La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 18, 1905, Image 3

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    When you want GOOD PRINTING
Call Phone No. 1371
' '
aTphere is a difference
between printing
that "will do" and that
which is the kind you
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasicg, as we hare
the - equipment with
which to produce good
printing and printers
who understand the art
of printing. , .
There is no order too
small or too large to
receive our careful
We print anything
from pesters to visiting
of the average man Is found la things
, pertaining to good living. " Good bat
ter li am Mt important item to a man's
bappineaa. It It used at breakfast,
nncbeon and dlnnar. If it is of a poor
' quality it uakea the entire meal an.
Ii 70a art need to aalng the arerage
quality of batter, oar La Grande
Creamery batter at 3S cents will prove
a delightful revelation of what good
quality meane. Aik 7 oar Qrooerman
orLaQrande Orsamery Batter and
aatiif7 yourself as to quality.
I i Grand 1 Creamery Co
Island City, Oregon
SWINE. - -
We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Oots
woM and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need
ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them
Young stock always on hand, and always glad to
have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for
the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before
buying, some where else.
now 15 the Tine
is how ready for the market and will be sold at
reasonable rates. This addition contains some
of the most handsome residence sites to be found
in La Qrande. This splendid addition has been
held off the market for several years, the owner
believing that the time had not arrived when it
would be properly appreciated. Now is the time
to buy and insure good returns on the invest
ment. The O'Connor addition is nicely located
in regard to schools, churches and the business,
Corner Park and Oak St. Phone 2141 .
8a)em, Or- Jut. 13 BenrextQUtirs
Jaynes of Wasco Introduced tola after
oooj the long exnecoe'd bill amending
the local option law. Many imoort.
ant amendments are offered, the oh let
being a provlalon that an election on
the prohibition laane may be called in
any precinct only on petition of 40 per
cent of the registered votera. . It alia
proridei that the law ahall not be ap
plicable to preoiaots in Incorporated
towna exoept reeidenoo preolnota and
ahall not apply to the aale of llqaor by
wholesalers, Under the provision! of
the bill 10 per cent . of the roteri to.
any county which adopted prohibition
laat November may demand the re
submission qneation in Jane, 1908.
Emergenoy ie declared ao aa to prevent
the a ibmiiaion of the bill to popular
vote under referendum. The bill
eliminate! county prohibition and
provides only tor precinct prohibition.
VVil! Bolt
(Sorippa New Association)
Jeffenoo Mo Jan 13 -It la authora
tively stated that enough republicans
will bolt the cauoui nominee and will
bring about the defeat of Neidrln.
ghana for the United State aanato to
snooeed senator Cochrell, on joint
ballot. The Kenena faction li leading
tha fight against Neldrlnghaaa.
Sutherland Elected
Salt Last, Jan. 18 Former Con
greesman George Sutherland tod)
was elected United Statos senator to
succeed Thomas Kearni, receiving the
nil re publican vote in both houses of
the legialature.TOtiog separately. Wm.
H King, former congressmanreceived
the su Democratic votes.
To Resume Work
Work on the Mormoa .tabernacle
will be resume 1 in a very short time
Yesterday the oantraot was let to L
Billlnga and Oolln MoKlnzia for the
additional atone work and they will
begin cutting atone the first of next
week. The oontraot for the brick
work has not, been let yet but soon
will be. When this building is com
pleted it will be one of the finest
atrndtaera in Eastern Oregon
MraLnov 8tanlev of 8nmmervilla
died there idonday after a lingering
Ulnew. Sue was 21 years of age and
leavee a husband and a number of re.
lativea in the vicinity of Suinmerrille
to mourn her loas. The f aneral waa
held at Summerville today.
Attention Woodmen
There will be installation of officer
this evening at the M W A., All mem
bers of the camp ar requested to at
tend. There is business of import
ance to be tracaaoted.
Mrs Ira Balrd paaaed through the
city laat night from Wallowa county
where sho attended the fnneral of her
union 1
Additioual Locals.
Weather-Tonight and Thursday "ulr
cooler tonight.
The senate haa confirmed the nom
ination of Ueo M Rlchey aa postmast
er of Ut Grande , '
J B CroaaQeld a former resident of
La Grande ia la the city tore few daya
on business.
"For Love and Iloner" by the
Noble Stock Company , at Stewards
Opera uouae
Mr and Mrs George Man well, and
Mra John Nellson left thia morning for
their old home In Utah.,
Mr Ed Divine from Ladd Creek waa
in the city today on buainesa and re
turned home this afternoon.
Mr and Mrs Wm Coach of Summer
ville are now located in thia olty and
will hereafter make La Grande their
The dancing party given by the
Jollity Olub at tha Commercial Club
laat evening proved to be ;the general
saoial success.
Engineer John f MCurranlef mis
mornin for Nashville .Tenn to attend
the funeral ol his tittle eon .who died
their yesterday.
The La Grande, investment Co yes
terday aaid the D U Harms place
situated on lot 13 block 108, to Wm
W Henderson. Consideration one
thousand dollara
The priaoner who was captured here
by Marshal Kay burn beinu on of the
(our who dug through a ooucrete wall
in toe reudletonjail ia now safe in
the hauda of the Sheriff at Pendleton
Two are at large
Mesdamea M L Causer and H O
Grady entertained a party of lady
frieuds at cards at the home of the
former this afternoon and this evenins
toey will entertain another party ot
lady and geutlemeu friends'
The linker City miniuc experts wno
are looklug at the "Golden Star Mine
0 wned by Mr Murr near Camn Carson
report very favorably ana it Is now
possible that Mr iauir and' hie .dog
Tim" will take thioai ' easv in the
The citizens of this city were rous
ed from the eventenor of their ways
this moruiug by the hair ereotlng
screem of a loojmotive hiatle and
theclaronton es of the fire bell. Everv
one turned out to aee whose property
waa being devoured by tire but after
a careful search the attempt to dis
cover the fire or .anything .that looked
as if it could be faned into a flame.
It maa simply a mistake on the part of
some one wbloh will soon be forgotten
t Not Assassinated
(By Sorippa Mews Association
8t. Petersburg, Jan. 18 The repor
that General Tripoli waa assassinated
is unfounded. The General haa ar
rived at St. Petersburg.
La G
Report of condition maq
...... - y,, f ,
Loans and Discounts
United States Bonds fl
Keal Estate Furniture Fixt
Due from banks and U-S.tres
Uash on Hand
Wants Laws Changed
The Hon Peter McDonald of Alicel
Joint Senator from Union and Wal
lowa counties, intrade haa introduoed
a bill annulling aeotion .4852 add re
enacting 4827 relative to road work.
Tula would make the payment of the
assessment in caahor in labor. The
author aaya tnat under toe present law
there haa been practically 110 road
work for years.
George Palmer, President.
L Cleaver, Assistant Cashi
. J.M.;JBerry, A, H
Forced To Starve
BTLeek. of Concord, .aaya; "For
20 years 1 suffered agonies, with a aore
on my upper Up, ao painful some
times that 1 could not eat. After
vainly trying evervthing else I cored
It, with ttncalen'a Arnio Salve." It's
great for burna, cats and wounds. At
the Newlin drug etorej Only 25a
Cured Paralysis
W 8 Bally, P 0 True, Texaa, writes
My wife had been suffering fly
years with paralyais in her wm when
1 waa persuaded 10 nae Ballards Snow
Liniment whioh cured her all right.
1 nave also used it tor old sores frost.
bites and akin eruptions, it dues the
work." 25o 6O0 tl.OO-Newlia Drug
ith ample capital, large expert
mrity for your deposits; and sd
fcatment and every liberality col
university 1
IPrLTTOUIlLOaui Coarcea.
Boarding school tor youn men boys.
Box 343 University Park Station,
Portland , . Onjon
Where's the'
"a C, 1
.Not hard toflndjf you have tiHs fjr lf3t thiij :
a knowledgs of qualit . Jast hani along untU yoa
ooms to oar store, then UVe an extrajsim at the valaea
we are otfering. ' ,-''
Lays Candy Parlors,
' . The FinesOPlac ia Eastern Oregon.
ThDrv Laid AltalfaGfoirs Wttbovi Irrigattoa
Bromo Grata, Red Olorer, AlfWlt ta 1 all kinds ol
Garden Seed in bulk. Seed Want, Billed Barley
Oats, Kto. The only seed house in Union county .
Aponouuou (uuu Mjusuer ana wood nnianer.
Bar fixtures and Bank farnUrre and all stain imitations a
specialty. Remodeling and repairing. All kinds
I furnitare polished and repaired. All work gnaranted,
' Leave orders at Staokland & MoLaohlea, Phone 644
JMMIIMIl iimiiMm in
l!'"11' l! f UkUaurk- Delicious loartW is. mo
unnmauM ainner, not U wUl be a great dla
appointnent li yoa get a toegh.' attlngy
kind that U sold oa barg aia meat eoanlars
w bandle tta best meat tbat enters into
this town and think It none to good for
our cuitomer. .
fHHi-Hti'tltfTliUimilii stfiiiir1 '"f'""MhtmfimtM
Meat Market
StillweU iVanderaiielea
Proprlvtor, , .
JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor.
Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon
Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best
Bent Her Double
"1 one, :tor Jfoar: : weeks,
When I WU Blrk arith lwnhn!.l .nj
kidney trouble," writes Mrs Annie
liunter.'ot PUUburg Pa, "and when I
Sot oetier, aimongn i nad ions of the
cat doctora I could get, I was bent
double and .had to rest my bauds on
my knees when 1 walked. From this
. ill -m: .
lemma aiuiuition i was reecoea - oy
Kleotrio Bitters, whioh restored my
health and strength, andnow I oaa
walkaa straight Merer, They are
almply wonderful." Guaranteed to
cure atomaoh, ltrer and kidney diaord
era at the Newlin drag store prioe 5)j
Todays news today, when you
read the Observer.
Cured His Mother of Rheumatisra
"My mother has been a soffarer for
many yean from rheumatism,1 (wye
W ii Howard ol Uuaband, renneylT
nls. "It times ahe was unable to
move at all, while at tlmea - walking
was painfoj. I presented her with
bottle ol Chamberlaln'a Pain Bala
and alter a few applications she deoU-'
edjlt was the moat wondersul pain re
Merer she bad ever tridla t&et, she
is nersr without it now and is at all
times able to walk. Aa occasional ap
plication ot Pain Balm keeps away tie
pain that she wss formerly troubled
with. For sals by NewUa Drag 09