La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 18, 1905, Image 4

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Office will. J T Williamson. La Grande
Parties v i-blog the Mrrieoa of .a com
petent to .'.(keeper are assured satli
factory r'laulta. Prices reasonable
C. H. Cauthorn
Olflow Over Hill nr; Btorc
LaGraiide, Oregon
Office at A T Hill's Drug Store
La Grande, Oregon Phone 136 J
Residence phone 701
Farmers' line 81
Malheiii County Investment
For Investments lit
i tie to 0. T. McDANlEL
Ontario Oregon
- . '!si'i J
Booka potted and complicated, ac
counts adjusted Pen-don papera a
speoialtyf ' Notary Publio. 'Claims
against the government considered.
Correspondents solicited. Addreaa
Luck lx. m
Lode Directory.
KAU1.K&-La Oranae Airie in ru It inaeu
Very 1' n.Uy olghl lU H. ol t lull i. I i in
VUitltig t.retneru ltivitod U, atteuu.
J. A. MatoU,W.F? T. H. Ullhun, W. S.
r'OkfchlEKM OF AMERICA Court Mat
Marion, No tl inc. ta each lue.tlay In Hike
lull. Urutliari are tuvited to attend,
Al Heliuer Chief Hanger.
O J Vender (mul KooheO,
1 0 0 K La Orande Lodge, Mo u ineiu -
their hall every aamrday night. VI l u jg uuem
ban cordially invited to attend.
b Jbi Klaeuart N U
UKCoobdga, (Xxj,
A i. & A.M. La .Grande Lodge
j 41. meeta every 1st md 3rd Satur
ij ul each mouth.
A C Williams Sec,
'- (J D Huffman w. M.
EaMTErNHTAR OKH Hope Chapter Ho
1 fitwa tl.e second aud lourtn Wedtiesday i iuoUUi al rM u ru ill Masonic iemuls
Mrs Clara JU.yl, W H '
Mary A W arnica, asuf . V.. ' i
UTAH KM AMl'MKNT No 31, 1. O. a V,
meet ev.t. m.i and tlnrii Thursdays In tne
inoutli In odd fellows nail. Vlaltfng broth
era always welcome K Robinson. C P.
Oeu. Hall, Scribe
Ullt-edgcd forest n serve, approved, an
reetiulned, ruuy for immediate oae any-
waete. Lowest prices,
r. & K. li.Klley.
mi. 'i ol Com ueroe ituig, I'oitlaud, or.
Notice ia hereby given that I have takeu pos
aefeiun a Mortgage the stock of liuuort, cigars,
bar fixtures eU. connected with the Uoitauia
Miloun on Depot Street In the city ol La,
Oregon, owucd by O. A. Uruwu aud thit I will
receive bill Tor the saint) up to uud including the
loth, day of January A. O 1405. The right ll
ltcrcby reserved tu rqect uy and all bidi.
N A U AN BON, Mortgagee
ADMlHiaf KA 1 Oh n a 1 1 ICE OP FINAL
Notice ii hereby giva tutu the uudeoigned
adtahiiUUref the Kalate uf Angi A. Wood
ilcteaacd, bled to the County Com I of Union
Coatty, rtlaie of Oregon Ins dual aocouul al
itch administrator of aakl estate and that Mom
.by thetttuday ol Kck.uartlUQlat the hour ol
twoo'ohxap. m. liae ueea fixed by suid Court
al tne 1 int.- ror ueanutt ODjecitoua to late ue
I on and the lettleine t thereof.
Dated January , hly..
J. K.wmcm-,
AdmhiUtmtrr of iha Kttatc of Angle A
'Auod, deceased,
Stomach Troubles and Constipa
"( hLubertttiu, btomaob and Liver
TftblaU are the belt tblti fur itomexh
t roablea and oonatii atton I have aver
sold," Kays J U Cullman, a druRaial
tit Pottcrvllle, Mloh. Tboy are aaiy
to take and alwaya give aatiatHOtiou
1 tell in v onatomaro to try them aud it
not satisfactory to coma back and get
their money, bat have uever bad a
complaint." Korealo by NewiinOmg
Short Urn
Timi Hrh'dul
No a
Halt Lake. Denver. Ft
6 JO a m
No 5
SM m
Worth, Oman a, Kan
aaa dlv. 8L LouU. Chi
Mia. m.
oagoaud Eaak
P..rllMBrf. Hal 1.1 Wtmm
UWloo; Walla Walla,
9 .'OS p m
Dayton, I'omeroy, col
tax. Momow, Spokajae,
ana ntihtte prat anil
l fcsOaJn.
ana viaapoaaaa
i.,rt)M.t ll.llaa. IVn.
tlleto... Umalflla, Wal
lula, iairbtout Ooix.
Moscow, Wallace. War
n mnA -v. V....
8 JO an
IpoltiU eaat and north
ia ppoaaae
No, 82
laUnd (Sty, AUcal, 1m
rBU; Viw awaa's w-
cept nectloas at Klgin with
Sunday jatage for polnu la Wal-
fklaam Iowa.
oicr atDo aaain. con-
(i ii ' ' ' -
Ooean Weataera between Portland sad
ban Praneawoervyttre days,
W f T
ajVL u. a
Real Estate
ON No 1 A good six room' house
and tbrea lota. Price $1000. cash.
L Or Co No A new three room
home, two lota, near B R abopa, City
water in bourn, small barn. Prion
1660, $100 cash k balauoe mouthly pay
inaata. ULFNo 8 A good, nicely furuiab
ad 6 room bouse, tau lo-a, near school
KU shops. Price 1000, SlOO cask
and balauoe monthly naymenta.
J K li iNo 4 A aped six room bouse,
small barn, two lota, good location.
Prioa 75u.OO, 1300 oaab, balance
reasonable terms.
t. j 43
ADM No 6 A flna aix room boats
comer North Kir A "T" btreet, flue
bain, nloe shade trees snd lawn.
Jfixtra nice house , price (2600. W00
cash, balauoe one, two and three years.
T V P No 6 A good alx room house,
shade trees aud lawn, two lota, good
location. Prioa (960.00, part down
and balance monthly payments.
if f , i C J'lu i
li No 7 Small bouse and large lot
lOlxiao, sat to trait. Price 1400, one
half cash.
" - M W. ,
10 r tjm house and barn, biiit two
years ago with family oiobard. A Una
house, price (3000, one-half cash and
balance to be arranged .
O J No 8 Lota No 7 A 8, block No
68 Chaplin's Addition, prioa (660,
A U H No 10-Lote No 1011 & la,
block No IX Bomig'a Addition, Price
(400, Cash.
P DP No 11 Four acres aH aet to
(rait, new sight room house, small barn
wind mill and out balldinga. A anap.
Price (2200, (1200 oaab. (100 J in three
yaarts ,
I- J li No 12 -Two lota, block No 98,
Chaplin's Addition. (600 cash,
J W Q NolaW-324 acre farm near
Imhlar, Oregon. Part in fall sown
grain. Price (36 per sore.
A II No 14180 acrSB eiht miles
uoti !i ol La Grandu, 100 acres in oul
tiTalibn, balaace timber, txood uoild
iog and orchard. Prloe (6590.00,
A B No 1680 acres aix miles n irtb
of Island City, 20 acres in or htrd,
amall baildinga Price (4000 00. Pari
cash, balance on easy terms.
11 ! No 16 A line home, aix room
bouse, shade and iruit trees, lawna and
(our lota in block So 6. Predmore'a
Addition. Price (1400.90, (000 oaab
and balanoe oae and two years.
J O F No 17 A six room house,
barn and orchard, three lots each GOx
110 (est in block Ao 8, Chaplin's ad
dition Price (1000. half cash, balance
to be arranged satisfactory to buyer.
J C F No 18-Four lota, block No 18.
Chapliu'a Addition, fenced and some
small buildings on aame. Price (600,
nan oasn.
F F N No 19-One .block of 8 lota
near high school, Prke (1200, (500
.. (i v- ,(...? ..... V
V V Ma Unlf K1lr n aU
a sr erw asun viwaa wa. oia eVi.
Rumla'a Addition, Price (100). bait
F T B No 21-A block of four lots.
each 00x140, on Fourth Street in Ola
Town, Prioe (600, (250 oaab.
F No .2 A good one story brick
building at a bargain, 60 feet wide.
It you are interested in this, aak for
price and urms.
J K K No 23 A (rood seven room
house, city water, best of bath and
plumbing, barn aud oat bailuings,
tour large lots, partly set to fruit and
bearing, une location. Price (2000,
A.tS.t i m a a. a "
soou uasn ana uaiauce monthly pay
mem s.
K No 244 acres about otae.balt in
aud beariuaT (ruit trees, good
barn aud out buildinge, nice aiichtly
location m La Urande. Price (2J00,
pan oasn.
Mra S No 25 A 5 room oottage.
luruisnea complete, one lot in good
location, all in good oondition with
city waiei in House and water reu
i .. tl l i .lOoUl 1J 111. ml ha Pries mm
1 to line is a snap. Keats for
clt tat yei UIOUIU.
M C No 26 4 room bouse and lot in good location. Prioe $600,
uau casu.
1 he above is i narrlsl list of nroner
t. which e have tor sale. If this does
..ot sun . u, tall at the oUio. aud per
haps we wul have just what too want
"' want to write your dre and plate
.lias it.surancci.
We will make you a loan on vour
rem oaiaie or DUilil yu a Uous fiom
your owu plans
Call at our office in the Foley block
it you wuut any tin. ig m our line.
Coughing Spell Caused Death
-uarrx uuoawen. sued ao T.ut-
ouoaea so aeatn asrty yatteraay aiuiu
ing at hie home in the k presence ot
hia wile and child. He contracts.! a
slight cold a few daya age and paid I u
little attention to -Ik. lesterisy motu
ing he waw aeited with a At ot eough
log which continued for soma time.
His wife sent lor a pbyafoian hot he
ore ha could arrive, another eeoirinj
Snail came on nad Duck well died trom
sulfocslioiu at Lour a dobs-Demo
crat Deo 1 1904," Ballaida riorehoimd
srrao wound bare saved him. 26o, 60c
Boise City Jan 18 with the name
of his maker on bis lips. Professor
William O Carlisle of Spokane totter
ed to the floor upon the stage in the
Y M C A auditorium a few momenta
at 'er ha commenced his addreaa to the
fruit growers on Tuesday evening and
Ave minutes later the distinguished
soientist waa pronounced dead, lie
wis striken with apoplexy just as he
waa about to cjmejuittite to the
world the results of hia latest discover
ies regsrdlng the fermentation snd
utilization of trait juioet.
Prefaoittg bis address, Professor Car.
liale spoke of the vineyard created by
the Almighty in the Garden of Eden
and how the Lord bad made man and
placed him in the vineyard to care for
"And here at the dawn of the twen
tieth century," aaid tne speaker, "we
find ourselves engaged In the nobleat
t- man rf IssKovlntT In the
vlneyarda given us by the Creator of
all things, the LordQod Almighty.
Aa he ottered these words Professor
Carlisle paused for sn instant While
the audience applauded Before the
applause had ceased be grasped bis
ooat over the left breaat with hia left
baud, raise l hia right band, palm out
ward, on a level with his hesd, gasped
and fell to the fi .or dead.
A series of meetings will begin at
the Presbyterian church next Monday.
lie Thos Need ham, one of the beet
evangelists in the oountry will speak
morning and evening and there will be
fins singing under the direction of Mr
'lifton Powers, a tenor soloist, of
New York City.
Salem, Ore. Jan. 17 Reprewnta
tive MoLeod of Union county, intro
duced today in the house, Senator
Rands bill dividing the Eighth Judicial
district and thus making Baker boun
ty a diatriot. Union and Wil owe coun
ties will constitute another district
and will be presided over by Judge
Eikin. G.ivernor Chamberlain will
have the privilege of appointing some
good democrat aa judge of Baker dis
trict and an it her as distriot attorney
of Union and Walowa district. The
bill waa read for the lirst time.
LATER The bill this afternoon
passed its toond reading in the house.
Knox Elected
Hamsburg, Pa., Jan. 18 The two
br uolics cl the Pennsylvania legisla -tnre
.(lalioted separately today lor
United States senator. Philander 0.
Knox who was appointed byGuve. nor
P. .oy tackar to sucosd the late M.S
O, i'y,.r iceiveJ the unanimous vote of
tne Rpuhlioue -
Mc Cumber Selected
Bismsrk' N D , Jan. 18 Botb
houses of the North Dakota legislature
voted in separate session today for
Uuited States senator. The entire re
publican vote in ettoh bouse was cast
Clapp Reelected
St. P .ii', J .ii. 18- Both Nouses of
t e tegHattire voted sepai&tely today
fi r M oses Clapp for United Slates sen
attr to succeed bimself
The local lodge of Elks is making
ill preparation for their big annual
a 11 which will be given in February.
ING Mrs Adna Rogers 2nd boat
north of Adams and Cedar St next
to A Anderson 1 week
A Surprise Parly
A pleasant surprise party msy be
given to youi stomach and liver, by
taking a medicine whin will relieve
thai Bain and Aim
k New Life Hills fhev are a!
moist wonderful remedy afTordtDg Bare
rftliff ntirl rnrn fnff hnu.luunn A leelna.a, I
f ' inrwusivuo a savaas xj7fin
and consUpattoa. a6c at drugetore
e rlia Drag 0 a
TheodOfeBoosevelt:. ...... Preaidecot
... . Um w a-irhanka Vlea President
John Hay Secretary ol State
Leslie M Shaw. .SecrsUry of Treaeary
W U Taft Secretary of War
E Hitchcock.. Secretary ot Interior
Paul Morton Secretary of Navy
James Wilson .Secretary of Agriculture
Wni H Moody Attorney General
ttobt J Wynne.. Poet Master Ueoeral
Melville W Fuller Chief Justice
Victor H Metoalf. Secretary Commerje
U S Pension Commissioner
W SEIehanW
U 8 Land Commissioner.. Eugene Ware
O M Blobey Post Master
Ad Oilham AaaUtant
Kobeit Eakin Judgs
Leroy Lomax District Attorney
A A Roberta Beoeiver
E W Davie Kegiater
W A Worstell Observer
ChaS. W Faitoa ) rj a Senators
John H Mitchell I U 8 Senators
Ringer Herman. .Congress man 1st Dial
J N Willismson.. Congressman 2nd Dist
Ueo. E Chamberlain . . . . , Governor
f l Dunbar Secretary ot btate
U d Moore State Treasurer
J ll ii.b.,min Sunt Public Instruction
J B Whitney State Printer
A M Crawford Attorney ueuerai
C E Wolrerton 1
B S Bean Supreme Judgea
F A Moore 1
Oswald West . .Agent State Land Board
0 B Bellinger U S Diet Judge
w tf Maihaava U S Marshall
D U Donne. Collector Internal Bevenue
ewuii i w DJai ..-"---a
Walter M Pierce, oetwaeu Umatilla,
Union and Morrow.
P A McDonald, Union and Wallowa.
N OMcLeod.
Jay Dobbin, between Union and Wal
lowa. counts' OFFICERS
M I UawlanH
Jamea B Gilham'. Clerk
CO Pennington ..Sheriff
1) 11 Prrwtnr . .... Kaooriler
Jas.U. Morton Assessor
J obn b rawley ,i reasurer
E E Bragg. ...School Superintendent
Arthur Curtis Surveyor
J C Ueury Coroner
John E Hough Justice of Peace
J H MoLaohlin Conatable
nmv nirwffilERM
J D Slater Mayor
W H Bohneukamp, G E Fowler, 8 A
Gardinier, J W Kennedy, L D Reavis,
A Lt Kiohardson.
L Ray burn Marshal
ii V Wade Depty Marabal
Cheater P Newlln , . r . Recorder
E J Walsh Treasurer
J W Knowlea City Atty
HC'Giliuan Water Superintendent
Fred Synhorat. .Street Superintendent
Geo. Hanson, chairman; Henry Young
F S Ivanhoe, b Kilpatriok, David nay,,
A C Williams Clerk
U J Hookenberry Superiutendeut
that beautiful Grand
should be divided into two sef LlK?
erate counties is something be , .
yond comprehemon ezoept thoffUi cU
few who would be peraonallo
benefited by serving the der
people as office rs and after the
time of office is expired
would repent.
you o an
iaw cue-
home from our place yon know Ut not by
going to be good. Vou can
os and get just aa good meat M If J- .
selected it yourself. We don't h t!
any trouble in picking it ont
For we keep only " auo-
That's the vary beat. It'a easy to plPACE
out good meat whan there la no ott
kind In the etore. So send along y..'PaPer
order It will be filled promptly a
to your entire satisfaction .
For Sale Lost
bOR KENT OR 8ALB5-160 acre farm
well improved Will either rent or
ell. Inquire of m. Moss, La
Grande Rural Free Delivery No. 1,
1J miles north of Island Clt.
Dec 6 January 6,
FOR SALE OR RON f New Ave room
house on M Street, Address Mrs H
3 Cavsne R F D No 1'
FOR RENT Furnished room With or
Without bath. In best residence
district. Inquire at Cor Fourth and
Main at , the George Hansen proper
ty. Jan 8 tf
FOR SALE One Clay black Horae
six years old weight about 1100 Ibe
For nartiooiars see Fred Jacobs.
For Rent
ibe building formerly oocapied by
the .Salvation army For full par
ticulars and rates Inquire of Mra
8 C Zuber. Aug. 31 1 f
FOR RENT Two Jurniehed roome in
Sommer banding At
FOR RENT An ioely furnished house
of four rooms, in good neighborhood
For particulars see Wm. Miller A.
Bro , 1107 Adams Ave.
FOR RENT The Graoe property in
Cove. Dwelling, bam, orchard ; small
fruits. Just the home you want.
Inquire ot 8 W Roger, Agent. Cove
FOR KEN T One six room house,
good locatiou. One five room cot
tage furnished complete. A new
fire room hones, all modern Im
pro veme tits. La , Grande Invest
ment Co., Foley Hotel Buildiug.
FOR RENT Store room next door to
J J D MoRennons Grocery Store
Inquire of Mrs R L Langhlin or
phone 1976.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
light hou'e keeping. Inquire at
1617, 4th st.
Ron? . ,.
Let Your Newspaper
Do Things For
that One
When this newspaper has fctrea to
yort the last word about the events ot
the day when it has acted as a sort of
central office in "connecting" you
with "all of creation" it has done
muoh for you of course .
But it can do more than that it can
help you run your etore, year offioe,
you factory or your house.
It can tarry your little worries for yon
and never turn s hair.
Yon do not folly aae your news
paper if you simply read it.
i pa do not know yoar newspaper
until you hare used its want columns
It can dispose ot things for you
It can find lost things for you, find
any kind of help on need, find buyers
for you house, you lot. your horse,
your furniture, your shop or store
leasehold or equity.
In short, any day every day, this
paper stands ready and able to do
things for you
4 Id "turn
just "so
t sales a
ale going ,
to be a
order fr easy as
. Hal V I I 1 aa
tor yoy more
LOST-A em .11 gold knife, .harm off
watch o arm Lost on ioe at Oro
Dell Finder return to this office
and receive reward 1, 0-15
afc- , -
LOST Ladies gold, watch name oi
"Nora" engraved,on " case, between
Old Town and AdUM- JflpflWT Re
ward tor its return o thisoflce. tf
WANTED 8a w s to tile at my resi
dence George Ball.
WANTED Girl wantal for .general
house work in small family. Inquire
at this office I
FOUND One pair of gentlemen's un
dressed kragTovef. lioser'may "have
aame by paying foi this notion.
Special Sale
Mrs. T N Mnrphy Is having a special
Bale on Oat Glass, Fancy China and
Heating Stoves. Call and stake your
selections early. She has some great
bargains. Sale from January 6 to 20th
Shingles. Shingles
Two oar loada of first class shingles
just received by the Stoddard Lumber
"I was mioti i a ;t 1 with sotatl oa
writes Ed C Nod, Iowavllle Sedgwick
Co Kau, "going" about on cnttehe
and suffering a deal of pain. 1 waa
induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment
I used three 5 Jo bottles, It is tin
greatest liniment I aver used, have
i ecommen led it to a number ot persona
all express themselves aa being bene
fited by it, I now walk without crutch
ee, able to pefrorm a great ' deal of
ight labar n till Ur.n." Mawlin
Drag Co.
Heart Fluttering
Undigested food and aas in the stom
ach located just below the heart,
presses it an I , causes heart pal pi tat -lonr
a hen your heart troubles you
in that way take Uerbine for a .few
days. Vou will soon be all right, 50o.
Newlln Drusr Co
and (IjOA. -Mawlin flwg Oo,
jBock & Thoi