La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 23, 1905, Image 1

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Tonight and Tuesday,
oooaeional imla or enow.
Bimm obse
8t. Petersburg , 8undey This hM
been a day of unspeakable horror -to
Si. Pelerabarg. Tbe striken of yes
terday goaded to desperation dy day
ol violenoe, fury and bloodshed, are in
state of open Insurrection against
" the government. A-eondition almost
bordering on civil war ezista in the
terror stricken Russian capital. Tbe
oily is under martial law, with Prince
Vaselohikoff as eommander of over
60,000 of Ibe emperor's orack guards.
Troops are bivouaolng in tbe street
. tonight and at various places on tbe
Neveky Prospect, the main thorough
fare of tbe city. On the island of
Yessiliohstov and in tbe out sections
infuriated men have thrown up barri
cades whiob they are holding . The
empress dowager las hastily v, sought
safely at Tearakoe-Selo, where JEmper-
or Nicholas II. is living.
Minister of tbe Interior Sviatopolk
Mirsky presented to his majesty late
last night tbe invitation of the work
men to appear at tbe Winter palace
this afternoon and receive their peti
,iion but the emperor's advisers al
ready had taken a decision to slow a
firm and resolute front, and tbe em
peror's answer lo 100,000 workmen
trying to make their way to tbe pa
lace square today was a solid array of
troops, who met them with rifles, be
"yonel and sabre
Tbe priest, Qopon, she leader an
the idol of tbe men, in his golden
vestments, holding aloft tbe cross and
marching il the head of thousands of
workmen through the Narva gale,
uiiraouiously escaped a volley whiob
laid low half a hundred persons. '
The figure of the total number ki I
ed and wounded here, at the Moscow
gte at various bridges and islands
and at tbe Winter palace, vary. Tbe
beat estimate is 6X0 although there
are exaggerated figures pi" cing the
Clearanc e
'Will "be Continued
With Still
Greater Bargain Opportunities
BbSBBBMSISBSSBBbI - ' in ii ii Him .in .r-i ' 1 '"" -"' m"'"" " ' ' " 1
, I . ' . ' - ' ' '
. I Hi ' . . x ' s ... - - ' ' '-y - - . , I ,
Many of the seasonable goods on sale for tbe fast two weeks , in fairly good v.
; .... ..... i assortment ,. . , ;, t ." i h V;
i ....
. .
number as high as 6000. Many men
were accompanied by their wives and
children and in the contusion which
lefl no time for discrimination, tbe
latter shared the fate of the men. The
troops, with tbe exoeption of a' single
regiment which is n ported to bare
throws down its arms .'remained loval
and nhv1 orrfara.
But the blood which crimsoned the
snow has fired the brains and pas
sions of tbe strikers and turned wo-
men ae well as men into wild beasts
and the cry of the infuriated populace
is for vengeance.
, (By Boripps News Association)
St. Petersburg, Jan. 23. The Ad.
miralty works at Sevastopol are on
fir this morning, a result of the dem
onstrations of tbe striken, and is
burning furiously. The Government
baa decided to adopt the most string
ent measures to chock , tbe populace,
All tbe schools in the city are closed
today, and in many places the water
supply is out off. At ten o'clock this
morning the city remains quiet in tbe
central part, but there was ferment In
the outlying distrlots late yestesday
evening. The police make house to
house visits, warning the householders
to keep quiet. That riot may break
loose at any moment is a foregone oon
elusion . It was learned tnia morning
that a band of rioters, the strength of
which ia not known, has decided to
divide themselves and to rameeok the
olty. The oapltol Is full of tbe very
wildest rumors. One of tbe rumors
says that the strikers have resolved to
mairn, fifty thousand strong, to Tsar
koe Selo and, if they find the Czar not
there, will continue their march to
Petersoffer. Another rumor is that
the nihilists have persuaded the strike
leaders to take over with them a large
supply of bombs to be used In order to
repel the troops.
8t Petersburg, Jan. 23. The Gov
ernment has Issued a statement blam
ing the working men with yesterday's
bloodshed, and stating that the de
mands of the strikers are audacious
and impossible. Meat of the responsi
bility is ascribed to Father Gopon, the
The Annual
Also several new line added
priest, and tbe official atatement of
the casualties Is deaths, 78 and wound
ed S3S. These figures are ridiooled
A municipal building in tbe second
district was today demolished by the
rioters. At a meeting of the strikers
- at- M ... ft - M TV V .Lt.
morning, a resolution was passed ex
pressing the intention of continuing
tbe struggle until tbe lest drop of
blood ie shed. 8everal outbreaks have
been reported Ibis afternoon in the
Basil Island District.
It is learned that the greatest an
xiety ie felt by the authorities owing
to signs of insubordination among
the troops Disaffection, it is said,
has extended to the crews of the third
Baltio squadron at Sevastapol and
troops were celled out yesterday to
euppress a riot among tbe sea fleet.
At two o'clock this afternoon the
crowd was moving toward the Winter
Palaoe, assuming threatening propor
tions Tbe men have the moat threat
ening demeanor.
The troops dispatobed this morning
to Basil Island where the strikers had
barrioaded themselves in lh streets
approaching on the double quick, were
met with a volley ot brioks and other
miisles. Under a rain of lead from
the troops, men, women and children
fell in the streets and when the last
barricade had fallen, street after street'
was strewn with bodies marking ' tbe
resistless progress of tbe guards. The
clash is said by several witnessee to1
have exoeeded any thing that occurr
ed in tbe history of . French Revolu
tion. It is estimated that two thou
sand were killed and wounded. An
aged priest, kneeling in tbe middle of
tbe street In prayer, fell with a bullet
through his breast. . ' , .
Tbe report that the Grand Duke
8ergiue the Czsr's uncle bad been
assassinated,' has been proven untrue
Tbe workmen attaoked his residence
and broke all tbe windows and were
battering down the doors wbtn the
troops appeared and ' dispersed them.
Tbe Grand Uuke at tbe time was at
Tsarkaseloff with the Czar.
tt. Tma4a
Mirsky at eleven o'clock this morning
issued orders to close the headquar-
tera ot the Workmen's Union. The
workmen complied without polioe in
terference. Seven thousand suivivors
of yesterday's desperate struggle who
ia desperation turned toward Tsark
oeselon fourteen miles . from here
where they were determined to see
the Czar were headed off and dispers
ed alter several charges by tbe troops.
Their losses ars not known at this
time. - ' ' ".-
The ' ezeoutlve oommlttee of the
Revolutionary League has appealed to
the Amerioan, British, French and
Italian ambassadors, asking them to
bring foreign influenoe to bear upon
Rusalaii Government In favor of con
ciliating the masses.
8:80 p.m. The strikers continue to
drift toward the Palaoe square, and tbe
Cossacks and police are having more
trouble in keeping the crowds quiet.
The city resembles an armed oa mp.
Tbe Osar is completely prostrated with
grief, and it Is understood that he is
in a complete state of oollapse. It is
rumored that the Warsaw railroad
station Is burning and that part of tbe
track Is torn up.
The polioe have closed all gunsmith
shops, and the Are arms and other
weapons have been removed from tbe
windows and locked up In cellars. It
is rumored that the Grand Duke Alexis
and Serglua are already on the way to
tbe frontier. . ,
The looting ot the shops in Old fit.
Pstersburg has been sternly suppressed,
but thousands of pounds . of ammuni
tion have been stolen from the Putl
loff Powder Works by the strikers.
Wild , rumors have reached the
authorities that Father Qopon tbe
priest, has plane concocted to burn
tbe entire elty of St Pstersburg feed
ing the flames with immsnse quantitiea
of petrollum, Since this rumor has
gained credence, tbe police have tro
hlbited the aale of petrollum. ...
Tbe police are not able to locate
Father Gopon although they are try
lng to find him everywhere. It Is said
that his whereabouts are - known Jta
only a half dozen lieutenants through
whom be tissues orders. .Lieutenants
declare that the leaders of the strikers
are determined to preach the gospel
armed reaistanoe and tbe overthrow
of authority
Another Suit
By Boripps News Association -Boston
Jan. 23 A : petition - for a
writ of certierarl in tbe cafe of Uarri-
man-Pierce, Oregon Short Line. Equi
table Trust Co of New York against
tbe Northern Securities and the Nor
thern Paciflo was filed today In the
Supreme Court. The suit is brought
to determine tbe present right of pos
session of the Northern Paciflo stock
pooled in the Northern Securities,
No Election
' By Scripps News Association -
Jefferson City, JAlo - Jan 23 The
fifth Joint ballot for y S Senator in
Si, Petersburg, Jan. 13 1 J SO, P.M. j
The feeling ia growing, that the
worst ia over In the riots unless the
workers at Basil Island, who broke in
to the Vodka shops shortly before nine
o'clock this morning, are able to get
together in force aud oarry either Nl-
cholis Palaoe or tbe bridges.
TiOods continue to patrol tbe prin
cipal thoroughfares about the Winter
Palaoe, and many shops are open. The
soldiers have Instructions to aol on tbe
defensive uoIms the rioting Is renewed.
The striksrs are showing no suob stub
bornness today as tbey displayed yes
terday. There are reports of a few con
flicts in the suberbs, but no casualties
at noon. A large crowd has begun to
gather in tbe Nevsby Prospects , but
no disturbances have been reported All
traoes of yesterdays conflict bsve deen
removed, and the authorities are not
permitting the news of same to reach
the Internal -points ci r Russia. The
Dowager Empress has led the city for
Later 6,60 P M Fighting has been
resumed and the troops are firing upon
tbe mob in the Neveky Prospect Die
trlct. Several thousand s' risers in
the Basil Island district attempted
to cross the Nicholas and Palace
bridges this afternoon but were driven
back by the oaralry. It Is rumored
that tbe Czar will tomorrow Issue a
proclamation placing tbe oapitol In
state of selge
It Is learned this afternoon that the
Dowager Empress narrowly escaped in
Jury yrstrday. 6he was passing
through tbe streets at the time the
rioting broke out, but took refuge In
tbe bouse of Prince Gitaohlma, where
the mob followed her and bombarded
the building with stones. The trouble
in the Nevsky Prospect proved to be of
minor importance and was easily
quelled. It Is reported that tbe Czar
has left for Gaachlna or PeterhofL An
easier reeling prevails this evening,
and camp fires are burning in the
Palaoe square whiob resemblt s a vast
bivouac. Enormous crowds ars parad
ing tbe sidewalks and squads of caval
ry are moving up and down the Nev
sky Prospeot. 5 ,, :,, , .
. The rash of Holiday trade is over and business
in general has got back to its normal condition, : I
wish to inform all my , patrons, and those not my
patroasbat who are liable to be, that 1 am now in a
position to take oaVe of all watoh, clook and jewelry
repairing with dispatch. I have secured all the neces
sary help in all the latest tools and uiiterials known
to the trade,"as well as the best workmen that money
can procure. .. v ; . . t '
All repair work is under my personal supervis
ion and I guarantee eaoh and every piece of work done
to be finished in first class workmanlike manner, and
to give (with proper attention) perfect satisfaction.
All Work sent by mail or express will receive the same
careful attention as if delivered in person, and to be
promptly returned in first class condition. . ,
Thanking my patrons for their past liberal
patronage and assuring them of my utmost ability to
give them perfeot satisfaction in the future. I remain
aseverr m- . . J. H. PE2ABE, . .v.-.; ::
' Nextjtoewlln's DrugStore. La Grande'a Leadlns Jeweler
ii i-... iimjm ,..,.., HiMWi!ill,i,i1n7pt
Srrioot Still
- By Suripps News Association
Washington Jn 33 Senator Smoot -resnmed
the witness stand this mora '
ing, and was questioned regarding the ,
apostasy of Moses Thatcher. He said
that he knew that Thatoher had had
trouble with a quorum of Twelve, and (
said that Tftatoner : neia . that tne
Churoh rule forbidding Mormons to "
participate in politics without permls
sion should apply to all ranks, until -the
trial, when lt was interpreted as
applying toonly tbe high Jand paid
offloials and witness agreed to ,. this ,
Tbe witness said that God communes '
with Mormons only through prayer
and never through apostles or prlssts .
The witnees declined to describe th
eddowmeot ceremonies on the ground
that be had made a vow, not an oath,
to hia God to . keep the ceremonies '
sacred. He said the oatn of seorecy
was purely a religious ordinance. In
reply to questions asked, he said that ; ;
the Churoh received about a million
dollars a year in tithes and ot this
amount, the sum of one hundred and
forty thousand was spent for educatio
nal purposes, one hundred thousand
for feeding the poor, and large sums
lor missions, and that the Churoh
also had some money Invested in com
mercial Institutions, but only a small
peroent of their oapltal.
(By Boripps News Association)
Chicago, Jau. 23 'A. warrant for the
arrest of Johanna Hoch, whom the
police mspeot of several wife murders, ,
was saorn oat today by Amelia Fisoh-"
er, Hoch being charged with bigamy v
Tbeooroner conducting the in vestige
tlonofthe death of Mario Walker,
Hoob's latest wife, who died recent
ly under sosploious circumstances.
Hoch, it is believed, bad four wives
previously, all of whom died.
rhl1i trade quality yoawUt elwars!a4
this ssarksi. DtliolooaioaatBMrisa saost
sutMtaatlal dlnaer. bw tt wUI be a areas cle
appotataMnt If joa get a toafh. atrlaty
kind that la sold oa brgaia mnt eoaauta
We handle tbe best aaeat that eatara lata
this town and tnlak It Bone to food tot
oar euttomera. - vw
Meat "Market
StiUweU & VanJerineulen; .
, Proprietory
. -
the legislators uday resulted, Cook
rell 80, Nledringhaus, 70 Kerens 9 and
Pettljohnl , u.';