La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 12, 1905, Image 3

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Washington Jto 12 M. E H Hals
beimer, e lawyer of Poeatello Idaho
wm the fint witness in the 8moot in
quiry today. Halt a ueutile, bat
testifies that the mormons arc a law
abiding end moral class of dtisens.
Ha denied that the Mormoni ever at
tempted to control politic in Idaho
and declared that the injection o! the
anti-poligamy clause in the reoent
campaign waa entirely uncalled tor
unnecessary and intended merely to
anbeer?e penonal ends. This he aaid
was the generally expressed opinio
of all papers 10 the state democratic
as well aa republican.
Will Deport Chinese
Cleveland Ohio 'Jan 13 States at
torney Sullivan today alter doe de
liberation and anffloient information
iaeoed inetraottona to the Chineee
inspectors af the Northern 'Ohio Uls
triot to attaok all Chinamen living on
lawfully in the above eald District
This move la b-ing taken with a view
to removing from the eommonitiaa
.C uepurung an Chinamen who
under the law have no right to be 1
be United
Attacks corporations.
Madison Wis Jan 12 Gov Laf llette
delivered bla third biennial meeiaee
to the ieftialatnre this morning In
tale meoeatfo he advoe tea the abso
lute control of railroad ra'es by rate
commission attache corporation lort
byiete, branding t h-m na o'Ti stae
oite anit edvueatfa o .tr l of b m
head oo i as Hdvalornin an me t and
taxation of street and e otri r trie,
gee plants, el0trla light plante and
lite inurtn a co panles
Spec di Sat
For Mother's Sake
With aa t xoeptlonally large oast,
nd a capable one, a wealth of epeeial
oenary, and a plot of engrossing hu
man interest are among the promisee
eonoerning the new story of New Bog
lend Life -For Mother's Sake" which
will appear at Bteweids Opera boose
Thureda Jan It.
The first .ot is laid at La wren to wd
on the shone of Lake Megantic
emoog the piuee of northern Maine,
and is set in admirable taste. The
second act is the exterior of Mrs.
Pembereon's cottage, and dooryard
forming a very nomelike picture. The
third act is a mining scene saaong
the monnteins of Colorado giving ex
cellent opportunities tor tine enenic
display which the management baa
taken complete advantage. Bat the
acme of stage setting s seen in the
fourth aot, when the enow storm it
seen raging throagn the lettieed win
dow and blow in at the door as the
ber enters enter. It makee yon feel
eo snug and oosy when the door la
thnt and yon see the cheerful fire
place, the lighted Christmas tree and
the village sou singing their Christ
mas oarols, and making merry over
the return of tbetr play-fellow and
favorite Jo Pembeiton.
Killed In Explosion
Patterson N J Jan 131 John Burke
and a illiam Schumann were instantly
killed and eeveral seriously injured as
the reealt of an explosion in the build
In of thm rrn v-rrizr Co '. Yaws
today The explosion completely
wrecked the bo lining and was dis
tinctly felt at Patter ton nine miles
Absolutely Harmless
The faalt of giving children medl
oine containing injurious substances,
is sometimes more disasterous than
tne disease fr m which they are suffer
ing Kvery m .the- ehould know that
Chamberlain's Ooorh Rem lv is per
fectly afe for children to take, t
contain nothing harmful and for
'ugh ooMe and Oro i - 'in iepaw d
Pot estli Wvim lira Up
A Surprise Party
A pieaaaut enrprlee nartv m iv be
iv-n 'o von omioh nd liver "v
m i) n h " 'e
' erpf and in .n M ; k
K'ng s er 1 l "I i h .
m H . ' f-'H "V
Toe reaction has already eat in
many wbo signed the petition through
Sierepreseotation of thoee sent out
by Union, asking to bave a ooanty
seat are now ready to sign a remou
stianoe, for the reason they bave csre
fully considered the question and
have arrived at the logical conclusion
that instead of deriving a benefit by
snob a change it simply means in
creased taxation.
Suppose we cu off the territory pe
titioned lor comprising the territory of
North Powder, Hot Lake, Cove and
Duion. The Union people stoutly
ma ntain that within the boundaries
one . bird of the taxable property of
the entire county is embraced. Ad
miring that to be true the new oounty
would only have a basis of credit to
the extent ol there taxable property
whieh would be about 11,300,000. Aa
Union county is now in debt in ex
cess of 1300,000 aud ii we use the fig
ures circulated by the Union people
during the ooanty seat campaign it ia
iu excess ot f-zoO.OOO nut cn a debt
basis of 200,000 the new county taking
one-third ot all the property would al
so bave to assume one-third of the
$200,000 debt wbioh wtoW place it in
debt for thm source at the outset So
the i une of 167,000. X this must be
ad led the coat of a new court house
(mind you the oourt bouse at Union
belongs to Union oouoty not to the
new county and would bave to be pur
chased) and the furnishing of a new
Soon n u with jrils eted vaul's
lb' or .ii ire wouid mean ess'ly $20
tNl, an we bavHa total indebiedue-f
of $87 000 a d tnen comes the expert
sea of a nig lint 'f county officer1 who
I n n mrd r.f Unw
V . I ! CO.41 1 I X
,. were n
A t n v -i
1 i t
or r8puT f fon i .. .n a
p-r -tuip In Kood-living il l A bu
m Imporinn Item to . man a
app " s 11 ' e at brek'ast,
mi eon and dinner If it ia of a poor
quality it p akes the entire meal un
satisfactory I you are need to using the average
quality .of butter, onr La Urande
Oreamery butter at 36 rente will piove
a delight f nl revelation of what good
quality means Ask ynnr Urooerman
or La O rande Creamery Batter and
satisfy yourself aa to quality.
La Grand Creamery Co
now 15 the nnc
is how ready lor the market and will he told at
reasonable rates. This addition contains some
of the most handsome residence sites to he found
in La Grande. This splendid addition has been
hfld oB the market for several years, the owner
believing that the time bad not arrived wben it
would be properly appreciated. Now is the time
to buv and insure good returns on the inveit
uii n The O'Oouuor addition is nicely located
in Hgad n schools, churches and the bueiness
Pl. .ii 2141
p a - o t
any case of
that is
not beyond
the reach
of medicine.
can do more.
. JNI. M0t H. Virginia ns.,
fennawflle, Ind., wrwes: "For ever five
fears I was troubled with kidney ana
bladder affections which caused ma mnah
pain and worry. I lost flesh and waa al
ran down, and a year ago bad ta
abandon work entirely I bad three at
we nest pnysicians whe did me no good
and I was practically given np to die,
Foley's Kidney Cure waa recommended
and the first bottle gave me great relief.
auu wior casing me secooa Dottle I wm
estii sly cured. ,T
Where's tha
Not hard to find if you have a taste for sweet things and
a knowledge of quality . Just hunt along until you
come to our store, then take an extra aim at the values
we are offering.
Loy's Candy Parbrs,
The Finest PIace in Eastern Oregon.
r i wi ii .. 1) on -
t " rlv t" flip-
i .i . t ij r
11' i ( i y i ltd. b 1-uiienn l
i nl O tiif uvcvtt)
.r uooai bi d expenses id the
f eaten s, r ads and oourts.
Union c unty as it is now is small
A: T. tiiLL, t'iuggist
The Dry Land Al(alfaGrows ucHi-v- Irrigation
lit now vtra9, Ked Olover, Alf.tlf. sj kinds of
Garden deed in bulk. Seed Wi.u !lUWd Barley
Oab, Etc. The ouly seed house in Union oounty.
U. H. Land omoe, Ut Orande, Oregon
December VI, 1IKU
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
wlththeprovUlunHofthe act of CongrHH ot
June 8, 1378, entltl.d " An act fur the wtle ol
llmhur In tli.i HUiai , .1 ( ' , 1 i t , ,. ..
Tue comity seat IS Centrally iooated ton, Nevada, and Washington Territory, aa
F- . . . . , extended to all the Public Laud Mutes by act
asy 01 access by trie great majority of of August 4, lm, Hichard A. Crawford, of La
.... ..... I u.i . "V" V,m'"-V
e.havo some very t hoice raal
to offer yon aa to the attraotlewnMa r.r
onr offerings, we will be glad to take
you around town and point ont to yon
the vuii. .lib fine (muses He hare "for
aale" in (his way we'll satisfy yon
that our offerings are certainly weU
worth your consideration.
one of these oh jioe bouses now. Prices
in real estate ore constantly going np,
and after you hare purchased it, yoa
oan sell the house again if desired and
tuuks mouey on the transaction, too.
i ci'iz"n- and while true we are en
mo ly in debt nevertheless by a
wist administration and a careful
wea tt we ar now in a position to out eoasbt Is more valuable for iu Umber or
' i stone than for agricultural purpwos, and to
this debt dowo aud Within a very lew , establish bis claim to said 'and boforu the
The last
of Union. HtAtfl of lltwmi.
has this day tiled In this office his sworn .itate
menl No. SUtL for the purchase of the WA
SK!4 a NWU BtjUof Hec No. Tp No. rtouiC
Hange No. KTW. M.
Ana win oiior prool to show that the land
aCa Srande Jnvestmont Company,
u i urande, Oregon
1110 11 1 ni A.veuu9
years wipe it out entirely
published statement of the financial
condition of the ojuaty shows that
we are reducing this debt.
It baa been industriously circulated
that La Grande was not fulfilling ber
promisee in regard to tha new build
ing. La Qrande is doing more than
she even promised. The new oourt
house is fitted with an up to date heat
ing plant abat oost S3QU0 We did
not bave to do aoytbiog of toe kiod
La Qrande promised a 926,000 build
ing and it will cost slightly in exo-cs
ol 930000 and it is equal to any court
bouse in the s'ate in fact is better ar
ranged the rooms ample, large well
lighted and nothing has been slighted
in way of securing comfoit for the of
ficers, jurors and witnesses In feot
eo complete is the arrangement that
bath lube are provided for the prison
ers and all this the oounty gete for 91
per year.
Ol cooise Union desirer the chsoge
fo, she would seoure the benefits but
why North Powder or the Gove would
want t j so increase the taxes simply
to help out Union ie pressing npoo
the intelligence of those good citizen t.
Bealstarand Heoelvcr of thu ofikw at l.a
Orande, Oregon, on Monday, the 27th day of
February, lS.
Ue names as witnesses: A J Ureedlore, of
La Urande, Or; Lee Voung of Hllgui'd, Or: Wm
Dlzoaof Hllgard, Or; and I W Crawford of
La Orande, Or.
Any and all persons claiming advorsoly the
above described lauds are requested to file
their claims In this otdceoa or before said
itrth day of February, imo.
. W. Davis, Register.
All persons are forbidden to make
any charges to my ao. ouut exrept on
an order signed by me
Experienced Piano polisher and wood finisher.
Bar natures aud Bank furnitvre aud all stain imitations a
SDioialtv. RarnoiJalinp and rHiuinn.r All irin.U ni k.....
. o X O .iuua u.fU30
I furniture polished and repaired. All work guaranted,
Leave orders at Staofcland & MoLaohleu, Phone 544
We maunfacture Butter
ftnm sweet cream. Our
butter is full weight aud
guaranteed Leave orders
at J. D McKennou's
Summerville Creamery Ass'n S
The Subsidy Bill
Washington, Jan. IX The subsidy
bill proposed by ths vferoham Marine
Commission r ported today favorably.
rro in senate committee on commerce
an amendment was adopted providing
for an increase in the mail subvention
to snipe from the Pact no ooa-t to Uaw-1
all, Japan. China and the Philippine
islands from Hire hundred thousand
to four bun i red tnoneind, If way ser
vice should he os abiiahe and irom
sis hondrad to eight haodred tnonaand
or fortnightly service
It you waut to buy Tour meat a the cleanest
market ia town, pay a a vkit. Our market '
la always neat nd clean; from the time the
cattle ia puTcbaaed until hey are sold to tha
consumer, cleanliness Is law with us. You
will appreciate the thoroughly wood tender U
meat we sell when yuu kn w that u comes
from au nuuucu.uiely clean Market.
Meat Market
Stillwell & Vandermuelen,
Mo 2
8:j0p m
NO 6
K30a. m.
&Xi a m.
8l06 p. in.
Inpeachment of Swayne
Washington Jan IS. In tbe house Me. at
to I y f er the reading o' toe Journal ""c,"'
of proceedings, fa mar otfeoosylva - Bandar
ia called for taw reading of tn'e articles
ol impeachment againat Judge dwayne
, of Jrtonda
Time Hohedul
Halt latlte, Denver. Kt.
Worth, Omaha, Kaa
saaCltv. 8t luU. Uui-
icago aud East.
Portland. Da laa. Pen
dleton. Walla Walla,
Davlon. I'omerov. Col
fax. Moscow, w,
and points erst aud
north via rtpukaue
l'ortlaml, Dallo, I'. n
dletuii, Omitilta, Wai
lula, l.ewi.inu, Colfax.
Meapow, Wallace, War
ner, Mpokane and other
poiuta oust and nr..
via Hokane
Island City, Ah el, I in
bier and Elgin. Con
nections at Llgio with
tae for potnU in Wai
Ocean Sleamera between Portland and
ban Franeiaoo every Ave days.
a a nooan, Ageat.
im m 1 Mwrwn I sVVl 1 if i ill wi
V-5 ' ' jsaaaaaanaaHKfatMPaWl
uma iu X sTrffsHaWal If 11 H n i W nm s Mil
I jw roar tweoar .