JMKSBB TODAY WEATHER This afternoon, tonight and Friday, rata. A GRAND ENNG..0 RIPiryfPin) ! f .3: If i) 1 r I Iff' VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 26. 1905 NUMBER 84 SEVEN STUDENTS STRANGLED ACCUSED WITH TREACHERY BY THE ENRAGED STRIKERS By8cripps News Association St. Petersburg. Jan. 26 -Haven ttn dents, leaden in tbe revblutionary movement in tbe Basil Island district Lave been pnt to death by the strikers wbo suspected tbe students of treach ery. -: 8TUDENT8 STRANGLED Tbe students were put to death by being strangled in eeoret subterran esn meeting place of the strikers. After tbecrime had been committed it tran spired that tbe students were innocent C. muj ueaooer y. Trepoff baa increas ed his grip upon this dietriot and tbe Government buildings and all other puMio buildings are closely guarded. A watchful eye is kept upon every movement of tbe strikers, who are walking about the streets this morn ing. FACTORIES RESUME "WORK. An official bulletin this morning says that there was no fighting in 8t. Fetersbntg yesterday and that work has been resumed in some of the fao "'' vwiug hi m isuure to secure j Jonds, thouoandM of tbe strikers are up. ' on the verge of starvation, provUioos being scaice and prices high, a nd the strikers committee is unable to supply tbe relief needed, giving men twenty five cents per day, aud ten cents extra or taoh member of bis family. EMPLOYERS D18CUS8 PLANS "The employer will meet today for discussing the advisability of conced ing the demands of the strikers and adoptiiig plans for their pacification Fifteen thousand troops oontinue to guard tbe approaches to TnrV ai and the indications are that tbe re bellion is completely crushed for the present. IBjr 8orlpps News Association 1 Tola, Russia, Jan. 36 A strike has oeen proclaimed at this place and eight thousand workmen hava nn It ma uo mriuiognam 01 KUSSla. ATTEMPT TO UURN BUILD ING8 lty Scrlpps News Assoclatloe 1 Reval, Russia, Jan. 26 Theatrikar. last nlgUt attempted to flre aavai buildings, but were resisted by tbe remen and railed la their attempt. They als.i tried to wreck the prison Moscow Workman Yet Unconquered By Borlpps News Association Mosoow, Jan 26 List night aco b r fight occurred between the strikers nd tbe soldiers at this plaoe the re sult being that fourteen persons were killed. Tbe strikers bad attempted to assemble in the Red Square for de monstrations, when the Coisacka at tacked them with riding whip aod used tbe fist of their swords to balm. bor the workmen with. The strikers then fired upon the Cossacks who r- plied in like manner. After the en jgsgement which was of someduratioo tbe strikers retreated, leaving their dead and wounded on tbe ground. Kremlin has been equipped as a fort ress and made the headquarters of the Governor General. TR7. TO DESTROY QAH WOK8R Strikers today made a determine effort to destroy the gas works at this plaoe, but the Cossiioka finally re- puiaeo cnem. and other buildings All the shops are olosed today. REBELS EXPLODE BOMBS A telegram from Li bau ftaUa w the terrorists have exploded two bombs In the streets pf the city, and that tbe panlo among all the nonromhat.n. The amount of the damage done by the bomb .throwers Is sot known at the present time. GOPON IS WOUNDED The report is again current Out Father Qopon is lying wounded at S auiuauuu nospitaL' Governor General Trepoff it is said, ordered him carried carefully and nursed nrn. perly as he proposes to make a public example ot tbe priest when be reoo. ers. In an interview today, Trepoff expresses tbe opinion that tbe crisis is over. Hi declared that there had been no arrests since he bad asiumaH tbe Givernment generalship and ad ded that the Government could not permit tbe conspirators to plot and agitate as they please. The citw ia quiet and there are no indications of s recurrence of tbe former disorders. STRIKERS DESTROY LINES The troops were withdrawn frnm tne streets during last night, and eral newspapers reappeared sodav. The sutnorities bave been trvin to rmr. j .... r uaue tne snopkeepers to open their places of busines. ajd sav that thaw will guarantee them against looting.) a violent crowd of strikers is an. marching through the eitv. fnrnin worcmen to quit, and have succeeded in partially destroying telegraph com munication. . F. L. Meyers, Qf tbe La Grande National Bank receiv ed a telegram this . afternoon from Hon. J. M. Church which "ends the diseussion of tl e county division The telegram reads as follows; . Sa em, Jan. 26, 3:30 p. m. ToF. L. Meyers. County division knocked out. . J M CHURCH ATTORNEY TAYLOR BEGINS ARGUMENT IN SMOOT CASE Credentials Presented By Scrlpps News Association Washington. Jan 20 Tne cradantiula of Senator elect Batherlann from Utah weretaday presented in the United States Senate. (By Scrlpps News Association) w asblngton. Jan. 28. Attorna T.. lor, representing the Protestants, to day began his argument la the Smoot inquiry, Md asserted that he could not personally critioise Smoot, or any of the other members of tha u.r Hierarchy He said that they were not lawless people, but he thea re viewed the powers of the Senate, ar guing that a majority had the right to expel him. Taylor said that they mde tbe broad assertion that the Church was higher than the law be canee the offloisis received revelations. Tbe attorney In bis argument askd the question: "Why Is it that these Apostles, who solemnly covenant the law, are alt six of tbem today disobeying-it, unless it is that God told them not to obev itTM RUSSIAN REVOLT SPREADS TO MANY OUTLYING TO WNS STRIKE AT NILNAL By Borlpps News Association VllnaL Russia. Jan. 26. Tha atrlka here still continues to grow, but has not yet become general. The largest or tne factories are still in operation. - TROUBLE EXPECTED (By Sorlpps News Association Riga, Russia. Jan 26-The Doloe rat cms place nave unearthed a large quantity rof revolutionary proclam ations. There are now twenty thous and men out at this place and troops are guarding the factories. Quiet pre vails this morning, but trouble Is feared any moment, A QUIET STRIKE Saratoff, Russia. Jan. 26 All tha mployees of the Riaosaon Ural nil- way have etruok, and all the printers are out but a) tha present time there is no rioting. REVOLT IN MOUNTAINS By Borlpps News Association St. Petersburg, Jan. 23 A revoil has occurred at Eksterlngborg In the Ural mountains. At that plaoe the rebels attacked the po ke, killing one officer in the affrsr. Troona anon a rive! and dispersed the mob, and many were arrested. Almost Four Are Killed ' Durham.Pa, Jan. 26. Foarpersons wo iuea tooay when a cinder train at the Durham Iron Wnrta nn,n.j the track and went over a fifty foot euiunnnmeni, and plunged Into the weieware river. The dead are Elmer Bowdrlok, Oscar Stein. and James Llohliter All of tbe bod ies nave been reoovered. : liuiseu mem. - ai lun ham Tne Annual CleaFanc e S a 1 e Will "be Continued With Still Greater Bargain Opportunities , Many of the seasonable goods on sale for the past two weeks in fairly good assortment MUST BE CLEARED UP WITHOUT PAIL . Also several new line added - ' ' . Fatal Accident I R Snook met with an day at noon which nearly cost him his lire ana wniob resulted In the loss of the greater Dart of his foot. It aaum. Mr, Snook was going to his dinner and In order to reach his home was obliged to cross the railroad track at the Fir street crossings When he arrived at the crossing a number of box can rsra standing on the crossing and be at tempted to climb on between tha .-. and over through the train. While he waa batwnan tha mm h. ! j w . , Mv iaiu BMirbeu and caught nis foot betwaan tha iin.. head and tbe deadwood and so severe. ly orusbed it that amnntotinn nt th. foot at the instep was necessary, lie was taken ti the office of Dr. V mii tor where Drs. Molitor and Biggers & Blggers performed tha orwmtinn m. Snook has the sympathy of the entire community at this time ot his sad ac cident. , BURNED SAILOR TO DEATH By Scrlpps News Association 1 San Franolsoo. ..Tun on n... Nelson, a sailor arw uoatu this morning In a small flre which oc curred in tbe Golden Gate Hotel. The flre was extinguished withnnf M.i the other guests In the botel. . Jtonk failure By Scrlppaews Association T" Chicago Jan eS Thn Pan banking instution cioaed Jits doors to day. The capital of tbe bank was one half a mflion dollars. Hunt is stalled on a New York Central irain. The cause of the failure Is not known, End to Essen Strilie By Scrlpps News Association Essen, Prussia Jan 26 Tha n.n. ers of the coal mines today notified the Government that they would an- oept the judgment of a parliamenUry commission rendered, after an invest! gation of the miner's grievances. Tht. decision of the owners of tbe coal mines indicates an end of tha hi strike. ' ' AFTtI NANS BROTHER.iN.LAW (By Scrips News Aaaoaiatinnl I San Francisco Jan 25 A shsrn watch is being kept here for Morgan Smith tbe brother-in-law of Nan Pat terson who Is charged with murder It is said that Smith has been seen on the streets here a few days ago. The homes of a number of Smith's frinndsi have bean watched without result. 8mith is badly wanted as a witness in the next trial of Nan Pattersoo . Ask For a Ransom (By Scrlpps News Association) Manila, Jan. 26 -The Ledrooes who reoently captured the wife and two children of ex-Governor Trias, have demanded a ransom for the ralaaaa r the captives. Ganaral Cnrl.ln .lit send the 3rd troop and the second cav airy to reic force the tronna arlin n i in i - , TO THE PUBLIC: The rush of Holiday trade is over and business w general has got back to its normal condition. I wish to inform U my patroa3 mi thoae m patrons but who are liable to be, that I am now in a position to take care of all watoh, clock and jewelry repairing with dispatch. I have secured all the neces sary help in all the latest tools and miteriale known to the trade, as well as the best workmen that money -can procure. . 1 All repair work is under my personal supervis ion and I guarantee each and every piece of work done to be finished in Jrat class workmanlike manner, and to give (with proper attention) perfect satisfaction. All work sent by mail or express will receive the same careful attention as it delivered in person, and to be promptly returned in first class condition. Thanking my patrons for their past liberal patronage and assuring them of my utmost ability to give them perfect satisfaction in the future. I remain as ever. J. a PEABE, Next;to;Newlln's Drugstore. La Grende's Leadln. jr.i.. - - . . I 1 rr-r . 1 11 1 TO WOO Voor MtfOtiBiFBa Wm Aft .11 tn most reliabld qiullty of meat and hope . to win yoor buslnaaa bv rlm a.n 1 valve fur your money. BOSS Meat Market Stillwell & Vanfcrmeulen, ' ProprUtor . : , U 1 now fighting the Ladrones near 8ilan