La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 21, 1905, Image 3

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    Bill Introduced
to Divide County
ThewUnot a siugl. reason why
Volon county should be divided, ex
cept Utt the town of Union want a
county tett and in her hsat- of frsnsy
to get even on La Grande trie to make
b-raelf believe that the would be just
ifie l in the atmpt; but wben in aftrr
yeare the finds berteif tax ridden it
will be too late to repot if successful
now. While Union could come nearer
in pi ying even, how about the other
The Portland paper assert that
Bepresentative Dobbin farora a dlvis
ion, Senator McDonald and Repre
sentative MoLeod aa againat it while
Senator Pierce ia reported to be unde
cided ; ...
The bill was introduced by reqoeat,
by Representative Bally, of Portland.
The Union delegation now on the
ground is headed by Attorneys Coch
ran and Davis. As yet those opposed
to division have not seat a lobby This
bill should not pass and if properly
presented the committee on oountlea
wonld never give a favorable report
but It might if the other aide is not
properly shown up.
' One of the reasons why a few certain
office seekers around Union are work
in so bard for tne subdivision of Un
ion e uuty is sally accounted for by
noting the political power Union . will
have in the new county. Of the 825
votes is the new county, Union will
cast 403. Under such a condition, if
the outside preclnota entertain the
hope of securing much reoognitio
they will be doomed to disappointment.
Two email counties do not exercise
tbe earns influence as one large edunty.
As the county is today we onl v have
one exclusive representative, our other
a a joint with Wallowa, both our
senators are joint, Pierce with Umatil
la, Morrow and Union, McDonald rep
resents Wallowa and Union. By the
division of our present territory our
Influence would correspondingly de
crease in both counties.
Conductor fobbed
On last Thursday afternoon as pas
senger train No 6 left- Huntington it
was boarded by a man who said he
wanted to go to Lime Siding, about
six miles I f Huntington.
There was ooiuiug uuusual in, this,
but before tbe trsin had proceeded
half tbe distance to that plaoe, some
one pulled the ball rope with the sig
nal to Stan . Tha train hrnran tn mtmm
down, and the conduotor and brake
man were unable to understand
the cause. On examination one ot
tbe doors in the vestibule was , found
open and the eondnotor and ether of
ficials of tbe trsin saw a person with
some bnndles 'carrying away from the
train. It proved to be the man who
was going to Lime Siding. 8bortly
after the conductor, Anderson, found
out that be was minus an overooal
and his band grip in which be carried
tickets, tags snd other things neces
sary for the carrying out of bis duties
These articles bad been left locked up
in one of the closets, and it is inex
plicable how tbe man gained an en
trance to it. The guilty party was
arrested at Huntington and bie pre
liminary owing was bad yesterday,
the result being that be was bound
over to await tbe action of the Cirouit
Court in tbe aum of $5,000.
(By 8cippsNews Association)
Olympia, Jan , 2lst. Three ballots
bave been taken for U. S. Senator and
no material change has been made in
tbe voting. Tee lact vote resulted as
follows Foster 44, Piles 34, dweeney
27,Wibon 17, Jones 7, and Goodman,
Dem., 6. TheSenate passed Band's
bill appropriating the sum of one
hundred thouasnd dollars for the
Lewis and Clark fair at Portland.
( By Soripps News Association)
Washington Jan il Hon W J Bryan
accompanied by James L Jones ealled
on the President today. The two
demooratio Isadora were cordially re
ceived, and at !the conclusion of the
Interview Bryan la aaid to bave ex
pressed to the president his approval
of the , executive e attitude on the
proposed railroad legislation and als i
the local licenses for corpor
ations. And it ia said that tha Presi
dent Is not averse to receiving demo
cratic support on these questions.
FOX In Elgin Friday evening Jan.
SO 1905, of dipbtteria, Mra May Fox
the beloved wife of C L Fox, the
well known lumberman. The body
aa brought to Ibis city snd buried
in thk Meionto oeateUry this after
noon, one leaves besides her bus
band a lather Mr A Stulte, a mother
Mra Laura Stalls, four brothers, a
sister, and two little children Fern
aged 7 and Francis aged 5 years,
Her desth was unexpected until
witmn a lew nours prior to ber pass
ing away, aa it was thought she bad
recovered irom tbe treaoherous disease
and ber mother fro a thia city bad
gone to ber to assist in the fumigation
of tha house. . .
Mrs Fox was and bad been for
tnauy years been a faithful member
of the First Baptist church of this city
Was loved snd respected by all; Just
eotering upon a life of usefulness the
sad news sent a shock over tbe entire
city where she was raised ' from girl
hood. ; The bereaved ones bave the
deepest sympathy of a very large ac
DIED At 8ummerville, yesterday, S
months old son ofMr and Mrs Oeo
Mots. The funeral took plaoe there
this morning under the . direction of
Al Dm.ii X M CXrmrtAm '' '
By Soripps News Association.
Paris. Jsn. 21 A telegram received
here fiom 8t. Petersburg states that
at a oonfersnos today between the
ministers and the police authorities
and employees, it was deoided to re
sist the demands of the strikers.
Est Thomas Nsedham Evangelist,
of Philadelphia and Mr Clifton Powers
Tenor Poloiat of New fork .will com
mence Special ' meeting tomorrow at
tha Preabyterian Churoh. Rev Need
ham will preach at 11 a mSpm and
7:80? M. Mr Powers will sing the
Holy City at the morning service and
also lead the music and sing at tha
afternoon and evening service A
cordial Invitation is given to all to at
tend these servioea Oome and bring
your friends . .
Script Script
GUtedfed fonat n wrve, approved, it.
restrained, ready tar immediate an j.
whar. Lowest price.
r. r.atr. B.Riiey,
a r jt 0 1 a twee) Bids, Portland, or.
Correcting a Mistake
Editor Observer: .
1 notloe you made a mistake in yes
terday's Observer In extending an in
vitation to the general publlo to attend
the Caledonian Reunion. ThlaReun.
ion is given by the Burn's Society of La
Grande and la open to all who are
members ot thia Society or who are
eligible to become members. Any
person can become a meober who is a
native of Sootland or who is a descend
ent ot Scotch parents or who Is
married to a Scotoh husband or wife.
The Society wonld be glad to entertain
tbe general public if It vera 'possible
to do so, but there are about two nun
dred members of the Society end those
ligible to become members and this
Is about all the Society can entertain.
A cordial invitation is ex tedded to all
persons eligible of becoming members
as auove set out. The only expense is
a dollar a year dues charged to the
men, the women free. The dues are
used to cover the expense of this an
nual reunion. - fours very truly,
Bank Suspends
By Scrip News Association .
Lancaster, Pa, .Jan 21 Tbe city
SavlngFundand Trnst Company closed
Its doors this afternoon. The institu
tion was capitalized at one hundred
and fifty thousand dollars. The de
posits are estimated atone million
and two hundred thousand dollars .
Lodge Directory.
EAGLRS la Uranda A in ngKOK meet
Tery Fridiy nlnht in K ol f ball a S p B
Viiitimbrathmn InviUd,i ..
J. A. Matott, W. P. T. H. Uilhom, W. 8.
Hit ion. No 22 meet eaoh Tuesday la Eik
hall. Hrotb, are lDTltsd to attend. -
. AlHeUuerCbleJ Bagger.
OJVeadwpooi keeSeo.
I O O r La Grand Lodge, No M roasts ji
their ball every Saturday night. Vial tuis mem
hen ourt) tally invited to attend.
S S Rlnenart N U
HEOoolidga, Bee.
A. f.k A. M. La LOrande Lodge
No. 41. meets every 1st nd 3rd Bator
iy of each month,
t A C WiUiamaSec,
O D Huffman W. M,
EASTERN 8TAB OKS Hope Chapter No
IS meet the aecond and fourth Wedneada nl
acb moBth at t)0 p m In Muonic Tempi
Mr Clara T Lyle, W M
Mary A Warmick, ico
I saeeta rrery firm and third Tboraday In the
I anonUi la Odd Fellows ball. Visiting broth
I an always welcome fi, Robinson, c. V.
Geo. Ball, Borib
Offloe witn J.T. Williamson. LaGrand
Parties wishing the eervlBes ot . a com
petent bookkeeper are assured satis
tactorv results. Prices reasonable
C. B. Cauthorn
Offloe Over Hill Drug'.Store
LalGrande, Oregon
Office at A T Hill's Druf? Store
La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361
Kesidence phone 701
Farmers' line 58
T7?au inexperienced bayers
i cannot make a mistake
when ihey order our La Grande
jCreamerjr Cutter It ia always
fmre, delicious and pleasing;
will add a relish to any well
cjoied meal.
I-a Grande Creamery Go
Malheur County Investment
For Investments In
Write to 0, T.4McDANIEL
Ontario, , Oregon
Books posted and complicated ao
ooaata adjusted. Pen ion papers a
specialty. Notary Public Claims
against tha government considered.
DltManniuiMll anllultol IiIiImm
Lock bov 613
. IS otary Public ' ; Insurance
Money jo Loan
Uerejeatiu tuejE tauioiTi7iagd4o1c Loan A.bso- J
elation of PortlaaJOr., the stroageat.safest & moat '
reliable institution ou the Paciiio coast, under State i
upervisioa. Loans made short or long time to suit. 3
'. , WM. GRANT, Agent " ;
. City propertyafor4sale. v . j
Notice to Creditors
NOTIOiiU HKHKBY UIV1N that letters
of administration bav bnen iaaued by the
County court ol Union County, Urrttun, 10
Mary C HwauKr upon the estate ol (Seymour
Hwaoger, deceaacd, and a'l pwauna Laving
claim againat aaid estate are heruby notlfiou
to present the samo, with proper Toucher, to
tbe said administratrix at her reslueno at
Kameia, Oregun, wiUiln als montba from the
date ol this uotloe.
Dated at L Urande, Oregon, this 2nd. day oi
Deeember, A. i)n luoi. . , ,
Administratrix of the ettat of Heymour
Swauger, deoeaaed. . ;
i a
HiMf o.i a
CHAS, MELQUIST, Proprietor.
Finest collections of stuffed
animals . on the Pacific
1 coast.
eSkaM tawmiiwcgainiaiscfgcigpBgEigij IsiBaS
Blue Front Saloon
E. THORSON, Preprietor.
Imported and domestic .
Hot or cold lunch all hours
! JeOerson Arena Opposite Depot ,
Palaco Saloon I
J . V Experienced Piano polisher and wod fiaislier.
, , . . ....... . . 1 .: ... : . ; . ; ;
Bar fixtures and Bank faruitvre aud all stiiu imitations a
euvuiaity, awuiuumiug turn reudiriii r. All Einiis oi niiiia
t furniture polished aud repaireJ. All work gaarantei, f
; : Leave Orders at Stacklaud Jt McLaohlea. Pnone 511 f
. -yi'i'-t-.j - ..... t
javseeMsiiistetsieee'e -. ,4s a a
Island City, Oregon "
Breeders ofj BfiaitaillHE and fOLAHDOHINA
swine. Z--M.i.:--
We now have eight young bucks,' pure bred, Oota
wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need.'
ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them.
Young stock always on . hand, . and always glad to
have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for
the Farmer, aad ask you to compare our paicos before
buying some where else. ; ;
When you want GOQD PRINTING
Call Phone No. 1371 , C.'
Always on hand
Jefferson Avenue
Opposite Depot
itmmt t,f
bowev mm TAIR1
On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY . AND TAR
for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising
imitations with similar lounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably
known repuUtioD of FOLEY'S HONBY AND TAR.
'j . . , . . .
We originated Honey and Ta as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get
FOLEY'S HONEY ADD TAR you do not get the original and genuine.
Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honby and Tar. Do not risk
your life or: health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine.
Foley's Honiy and Ta& is put up in three sizes -25c, 50c and $1.00.
Prepared cr.Iy by FOLEY & 03., 02-04-00 Ohb Street, Chicago, Illinois.
: ilia lj Liu zlU3 ui . , ,
C?here is a difference
" between printing
. that will do" and that
which is the kiud you
v really want. ,
We make a specialty
of pleasing, as we have
thev equipment ; with
which to produce good
printing and , printers
who understand the art
ol printing. ....
'There is no order too
small or ' too large to '
" receive our careiul
We print anything
lrom posters -to visiting
Bent Her Double
' "l knew no one, for; foar; (weeks,
vben 1 was sick with typhoid snd
kid my trouble," .writes Mrs Annie
Hunter of Pittsburg Pa. "and when I
irat tutttar. althnnoh 1 ha, I nr. n
best doctors I could get, I was bent
aouDia sna naa to rent my bauds ou
my knees when I walked. . From this
terrible afllicitlon 1 was rescued by
Eleotrio Hitters, which restored my
health and strength, and Jnow I oan
walk as strain ht ss ever. They are
simply wonderful." Uaarantebd to
core stomach, liver and kidney disord
ers at tha Newlin drag store price 60a
Todays news ioday, when you
read the Observer.
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism
"My mother has been a sufferer for
many years from rheumatism," say
W li Howard of Husband, Pennsylva
nia. "At times sue was nuable to
move at sll, while at Ucues walking
was painful." i presented her with a
bottle ' of Chamberlain's Palo Balm
aud after a few applications she decid
ed, it was the most wouderaul pais re
liever she had ever tried, la (act, she
is never without It now and Is at all
times able to walk. An o. enfional ap
plicutlou ot Pain Balm kepa away tin
nuin that .ha d l.tim.rl. tnnrtKtAl
with. For sals by Nswlla Uraij Oa.