' ' 1 Interesting Points Raised Regard to Creating New District To the Editor Bt tha nnhlln I learn that Rep McLeod has lotrodac a IB tbe legislature bill to create the Tenth Judicial Diitriot of the "anUes of Uolon and Wallowa, and that a bill baa been introduced In the upper ho ise making tiaker Coanty tha Eight Judicial Dlatrict and that thane billa are likely to pass. Baer. Union and Wallowa ooantiaa now constitute the Eight district. One or two quest ions arise in my mind concerning .this matter. Iam not intending to nay anything for or againat the creation of a new district. But let on assume that these bills will become lava. What wilt be their effect? What effect will It have on the offloera of the Eight District? Judge PSakiu was elected Judge of the Bight District and of no other. His certificate of election will show tola to be true. He qual ified aa Judge of tbe Eight Judicial District and of no other, and his oath of office on file in the offloe of Secre tary of fitate will show thla and he Is Judge of tbe Eight Dlatrict and of no other If the old law creating the Eight District la unconditionally re pealed, it seema to me, that Judge Bakln and District Attorney Lomax will be legislated oat of office Tbe District and the offices of Judge and Diitriot Attorney were created by an act of the legiela ure, not by tbe Hotel Sommer ! z constitution, end the repeal of tbe law which created the dletrlot and the offices thereof will annul those offiosj It may be that this law as rely amende the old law aa to tbe Eight district by szolodtng Union nod Wallowa counties therefrom an J it it so amends the old law, Judge Eakin and District Attorney Lomax will remain Officers of the Eight District in its diminished form and tLey can legally bold their offices of Judge and District Attorney oi that Dlatrict . Tbe legislators may legally enlarge or diminish tbe boundaries of a district without destroying its ident ity Hut the legislature cannot itself either elect or appoint a Circuit Judge or a District Attorney Nor can lbs legislature make Judge Burnett Judge of the Second Judicial District or of any other district It cannot legally make Jodgs Eakin Judge of the Tenth Judioal District. He was elected Judge of the Eight and he will remain Judge of that dlatri t or of none . By his oath of office be swears that be will perform the duties of Circuit Judge of the Judioisl District and hs was elected Judge of that district How can be be transformed into a Judge of the Tenth District? The fact that the Tenth District la composed o! part of the dlatrict of which be was Judge makeano legal differenoe. If these billa pass Union and Wallowa counties will not be part of the Eight District but will constitute the Tenth District At one tune an ot cistern uregou constituted the Fifth District, but THE HOTEL gQMMER CO., Leeee WE C.xTER TO COMMERCIAL TRADE Is not tbe oaae now Oa tbe other hand it the legislature should re Terse matters and make Baker County the Tenth .Diatriot and Union and Walowa tbe Kight Diatriot, Dis trict Attorney Lomax unless he should move baok into Union and Wallowa Counties, would be legally legislated out of offloe He was elected District Attorney ot tbe Eight District aad ot no other It may be said that the billa will provide that Judge Eakin shall be Judge of tbe Tenth Diatriot, bnt I con tend that tbe legislature has no con stitutional power to make such an en actment. To do so, would be in effect to appoint or elect bim Judge ot that district, which the legislature cannot egally do That body, cap not transfer a Judge from one district to another. Such an attempted transfer would be unconstitutional. Judge fiakiu, la by his oath of office under no obligation, to perform tbe dutiee of Judge ot the Tenth diatriot faithfully or otherwise. Ths Tsnth District will be an entirely new dis trict, and toe Eight Diatriot of whiob Judge Eakin was elected Judge and Lomax ..District Attorney will be in existence and it will be composed of baker County and they can legally per forin the duties of that diatriot. be cause they were elected to do so. The Tenth District will be a quasi corpor ation entlrel) separate from tbe Eight metric. Quo Warranto? ROOMS WITH BATH STEAM HEAT All Modern Conveniences Best Dining Room Service in Eastern Oregon. A. L. MORRIS, J. F. DORDAN, Tret, and Manager. Secretary. KUBKS Bluest STODDARD LUMBER CO. LA GRANDE, OREGON. Most complete working establishment in Eastern Oregon. SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER No Order too small or none to large to receive prompt prompt attention. 1 BW IT"- V 14 M t of tbe average man Is found In things pertaining to good Urine. Good but ter Is a most Important Item to a man's happiness. It is used at breakfast, uncheon and dinner. If it IS of a poor quality it makes tbe entire meal un satisfactory. Ii you are used to using ths average quality of batter, our La Q rands Creamery butter at 35 cents will prove a delightful re relation of what good quality means. Ask your Orooarman or La Grande Creamery Salter and satisfy yourself M to quality. a Grande Creamery Co BLOCKLAND BROS Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POLANDCHINA SWINE. We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cote wold and Shropshire, ready for service, anyone need ing ohoios backs, should see these to appreciate them Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as ire breed them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paices before buying some where else. Items of Interest from Agricultural College Already this term the following persons bare registered in the Oregon Agricultural College; La Grande Clayton fiaraell. Warren Kelfer BamelL William Cowen Bolton Henrietta Blum,;Alexaoder Dee Davis Una J Davis, Ellen Grady, William Harry Finn, Forrest tioott Ivanboe, Hugh McCall, Ralph Elmer Reynolds Delay Juaniita Whitlow, Robert Will lam Andross, Cove Miles Be bee Beldeu, Waits1 Allen Foster. Alicel-Paul Ohildera, J B McKen- non, Henry Ward. Elgin frank Asberry Gallowsy, Walter MoLeod. Summerville Hugh Christopher McRae, Walter Eakin Wade, Arleigh Vance Laramore, Juniors Edgar Wood ell, Fred L Darby The following well known citizens of Union oonnty have been billed for the Farmers Short course whioh is now in progress: Mr and Mrs A P Davis, Mr and Mrs C R Barnell, Hon John MoAallist er, J P Whitlow, of La Grande, Mrs Catherine Wade, ot dummerville Tbe Oregon Agricultural College oatalogue this .year will publish the names of six hundred to seven hun dred studsnts, thirty two of .whioh will be from Union County, against an attendance of eight from this same County last year. It may also be noted that within tbe past year the following students from Elgin were also registered but were not in School the last term, George Good, John Witty (graduated) and Andrew Bur rough (deceased) making a total en rollment of thirty five within the past twelve months . How Society is De bauched by Drugs A writer in tbe London Wurld mak os tbe statement that tbe use of drugs by women is growing alarmingly. He says: "A dosen years ago it was an open seoret that morphia and co caine were enslaving fashionable wo men more than all tbs spirtuoui li quors ever distilled. And now chemi cal research bas made i' easier than ever for women to indulge secretly in the drug habit. Nor it the statement exaggerated that in boudoirs there are far more drugs consumed than there are aloobolio beverages tn smoking-rooms." I am told by pbyeioians and trained nurses that this is '.roe of this country as wU as of England; that the mad rush and whirl of society life and its terrific demands upon woman so shatters her nerves that she bas re course to drugs botb aa stimulants and ssdatives, sayi Edith Sessions Tnppsr in the Chicago Chronicle. I have myself seen on many a d'inty lace-hung dressing table, among tbe silver brushes and cut glaaa pomade pot?, bottles marked ouloroform and little boxes contain ing tiny "sleepy" pills. Chloroform is especially popular with women wbo live on their nerve. While motpbia well. I oan perhaps better tell bow much this ie usfd by telling you a few stories. Not so very long s ooe I met one evening at tha house of a mutual ac quaintance, a remarkably beautiful young married woman. She was tsll and stately and bad the most glorious hair the lovely shade of corn silk masses of ii braided about her graoe fully poised bead . Bbe played and aang exquisitely talked well. It ia seldom that I meet so attractive a woman. She had so muoh spirit and glow about hir thus she really fasci nated me. Afterward speaking of her to her host aad hostess, 1 was tnunaerstroox to learn tna' sue is a confirmed morphine fiend. She has regular "morphine Jags" when a phy aid an has to be in constant atten dance upon her. Osteopathic Health. To Help Trade By Soripps News Association Washington Jan 19 The Senate to day r. ceived a message from the Presi dent advocating the appointment of six special consular agents or "com mercial ataohes, " whose duties it wiil be to aid in the upuniiding of Ameri can trade abroad. Summerville Sittings Nice weather at present. Mr and Mra J L Christian made a bualneas trip to La Grande Tuesday. Rev Fishsr and family left Tuesday for California where he goes on account of ill health . We all "hope the change will benefit him. Mr and Mra I W Litteral made a business trip to La Grande Monday. Mr and Mrs Royes of Imbier have moved to Summervide. Mr Pete Wright made a business trip to La Grande Tuesday . The Kpworth league held an election Sunday night and new officers wsre elected. Everybody come. MUG Mr Rlohho ia engaged in selling ths famous Koch remedies, and wbo Uvea ia Union, ia In the city today. Love And Honor The Noble stock oompany will appear at Steward's opera house Thursday, Friday and Saturday night of next week in a change of play each night and with a matinee Saturday, This organization la one ot the most noted in eastern repertoire, playing only feature productions, and high classed royalty plays. On Thursday night for an opening offering tbe beautiful society comedy, sensational drama "For Love and Honor" will be given Friday night the latest metropolitan success "Carmen" Saturday night. Jack Shepherd's great story of the Vir ginia mountains, "The Moonshiners." Each onj of tbe above is positively a festnrs propuction, for whiob speciul scenery as well as properties are carri ed by the com d any. WOOD SAW G. W, ALLEN, Proprietor. All Orders receive prompt attention Phone 1846 Residence 615 Osborn St. i i t i i i i i Where's the Game? Not herd to find if you have a taste for sweet thing and a knowledge of quality. Just bunt along until you oome to our store, then take au extra aim at the values we are offering. LoyY' Candy Parlors, The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon. TURKESTAN ALFALFA i ne nry t, u niiomtuiuwa wi.mn irrigttuwm Brome Grass, Bed Olover, Alfalfa tui all kinds ot Garden Seed in bulk. Seed WV1 'Idled Barley Oats, Bto. The only seed house K- m n county. RV.OLIVER JEFFERSON AVE. PHONE 1571. reov MM) ED. EATON, Experienced Piano polisher and wood finisher. r Bar fixtures and Bank furnitvre and all stain imitations a r snecialtv. Remodeling and renairino-. All b-imla nt k..n.. furniture polished and repaired. All work guaranted, Leave orders at Staokland fc MoLaohlen, Pnone 544 ;!!":' :i!'iv furbish grade quality you will .awnys Iflnd this market. Drlieioui roast bf Is a mow (iibstnutlsl il laser, but It will be a great dis appointment tr you get a tough, stringy hind that Is sold on bargain ment ooun'era Wo handle tbe boat meat that enters into this town and think It Bane to good for iM our cuHUjmtr. BOSS Meat Market Stillwell ft Vaadermeulen, Proprietors, , CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADF TN T a noAiumj in - -' ivnj iwtj f AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE Bent Her Double "1 knew no ooe, for : four, weeks, when I waa sick with typhoid ana kidney trouble," writes Mra Annie liunter.'of Pittsburg Pa, "and when I got better, slthoagh 1 had one of tlie est doctors I could get, I was bent double and had to rest my hauds on my knees when 1 walked. From this terrible alHioition 1 was rescued by Uleotrio Hitters, whioh restored my hculth and strength, and Jnow 1 oan walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stoinaoh, liver and kidney disord era at the Newlin drag store pries 60 : Todays news today, when you read the Observer. Cured His Mother of Rheumatism "My mother has been a sufferer for many years from rheumatism.," save W 11 Howard of Husband,. Pennsylva nia. "At times sue wus unable to move at all, whllo at times walking was painful. 1 presented her with a bottle oi Onarnberlaio'a Pala Balm and after u few applications site decid ed it was the most wonderoul pain re liever she had ever tried. In fact, she Is never without it now and la at all ti mee able to walk. An occasional ap -plioatlou of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with. For sals by Newlln Drug Qo. 1 VIMW .v..