La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 19, 1905, Image 1

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lp grande ev
H-v I lit I
The Northwestern Fruit Growers
Association which Just closed its see
ion io Bobe Ci'y and will hold It
next meeting in La Grande. Passed
the following resolutions, the object
of wbiob is to bate them enaoted Into
laws In She several states. , :
1 That the special apple box ' of
the dimensions of 10 by 11 by 20 in
ches, inside measurement, and the
standard apple box, 10 by 11 J by 18
inches inside measurement, be made
legal packets in which to market ap
ples in each ol the states covered by
this organisation.
. "2 Tbal legal measures be enacted
to protect the innocent planter from
unscrupulous senders of trees,
'8 That the sale of diseased or
infested apples or those having been
diseased or infested, be prohibited by
law except when osed in tbe manritac
ture of older, vinegar, Jellies, preserves
-: or other manufactured products.
"a That each packet of fruit
should be marked or labeled showing
the kind and quality of the eame, th
name of the shipper and grower and
Do you
If you da you must buy
M. J. B.
Let us send you a can and convince you
Adams Avenue Phone ; JI0I
nswwmssii m i i
We have just bought all of the goods out of one of the
largest roaming bouses in the city, and will sell the
entire lot cheap, on easy terms. There is everything
you want to fit up a first ciass rooming house with.
Bed Room Suits Carpets . Heating Stoves
Bedding Sheets , Pillows
Towles . . Chairs Bed Spreads
Now is your chanee to get everything you need cheap.
The La Grande Pawnbrokers
Corner Fir and Adams
Remember we still! for and sell ail! kinds ,7 rrn
of Second Hand Goods, . J jS J Thone 1581
We are closing out
furniture absolutely at
from bus.nes. This is
sale Come in before
the 1 ality where grown and a pen
alty be provided for defacing such
marks or brands.
"6 That the president of this asso
ciation appoint a stsoding legislative
committee of three from each state
covered by this association and . that
aid eimmittee shall endeavor to have
their respective legislatures ensot
thesf measures and any other needed
Death of Old Miner
Pat Kearoa one of the beet known
miners in Eastern Oregon died at
Sampler last Monday. He was con
sidered one of the best workers in the
bills, notwithstanding that he was 60
veare old. , He was a voracious news
paper reader, bene well posted. Bak
er City Herald. ' '"" . v
Nugget the
By Boripps News Assoc iation
Albuquerque, New Mex. Jan. 19 A,
special messenger from Taoe county
states that as a result of a quarrel
over the discovery of a rich gold nug
get, Obarles Purdy and James Bedding
were shot dead. John Gonley their
partner has been arrested on suspioion.
our entire stock of
cost and will retire
a bonifide closing out :
the stock is broken :
Phone 9-1 i
Residence Phone 36 I
1202 Adams Ave 2
(By Boripps Nsws Association) . '
"8t" Petersburg, Jan? 10. The polios
believe that an attaolc was made this
afternoon to assassinate the Cxar. The
attempt was made while the czar wa
returning from the oeremony of bless
ing the river Neva. . A shot was fired
from the crowds whloh lined the route
to the palace, and it ia presumed by
the government authorities that the
shot was Intended for- the Usar. rue
bullet struck and entered a window at
the corner of the palace. It la report
ed that a politician was wounded,
though no exact Information regarding
this has been glveu out by the polioe.
After hearing the shot, the Emperor
causually inquired if any damage bad
been done, and af'er entering the
palaoe ha went into the room into
which the ballet had been fired and
made a careful examination of the
broken glaa. ' He then requested that
a careful search be made for the bullet
He plaoed special strata upon his de
sire that the ballet be found and is
sued special instructions regarding
the search for It.
Russia is Now in
Throes of
By Boripps News Association
8t Petersburg, Jan 19 The strike
among the workmen of Russia oontin
uss to grow and is rapidly assuming
serious proportions. This morning
7000 workingmeo at the Neve hemp
and cord factory joined the strikers
. By Scripps News Association
London, Jan 19 A dispatch from
Yokohama states that H.B. Collins
was tried and convicted today upon
tbe charge of being a military spy. Ac
cording to the evidence brought forth
at the trial Collins visited Port Arthur
and Tien Tsin last year and received
one thousand yen and tbe private ci
pher from the Bussians in considera
tion that he wire the Bussians infor
mation regarding the Japanese. On
last October Collins wired the Bussians
giving complete details of tbe proposed
movement of the Japaneee troops. The
penalty is six years imprisonment,
8entenoe deferred 'untill the twenty
third of this month. Collins is of Por
teygoese parentage.
Extradition Laws
(By Scrips News Association) .
Washington, D C, Jan. 19 The
House today passed bill extending
extradition laws to the Plhllppinea.
Hales Fifth Term
August. Me. Jan . 19 Eugene Hale
waa re-elected to the United States
senate for a fifth term by tbe Maine
legislature, ' ;
A Fight Coming
By Boripps News Association
New York Jan 19 A cabegram today
announced that Jabae U. bite will leave
England at onoe to fight britt late in
March or early in .March or early In
April before tbeTotemite Club of
Saa Francisco. Whites manager Char
ley Mitchell baa asked the clnbto eand
blm five hundred dollars for expenses
Tbe Washington Hub at Hot Springs
baa offered Britt and Whits ten thous
and dollars to fight there.
, ,' . ) ' t ' : .. . . , .;
From the alas of the missile which
demolished the window of the palaoe
it Is believed now that a sharpnel shell
was fired from the other ssde of the
river Neva. The missele went high
and no one was hart. t The Czar and
suite were participating la the servloe
in the chapel at the time the shot was
fired. So far the police ret use to state
whether or not tey have any olue to
h nrann who flred the shot.
Additional particulars show that the
Emperor had a miraouloaa escape. No
longer is there any doubt but what the
missies came from a gun on the faorse
battery which was loaded with grape
shot. Borne of the bullets actually
struck the cbapol in whloh the Em per
or waa standing and out scarf off one
of the standards and riddled the bass
metit windows of the palace ' killing a
policeman outright and wounding offi
cer and three marines. Had gun been
aimed a little lower theoharge of grape
might have wiped ont whole Roman
hoff dynasty. Everything on surface
seema to Indicate the existence of a
deep laid plot against Emperor in
which artillery men were enlisted.
Labor Strike
and others are expeoted to. follow by
the end of the week it ia beleived the
number of ttrikers will reaoh 100.000.
The railway employees are now consid
ering a walkout In sympathy. Efforts
are being made to make the strike
general through the country.
Attacked Mitchell
(By Scripps News Association)
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 19. In ths
Miners Convention held today the del
egation headed by Randall of Wyoming
and a clique of miners tried to stem
pads the convention. Randall took
tbe floor and made a most vicious at
tack on John Mitchell, president of
the Miner's Union.
Randall so cased Mib hell of being a
traitor to the Union, asserting he has
sold oat to coal barons, Threats of
bodily violence oaused Randall to quit
talking and he and his backers left the
hall. Mitohell made denial of charges
which was. received with a storm of ap
plause. Another Captured
By 8cripps News Association
Tokip, Jan 19 Ths British steamer
Markley from Cardiff loaded with coal
for Valdivostok was captured yester
Now on
By Scripps Nsws Association
Porslend Jan 19 the trial ol Geo
rge 8ornson aooussed of trying . to
bribe former federal district attorney
John H Hall is in progress today.
Prosecution conducted by Heney.
Tbe government introduced as witnes
ses Capt J A Bladen clerk of the cir
cuit oour tend Hall and rested case
On account of Hall's different atate
ment from that made before the fed
eral jury all witnesses later are sub-
poened as witnesses in rebuttal. 8or-ea-oo
on tbe stand thia afternoon
denies aliegatson.
' This moroiuK the grand jury exam
ined H W Miller, Prank Kenoort tim
ber cruisers from Boseburg district
who admit making (alas locations.
The La Orande Observer has added
the Serippa-MoRae news to its tele
graph lo department and is now one ol
the beet papers in the counties east ol
the Blue Mountains. The ' 8crippe
service is one of the best kaown for a
variety ol ahors, oonoise . Important
news items and is rapidly extending.
J It oovrrs every field of news in the
world and gives a resume of all the
vital happenings every day in one
fifth the space used by other services.
Pendleton GO. '
Trainc Pnlliffo
v , mm" eiVSla-MW
i ,- ' ... . -'I
By Sorlppa News Association
London, Jan 19 Io a collision in
volving three trains a Cudkworth this
morning, six were killed, 27 injured
end it is reported that three trains
oanght fire adding terror to the ess
ualities. Election Fraud
i ......
(By8oripps News Association)
Denver, Col.. Jan.' 19. Elijah Q
Wlggington, democratic election Judge
In ward 14, highly connected social!
was fined $500 and costs la the supreme
court for participating In tbe reoent
eleotion trends. Two others were die-
(By Boripps News Association)
Concord, N HM Jan. 19 Mrs. Mlg
nonetts Seavey of Barrlngton, a patient
of the state Inaane Asylum here, today
killed two Inmates of the institution
and severely injured a , nurse.: Tbe
woman paed a towel roller to brain her
victims. She also Injured another In
mate -of ths asylum, though not so seriously.
New Lace Collars
New Shopping Baskets
New Hair Switches
New Tablet and School Supplies , v
E M WELLMAN & Opr ;'
JLa Ghrande : ? - Oregon
The rash of Holiday trade is over and business '
in general has got back to its normal condition, I
wish to inform all my patrons, and those not my
patrons but who are liable to be, that I am now in a
position to take oare of all watch, clock and jewelry
repairing with dispatch. I have scoured all the neces
sary help in all the latest tools and materials known
to the trade, as well as the beat workmen that money
can procure. , .
All repair work is under my personal supervis
ion and I guarantee eaoh and every piece of work done
to be finished in first class workmanlike manner, and
to give (with proper attention) perfect satisfsction.
'All work sent by mail or express will receive the same
careful attention as if delivered in person, and to be
promptly returned in first class condition.
Thanking my patrons for their past liberal,
patronage and assuring them' of my utmost ability to ; .
give them perfect satisfaction in the future. I remain
as ever. J. IL PEAftE, ? : r
Next to Newlln's Drugstore. La Grande's Leading Jeweler
(Sorippa News Association)
Washington, Jan. 19. Dr. Talmsgs
waa again on the stand today in tbe
Reed Smoot hearing. Attorney Taylor
attempted to pin him down to exact
dates of revelations and other chnroh
anMirnw. bat thonsh be nsed every v
means at his disposal bs utterly failed '
to wring from tbe witness anything
which would In any way weaken his
previous testimony, The witness Stat .
ed that there were no oaths in the or
dinary church ceremonies. He also
s ated that bs could recall nothing io
the ceremonies relating or referring to
Prophets nor was there anything call.
Ing for veogesnos upon "thia genera.
Uon"or wthU Nation." Dr Talmaga
gave his testimony with a frankness
and ease whloh had the effect of mak
ing bis hearers fsel that be bad noth
ing to eonoeai or cover.
(By Scripps News Association)
Washington DO Jan 19-Russla to
day, through. Ambassador Ocsslni,
presented the' state department with
second note of protest against alleged
violatlona of the neutrality laws br
China.' The note lays particular stress
on the Rueotelm inoldent In Chafoo
harbor and in ths allotted employment
of Chinese bandits by Japanese in
Manchuria, It is understood that the
document expresses surprise at tbs
American Government, "whioh seems to
regard the protestations of ths 'Heath
en Nations' of China and Japan as of
more weight than representatives of
Kussla." Beoretary Hay proceeded to
ths White House and laid ths note
before the President
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