Professional W. J. BISON ETT Full Weight Guaranteed , EXPERT ACCOUNTANT ' 1 ' Office with 4.T. WiUUnuon. La Grand. Wholesale and Retail deaU Partle wishing the AerrieM of a com- . ; petent bookkeeper are assured tabs- ers 1U Hyt iGram, Vege- iactory MaolU. , Ittce. reaaonabl ; ble nd Ffait8 C. "B. Cautiiorn Carload lota a '"Specialty 5 j DENTIST Lawsoa & Zundell i Office Over Hill Drug; Store t KGmii Oregon - I Office in Kiipatrick Bldgj Phone No 1113 fi Dr., F A CHARLTON r H VETERINARY SURGEON, Offlce at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon ". Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 . Hi Malheur County lnestmenV For InveBtmenta In. MALHEUR COUNTY ;4tJ Write to 0,'tMcDANIEL ' Outaflo.M . . . . f , r. .. V.Oregon D. 0, KELLEY, Book, pouted and complicated ao oouau adjusted, , Pea ion ( paper, a specialty. - Notary Public. - Claim, against "tb government considered; Correspondent, aoliuited. Addres. Lock box 13 w:. tv.-tav" r Script Script UUt-tdged forest reserve, approved, Qtv nsfttrtelued, ready for immartiaf iw auy whvra. . JUw prices. twe t BMif Pa!. . . Forced To Starve - B F Leek, of Concord, .ay.; "For 20 year. I suffered agonies with a .ore on my, upper lip, . .o painful some time.' tbat I -could ot -eat, A After vainly trying everything else I cared it, v-iih Buckleu'a Awl Salve." It4, great (or burns, cat. .nd wound. At the Newlin drug .tore; Only S5o - 10 : ! - PER CENT OFF On all cash purchases of $1.00 or over) complete stock of, meats poultry, lard, oar; own cared breakfast bacon1 and bains a specialty. 4 " ' Phone 1601 J NOT GUILTY BUT SENTENCE Colfax Washington Jan .ft Charles Martin charged with murder for tue GENERAL DiiECTORY, Theodore Rooevelt ..President Jolia Hay.,. ...r. Secretary of State Leslie li Shaw.'. Secretary of Treaaary W H Taft ..Secretary of War E' Hitchcock.. Secretary of Interior Paul Morton ..Secretary or Wary 1 .,7 k , . m , IT "J.mesWilwn.SecrtUryofAgricoltor. not guilty by a jury at midnight on General ground of Inaanlty Judge Chad wick , , w '7 p"t Master General immediately asked the prisoner to stand up and a. be did to the judge said; -. - ' 1 00m ml t you to the penitentiary on til released by a higher authority." ' Saoh a prooeeding 1. very ungual and the outcou will be watched with Interest, Uebea corpus prooeeding. wt 1 probably be Instituted for Martin, release, ; PUBLIC ENTITLED TO PROTECTION I. HARRIS 1 We pay the highest market price for hides, pelts, "and furs ibHMirifilMi TO WHOM IF MAY OONCKHN ' Notice is hereby gtven,tbat I bfve taken aos sesrion u Mortgage th stock of liquors, cigars, bar fixtures eU. connected with the Bonanra Saloon on Depot Street to the city of La Grande, Oregon, owned by D. A. Brown and tbat X will receive bids for the feme op to and including th loth, day of January AD. ioa. The right la hereby reserved to reject any and all bid. j : S A. II AN SON, Mortgagee. ADMIHHXKATOK S MUlltJK SETTLEMENT. i Of Osteopathy 1. aafe In hands. of safe people Um properly accredited prao- titionera but a dangerous thing in the hand, of oharlatau. who pretend to practice what they know little or nothing about.' The moral 1. plain The law. of every state should ' estab lish th. practice of Osteopathy upon a high plane, requiring its exponent.'-to be regular graduate, of recognised Os teopathic colleges, and preventing all other, from calling themselves Osteo paths. This will prove of greater er- t 1 mm iv Mto mujiio lu ujv euu vuau . w ' 1 to the Osteopathic practitioner, al though both classes are entitled to such discrimination by the public the iutereet. of professional merit well ma of nnhlio safety in ...US Senators Births And Deaths The Portland Joarnel says;. There were 1,6 JO birth, in the Notice la hereby given that the undersigned, admlnutrator of the Eatate of Angle A. Wood deceaaod, has filed in the County Court of Union PMtnt. nl fkMHWi hi. Aiiiil umnnt mm uob admlniatrator of aald estate and that Moo-1 Tn8r U'X birth, in the Oity daytheotiidayofFeb uarrluoSat the hour of of Portland the past year. Kating the two o'clock p. m. has been Audby said Court ( population at .100,000 .eaoh individual Mne urn. oenng,o0jo",o In the city contributed .01 toward the MHI SSIIU IUH BSCVVSVIMW Dated January 4, lVOt. i J. K. WEIGHT, Adininiitratrr of the EtUte of Angle A Wood, deceased, - FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS Holiday Specials ti c . u rr Makes the Following Generous Offer for THE HOLIDAY TRADE California Claret fine ,! 25o a quart bottle, 5 bottles $1.00 Finest California Raspberry Wine 25o a quart bottle, C bottles $1.00 Reislint Wine 35o a quart bottle, 3 bottles 1.00 Best Bottle Beer, quart bottles, $2.50 per dozen, $1.25 per half 'dozen ........ i MoBrayer's Best Whiskey, eight years old, ' per quart bottle $1.00 M Old 0. P. S. ten year old Whiskey, per quart bottle $1.00 Old J, E. Pepper, eight year old whiskey,, ; per gallon $3.50 Old Hermitage, 15 , car old Whiskey, per gallon $4-00 Imported Port Wine Imported Sherry Wine 75o a quart bottle 75c a quart bottle Please send iu your order at once. We prepay charges to your nearest freight or express office. iSommer House Cafe A- L. MORRIS, Proprietor. inorease iu population by birth, The following are the monthly re cords ot births j January 142, February 101, March 123, April 140, May 110 Juue 130 July 124, August' 140, Sept. ember 140, October 133, November 123, Decern bet 145, . The death, ot the year numbered 1,351, divided among the months as follow.; January 103, February 100, 100, March 120, April 117, May 110. Jane 123, July 91, November 1x6, Deoember 122. Atoording to these statistics th in crease in population due to the excess of birth, over deaths i. 279. At this rate of increase if the population of Portland wern enlaced from no other scource it wjuld tike about 5 K) year. before the population was doubled Absolutely Harmless The fault of giving children medi cine containing injurious aubstanuea, i. sometimes more disaaterous than the disease from which they are suffer ing. Kvery mother should kuow tbat Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy i. per fectly safe for children to take, it contains nothing harmful and for coughs, oqlda and oroap is unsurpassed For .ale by Newlin Drug Co. ' ' A Surprise Party A pleasant surprise ' party , may be given to youi stomaoh and liver, by taking a medicine whic will relieve their pain aud discomfort, vis; Dr King-. Mew Life Pill.. They are 'a most wonderful remedy affording sure relief and cure for headaohe,dizz)ae.. and constipation'. "25c .... 'drugstore Newlin Drug Co . . . ;., . The Ui imond Cure Melville W Fuller.. Chief JUaUoe Victor II MetoaIt.8Mr.tary Commerce U 8 Pension .Commissioner.'. . . . i-Vi i W SBUhards LT S Land Commissioner. .Eugene Ware ' ' P08T OFFICE U M Kioher..... .....Post Maaier Ad Uilham .As.latant ' EIGUTU JUDICIAL DISTRICT Bobert Eakln.. Jadge Leroy Lomaz Di.trlot Attorney , US LAND OFHCB A A Robert. Eeoeiver E W Davi. Beiiieter ' ' U B WEATHER BUREAU W A Worstell. .v....... Observer STATU OF OREGON Chat. W Foiton ) John H Mitchell I " Blnger Herman., CongreBsmarJ 1st Dist J N Williamson.. Congressman 2nd Dist Geo. E Chamberlain.... Governor F I Dunbar ..Secretary of State O a Moore State T reaaorer J II Ackerman bupt Public Instruction JR Whitney.... State Printer A M Crawford Attorney General O E Wolvertoa 1 .'' - i R ttBeao f .....Supreme Judge. F A Moore ) ... Oswald We.t. .Agent State Land Board O B Bellinger U & Dist J odge W F Mathews............ US MarsbaU U aiLruuue.Coueowr auiiuu ma.i John Hall.... U S Dist Attorney JOINT SENATOR " i i, ,.. Walter M Pierce, between Umatilla, Union and Morrow. ' ' ' " : ' P A McDonald, Union and Wallowa. REPRESENTATIVE N OMcLeod. j JOINT REPRESENTATIVE Jay Dobbin, between Union and Wal lowa. : ' 1 COUNTS' OFFICERS ' i MA llarrisoo.... Judge James B Gllham... .......CUerk C O Pennington. .......... .......Sheriff D H Proctor Recorder Jaa- P Morton. .Assessor John Frawley ...Treasurer E E Bragg.... School Superintendent Arthur Curtis , . . .. .8urreyor JO Henry... i..... Coroner- i LA GRANDE PRECINT - - ; John E Hough Justice of Peace J H MoLaahlin .Constable CITS OrFlOERS f J D Slater....'. Mayor COUNCILMEN f W H Bohneukamp, G E Fowler, 8 A Gardlnier, J W Kennedy, L D Rear is, A L Richardson. ; L Rayburo Marshal li F Wade... Depty Marshal Chester P Newlin Recorder' E J Vkalan.... ..Treasurer J W Knowle... ,....City"Atty H V Gil man . . .Water Superintendent Fred Synhorst.'. Street Superintendent LA GRANDE SCHOOL' DISTRICT Direutors . .. Geo. Hanson, chairman; Henry Young F 8 Ivauboe, F Kilpatriok, David. 4ay. AO Williams .f..,..:cierk H J Hookenberry.... Superintendent. "I was muoh afQcted with soiatioa " write. Ed C Nud, Iowavllle Sedwlok 00 Kan, ''going" about on crat'che atjd suffering 'vavdekl of pain. 1 was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment 1 used three ' 6Jo bottle, It 1 th greatest l'nlment I ever used, hav leoommended it to a number ot persona ell express themselves as being ip vnil HaVE'ANYTHING O1 SELL LET THE fEUFU Hl AR ABOUT - IT THROUGH THI - PEPARTMFVT AS1 YOU WILL F1NU A RUYI;R 1 It Vol! "A -AT Ul l'V tvX PLAIN YOUR WANTS THKoUoH THtSt . ULUMNi , n -- f i ? u Th. io,af f,... d.! i. .1.. f"" vuouii.D, dbiok oeue- thev have diover . Hl-mrl " V""" mMIL w,uluus r i . as, able to pefrorm , a great i deal of for consumpuon. If you fear consumo1., ,kJ , " ,, tin., , .mia it .in km.. lJ" labor oa Iarm."-Newllo . ;r . : ." DimCo. i win ta. unii i n ).. . . . ' i - ' I - 1 I ... n. . . iy lueutiuueu oy v i uouee. 01 Van leer, Teon. 'I had a cough, tor fourteen years. Ncthing helped me, uutil I took Dr King. New Dlsoovefj (or Consumption Cough, and OvldsJ which gave instautrelief, and effect ed a poruiaueut cure.", Unequalled qui. k cure, for Throat and Lung ('rouble.. At the Newlin draur .tore. price boo and $1 00, guaranteed Trial bottle free. I Lod&e Directory. KAOLIW La Uranaa Airia am HO k aiMKta vry Kriday niut in K ot r haH af S n as ViiUn brvthern Invited U atet J. A. M atoUW. y. l T. H. ailham,' W. 8. rX) REST KR3 OV AMKUICA-Oourt Mai Marion, No tt biecta aeh Tuesday la KlS'a DaiL Brother, are invited to attend. . .: Al Helaner Chief BaAger. 1 ' CJ Vandsrpool Keeeto. I O 0 r La Qranda todge, No 16 iPeeli A itieir ball every Saturday nlgKt. oera eonhauy invited to attend. S K Klnehart N U U ECooUdga, Seri. . " V A. F. A A. M. La Grand Lodg o. 41. meets every 1st wd 3rd Satur ij of each month. A C William. See, O D Huffman W. Id KA8TK.S STAR OSS Hop." Chapter So UnieeiitlieMcondandfourtn WedDeaday 0 k1i luonlh at j-nt p m in Muome Temple Mrs Clam T ilc, Wll Mary A Warnick, Sec ' . MTAR KN'l'AMfMENT No SI, I. a O. W. n eri-ry nrm ana tnird Tburadaya la tbe ihuuiu in una renown omii. vwlllag brotn era always wolrome K. Robinson. C P. Ueo.BaU,Sorlbe MEAT AND' GRAIN are the principal food of the strongest nations. If all grain were as good as the meat we sell our customer, would, be the strongest on tartb. There Is ooosiderable ' SATISFACTION . is handling tb kind of meal we do. It . real pleasure to bate customer ask lor ua roast just like tbe last; It was delicious." We often have "that aid lo'os.VAnT listen we donH care if you do w. igh our meat when you get bom . Some butchers don! like it. Yj'u know why -: Bock & Thomas For Sale FOR RENT OB SALE 160 aore farm well Improved WU1 either rent or sell - Ioquire of, m. Moss, La 1 Grande Rural Free Delivery No. L ' lj mile, north of Island City. Dec 6 January 0, . FOB SALE OR BEN T New flr room ' house on M Street, 'Address ' Mr H E3Cavan BFD Nol V FOR BENT Furnished rooms with or j wlrhout : bath t in beat ' residence t district. . Inquire at Cor Fourth and i Main at' the George Hansen proper. My. . , Jan tf Shingles, Shingles Two ear 'oad. of tint clas. shingle Jut received by th Stoddard Lumber Company. WANTED Girl for general boose work, at WoodLey; moaf be good cook and experienced differences required. Stat-a la-An.ering wan. $25.00. Address Mrs Ja R Elmendorf. P O Box 387. La Grand Oregon. j 3 tf Lost FOUND On pair of gentlerren's nn - dressed kid gloves. Loser msy J hav Mm by psytng fpij this notice. W 8 BallyJ P O True, T.ia. if rites "Mt wife had been anfferlngi it LOST Ladles gold watoh nam of Teara with m,.!..!, i her arm wh.n "Nora" engraved on caae, f betvreen i WM persuaded to us Ballard, fenow Old Town and Adam. Avenu B-. Llnimeut which cord her all right. ! ward for its return to this office, till haw also need It forlold aore. Croat. bite.' and skin etupti6nsT"It doe the k " 5n Mn Sl.OO N.wlin fDruK Co U 4 ista WANTED Saw. to file at my reii ' tieorge mil. 1 . For Rent iColumbm 'Collegiate, Pa rsl aa t a lh building formerly oc upied by Oommeroial th Salvation army For full oar- ' In1 rrc. r at ftT aud .Gram , ,T.W. f "rJ..niar Grad. titular, and rates inquire of 8 O Zuber; Aug. 31 1 f Mrs FOR RENT Two fuml.hed room in ' irtiif rot WtiloidI T Couroe. Boarding school tor roan x men A boys. Box 34& University Park Station, i;8ommr-' building r $l:i8MM00 The Bulletin just" issued by tbe United States Government, after months of careful research, showa. ' that in the' Western States,' ihe average family1 ptfr-; chases annually goods U the amount of 750 - On this basis the 2250 families visited with eaoh issue of the Daily and Weekly'' OB SERVE & annually purchase merchandise to the amount of uc-JT .vT. .L The natural logical conclusion cannot be otherwise than that no wide-awake business man who will take the few moments necessary to convince himself of the accuracy of the above statement, can afford to miss the opportunity of placing, his announcements (25,500 each" mouth) before this army of jpurchislr's. V An ad under such conditions, properly taken care of will most certainly bring enormous returns on the investment'' v '- J' J ' v. s a hi':-; V U..- . : ' These Presentations of FACTS Should receive the most careful consideration of jjj every business house whoBe volvme of business de- I pends upon the patronage of thia city and county, ) THE OBSERW -Pirrit Class Job Work I