonic Temple Mra Clara T Lyle, W M Mary A Warniok, dec UTAH ENOAM PMENT No 81. I. o. r, i tha meats every Brat and third Thoradays In month In Odd Fellows ball. Vllt(n2 broth Odd Fellows ball. Visiting ers alwaya welcome 1. R. Snook, C P. Edmond liobinaon, Scribe SiionrlaEOi PKPABT jJJSSSt1 FROM No Halt Lake, Denver. Ft, Nol S:jOp m Worth, Omaha, Kan- tMmm 'No 6 aaa City, Bt. LouJa, Chi- No SOO a. m. oago and fcaat, SdOji m No i Portland, Dalles. Pen dleton. Walla Walla, DayUin, Pomaroy. Col- north via Bpokane Portland. Dalles, Ptn- dlelon, CmatUla, Wal Hot lula. Lew iaton, Oolfax, No 6 Moacow, Wallace. War Bj06p.m. ner , Bpokana and other ,80 am polnu eaat and north via Hpokaae ' Ko. 8 I aland Oty. AlicaL Iro-Oailyex- bier and lin. Con- Hotl oepl ncationa at klgltt with 9:14am lowal10' poluu U Wlki" Wpm Goean Blaame between Portland and Baa Pranoaco every Sve days. AUMoviAAceat, RET I Wc arc closing out our entire t stod o furniture absolutely at cost and will retire from busines. This is a bonifide closing out sale Come in before the stock is broken HOUSE FURNISHINGS ,,,,SSSSHISSSSSMSSIIHMHMUStSsSStlMlttS rnnnnnnncnTinrr' : HENRY PUNERilL LlCEHJfil Lad assistant. Oallsansirered day and night, Phone No.tSl. J. 0. Henrv. residence 684 i J. J. Oarr, reBideace 886 tael . -- - 9 etws a Notary Pubho Money to Loan Representing the Equitable darings dt Loan so ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest dc moat reliable .institution on the Pacifio coast, under State supervision. Loans4made short or long time to suit. n' , Wil. GRANT, Agent City property for sale. aeaeea a. .a V NOTICE We will move into our New Warehouse on Jetterson Avenue, about February 15, and will be in a much better . condition to handle our trade and jBatisfy our customers Grande Ro.de Cash Company, Press Lewis Dean Crowe 1 ED. EATON, Experienced Piano polisher and wood finisher. Bar fixtures and Bank furnitvre and all eUi- imiufian. . t speoialty. Semodelinz and i y vjuouoi suu -jpairea. aji. work gaaranted, Leave orders at Staokland When you want GOOD PRINTING Call Phone No. 1371 Printing That Satisfies THE OBSERVER ut A'' a-jfrfaaaw i1 Wai . SjLSfc 'A. t R I N G ' lHEe in (S6 CARR DIRECTORS tUlDILftERS i La Grande Oregon U .yatawi B)kn 4 Inanranoa I ttt 1 1 1 1 S I S US It tl i ii iiiiiiiimitiimmim reDairincr. All Hn.l. Ar k,.n.. & MoLaohlea, Phono 644 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sea Cphere is v difference " between printing that "will do" and that which is the kind you really want. We make a speoialty 0! pleasing, as we have the equipment with which to produce good printing and printers who understand the art ol printing. There ie no order too small or too large to receive our carelul attention. We print anything from potters to visiting cards. . U.-a.ttoa'A J!i. r I i