La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 18, 1905, Image 1

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Biker City, Jan 18 The County
Court and Commissioners before ad
journiog for tbe term Saturday ep
proprlated f 1600 tor a ooaoty exbloli
at the Lewis and Clark Centennial
f v. and appointed Fred Mellis, P Bascbe,
i"! and Georse W Chandler e oommittee
1 League to loperintend th gathering
land placing of the exhibit. 1) is . un
fderetood that if the county appropria.
Hion ii npl sufficient for the purpose
of making a creditable exbibft - the
Lcsgue will make up any defioit nec
eseary. -
Difference In Climate
the difference In climate between
pokaoa and Pendleton with a differ
ice of 250 mllee Id latitude and 600
t In altitude U beat shown .by the
(acta that skating Is excellent at Spo
kane the loe ever where being thick
and dense' There has not at any
time this winter been ice la the neigh
borhood of Pendleton upon which a
Sjrear old boy could slide safely.
Do you
If you do you
'-' m IT '
a ii
s 1; Let us send you a can
r x a. it.
Adams Avenue
We have just bought all of the goods out of one of tbe
largest roaming houses in tbe city, and will sell the
entire lot cheap, on easy terms. There is everything
you want to fit up a first ciass rooming house .with.
Bed Room Baits
Now is your chanse to get everything you need cheap .
The La Grande Pawnbrokers
Corner Fir and Adams
Remember we still bay and
of Second Hand Goods jl
y m ....
We are closing out our entire stock of
furniture absolutely at cost and will retire
from busines. This is a bonifide closing put
sale Come in before the stock is broken
. By 8cripps News Association
Washington D O Jan 18 In the
tsmoot bearing this morning Judge
James E Talmage of Halt Lake City,
a mormon since birth, but not a poly
gathist, testified as to the manner in
whioh be oame to write the book call
ed '-Articles of Faith" whioh was final
ly adopted by the Mormon church.
He also made the last revision of the
"Pearl of . Price" To perform these
duties he for yeeis studied the doc
trines of the churoh. He then also
gave the organisation of the ohuroh in
detail. . ; .:
Talmage said apostles as a body
have no authority over rreeidenor e
oeptin their sdvisary capacity.
When asked if parties to suits in
churoh courts were permitted to have
counsel and witnesses, be said not.
as it was tbe purpose of the obuioh to
"steer clear of lawyers."
Co-operative Societies
By Sorlpps News Association
Indianapolis, Jan X8. The aubjeot
before the oonventlon for discussion
today, waa the recommendations of
President John Mitchell and' William
Dodd that the American Miners Asso
olation take up the. matters of estab
lishiog co-operative societies and co
operarive stores conducted upon busi
ness prinolplea on the basis of the
"Rochdale system."
must buy
T. B.
and 'convince you
o b n s
i ' i s. x- v
1 Phone J 101
Carpets Heating Stoves
Sheets Pillows .
Chairs ' Bed Spreads
sell aU kinds
Jt j Jt
Thone 1581
Phone 9-1 7
Residence Phone 36'
1202'Adama Ave
' Observer Special
, Boise City Jan 18 Tbe northwest
ern Fruit Growers Association tn con
vention bere this afternoon desided to
hold the next convention at La Grand
O D Huffman ol La Grande bas been
elected secretary. - Tbe convention
consisted of nearly four hundred dele
gates ana tt is thought that tbe at
Qn a fnr nno. A ITA I Cf IK
KVIIUIVI MVvrssv eTi Z "! CL!
(By Scripps News Asocistion)
Washington O O Jan 18 In the sen
ate today Senator Stone of Missouri,
oaused considerable excitement on the
floor by cauatic arraignment of Presl
dent Roosevelt and national chairman
Cartelyou. He reviewed the ohirgea
made by Judge Parker during there
cent presidential campaign that cor
poratlons had subscribed liberally to
the republican campaign fund. In the
course of bis remarks the Senator de
clared "Cartelyou has not yet answer
ed the charges, but stands mute, wrap
ped In grim silence." He continued a
few minutes latter with the assertion,
"this set of tbe republican chsirmao
was one of gross public immorality If
Indianapolis, Iod. Jan. 18 The
Indiana legislature today re-elected
Senator Albeit J. Bevendge and elec
ted James A. Hemeoway to succeed
Steamer Captured
(ByBcripp News Association)
Toklo Jan 'tl& A telegram from
Lazeba today states , that another
Brltiah steamer carrying contraband
goods to Vlavildistook bas been cap
tured " -
(By Scripps Newe Association)
New York Jan W Lyman Warren
counsel for Piatt opened the second
days proceedings by introducing as
evideooe balance sheets ot 16 banks
where Hannau Elias, tbe defendant,
bas accounts. Wsrren Miller testi
fied that be knew Mrs Elias, under
the name of Batsie Wetberill and she
was employed by bis house cook ssv
eral years ago. He did not know
Flats. : ;
August Manse, a lawyer testified
that ne was retained by Mrs Ehas In
a suit for alneation ot ber affections
which wss about to be "brought by
ber husband, which flatt bae settled
for 500. He bad seen Piatt at her
bouse on two occasions.
Elmer Browning and her suspect
was arrested tbis afternoon. Evans is
about 33 years old and works ia a
stone mill he bas a wife and ch ildren.
Browning has no regular occupation
suspicion flrjt directed towards Evans
through kis oonduct. It is alleged
that ha kept a close watch ot develop
ments ol the case and at times consult
ed lawyers, saying an attempt waa be
ing made to fasten ine crime on him.
His divorced wife delivered some blood
stained clothing to tbe authorities
and in ber sworn statement accuses
ber former husband as tbe murderer
of Miss 8 barter. .
tendance next year will be eve j great
er. The convention will be subject to
call the secretary and it is thought
that it will bs called sometime in Jan
uary nex year. MrHoffman phones
tbe Observer that tlie meeting, was
almost unanimous in its choice of L
nothing ' worse, could anything be
more dlsptctablet " After Indulging
in seme remarks of a general nature in
which he attempted to strike a body
blow at the republican party In general
and tbe leadera in particular, He,
finally tireing of dealing la generalities
referred to President Roosevelt and
Elihu Root and said "they admit the
acceptance of financial aid from the
corporations which exist in contraven
tion of law for the purpose of establish
lng an Industrial monoply by destroy
ing competition aud which expects
favors, either directly or indirectly
from government.
Senator Stone was vice chairman of
the national democratic oommittee
during the campaign of 1806.
By Scripps News Association
Roseburg Jan 18-The coronors Jury
which haa been Investing the death
of Jack Rogers wha waa foand dead
last Monday night shot through, . the
bead returned a verdict of murder
by unknown . person or persons.
Rogers .was one of the (governments
moat important wltnessea in the laud
fraud cases an it is freely expressed as
te opinion of many here that he wss
killed by persona implicated in the
frauds .
More Land Frauds.
Portland, Jan. 18 D M Walton
and O D Bills are witnesses before fed
eral grand iury investigating land
frauds this morning in regard to ' the
Butte Creek Lend, Lumber and Live
stock Company and . Gilman French
Company, who together are accused of
having enclosed over a hundred thoua
and aorea of public domain in Cedar
county. Investigation ia supposed to
have begun on Congressman William
son. . '
(By Sorlpps Newa Association)
Helena, Montana, Jan. 18. The Sen
ate this afternoon adopted resolutions
calling for an Investigation of the
state penitentiary . Tbis action waa
brought about by charges made in a
very sensational book published by
Thomas Oberlln, an ex-convict entitl
ed "Infamy Immortal." . In this book
Oberlin makes startling atatements re
garding the treatment accorded prison
ers in Deerbdge prison. According to
bis statement the horrors of the Deer
lodge prison were hardly equaled in
the French Bastile.
Election Riots
By Soripps News Association
Vienna, Jan. 13.-Tbe general elec
tions lo Huogarla are in progress to
day. Numerous flgta are reported, in
various parts with two fatalities and 27
Toklo, Jan. 18. It la reported In
military circles that Chinese regulars
accompanied Russian raiJera tn recent
expeditions planoed to cat the line of
Japanese communication a,
No Election
(By Scrips News Association) t
Jefferson Co., Mo., Jan. 18. Tbe
first Joint ballot for a senator to sue
oeed Senator Oockrell resulted In no
election. The vote stood Neldr Ingham
87, Oockrell 83, Kern 0. Alter taking
one more ballot without change, the
session adjourned.
' A . A Clr
lllliJVi tun kiMivii
Scripps News Association
Helena, Jan 18 Tbe supreme court
today deolined to grant application of
the Amalgamated Copper Company
for injunction closing down Minnie
Healey mine in Buttepending appeal
to determine in whose title rested
which is in dispute between Heinse
and the Amalgamated company. Tbis
deoieion bas been evpeoted for the
past week .
. :.i '.".'.a '.vr-. .r
Caring for
(By Scripps Nsws Association)
Toklo, Jan. 18 It is announced
for the first time that 17 Officers and
men with torpedo boats commanded by
Lieutenant Nagala were lost on Decem
ber 14 in their attack on the Russian
battleship Sevestopol.
It Is also annoonoed tuat Lieutenant
Miukv, Russian prisoner of war, .will
be Imprisoned for life in punishment
for his repeated attempts to escape.
The Jspaneie goverument ia now
prepared to bous 88,000 Port Arthur
and other Russian prisoners at various
points. :
; the :r;;.:-
New Lace Collars
New Shopping Baskets
New Hair Switches '
New Tablets and School Supplies
La G-raude - Oregon
The rush ot Holiday trade is over and business
ia general has got back to its normal condition, I
wish to inform all my patrons, and those not my
patrons but who are liable to be, that I am now in a
position to take care of all watch, clock and jewelry
repairing With dispatch. I have secured all the neces
sary helped all tho latest tools and materials known i
to the trade, as well as the best workmen that money
can procure. " " ' :'; . " "
All repair work is under my personal super vis-
ion and I guarantee each and every piece of work done '
to be finished in first class workmanlike manner, and
to give (with proper attention) perfect satisfaction.
AH work sent by mail or express will receive the same
careful attention as if delivered in person, and to be
promptly returned in first class condition.
Thanking my patrons for their past liberal
patronage and assuring them of my utmost ability to
give them perfect satisfaction in the future. I remain '
as ever. J. H. PEARE,
Neit to Newlln'a Drugstore. La Grande's Leadinv Jeweler
(By Scripps New Association)
Washington, O 0., Jan. 18. It la
learned that the Russian government
haa closed a contract with. the Amerl
can Steel Trust for 90,000 tons of ateel
rails for delivery at : Vladrestook not
later than tbe middle of May, It la
said that the first shipment la already
on the way to Seattle for shipment on
wm mM!niMMMu." II haa
been pointed oat that this amount of
rails is Just the amount needed to con
struct the leoond line to Vladirfstook
which Russia, had concluded not to
bul'd as long as she beld Port Arthur.
Therefore It ia oonoladed that Russia
intends bringing war to aa end and
build there. . , ,
Roosevelt will soon be requested oy
Russia to act aa mediator and bring
about this result. - '
Colorado Contest -
By Scripps News; Association j,
Denver, Jan. 18,-vThe committees
appointed by tbe general assembly to
bear the governorship oontest met to
day and must conolude its luvestiga
tion by March L All aembera of
both ho ises have signed a. protest
against hearing any eridenoes or wit
nesses taksu by tbe csmmittse. Sign
era contend the method adopted un
constitutional. . . .
Editors Fined
(By Scripps News Association) :
Los Angeles, Jan. 18. Harrison
Oray Otis, and Harry Chandler, of the
Los Angeles Times w?re fined ISOO
each today for contempt of court,
commenting on the work of the grand
Jury la connection with disposing of
theolty funds.
XStrike Settled
, ; (By Sorlpps News Association)
Boston Jan 18 Governor Douglas'
private secretary has just given out
the statement that the Kali River, tex
tile strike has bten settled.