La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 17, 1905, Image 1

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MSWfc i
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(By Boripps Nswe Aesooistioo)
Jeffenon City, Mo., Jan. 17. Ths
majority and minority report wsre
presented in the boat thii morning
. by the eommlttM appointed to Invest
igate into the Neldringhana campaign
fond. The majority report, signed by
tbe republicans, netted that they bad
not the time to investigate the charges
and that promisee of patronage were
made for SeuatorM to tee for Neidring
bans and more time was asked.' The
minority report charges thai tbe- ma
jority bad (ailed to make a thorough
Investigation" ?
. , ',r, '
Gametic To tes6iie
Oberlio, Jan 17 President King of
the Oberlin College said tbis morning
Andrea Carnegie would make good
tbe losses-ol tnose woo suffered worse
in tbe failure of tbe Citisens Natbntl
Bank, :" '
, A. draft cowing tbe losses has al
ready been received by president King
.Tbe beoefioiariea are stnd snts,
'cbnrebes and people of small means.
Tbe mooey donated by If r Carnsgia
will be distributed by a com mission
Santa Qaus Laundry Soap
$3 per 100 Bars 8 Bars for 25 c
This is a first class soap. Manufactured
, by N. Fairbanks & Co, Bay a supply
while it lasts.
;Cash Grocery
We hate just bought all o! the goods oat of one of the
largest roaming houses in the city, and will sell the
entire lot cheap, on easy terms. There is everything
you want to fit up a first ciass rooming house with.
Bod Room Suits Carpets Heating Stoves
Bedding. Sheets Pillows
Towles Chairs Bed 8preads
Now is your chanee to get everything you need cheap.
The La Grande Pawnbrokers
Corner Fir
Remember we still buy and
ef Second Hand Good
ie eeeeeee
We arc closing out
furniture absolutely at
from busines. This is
sale Come in before
Like Our Attitude
By Reripps News Association
Tokio, Jan 17 Th Empsror today
received Prince Fnahina, who bas just
returned bom from an extended Tlait
la tbe United State, and la tbe audi
ence tbe Prince expressed himself as
being greatly impressed with tbe
friendliness manifested In America for
tbe Jspanee.
Will Try Weber
(By Soripps News Association)
Anbnrn Cal Jan 17 Judge Prewett
today Issued an order (or a veniere of
hundred jurca to be returnable Jan
nary 26, when tbe tiial of Adolph
Weber for the m order of his . mother
begins. Should Weber be found
guilty of a lets crime than m order 4a
tbe first degree, he will be tried on tbe
charge of killing bis father, sister and
Washington Senatorship
By Soripps News Association
rt.U Vat. 1rTka HMtiirlil
f ri r
onteet today resulted on tbe first
ballot as follows: Jno L, Wilson 16;
8smnel H Piles 32; A O Foster 43:
Coas Sweeney 17, Westly Jones 6:
Caegrove 6; and George Tomer dem.
Stoessel Deports
' (By Scrippe News Association)
Nagasaka, Jan. 17 General Stoeeset
and a boat fire hundred Russian officers
with their families embarked today on
th V steam sr Anatralia for Odt
Phone UOt
and 'Adams
sell alB kinds
J jt
''Phone 1581
our entire stock of
cost -and will retire
a bonifide closing out
the stock b broken
Phone 9-1
Residence Phone 36'
, 1202 Adams Ave
(ByScripp New Association) '
Washington Jan IT With dramatio
terror, Senator Mltohell yesterday
afternoon appeared opon tbe Boor of
the Senate and denoonoed his accusers
in the indictment against him foroon
apiracy in the Oregon land frauds, and
branded them pnblloally as "malicious
and atrocious liars," Daring hie talk,
he proclaimed bis Innocence of the
charges npon whioh he and Represent'
atire Hermann had lately been Indict
ed by tbe Federal Grand .Jory at Port
land, and expressed confidence in bis
nltimate vindication. Be declared: I
assert in most positive and unqualified
manner that each and every one ot
these charges, In so far as they involve
me, are absolutely, unqualified, and
indignantly and defiantly denoanoe
those who have made these charges,
and I pnblioly brand them as malicious
and atrocious liars, ldefy my de
fa mere and challenge them to produo
any evidence other than that of con
demned thieves and perjurers to sus
tain any auoh charges."
' The Senator then explained in de
tail all hie conneotlon with SAD
Puter in having oertain land claims
More Testimony in
(By Mcrlpps Newe Association)
Washington Jan 17 Judge MoCarty
returned hie testimony in the Bmoot
hearing this morning with the state
ment that there was a .disposition a
mong the Mormons to tura the Judioi
ary ot the state over to the Gentiles,
that is with the exception of some
district Judgeships. He stated tbat
the Church officials tried to keep en
tirely out of politics, lot were con
tinually egged on and urged by politl
B W Young, formerly in the regular
army, testified that he was a democrat
and a Mormon and the grandson of
Brigham Young and a president of on
of the four Stakes" into which Salt
Lake la divided by tbe church. He
By Boripps News Association
New York Jan 17 In Juatloe Bis
hop's Court here today Joba D Piatt
the millionaire octogenarian, took the
stand and testified in bis own behalf
in his suit to recover the sum of $686,
000 alleged to have been obtained
from him by Hannah Ellas, a negro
woman represented by former Gover
nor Black, and Plait waa represented
by Lyman E Warren. Piatt told the
story of Lis relations with the woman
and ssid tbat he first met her when
showing some volunteer firemen
about the town, and that it was at
Pap Millers plaoe where be eaw her
Six Meet Death
(By 8eripps News Association)
-Peealur, Illinois, Jan. 17,-The list
of dead as a result of the fire whloh
started Monday afternoon In tbe shaft
of the Decatur coal Co., has now reach
ed six. The dead are as follows : Aug
ust Jsgush, Charlee Lasohlnnskl, Em
it Kaon, Henry Pollen, and bia son.
passed fevorably by Represeutatlv
Henmaaa, at that time Commissions
of the General Land Office, as merely
the duty a Snnalor owed to his con
stituents, declaring that he had no
snsplolon of anything wroog wltb the
homestead entries la question, and
that his personal dealings in the ease
were identical wlfh that la hundreds of
others. "I hsve done this Invariably,"
he said, without making any eharges
or accepting oompensatlon of any kind
and, as long as I remain Senator, I
ball continue to do these things for
my onstltuente, so help me Uod, even
at the risk of a hundred indlotmeate
Criticising the public officers who
''knowingly misconstrue tb public
sots of public men, and thua seek to
of dishonesty," the Senator aald In
oobulnslon: "Permit me to aaythat
the representative of any Government
who will tolerate this are unworthy of
the exalted position which they occupy.
As for my enemiee, I defy them here
and now to produce any evidenoe
worthy a moments consideration, which
will oonnect me, In any wrongful man.
ner whatever, with any land frauds In
Oregon or elsewhere."
Snioot Case
said that ho was not a polygamlat and
that ha believed that the Mormon asn.
tlment was decidedly hostile to poly
gamy ever since 1-iSOt t hat there had
beoa no teaohln of nolrnmr. and
that the policy of ths ohnroh was to
discourage the praotioe. Attorney
Taylor read a dispatch Duroortlns to
give tbe language of Bishop Oonuelly
at uuraka, Utah, or Sunday last. Id
which ha waa annrjul A a nrsn n aI n m
those Mormons as traitors, who 'at
tempted at this bearing, to describe
the endowment ceremony, sarins that
he had known men te be shot for vio
lating their oaths. Tbe witnesa agreed
with tbe sentiment of bishoo Taylor.
but took exoeption to tbe statement
about tbe men being shot for a viola
tion of their oaths.
first, a place whre they dsooa ean
oan. Me states that he saw her there
three times after this. Later while
suffering fro to rheumatism be weot to
a nasiage parlor and found tbe Elias
woman there. He states that abe
moved from tbsre to West (3rd. Street
wheer be called on her oooe a week at
her invitation. He says tbat he al
ways paid the woman cash and pro
dueed his ledger showing a list of the
payments and (ays tbat be may have
paid over twenty thousand dollars to
the Elias woman. All through tbe
book were records of large sums paid
to tbe women.
In Burning Shaft
WilfFagaa, and four miners still miss
ing. The disaster is due to a fire which
broke oat In a male stable, located lo
a corner of the mine six hundred feet
below the sarfaoe, Tbe smoke and fire
at the entranoe of tbe ehaft aa ao
fierce that the egress of th miners
was eat!n)y oat off.
Thornless Cactus
- By Bcrlep 5sws Association
Santa Roaa, Jsn' 17-Mr Lather
Korbank the horticulturist today aa-
aoanoed that it would probabably be
from three t five years before Ithe
new thornlees cactus woald be reedy
to present to the world. Thousands
of inquiries have been received by
him trow every quarter of the United
8tatea from people who are aaxlous te
reclaim arid lands
Irvine vs. Talbot
Philadelphia, Jaol 17-Tbe Bv.
I N Irvine thie afternoon in tbe Com
mon rises Court took out summon
inssmmpsit sgainst Bishop Talbot
and this undoubtedly meens the b
ginning ol a suit lor damages. Ths I
pspers filed revstl none of tbe ptrtioo
jars ol the cats. It is understood
that D. Irvine is preparing- to renev
hie sppesl for presentment egaio
Hardware Dealers
P Bstaea VeaflM A wtwaa
Stockton Jan 17 The PaolOo Retail
Dealers Asscelstlon met this morning
In this olty this bring thslr fifth an
nual convention
Eagle Valley Coal
Mesrs Preston and Albert Boyr
hvedco eied indiestione of roal o
the Powder Kivr raooti Uying in the
canyon a mile east of the valley. The
discovery wee made within a few ft
ot a mineral spring, which is locally
well known to poses superior medical
properties when en Eagle Valley
Newe reporter visited the soene they
were following up a small sssm of
chalk substanee tbat somewhat resem
bles coal, and when cast into a firs
eceite fumes whioh smells like coal
moke. Baker Uersld.
Commendable Work
, The City Counoil at laei has taken
steps toward building band iailioss On
tbe high and dangerous sidswalk on
the east side ot Fourth 8treet ,near tbe
Mormon Church. Work is now la pro
gross. Tbis is snmwtbiog that baa been
greet 1 needed smos tbe wslk wss twill,
now persons can pass on either eids ot
the street in time ol strong winde or
in the dark without the dread ol being
preolp.ttted to the bed of the ereeki
orosslng the strset.
China Denies
(By Scrlpps Nswa associatioa)
Washington Jan 17 The State De
partment was today officially notified
that the Chinese Governmont S makes
a aweeplng dooltl ot tbe charges re
oeotly made againet her and filed with
the Powers by Russia to tbe effsct
that China had been violating her
neutrality obligations China's attitude
will be eommunloated to the powers
through Secretary of Ststs Hay.
Elected U S Senator
(By Soripps News Association)
Unooln Nab Jan 17 Elmsr J Bark-
ett was today elected United BlaUs
Senator receiving a majority In both
the house and the senate.
The rash of lloliday trade is oyer and basiasaa
ia general has got back to its normal condition, I
wish to inform all my patrons, and those not tnj
p&troos bat who are liable to be, tbat I am now in a
position to take care ot all watch, dock and Jswe'ry
repairing with dispatch. I hate secured all the neces
sary help in all the Uteot tools and unteriaU known
to the trade as well as the best workmen that money
can procure.
All repair work is under my personal supervis
ion and I guarantee each and every piece of work done
to be finished in first class workmanlike manner, and
to give (with proper attention) perfect satisfsction.
All wark sent by mail or express will receive the same
careful attention as it delivered ia person, and to be
promptly returned in first class condition.
Thanking my pttrons for-their past liberal
patronage and assuring them of my utmost ability to
give them perfect satisfaction in the future. I reaaaia
aseter. ".J. II. TEARE,
Nett to Newlla's Drugstore. La Grande's Leadla Jeweler
(By Bcrlr, ps 5-ws AesoeUiioa)
Chrletlans Horway, Jta.l '.T.-aa
avaianea of rooks at ttacadsl, north ".of
Bergen, last Besday, oaoeed tfce death
t fifty nlae people. Only fuar bodiee
have been recovered at thi ere sent
time. The Ease ot rjo-e and debris
was enJdeely precipitated trot the
high hills Into LoveUud Lake, sweep
ing swsy la Its terrible eovree, iople,
houMs and cattle.
(By Sorlppe News AssoosaUoa)
St Petersbara. Jse. 17. Karat!.
kin reports that on Jaaaary It, a
strong Japanese force tnrsed bvtn .if
Uie Banks of one of the Beselaa posi
tions at 8 hat be river, and that after a
brisk fight, the artillery forced the
Japanese to retire The Kaaslaa lot
waa five ottWni sad Bftr men klCed
and one wounded.
Favorably Reported
By 8crlpp News Aesootatioa
Washington, SJaa 17-The IIoe
Committee on Merchant Marin today
by a etrict party rote, dlreeted that
the ehlp anheidy meaeor be taverabty
reported to th Uonee To efforts
of th democrats to ameei th U'J
were defeated by a strict party wt.
Pelt Frauds Grow.
(By Scrippt New Association)
8alt Lake, Jan. 17.-The pelt fraaJe
which have jast been dleoovereJl te
exist la this aaanty are grewing la
extent, and ha ale been practiced la
Idaho, and Nevada, aoeordiag U th
oonfeaaloa of Arthar OealU., e el
th former chief of Pniio of Ogka,
Utah. This morn Ins it Is stated that
a number of prominent people f Utah
are Implloated In lie frauds and It Is
said that the gaag eeoored th sa f
fourteen thoeeaad dollars. Ex bepo
ly Coaaty Cirk at Weber eoaaty was
at rested today. Two other arrests war
made today, bat th sheriff Aeeliae to
give their i
Vote On Impeachment
By Bcripps Newe Assooietto
Washington, 8aa 17 Sweva lev
peachment Invsrtigatioa has been
completed ead tb boo agreed lodey
to vol on th articles of iaspeenhsaeal
at three thirty tomorrow.
Steamer Captured
By Scrippe Nswe Aseooiatioai
1 Tokls, Jaa 17 A Japaaea sevped
boat today eaptured th Date s tease
er Wilhelmiaa , with coal frc as Card
iff, Wales, to VUdivoeloek. Ths
steamer will be held tor reteasa,