ti - i. ROMIG & GROCERS Phone 431 H : i I. Th only Exclusive UndertakfriC: Place ih La Grande? We jive our undivided attention tp the undertaking business V. Z '3? Cliir rtfRr U 57 V It is never too late for at to in try way araist in the time hen death has taken away ft: - lit r zpert Embalming Careful Funeral Directing I ! . JPriccs Low GIFFIN & r REDUCTION; SALE ?. V-v VA X . Jt u VJ-i ' ' V f . . Wi have aiaae ap oar mind to ten every roll of Wall Paper in ear tore before the next mini Aacl arrives, and in order to inure a - .... eepl(arp hVf fcut the Wall Paper from 5 cents up we want to dear in nouie Dciorc of W Jl Wiper to a arrive on that dak We have more Wall Paper now on hand than all the other paper house in the county. There fare yc will have a grrjia variety to .3; snsa wipiiwi r'. : wi-m ' " Stackland & PAINTS. ;eiUS NoUy Public. ; rr Eepreseutiartbe 'EJqaitablev itviQiw A Loan Ajso- Z elation of Portland,' Or., the reliable' Institution ott the i -aixtkirtijiio Loans ioiade w . uitv nronenw rnr saia. . m ONE DOLLAR i i n rr r r ( H You can get a preUy street' hat 'at the BARGAIN . Store. We also have a complete line of ?r, if CHRISTMAS QIFTS AND vHOLD A Y Ija G-raude Core Tiny Cas STAPLES . La Grande. ! ' A' reiooad to a oatl ahsre we can of trouble of all troubles a loved one. i if HOGAN. It. (' price re fertile of former priced eQ narcn ut at w a carload v 1 j n.; McLachlen ANDiSL'ASS m I. f'."J . 0.-' I I -1.' ri J.irf. : . ;fit f ,1,. C. Inaarance Loan atroagest, safest ft most PacittO ' cdaat," under State short or longtime to suit. " ...4 ossesn 1 Q O O D S - Oresron a Tf IV a) - of HIDNBT or BLADDER riox oerona ui.iuacb or Mtdlcin pSOAEGORVALLIS COLLEGE NOTES School ia prcvreaaina nlnal .ft. the bollda). inere areqoJW-a n amber of ut tadenM MtrcllMl Henrietta Blam U starting ia on a uommsrolsl coarse. Mr. Barnell of La Grand has par ehaaed Prof. J B Horner's resldsac amr the eoJlege earn pas. Alex Darla and Mr Whitlow have gona to Portland for a few day to look arouna. ' -The State NorasT 1 fiehooT at Hon month played th 0 A C a Basket Ball gam hre tonight, la. th olle NORTHWEST Th latt BriUah wanhip at Eivui alt baa been ordered to the China atatioa, to reinforce tbe Britiah naval lorOM m th .... - ; - - - ( j, if 1 1 1 Saatda'a chain gang laal yaai not only paid for its board and lodging bat id oity realised a profit of f 35. from lis work on lb street. The third annual meeting' 6fr tn oateopathio doctors ol Oregon ia beii. beld at th Imperial hotel in Portlat with 40 in attendance. ! i - George Graham a Bavenad. Waaaioohkeepar, while endeav iog to gel up jn a train at Uoving . ' 111 waa tun over; and groaod i.C pieoea at midaigbt of January 6. .STRANGE. SHIP WRECKED Victoria, BO., Jan. 7. -Following th ttndlng of a buoy marted "Antonio ef iiondon" near Oiooui on th Van oouvar Island coast newa baa been - re ceived of th flnding Of wreckage near Carmanah point and of a badly decom posed body of an unknown man near tbe otnoo to Barckley ,tiouad,t Th beach ia strewn tor miles with lumbar mauh blng beavy. timber. Xbar are a lot of new oak barrel and other flot sam. . No vessel la known to be over due and no Teasel with a nam almilar to tbat on on th life buoy waahed Aanore la axpooted in theas water. , The Big Sale :i W.may not have tbe largest stock of goods, bat oar prloe are by far th loweit for .good goods. )V are catting verjtbing in the store regatdljsa of coat. Don't take u word bat oall at Th ftalnbow 8tor and w will aof pria you. W have ton thousand dollars of goods at half price. - ' i-' i' ' 1 i, ", i . i.. TO TBLB HOW . COUNT V CODttT OF UNJOM 'u ...QOUinY, OBBQOjSI t . , . . We tbe UBdereijaed legal Toleri and residents ftlw Precioct of aUgtrd, Union County, Ore goo, hereby respectfully petition yoOr Hon. Caurtte grant to UolTersoa dc McFarlaad lioooae to aeil spirituous, malt or vinous liquors or fermented eider, oommonly Kubwo as bard elder, In le quantit.e Uua One" gsllOa in the town or uncord, m the preolnct of UUgVd ia Union County , Oregua, far a period of six monUu eoiamenelagrebraary 1, MO -.' JMtod at ttUgard, Ong jo, Oeoember 10, Jobs Thompson ., . Herry Wells CRBlswU': Q Garden ' WthilUl'U 7i ' " KBoesU " 1804 rredDotlsy Henry Love JS USerty , JFMlbley rAMoDoanil Ua'U Markle Geo C Lea 1 W Rielly 8 BUeauchamp J D Caeey ' D P Hewma J E Bits Geo, Blanohard FI Moore HA Sndrnp JELumaa La Well Chse. Baker . EdTnompion Rodolph Uartle t waoott Hat Anderson IT Hobnaa . M CKndrup "WlllUm Uw TMEaakln C8 Hamer Frank Moore -George Barchett CUretioe long Wia.Cant.eb ' ; Frank Sho dstrom 1 Geo. Rogers JPatLocey .Wm. Banks iJSDlUmaa ; Ike Uatheraoa ; Fred Werner , JWMHetrkk I Ed Peterson I Frank Banlord 'QHHoOarry Ed Baling . Harry Fiends BSnoldstioia , Ceo. Teyto I C Johnson I Ole Uvenoa FUadea f I M C Bnrebett ' ' 'TlVoandtrce OC Farmer Soooe U hereby givea that w 1U on the. let day of Febrsary 1803 apply to the Oonaty Court of Uaion Ooanty, regon, at the eoort booaefor a Uceaae to sell splrltooaa, malt and rlaoua Uquora and fcrmeated dder comiaonly knows a hard eidar In the town of Hllgard, Union county , Oregoa, for a period of six months commencing on or about February 10 SQ. BOLVBB80S A McFAKLaH O DI3EA3D ITEMSO WW. Armory.' Th boys from Monmonth plard a goad gam bat th O A O wr to much for them. Boor 41 to 9 in 0 A C'i favor. .SaprIotndent , Ferguson, of th Camp Carson mines, left thii morning af ft apendlng a few days in La Grande Mr. Ferguson says that work la pro areesing rapidly at tbe mines and that to waihr la ao flue ap tber .that th Manager J & Elmendorf and family will spend the winter at Wood ley onlaas It ehangea very much. Don't fotget the, Co. L dance this evening at th Armory hall. A good time la ssaorred all who attends NEWS Mra Lilhe Warner, lifing ner En gene waa killed inatantly by a falling tree Tbe tiee waa old and decayed mi4 auppied over wilbont warning. Ura Warner waa 41 yeara of age. Ia a quarrel in a aaloo at South lend, Wah Vioceut DuokwiU mocked D W Swan down . Hia head traok lb rail in front of the bar, traaking bia neok,killiig him instant . T': ', - . i ' ' J G Taylor has arrived at Seattle m Alaska olaiming to have found Arotio waters over 1000 pound of tOergria which be baa atored at Val- Acubergria la worth $500 per i ad. Music & P Tait the pioueer music teacher of Grand Bond Valley ia still ia tbe ring. . During my vacation I made u my business a well as pleasure to at tend ooaoerts, operas, and in i: fact every tuing iu my line ol business and t found taat I as a toc ler, and interpreter ol musio and still iu ins front rank. Fupiia who do not risn the full ooajervatory course may take the popular piano coursu. This piao ea tne pupil ia position to play tiie popular muaio ol lbs day, Unurou aud duu Jay dchool uuaio. - i t Tbe Violin popular ooutae places tbe pupil in position tj play all kiod oi danoe musio aa well at figbt over tures. Quue a number of mauio.us bo nave own uuder in insi.ru jciou are now making good money a teaou era and aoloiato. f upila wno are un der my e tre will be thoroughly in structed in uusio. v . &. J. TAIT, teacher Bent Her Double., "1 knew no one, ; . for four.' weeks, when 1 waa aiclr with tvnh.idl anrf 'kidney trouble," .writea Mrs Annie Hunter. of fitubunr fa. "tnd wujn 1 got better, although 1 had one ul tb oaat doutora 1 cjold get, i waa bant double and bad to roit my baud ou my aneea wnea 1 walked. . 'rom this terrlol alUioiUoa 1 was rescued by ttleotrio Uittera, wbicb restored my health and strength, and .now 1 oau walk as stralgbt as ever, they are aunpiy wouuerfuu" Guaranteed to cure stomaob, liver and kidney dtaord era at tbe dewlin drug store price 6v)o Chamberlain's Couh Remedy the Best Made "In. my . opinion (Jbamberlain'a Oough Hemady ia tu oet made tor colds," - My - Mrs. Cora Walker of rortervuie, uautornia. mere l no douut about its being the beat. Ma other will cure a cold so qalckly. Ho other ia ao sure a preventative of pueu monla. no other la ao oleaaant and aaf to take. Tuere are good r asona why It should be preferred to auy othr. Tb fact Is tbat few people are satisfied with any other after having once nsed this remedy. For sal by Nawlln Drag Co. IN .THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNireojiAres for, the dls- i TRJCTOF ORECO.N. UUnrUa j'orlfflth. ' i fiotlo0"11 meet BaxaJtUr'T lt.g of Creditors, To the Oreditore of Charles J OriulUia, ot Bda, Union county, Oregon, Bausrapk NwTlCBIsHlCRBBy OIVBM. tha on the tUt day of iJaoember, 1AH, the said Charles J. Urtfllihs waa duly adj idlcauxl a Bankrupt, nd that tbe first meeting of the Creditors wUl be held at the office of tbe nnderlgoed lu La Gran ie, Oregon, oa Tuesday, January loth, 1806, at tan o'dos la the forenojn or said day, at which time and plaos aaid Creditors may at tend, prove their culms, appoint a Trustee, eza iue the Bankrupt, and transact such other bostoess aa may properly coma before aatd meeting. Tweatr areoeuu must auc mpany Dated at La Grande, Oregon, December iBrd, MM. F. 8. IVaNUOK. INTEREST aaferee In Baoaraptoy, LEGAL MOTIUE OF RE3TOSATI0N of Vablio Lauds to settlement and En, try. Department ol tbe Interior, Ueu erl Land OiUoe, Washington, D. O. November 1, 14. Notloa ia hereby given tbat oa October XI, 1904, the Vctintf Secretary of tbe Interior re atored to aettlement the pablio lands in b following deaoribed areas, wbicb wer temporarily withdrawn tor forest reaerv purposes J and tbat the a&ld pablio landa ao reatored to aettlement on October 21, lJOt, will become aab jnot to entry, flllof and selection at uie unitea &ute uutrict liana uiboe at U Grande, OroKon, on March lj 1303: In Townablp two(2) Sorth, fiance lorty-four (U) KasL th sooth -west1 quarter of ueotion twenty-Ionr (21) and th west half of Section twenty-flve VH); In . Township three (3) North, Knge forty-four (14) Eaat, Bectlona one (1) to Ave (0), both lnoloalve, lb north half ot the north-west quarter of Hection Six (6), tb north half of Sections nln () and tea (10), Sec tions eleven (11) to fourteen (14); both Inclusive, tbe north-east quarter ot Section twenty- two (22), the not lb half of th aouth-aast quarter ot See tion twenty-three ('13), tieotiona twen ty four (11) sod twenty five (25), tbe aouth half ot the south weat quarter of Bectioa thirty-on (31), and all 8eo tion tbirty-aix (3ti) ; In Township four (1) North, Kang forty-tour (44) East, the weat half of tb tb west bait ot 8ection on (1), Section two fx) t eleven (11), both iuoluaive, th north weat quarter of tb northwest quarter of Section twelve (14), the aoutb weat quarter of Section thirteen (13), See. tiona fourteen (14) to twsnty three (23) both Inclusive, the weat half ot the west half and the south-east quarter ot th aouth-weat quarter ot Heotion twenty our (24), the weat halt of Seo. tion twenty-live (25), tteotlone twenty aix (Ai), tweuty-aeven (27) and tweo-ty-elght (28), the north halt of tb aont.h.Mtt ?.rt?r, z mUU.-mi quarter of the south east quarter, and the north-east quarter oi the south west of 8eutioa twenty-nine (29), the south-west quarter and th sooth half ot the north west quarter of Section thirty-one (31), and Sections thirty three (33) to thirty six (36), both In elusive; la Township two (2) North, Range forty-Ave (45) West, Sections one (1), two (2) and three (3) the north half of Section four (4), tb north halt and aouth-weat quarter of Heotion uve (8), the north ball, and the north halt and south-east quarter ot the south-east quarter of Bectioa aix (0), the east bait of tbe east bait ot Seotion nine 9, Sectlona ten 10 to fourteen (14), both Inclusive, the east haltot Section fifteen (15), Seotion sixteen (10), the aouth half ot the north-east quarter, the north halt of tbe aonth-eaat quarter au.l tb aouth aat quarter ot the aoath-eaat quarter ot Section seventeen 17, the south half of the south east quarter ot Seo tion nineteau 191. th aouth-weat quarter ot .the. south-weat quarter, the north-east quarter, and th north half ot the south-east quarter of Seotion tw nty f JO, the north-west quarter ot the north-east quarter, the north half of the north-weat quarter and the south west quarter ot the north-west quarter of Seotion twenty-one 21, the east halt ot tbe eaat halt ol Heotion 23 to twenty-six 20, both iuulusive, the east half ot Section twenty-seven 27, the aouth half tbe south -went quaner and the north weat quarter of the soath-west quarter ol Section twenty-eight 281. tbe south-east quarter ot the south-east quarter and the west half ot tbe weat halt of Sec tion twenty nine 24, the eaat halt ot th north -east quarter and the north east Quarter of the south -eaat auartar ot. Section thirty 30, tbe southwest quarter ot tie noitbeaet quarter, the west halt oi the southeast quarter, and th weat half of Section thirty on 31 tb northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the eaat half, and the eaat nail oi the west half ol Section thirty two.32, the aoath half of the north eaat quarter, the aoutheaetqaarter and th weat half ot Sdotion. thirty three 33, the eaat bait and th southwest quarter of Section thirty four 34, and an oociions iniriy uve 1 .501. thirty six tSO; In Township three 3 North, Unjje forty Ave 45 East, th Mat half and tbe eaat half ot th weat half ot Section three 3, Sections six 0 and seven 7, the east bait of Seotion tea 101. the west halt of Seotion foar teeu Ut, the east bait rf Section tit teea 15, Sections eighteen 18 and nineteen 19, tb weat half, the weat half of the eaat half and the southeast quarter of tb aoutbeaat auartar of Section twenty three 23, and Seotions twenty Uve 25, twenty . six 26, thirty 30, thirty one 31 J, thirty five 35, and thirty six 3d; All Township two 2 North, Kange forty six 18 East; la Township three 31 North, Hange forty six 46 East, the south west quarter ot tbe southeast quarter and tbe aoutbeaat quarter of th south weat quarter of Section Uve 6, the weat halt of tbe northeast quarter, the west half, and tbe aoutbeaat quarter of Seotioo eight 8, the southeast quart r of tbe southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section fourteen 14, the northeast quarter of Seotion fifteen 151 Seotioo sixte n 1(1, tbe east half and the east half of the weat halt of Seo tion seventeen 17 and twenty 20 and Sections twenty one 21 to thirty six 36, both Inclusive; Ui Township five 5 North, Itange forty six 46 East, Sections one 1 to eighteen 18, both inclusive, the north half of Seo tion twenty two 22, and the north weat quarter ot Seotion twenty three 1 23 5 All tbat part of rownhip six 6 North, liange forty six 401 East in Oregon; In TonsbiD thrve 131 North. liange forty seven 47 Eaat, the south half of the northwest Quarter and tha north half ot the aouth weat quarter of Section fifteen 16, Bectioa sixteea 16, tbe south bait ot the south half and the northwest quarter oi the sooth weBt quarter ot Seotioa seventeen 17 Seotion nineteen 19, the north naif, ud the northeaatquarter of the south east quarter of Seotioa twenty 20, tbe .weat balf ot tbe northwest quarter, tbe southwest quarter, and tbe south half ot tha amithauat. nrturrar nf Hia tion twenty one 21, the southwest' quarter of Stion twenty seven 27, . the south balf Of heotion twenty eight I fs&l th- n.h i tt.- iv of the quarter, the souryae "v -'.:. - t-.H v. ' V a "i. l sA GRANDE I thf 'i ''i. 1 r 4' NOTICE -n mi V Nortb, Kange fort seres (47J Last, BocUooaon i io Mvactoau U1L botb Inciuaiva, Sectlona tenty oua 11 to twenty eight 2SJ, both inoiua tve, and beotioa thirty aix l&Si All that part of Township aU (Si fcortb, Kange forty aeveu f 47 Lat, in Or gon In Tonahip tnr.a 131 Sorth, itonge forty eight (idj ijaat, the sooth east quarter of BecUon tour I4J, th east ball of Section nine toeoUoa erneen (18J, the cast half of fctoctiona t iweaty one 11 J and twenty ai-;ht iil tb aoutheaat quarter ot tb northwest quarter, the aouth ball of the nortiif ast nd the soutn half oi fcocitoa l1?1' tli tb souttweet quartar Z" "r Uha auui nonnweat quarter and tb east half of tieotioa thirty five 5 . "".i-J uaouonai xownanio .k ' . . ... akbt (4U1 Kaatt Ail fractional Townabla aix 1JJ ' Nortb. lUnga forty aiubt 181 - tast; All ot th WlUamett U tdian, Oregoa. ' W A Bicharda, Commlaslonar. Approved: A llltoboook, Secretary ol tb Interior. omxmr' linn. ? MOTIOE BEUro&AXIOJg a t'ubliO Landa La RaLtlrnrt mnA i I bMtry. department ot the Interior, :'.' Ueneral Laud (Jtlioe, Washington, u. V.t Novembers, 1U0. Notice ia bare- f ; -by given tbat on October 21, 1904, th j '',v Apting becreUry of tb Interior reator-, j, M ed to eeOlement the puuiio lands ia V" th following deaoribed areas, which wer temporarily withdrawn for fortat .---t' reaerve purposes; and that th said ' ' puouo tanas ao restored to settlement on October 21,1901, will become sab ject to entry, liiiug aud aelacUon at the united states Uiatriot Land Oillos at Iju Grande, Oregoa, end Wall Walla, Washington, ou March 1, 105: Id Townaulp on 1 boats, fiaag thirty seveu l J East, SsoUoas thirty, one 31 aud thirty two (32), and the SOUlb-WdSt 41iiarur nt ax-- three 33 ; la Townablp" Two ' 2 South, lUugo tnlrty-eigbt 33 East, the south-east quartar ot Seotion flv 5J; iu iowuauip on 1 North, Kau(ft thirty eight (38) East, th east halt of Seotion one 1 ; In Township two 2j North, ftange thirty-eight 38 Et, OvCtiuua thirteen 13, twenty lour .'!, twenty-tlv 25 and thirty, aix 301 ; in Townahip five 5 North. Kange thirty-eight 38 East, Seotioa twenty 20, the west halt of Section twenty one 21, and the north bsJIot Soctioua twenty-nine 29 and thirty 30i, In Township three 31 North. lUnge thirty-nine 39 East, BecUona , UJ. two 2, nln 9 and sixteen lit), and the eoutb-eaat quarter ot Section cweut, -eight 28; in i'own ahip lour 4 North, anga thirty-nin 39 East, Sections thirty-Uv 351 aud thlrty-aix 36 ; Ia Xowusbip three (3) Aortb, Uauge forty (40) East, all that part ui Soctiou one (1) lying eaat ot the Grande ttonde Klver ; All that part ot Xowuahip tour U) North. nanga forty 40 East, lying eaat oi tue Grande ttonde Ulver: in Town. ship three 3 North, Hange torty-ono Ittj iuiat, Hoctions one 1J to aix 6, both luciunlve; All tuat part ot Town ship four 4 North, Kange forty-on 141 East, lying south a ad east et th Graude Koaie rtlver; All that part ot Townahip live Id Nurto, Kange forty, on 41 idast, lying souta of the Grands Koude Ulver; la Townablp Uve 6 North, ttauge forty two 42 East, Sections thirteeu 13 to sixteen 16, botn inclusive, and Sectlona twenty 20 to tbirty-aix 36, both lnslustvet All ot the Willamette Meridian. Ore goa. All that pare ot XownahlD six 6 North, Kange 43 East, lying in Waabuigtou; in lownabip seven 71 Nortu itange forty-three 43 East, Seotions twenty-four (21) and twenty Uve (25). tb south half ot Section twenty-sight ; (28),' tbe south-east quarter of Seotion thirty-on (81), the aouth ball and north-eant quarter ot i Seotion thirty-two (32), and Sections thirty-three (33) to thirty aix, (36), both inoluslve; in Townahip nine (9) ; North, Kange forty three (43) East, ' i Section one (1) to foar (4), both in- t elusive, Seotion seven (7), the north half ot Section eighteen (18), and ' Seotion thirty aix (36) ; In Townablp j seven (7) Nortn, Hange forty four (44) . East. Seotions one (1) and twelve 12 ; ; in Township eight (8) North, Kange ) forty four 441 East, Seotions three 8, j four 4, Uve 6 and eight 8, and the north halt ot Saotlona twenty six 20 i ' . and twenty nine 29 In Townahip r uiue ivj Mortn, uange forty. lour 441 Eaat, Sections four 4 to nine 9, : both inclusive. Seotions fifteen 15 to twenty two 22 both inclusivs, end Sections twenty seven (271 to thirty ; tour 34, both inclualvs; All of tbe i i Willamette Meridian. . Waabincton. . ' ( ; W A KichardH. Pommi Approved. E A Hitchcock, Secretary ,.: oi tb interior. .,...,.,,, i T1MBEK LiANO. ACT JUNE 3. 18 NOTICE FOtt FUSLIOATION. ! U. H. Land Otltoe, La Grande, Oregoa. Oct ia lyua Notion la hereby siren that In mmnii.n ' with the DroviHiiiiiMi.r tha ui ni iinn.u June a, 17S, entitled "An act for tha sale of ituuar utuus iu tue sutuis oi uaiirorula. Oro gou, NiUa, aud Washington Terrliory, aa latnd States by not HmWn. at lfmrrm County . of Union. Htate at tinmanl haa this day filed In this omoe her sworn lUetiuent No. '6Uft, tot the purouase of the Of Heotion 18, Tp No 4 e, Range No ij, U W Jd, sought la more Vhluabia for Its Umber or wuivuu rnu waugw utat too iaaa stone uxan for agrioultunu parpoaea, and to eetttbluih her olalm to said land before tha rtegiater ana Keoelver of this oftlos at La Urande. Oration, on HatunliLT. tha h January, IMO5 ' , one names M witnesses) Herbert K Cleaver of Caldwell, Idaho; Ralph - H Uallls of ferry, Oregon; Benjamin V Young of Ullgard. Orexon, WTllUm 11 Longley of Ullf ard, Oregon, Any and all persons olttlmlng adversely tha ""' utwnuw iiuiua are reqoetnea 10 me tbelr oUtlrus In this olfloo on or beXore said 7U day of Janaary, UU5. - : - Hi. W. Darla. laeglaler. T1MBEU LAND, ACTJUNB 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. K. Land Oflloe at La Urande, Oregon . . t DeoemberU. ivot. Nolloa la hereby given that la oompLtaaoe w.iai ui uniTwiiHu ui tae act 01 Jongreas of Junes, 18. entitled "An act for the etU of Umoer lands In the HUtea of CaJUbrnla, Ore. gon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," aa eMouded to all the Fubllo Land Htatea by ao. ot August 4. UuA. James a Maatyra, of Nellie- vine, ooanty or Clark. HUte of Wuoonsln offtae hie itnve suui'nent No. ma, for tha purohe ef the l?VtSW.WW8EU Bee if UWU NE Nfc.!4 wlk HecO, (3 Township No 1 South, avwiLaajv a ve uu saa vv sn A.u4 will otter pnxt t thow th lh Uattd Wun foTirteuHur Vp 25 I wuollah bla oUuui U said land before tha . iwgiaiw anu twoeiveror nw omoe at Orenoo. on Mouday . tha 6tta W 9. rn, 1U04. namea aa wltneaaea. Baina H- Bnllia. . Buokley Wash.. Leonard C. bullta. of Parrv. Xu; Albert Win ten, of BUrkvy Orexon: jr?js'.!tfif IA ly aud alt iiermna claiming adversely a oove ueacribea lamia are requoeted to their claims In tli la otltoe oa or baiure aakl day of ataroh, UUo. ..4 . " I. S I. MI' : . . : a. B i:; 1''-' A; S ' SB 1 v. id & W. Darla, Bsglalsr. ; V 3' TV!VffftT i