i i ft When you want GOOD PRINTING Call Pho$e No. 1371 Printing That Satisfies THE OBSERVER 35 Cents For. The Best Butter Made If you go on the principle that the be-t is the best and only kind for yen, order a sample pound today, At the Following Well known Dealers Romig & Staples Baker Bros.' Mo Faylane ,0. Ralaton Geddes Bros v : J. W. White , 0. L. Thorn V " ; La Grand .Creamery Co NOW 15 THE O'CONNOR ADDITION is how ready lor the market and will e sold at reasonable rates. This addition contains some of the most handsome residence sites to be found In La Grande. This splendid addition has been, held off the market for several years, the owner believing that the time had not arrived when it would be properly appreciated. Now is the time to buy nd insure good returns on the invest ment. "The O'Connor addition is nicely located in regard to schools, churches and the buoioees district. DR. GEO. Corner Park and LA GRANDE I sphere is a difference '' between printing . that "will do" and that trlich is the kind yon really want. We make a specialty of pleasing, as we have the ' equipment with which to produce good printing and - printers who understand the art bl printing. ' - There is no order too small or too large to receive our careful attention. We print anything from posters to visiting cards. THE TME O'CONNOR Oa St. Phone 2141 - " OREGON MIGTHE CHURCHES CATHOLIC CHUECH x W. J. Whyte, Sector Uw eiwj Sunday exoept the 4th at 7 and 9 a. m. Bosary and Benediction on tbejsame days at 7:30 p. m. Mass oa the 4ih Sunday at 7 a. m., bo evening servloe en that day. Mau on week days at 8:30 a. m. - CHitlSTlAN SCIENCES. John E. Pago, IstReadei. rbo Christian Solenoe aerTioes at no homo of J 8 Pago old town every Minday at 11 a. m. All are oordlally avltod. i -" - LATTER DAI UAINT3 anday Bohool 10 a. m oegoiar eervloea Hp. m Mutual Improvement Association maeta oonjolntly at 1 30 p. m. : M.E.CHUE0H .fiv. J 1) ttiliilan, pasto" tJuuday ttobool 10 am Love Feast . . 6:30pm Church aervioes, ' 7:30 p m 11 a m Kav D 8 Smith of Elgin will preach morning and evening next Sunday CluNTKAL CaOtt'JU of CHRIST OPi-OSlTJUdOMMEa HOUSE . O a King Minister Blblo School ' 10 A M Morning Worship 11 A U YP80E meeting 6:80 Morning f Fast and Future Attain- Evening "lue New Birth" Weloome to all. 8t,PIaS EPISCOPALCHUBOH . Upton HGibbt, reotor Fesst of tbo Ciroumoision of Christ , Snuday School 10 a m Holy Communion 8am vuiug prayer 7 &0 p m BPTiar CHUECH J FDay, pastor Sunday Sohool " 10 a m Classes for all ages Young People's meeting 8:30p m You are invited. ' Sermons Moroing " lue Day ol Pentecost" ifiveutug 'tVuai Laoa I yet" PitaddYilSliiA.N CHJEOH . fiov J U Hays, pastor tiuoday .School , IOid Jul lor Eudeuvor 3pm beuiur Endeavor . rjO p in Piayer Aiuo.iug luuc-Jy 7:3Upui PrikUjtug iomorruw 11 in auu 7i3W aluruiujj -Oijoupy till I ooine" Kvauiug f ue Ourietian aoe" - ex All invited Heart Fluttering UndigKated food and gas in ths stom ach located Just below the , heart, presses it an 1 causes hert palpitat ionr when your heart troubles yon In that way take Herbina (or a few days. Ifott will soon be all right, 60o Newlln Drug Co. Try the Observer for first class Job Work. ED. EATON, Experienced-Piano polisher and wood finisher. Bar fixtures and Bank furnitvre and all stain imitations a specialty. Remodeling and repairing. All kinds of ouse f uruiture polished and repaired. All work guaranted, Leave orders at Stacfcland & AIcLaohlen, Phone 644 I T o. jhc7" axis s. Br a THURSDAY. JAN. 12,V Sanson ale Tuniar unmiuj. Price: Bzes $1.00, Reserved seats 75c, back five rows. 50c, gallery 50. For Mother's Sake 1 With an exception ally lar cut, and a capable ono, a wtalth ol peoial soenery, and a plot of engrossing ha man Interest aro amoog tbo promises concerning the nsw atory of Now Eog land Life, "r" Mother's Bake" which will appear al Btewaida Opera honse Thursday Jan It. '. . The flrtt aot U laid at Lawrentown on tbo shores of Lake Megantio among the pines of northern Maine, and is set in admirable taste. The seoond act is the exterior , of Mr. Pemberton's oottage, and dooryard formlog a very homelike ploture. The third act is a mioiog soene among the mountains of Colorado giving ex cellent opportunities for one aoenio display which the . management has taken complete advantage, But the wi ne aetiiDg w Nil in ta : fourth act, when the snow storm Is seen raging throagn the lattice d win dow and blow in e. the door - as the oharaoters enter. It makes you feel so snug and cosy when the door is shut and yon see the cheerful fire place, the lighted Christmas tree and the village tots tinging their Christ in as carols, and making merry over ths return of their play-fellow and favorite Jo Pembeiton. OREGON 'V ( v ae., , - . ill 1 ! mm. -,-rtV V PKPABT ggflSQ, raoM No t Halt Lake. Denver. Ft. Ho 1 SisOpm WorttJ, Omaba, jaa tJM m No 6 hm City, Bt. boala, Cul- Nos &3U a. m. oago aud IlmI. fcMLp m Hot ' Portland, DatUa.'Pm- , dlvton. Walla Walla, Ka uayloa, fouwror. Col- aorUt via Spukans Portland, Dalles. Pen dleton, Umatilla, Wal Iio 6 lula, Lewutou, Ulx, No 6 Moscow, vVallaoe. War- JiiA p. m. uer, HpokaM aoa otber 6 JO a m point east and aunll via Bpokime ' No. S3 UlandClty, AlicL Im- DUj cz- bier and Elgin. Con- Host oept Dcutlooa at klgla wlUl Bandar utat bit poluu la WaV t JO m fcUain lowa. Uosaa Steamera between Portland and Han Franoiaw every five daa &aM00agat. iimmiii WaKD," Mir, . R Still Hunth& are You? Looking around for your money's worth' in grade confections? Why hunt further .when the game is right in sight? We have everything to tempt tne palat in the way ol pure wholesome candies at prices for which you never thought good candy could be made Los Candy Parlors, The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon, TURKESTAN The Dry Land Alfalfa- Brome Grass, Bed Glover. Alfalfa aud all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk. Seed V i h UaUed Barley Oats, Etc The only seed house I Uaion county. KM.OL JEFFERSON AVE. jCa Srande Snvostmcnt Company, 1110 Adams Avenue m lSnBent;HerD6ubleJ "Uknewnoone, for four; weelu, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," rltei Mrs Annie uonter or rituourg ra, -ana wnen got better, aitnouga i.naa jone m me best doctors I coald get, I was bent doable and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible afflloltlon I was resooed by Eleotrlo Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and Jnow I oan walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to oore atomaoh, liver and kidney dlsord ers at the Newlin drag store price We sr: . V ' Ail . i' II..:,, ' , " ALFALFA Grows wttbosjt Irrigation - IMBR iPHONEil57L 5 SEFJNGJIS BEUEVINO Vte have some very choloe real estate to offer yon as to the attraotlvenaae ol oar offerings, we will be glad to take yea aroond town and point oat to yoa the various tine houses we have "for sale" in this way we'll satisfy yoa that our offirlnjcs are certainly well worth your Consideration, BETTER PURCHASE one of these choice houses now. Prices in real estate are constantly going up, and after you have purchased it, yoa can sell the house again if desired and make money oa the transaction, too. . La Grande, Oregou r , cfl ,. . n. nuokwall-aaad 25 ohokad to death oarl Vastarfaw mrn. ut t hU Jiome ttn the oraaonoa ol hU wlfa n oontraotad alight cold a few days ago and paid bat little attention to It. Yeateriay morn ing he was seised with aflt of eoogh log w hi oh continued for some time. His wife sent tor a physician bat bo. ore be coald arrive, another oouging open oama on ana duokwou died from' saSoostion, St Lours Ulobe-Demo-orat Deo 1 1904." Ballards rlorehoand syrap wound hare saved him. aSo, COo and vl-00. Nswlin Drag Uo. . If yoa want to bay your meat at the claaaeet market la town, pay nt a vbit. Our market to always Mat and clean; (torn the time the oatU is porcbaeed until they are told to the coouimer, olunllaeaa U law wita. at. Yoa will appreciate the thoroughly good tender meat we sell when yoa know .that k cornel from an Immaonlatrly dean Market. BOSS Meat Market. Stillwell &Vandermuelen, Proprietor, 5 I IT- i J, I il ( u : J. f 5l - y ii 7 s i'V.l 'I: i . i t. A MriUaaaMa4a.4aaataaMa.aaMaaM..aa - T" ---. l J i - ......m k-Ki '