La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 04, 1905, Image 5

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A -
t 4
J JThere is no doubt about
uiHo-date, and
Hera are some bleaiine thine at Dleaain nricea: .
5XtrB Mlect Desert Yellow Peacbes, per can 30o
J Extra select black TartariaoChereiea . . . r. per can' SOo
Extra select Cnthhflrt RannV Arriaa nikt Aon
g Extra select 4 Blackberries,
Sagar-W grated. Pine Apple
. mo xi
Grocery and Bakery.
Having purchased the undertaking goods of E.
?jidfossi $ Co., fytan early datewe expect to find
tttiafejziczricrs zr.diirp.l ypn. themost complete
Qfrid itp-io-datei Undertaking-, Parlors inJHastern
Oregon. .. In the meantime we are prepared to
,TenderJhe ,oest possible service and will be found
'jtf the Andross $fio.'s FurnltureStore. - ; i
We Have' Had many years experience inthis
business and know that the publio will t appreciate .
the establishment that we will maintain. ) !
Our prices willbe.reasonablet andyour stock
complete All calls will receive prompt attention
giefin. &:hogan. -
.For present with E. Andross ; $ Co , Phone 91
V - We hvt made np our mind to tell every roll of Wall Paper In our )
... store before the next lorintf stock
-eomplitt eloa-up we have cut the
WaH Paper ;from 5 ccntsmp4 .
We Want to clear the house before
" of W Jl Waper to errive on that
now m nana wun u ,mb uuicr fu nyu ui n wimj. v t .6
- ' i brt you will have a greater variety to sdtd from. Our 'present.' ,(t
- stock is complete.
: Stackland &
, . isiand City, Oregon
58WINE.' :
We now have eight yonng bucka, pure bred,' Oots
' wold and shropshiree, ready for service, anyone need,
ing choice bucks, should eee these to : appreciate them
1 : y'yixdg stock always on hand, and ' always glad to
have yon call and see our hogs, as we hrerd them for
-the Farmer, and ask yon to compare our paices before
'. buying some where ifilae.
Representing the Equitable Savings & Loan Asso
I f ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & most
iha Pncifiri .coaBt. under state
t tuperviaioB-iiLoans made
Citv nronertv for sale.
one: dollar
You can get a pretty street hat "at the BARGAIN
Store. We also have a completeline'of -
!La Grande - Orearon
our. line being complete,
always fresh.
per can 25o
V. ..$...... per can SOo ,r
..,...,.,, per ctu zoo
La Grande.
43 J
arrives, and In order to Insure a - TO
price reardle of former price f 9J
march 1st as we expect a carload ; j fA
date. We have more Wall Piper ; V
to Loan
a .
short or long time to suit.
a'afaaea t aoeeaeeeee
Government Preparing to store Water for Irri
: Ration" Purposes.
Th following loverBment lirlffttloo
proJota havo titter been, let to " con
tractors or hare baan adVtrtlaad :
Trackeo-CarioB project in Nevada;
coostraotloD . eommeDoed September
1903. "
Bait pirer project, Arizona oon
traction Oommeorecl Novomber, 1904.
Minidoka project, Idaho; conatrao
Uon oommeooed KoTpmber, 1904.
Hondo projeot New, Mexico; con
struction oommenced Deoember, 1901.
North PlatU and Pathfinder project,
Nebraska and Wyominrt propoealt
advertised tobe opened Januar 9,
The preliminary work or road bntld
ing and telepuone line baa been under
taken alao on the Saoabone project,
Wyoming. , ' " 7 ""
The reolamatlom projects approTod
contain a total of ' 1,131,000 . aorea of
arid lands, situated in. Arlsona, Cell
tornla, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Ne
Lrz, ;zz. "VNi. Hex.
ico, North Dakota, Soolh Dakota, Or
gon and Waabingtoo. '
The total amount of money appro
prlated for the work on these approved
projects la $31,395,000, an average coat
an aero ot 78.' Tbe lofceat Coat
abown la $18 an acre and the higheat
$35. . ..i '.
The Salt River project In; Arizona
oomDrleea lbO.000 aorea at $20 an aore,
amounting to 13,20000.
-In Calltornia tbe Yuma project oon
sista of 85,000- aoree, , at an . average
cost of $35 an acre,' making a " total of
$2,975,000. ' '
Another Fire
v i .
On Jao 2 we will oommenoe
$20,000 worth of dry " goods,
milliuery, waiobee, clocks and jewel
ery of all kinds, also a fail line of
"This is our first annuel ' sale, and
w intend to maka a Suooeaa 0f it if
prioea will do is Every thing in she
store will be reduced. Seasonable
goods at price. - VVe have a bargain
oounter that- will snrplrise you. Cull
and look it over, it is just like finding
the gooda ,,, ,
. We also have a remnant counter
whioh is full of bargains
' These goods bve got to go to make
room for our goods which ' will
be here aoon.
Bale to last thirty deya
If you ant yjur .uoney to do
double service call at THE RAIN
Stomach Troubles and Constipa
"Chamberlain's btomaob and Liver
Tablets are the beat thing for stomach
troubles and eonstiration I have ever
sold," says J B Cullman, a druggist
of Potter ville, Mich, i They are , eavr
to take and always give aatiafaotion.
I tell mv customer, to try tbem and If
not satlafaotory to come back ' and 'get
their money, but ' bare " never had a
complaint. For sale by Newlin Drag
Co. ' "
The Diamond Cure
The latest hews from Paris, is that
they have discovered, a diamond on re
for eonaumption. It you fear conaump
tloOjOr pneumonia, it will, hovever,
be best for you to lake tbat great rem
edy mentioned ' by " W ;T" MnQee, oi
Vanloer, lean.- "I had a coogb, for
fourteen years. Nt thing helped me,
until I took Dr King's New Discovert
for Consumption Coughs and CvldsJ
whloh gave instant relief,' and effect
ed a permanent cure." Unequalledi
quick cure, for Throat and Ivong
Troubles. At the Newlin drug store,
price 50o and 11.00, guaranteed Trial
bottle free.
'la the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Union County. Id the matier of the Estate
of Jane Ball, deceMKl No. Ice la hereby given
tbat the uuderiUned a administrator of the
estate of Jane Ban, dee aaed, panoant to aa or
der of t"e above entitle 1 Court, made and en
tered aa the lath day of December A D IMt will
from and aft Wednesday the Ut day ot Feb
raary A D 1V05, irooeed toaeli at , rlvate sale
f ,r oaab to the highest bidder, subject to ooo
SrmaUon by the Ooart, all the right, title aud
nt -r st of sal i dcotdent, in and to tna (ol owing
dtK tibed real ettate, towit: An undivided on
half Imereat In lots land 2. and all of lot S in
Block 10; of Chaplin's Addition to la Orand,
Oregon; an undivided one half interest la and to
lot ais and the north twenty one feet of Lot T In
B ock 14 in Arnold Addition to U Grande, Ua
ion County, Oregon sobjeot to the lift estate of
Oeorge JBull, tbreln,and a znoniag of S70- on
Lots 1 and t In Block 1 1 as at re. aid, or ao much
thereof aa la na eauar to pay eatau debts
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, and Snt nb-
liahei this December utb, Iwi.
OWOOK BALL, Adiainlalrsvor.
The Unoompahgrt project 14 Colora
do contains 100,000 acres, at a ooat of
$2,600,000, or an average ot 125 pa?
In Idaho tbe Minidoka piojeot of 70,.
000 acres, ;oalla for4 an' expenditure of
$130.000 or $26 an aoree.
The Traekoe-tanoa uroject. In Nov
Vada, whloh tontalas 100,000 acrea at
$26 an aore, totals $2,600,000.
The North Platte and Pathfinder
project situated in both Nebraska and
Wyoming, oonsututea a wiai oiiw.uxi
aoree at an average oost of $35 an acre,
amoanting to $3,600,000. '
The Hondo projeol , lo New Mexico
comprises- bat 10,000 mores at $23 an
acie, a total ot $280,000.
The Mslbenr project in Oregon con
tains 75,000 aorea, oos lug $2,250,000,
an areraga of $30 au a're.
In , booth Dakota the Bellfoaaobe
project o 60,000 aores at $33 an aore,
totals $1 0,000.
The Palouse ptojejt iu Washington
or io.ouu mm, CC,220,?0 "- av
erage of $35 an acre.
The largot in cost is ihV Shoshone
project la Wyoming, wulth oontuiu
lUO.OOO "aorea, the same acreage es
Arlloaa, bat at a coat ol $25 an aore
bringa the total to $4,000,000. ,
The North Dakota pioject comprises
61,000 aorea. Of this .amount 30,000
aorea cost $90,000, or an average bl 20
an acre. .The rajmainlng 31,000 aoree
toula $560,000, or $1S an aore.
The Montaua project oomprUes, 70,
000 acres, costing $2,100,000, or an av-'
erage ot $30 an aore. ,
i ' U. 8. iad OSioe, L Omade, Oregon.
XMoembor. IS, 1UU4.-'
Kottoe la hereby given turn In oompUaoo
wltnthe provlnloiu of Uie act of Ouuktom of
June 8, 1878, entitled "ab act for lUe Mle of
Umber Unda la the Htatea of Uallfornus Ura.
on, Nevada, and Wwinlngton Xerrltory," aa
ztended to all tbe Fubllo Iand tJUtUM by act
of Auguat 4. UMi, Jubn li inutrung, of
Pendleton, Count? of UmMtiUa,Mtate of Oregon
bai thla dy flied In una oUloe tiia aworu
uteioen. Wo. M, for Ike purotnw of tbe
KX BtM Bee 0 and RWM eWk nWU
of cteoilun Mo. ID In TowualiVAfo. 1 A, Bang
And will oDer proof to abow that the 'land
aougbt ii more valuable for Ita timber or
atoua tban for agricultural pur puma, and, to
eaUhlun bla cairn to aulil laud belore the
beglater and Receiver of thla OQloe at La
Unuide, Oregon, on itoaday, tbe 7Ui day
February, 1UU&.
Uanameaaawltneaiea: Peter E. lob toon of
Huron, via kauiaU, Or, Tbouiaa J Meaua of
feudieton, Or, iUrry Meed of Pendleton, Or,
and Jamee Allen ul iluron, via Kauiela, Or.
Any aud au peraona eiaiimng adveiwiiy tbe
above described landa are raiueated to Hit
tbelr clalma In thla otfloe on or before aald
27U day ot ITeoruary, lvuo,,
, W. Davis, tUjIeltr.
U. U, Lud Offloa at La Urande, Oregon
. i Deoeuiber 21, HKM,
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
W1U Uie provlalona of tbe act of Oougmat of
JuneS, WW, entitled "An act for tba sale ol
Uinoer landa In tbe Htatea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Wattblugloa Territory," aa
eteuded to all tbe Publio Land Htatea by act
m Auguirt.l8Di JaineeU Mclutyre. ofNellla
ViUe, county of CUrk, Hute of Wiaoonnln
baa. tbia day flied In lb la office' bla awora
alaUment No. ittoj, for tba purobaae of tbe
BKaW'i(t4Wi8E Bee Ifldi Nhyu
NKNWU HefcW), la lownabip No4douUi,
UangaNo.Toa. W. M.
Ai will otter proof to abow that the land
aoagnl la more valuable for lla Umber or
aloue than for agricultural uurpoaea. and to
ataDliau blaolaiin to aald land before tbe
Kegiater and Keoelver of tbla oflioe at La
U-aade, Oregon, on Monday the 6 Lb
day of Marcn, 1U05
He namea aa witneaaea. Raipn U. Bullia,
of Uuokbiy Wash.. Leonard U Bullia, of Parry,
Oregon; Albert Win tere, of Bur key oregou;
and at Oaoar Coomba of etakey Oregon.
Aay and all oeraona olalinlua adversely
the aoove deaorlbed landa are requvated to
file tbelr clalma In tbla otfloe on or before aald
6 lb day of Maron, UOo.
- ' k, w. Davla, tteglnter.
We the undenigued legal voters and residents
of the Precinct of Hilgard, Union Comity, Ore
gon, hereby reSpecUUily petition your lion.
Court to grant to Holverson & Met ar. and a
license to sell spirituous, malt Or vinous liquors
or fermented cider, commonly known as -hard
older, In leis quantit et than one gallon In the
town ol Hilg.ird, in the precinct of Hl.gard In
Union County, Oregon, for a period of six nio-thi
oommenclng rebruajy 10, VM.
Dated at Hllgard, Oregon, December 10, 1901
John Tbompson
Harry Wells
Q Garden
Matt Darkle
Geo C Lee
8 H liaaucuamp
J D Casey
D P llewma
J E Kl a
Geo. Butncbsrd
FE Moore
H A Eodrop
J E Lanman t
L G WelU '
Chat. Baker .
Rudolph Harue
J WHoott
Slat Anderson
J T Holmes
N C Endrup
William Uv
TM Rankin
C4 Hamer
Frank Moore
George' Bnrchett
Clarence ong
GC Farmer
WL PrUla an
Fred Dntley
Henry Lore
JaS LaSerty
J t Nibley
f A HcDoogall
Wo. Cant, eh
Frank Sbo.dsUom
Ceo. Rogers
Wm. Banks
J 8 Dlllmaa "
Ike Uatberaon
Fred Werner
W M Hetrkk
Ed PeUrsoa
Frank baniord
Q H MoOarry
Ed baling
Harry French
B gholdationt
Ceo. Teyto
C Johnson
Cla Livenon
F Maden
H C Bnrchett
T J Koundtree
Notice is bereby given that we will on the Iu
day of February 190) apply to the County
Court of Union Cob nty, Oregon, at the ctiurt
house for a license to sell spirituous null and
ious liquors and fermented cider commonly
known as bard cider lo tbe town of Hilgard,
Uutoa eaa ity, Orejou, for a period of six
awnthsoonuao'cintronor about February 10
1806. HOLVaBaoa A y
of i
Pnblio Laiids to aettlttnent au J En.
tiy. a'tairiiueut oi vue xoierior, ueit
erai ina umce, esbtngtun, U U.
November I, lim Notice is hereby
given that on October '21, 13)1, the
ycting Becretary ot the In erlor re
stored to settlement tbe publio lands in
the following described aieas, which
were temporarily withdrawn tor furest
revrve parpoeee; end that tbe aud
public lands so restored to settlement
on October 1, VXU, will bet-ome sal
Jeot to entry. fUlog and selection at
the United Btatea District Land Oilloe
at La Urande, Oregon, on March 1,
1905: In Township two2) North. BanMH?lrly lMl h. th8 aouttweat quarter
lorty-four (44)
East, tbe aouth-west
quarter otSeotlon twenty-four (ii) and
tbe west half ot 8eotion twenty-Hve
Cii); In Township three (3) North,
Range forty-four (.44) r est. Sections
one (1) touve6), both lueluslve, ihe
north half of tbe north-west, quarter of
taction Six (6), the uorth half of
Sections nine (9) and ten (10), Sec
tions eleven (11) to fourteen (14);
both inclusive, tbe north east quarter
of Section twenty, two (22), the noitb
half of tbe eoutu-east quarter of Sec
tion tweuty-three ('23), Sections twen
ty four- (24) and twenty five (25), the
south half of tbe south west tuarter of
Section thirty-one (31), and U Sec
tion tbirty-six (3tl) ; In Township tour
(4) North, Kane forty four (14) East,
the west half ot tba the west ha't of
section one (1), hectioue two (2) to'ti, i.,iinii. ri.nriiuui hi.
eleven (11), both inclusive,' tbe north
west quarter ol the northwest quarter
of Section twelve (12), the south west
quarter ot Section thirteen (13), foe.
tionafourteen (14) to tvtsnty three (23)
both Ini tiisive, the west half ot the
west half aud the south east quarter
ot the aouth west quarter of tse.'t ur
twenty four (24), the west half of Sua
tloa twenty-flve (25), Sections twenty
six (20), tweuty-aeveu (27) and twenty-eight
(28), the nortit halt of tbe
south-east quarter. - the south -anal
quarter of the aouth east quarter, and
west of Kection twenty-nine (29), the
south-weak quarter and the south half
ol the north west quarter of Section
thirty-one (31), and Suctions thirty
three (33) to thirty six (30), both in
clusive; In Township two (2)
North, Range forty. rive (45) West,
Sections one (1), two (2) and three (3)
the north half of Section four (4), tbe
north half and aouth west quttrter of
Seotion uve (6), the north tulf, and
the north halt and south-east quarter
of the south east quarter of Me tlon six
(0), the east half of tbe east hair of
Seotion nine 9, Sections ten 10 to
fourteen (14), both Inclusive, the east
halt of Section fifteen (15), Section
sixteen (lo), the south half of the
north-east quarter, tUt north half oi
the sonth-eaet quarter and the' south
east quarter of tbe south-east quarter
of Seotion seventeen 17, the south
half of the aouth east quarter of Seo
tion nineteen 1191. the south west
quarter of tbe south, west quarter, the
north -eaat quarter, and the north half
ol the south-east quarter of Section
tw nty (20, the north-west quarter oi
the oortn-east quarter, the north half
of the north-west quarter and tbe
aouth-west quarter of the north-west
quarter of Seotion twenty-one 21, the
east half of tbe east half oi Bedlon
twenty-two 22, Sections twarty-three
izaj to twenty-tux Doth inclusive,
the eaat half of Section twenty-soveu
271, tbe aouth bait the south went
quarter and the north west quarter of
tue aoutn-west quarter ot . Suction
twenty eight 281. the south eaat
quarter ot tbe aouth- east quarter aud
tbe west half of the west halt of Seo
tion twenty nine 29, the tast half of
the north-east quarter and the north
east quarter of the aouth eaBt quarter
of Section thirty 30, tbe aoutbwest
quarter of tie noitheast quarter, the
west nair ol the southeast quarter, and
the west half of Section thirty one 31
the northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter, the east ba f, and the east
half of the west half of Section thirty
two 32, the south half ol the north
east quarter, tbe sontbeastqunrter and
the west nail or Seotion thirty three
33, tbe eaat Jialf and the southwest
quarter of section thirty four 341. and
an a ctions tntrty uve IJOJ, thirty aix
30; In Township three 3 North,
Range forty five 45 East, the east
half and the east halt of the west half
of Section three 3, Bee Ions six 6
and seven 7, the eat half ot Seotion
ten 10, the wnt halfof Section (our
teeu14, the east half rf Seotion nf
teen 15, auctions eighteen 18 aud
nineteen 19, the west half, the wst
half of the east half aud tbe southeast
quarter of tbe southeast quarter of
beotion twenty three 23, and Sections
twenty live l2o, twenty aix 20,
thirty 30, thirty one 31, thirty five
35, and thirty aix 3d; All Township
two 2 North, Range loity six 40
East; iu Township three 3 North,
Range forty six 40 Eat, the south
went quarter ol the aoutheaet Quarter
and tbe southeast quarter of the south
west quarter of Section nvo oj, the
west tialf-of the northeast quarter, the
wet half, and tbe southeast quarter ol
Section eight 8, the southeast quart
er of tbe southwest quurier and the
southwest quaiter ol the southeast
quarter ol Section fourteen 111, the
northeast quarter of Hection hfteeo lo f
Seotion slxte n 10, tbe east half and
the east halt ot the west half of Hoc
tlon aeventeen 17 and twenty 20
and Sections twenty one 21 to thirty
aix 30, both inclusive; in Township
Qve OJ North, RAnge forty six 40
East, Sections one 1 to eighteen 181,
both inolusive, the north half ut Sec
tlon twenty two 221, and the
uorth !
west quarter ol Section twenty
23; All that part of Town hip six 6
North, Range forty six 40 Eust in
Oregon; In Township thrre 3 North,
Range forty seven 47 Kaut, the south
half of the northwest quarter aud the
north half ot tbe southwest quurter of
Section fifteen 15, Hection sixteen
16, Ihe south hall of the south half
and tbe northwest quarter oi the aouth
west quarter of Section seventeen 17
Section nineteen 19, the north half,
wnd the nottheastquHrtor of the sooth
east quarter of Seotlo-i twenty 20,
the west half of ti e north went quarter,
tbe southwest quarter, and the sou h
half of the southeast quarter of hvo
tion twenty ou 21, the Boat h we u
quarter of Section twenty aeven 271.
the south half of KeotioQ twenty eUht
2b, the north half of tbe northeast
quarter, the aoutbwest quarter cf tbe
northeast quarter and the west hnlf ot
Section thirty (SO), the snutheust
quarter of Section thirty one 31, tbe
east halt and southwest quurier of
Section thirty two (32), aud all Sections
, thirty three 33, thirty four 34 end
thirtyjsli l& ln.Townahlp five 5
North. Ranie fortv ur. fj7i r of
Ko.'tlo" one f 1 1 t aovduteii 1 1: i
uuiuiti, oojtioim ten;r tiL;e
21 to twen-y eight 28, both
ive, and tSectiun tidrtv air r.'j
130; All
that part of lownt-bip aix b ort.';
K&nge forty eeveu 47 tast, iu liro
nop; In Township thr e 3J Xortii,
Ki-ntte forty eistit 4S fcgt, tbe sontn
eastqosrter of Hettloa lour (4, the
east half of 6eof Ion nin yj. botloa
sixteen lti, thrt eat hall of iwctinris
twenty one 21 and twenty et-Ut 2d,
the southeast qu-rter of the north wet
quarter, tbe smith half of tLenortheat
qaarUtr and the south half of flection
TT " L "f. ,
the northwest onartxr
and tlie east half of tieotloo thjiy
three 33; All fractional Townabip
Ave 5 North, Range forty eibt 48
hast; All Iratiousil Township eix
3 North, iUaga furty eibt 48
taut; Allot the Willamette Meiidiuu,
W A Richarda, Commisalonor.
Approved : H A Hitchcock, tieoretary
of the Interior.
10 Landa to Settlement anil
Entry. Department of the Interior.
Ueneral Laud Qlllce, Washington, l.
, November 3, laot." Notice ib here
by given tbat on Octol')er2U I'M, ihe
Actina Kectetarv of the Interior restor.
ea to ee.tiemene thu
were temporarily withdrawn f ,r forest
reserve purposes; 'aud that the sail
publio Unds so restored to aettiemeut
on October 21,1001, will beoome eab
Jeot to entry. Ill In and selection at
the United bUttis District Land Otlloes
at 1 Grande, Orison, aud Wulla
Walla, Washington, ou March 1, 11)05:
Io Township one 1 South, Range .
thirty seven 47 Eaat, Sections thirty .
one (Jl and thirty two (32), and the
soutu-WBiit quarter of Seotion thirty
three 33; In Township two 2
South, Range thirty eight 33 Eaat,
the icr.t!? , of fetation live
5 j In Township one I North,
Kane thirty eight (38) East, the eaat
half of Section on-? (11; In Township
two 2 North, Range thirty-eigbt 38
Kast, fictions thliteen 13, twenty
four 21, twenty rive Jo and thirtv
eix 315 In Township live 5 Norths .
Range tliirty-eiht 38 East, Section
twenty 20, the west half ot Section
twenty one 21, and the north half of
Sections twenty nine 29 and thirty
iisuj; m Township three 3 North,
nge thirty nine 39 Etist, Sections
one 1, two 2, nine 9 and sixteen
10, and the south east quarter of
Section twent-eight 28; In Town
ship four 4 North, Range thirty-nine
3lJl Eat, Sections thirty Uve 30
and thirty-six 3(1 j In Township three
(3) North, Range forty (40) Eust, all
that part ol Hection one (1) lying east
of the (Jrande Konde River: All that
I part of TowiiBhip four (4) North,
Rang lorty 40 East,- lying east ot -the
Grunde Rondo River; In Town
ship three 3 North, Range Jorty on
141 Kant, Sections one 1 to eix (!,
bmh Inclusive; All that part of Town
ship four 4 North, Range forty-one
41 East, lying south a ldeaxt of tbe
Gran te Ron le River; All that part of
Township live 5 North, Range forty
one 41 East, lyiun soutu of the
Grandu Konde River; Iu Township Uve
5 North, Range forty two 42 East,
Sections thirteen li to sixteen 10,
both inclusive, and Sections twenty
20 to thirty six 30, both inclusive;
All of tbe Willamette Meridian, Ore
gon. 'All that part of Township six
0 North, Range 43 East, lying; in
Washington; In Township seven 7
North Range forty-three 13 East,
Sections twenty-four (2-1) and twenty
five (23).. the south half of Section
tweutyeight (28), the south-east,
quarter of Seotion thirty-one (31k tba'
south half and north-east quarter of
Seotion thirty-two (32), and Sections
thirty three (33) to thirty aix, (3(3),'.
both lirclualvef In Township nine (9)
North, Range forty three (43) East,
Sections one (I) V'four (4), both in
elusive. Section seven (7), the north
half of Section eighteen (18), and
Seotion thirty six (30); in Township
seven (7) North, Range forty four (44)
East, Sections ooe (1) and twelve 12 ;
Iu Township eiht(8) North, Range
forty four 44 East, Sections three 3,
four 1 11. five f51 and eluht. (81. and thn .
norm nair or sections twenty six 2o
and twenty nine 29 ; In Township
nine 9 North, Range forty four 41.
East, Sections four 4 to nine 91,
both Inclusive, Sections fifteen 15 to
twenty two 22 b-.tb Inclusive, and
Sections twenty seven 27 to thirty
four 34, both Inclusive; All of tbe
Willamette Meridian, Washington
W A Richards, Commissioner.
Approved.' 13 A llitchnoik. Secretary
ol tbe interior ,
Iu tbe Matter of the Estate)
of V
Jaue Bull, l)tceud, . )
To Oeonre W. Allefl nnd J.W. Alton, hiilr
at-luw of Jane Ball. dici-eit, am! to all ntnr
tin known helm and poritotta concerned: Ureet-
In tuenameof tliestuteof Oroon, .
Vou are bereby oiled itad required tenppear
In the Ciiuiity Court ot tliflHtate o( Oriifnu,
fortlieUounty ol Union, at the Court Konnv
tlierwf, at La (ImikIu Iu lliu Count v of Uniun,
on Saturday, the lOtb d.y of Unccinber, 1;iUI,
at 10 o'el'Mik, In thu loivnuoii ortliat d v, then
and tltre toalr.twcuusf, If any y.,ti bive, wliv
thu i'elltlon ol Goorno Hall, Adminidtra'.or f
tlieaiKive named eslatu, prayinu for an ordi-r
of the mild Court, autliorlalnit, llcennln r, and
m)wurlug hi in to aell the real piMiwi iV bc
lonulitu t' hi!, I 6KUtu. to Dd,v nLnld dfthta.
should not he urn n toil,
Wlliieaa. the 11 in. M. A. HarrlHOn, Jnili;e ot
Hie Omniy of Unlmi, with the Heal of aald
Court alllzed this 4th dav of November I'm.
Atuwl: I II 'ill. HAM CIhiIc.
U. H. Ijnd Ullice, La Grande, Oruvnn.
Cct. is it., , :
Notlcw la hnrebv given that In compliance ! .
with the pro vision of the act of t'ongrexe of '"
June . IM7S, eutltkil "An m l for thu wtle of -timber
laudN Iu the Htutea of California, Ure
gon, N vala, and WanhlnKton Terrltiry, iui
exteulel to nil the 1'utilio Litnd .Slate by hoi '
; ttt Auuvtl, IwrL t:lara a Uruwn, of I'Miv, -:
(..iimiy of Union. Hitita of Oregou, (
hat thla dm filed in iltl ofrice her awora ' '
; I'.ie'metlt No. ;i25, fol the tinmlinseof the HK'i ;
uf Hection lit. Tp N04C, KneNo7, Kv" Jt 'i
I And will oilur proof to mIiow that ttio land -
Moiigui ia more vi munis lor w iiimair or
atoue than for aicrlcultuial purioet, and to - ,
eMtabltHli lirr claim la aalt laud 'M'fnro the '
KeitnU?r and Receiver of thin office at La '
Uramle, Oreipm, on Saturday, t-he 71U dayol -
January, IJW5 s i
tihe name aa witnMiai Berhert k "
Cleaver of Caldwell, Idaho; Ralph II Uiillia of: , J
1'erry, tnKni; lleiiiaunn r ontol Hilgard, '
Orvxon, William H tonglev nl Hilnrl, Oreiton. '- !
Auy uud ail pemona cl.ilinlnj; udven-oiy tim - ,
rtiove diMK-rlbed lanils are tvqiie(.;l to t! a " J.
tlieirelulina In tblarjniie oil or oelofo aald
7U day J.. . Jt
r- - - . .-' - '