La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 04, 1905, Image 4

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When you want GOOD PRINTING
Call. Phone No. 1371 .
Cphero is a difference
V between 'printing
that "will do" and that
which in the kind 70a
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasing, aa we hare
the equipment with
which to produce good
printing and printers
who understand the art
of printing.
There is no order too
small or too large to
receive our oareiul
We print anything
from posters to vmting
35 Cents For The Best Butter Made
If you go on the principle that the beat ia the best and
only kind for yea, order a sample pound today.
At the Following Well known Dealers
, Bom.g 8taples Faker Bros.
Ho Faylane 0. Ralston
GeddesBros J.W.White
0. L. Thorn
La Grand Creamery Co
is how ready for the market' and will be sold at
reasonable rates. This addition contains some
of the most handsome residence sites to be found
in La Grande. This splendid addition has been
s held off the market for several years, the owner
h believing that the time had not arrived when it
- : "would be nronarlv annraoiatAd Vnv K tint
X ef t 7 ekwv m wmv niuv
to buy and insure good returns on the invest
ment. The O'Connor addition is nicely located
in regard to schools, churches and the business
j : . Corner Park and Oak St.
Phone 2141
Priaevllle Or Jan 4 Crook county
U again la the throes of a range wa
between cattle and sheepmen. Sunday
night maakad man . killed 600 sheen of
a band belonging to 8 W Smith of
Paulina, aboot alx milas aaat of here.
and eoattered and wounded the lamaln
darof the herd of several hundred
Than was bat one man in charge of
tho hard. Ha was suddenly confronted
by six man, all of them wearing masks
that concealed their faoee, ordered to
make no reelttanoe, blindfolded and
hurriedly driven from the camp. The
laughter at once began, the alz men
firing volley alter volley Into the fright
ened masa of aheap. After killing and
cattails tba entire hand. th aix main
dlaappearad . and their Identity and
whereabouts is unknown, alttioiuh
conjectures a e made aa to their
The harder waa handling Smith
beep on (irindstone creek and im -
mediate vicinity, and no trouble waa
expected on tlteaa grounds ilnos tint
reoent nation of the stock asauoiatlun.
Silver Medal
Bs, Jan 4 Jregon Grape
Cream oaaoalaotured by . the Oregon
Ooiaeused Muk company of Hiileboro
Or, naa received a eilver medal at the
Louisiana Purchase exposition.
Toledo Officials Indicted
loiedu Ju 4 Joun titolibwt g, Mil
ton Taylor and Jooo t oieo, membeie
ul the board of -puodo service, bate
bMuO ludlO Ml, Ouargo 1 t . In
tiMwd iu aetuug iii,a,,w iai oil,
lu Ouio tuu u a pduiteutury uffet.e.
Dick Buckley chief diapatoher at the
UtttM returned last night from
few days visit in Portland.
Summerville Sittings
lira Lizzie Elledge of Ialand City
la here viaitlog frlenda and relatives.
Mr. J Christian made a business
trip to La Grande Tuesday.
Mr. I Lltteral made a business trip
to Walla Walla lookiog after interests.
Mr. BcUueoti and wife came back
Motdty tram Kentucky where they
have been visiting friends and rela
tives. - -
Mr. Kenneth McKensie of LoeUne ia
here vlaitlng.
Mr. H C Rinehart made a business
trip to Walla Walla this week.
Mrs. Marohlaon and family are
moving to La Grande to their new
Mr. I Wade and wife are over to
Walla Walla visiting friends and rela
Uvea. The dance given here Monday night
was well attended by all. Mug.
WANTED Girl for general house
' work, at Woodley, must be good
cook and experienced. References
required. State age in answering
wagee 125.00. Address Mre Jaa R
Elmendorf. P O Box 387. La Urande
Oregon. J 3 tf
Still Hunthg.
are You?
ifM fit
Looking around for your money's worth ia high
grade confections? Why hunt farther when the game
is right in sight? We have everything to tempt tne
pslat in the way of pure wholesome candies at prices for
which you never thought good candy conld be made.
Loy's Candy Parlors,
The Finest Place iii Eastern Oregon.
II jiI
enjoyed by the owners of homes ie'un
known to those who car rent.
Make the start now, and this
will bo the happiest you have seen.
jnur inuiora. iz tne noose
togil; jOWaeif Don't put it off.
to Ssfj3eep thinking about it
h 1 lit Jvrhile others - no more
43e live in a good home.
All members ol the Woman of
Woodcraft are requested to be present
this eveniug as there ia business of
importance that anould come before
the oirole and also Installation and
refraabmants. '
Br Order
Uuarvtlan Neighbor
Chamberlain's Couth Remedy
the Best Made
"in my opinion Chamberlain's
Cough Hemedy Is tne oe.t made for
oolda," aava Mrs. Cora Walker of
Fortertille, California. There is no
doubt about 1U being the beat. Mo
other will oare a cold so quickly. Mo
other ia so sure a preventative of
moola. Moot tier is so oleaaaut and
safe to take. ' .are are good r aeoua
wh it should be preierred to uy
otuer. The fact u that few people are
satiatied with any other after baving
oulO need Una re.ued. . or aie by
Aeliu i'iUm Co
crumoenain' cou. Kvinij
AOtJiateiy il4ni
l'he lauii of gtvtug cuiiureu tan i
oiue . outaiuin iujur.oue aubaUuc . ,
laaouieuoiea more utufOaa kl.
tua diaeaae irm wbtuu inai are .uuei
lug very mother ehoiua kuo I
uaoiiMriatu a uouAn bemeJ) ia per
fectly ate lor ch..areu iu uk.
louiein uotiiiug iia uiitu aaa tu
uwugba, ooiue aud oroati unsuipaaana
or aalu b Mewlin irugCo.
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism
"My mother haa been a sutferer for
many yrars from rheumatiem," sas
W a Howard of Uuaband, Pennsylva
nia. "At times sue was uuable to
move at all, while at times walking
waa painful. 1 presented bar with a
bottle ol Obamberiain'a Pain Balm
and after a few applications she decid
ed It was the most wondersul pain re
liever she bad ever triad. In fact, she
Is never without It now and is at all
times able to walk. An occasional ap
plioatlou of Pam Balm keeps away the
pain that aha waa formerly troubled
with. For aale by Nawtln Drug Co.
The Diamond Cure
The latest news from Paris, Is that
they have discovered a diamond cure
for consumption. If you fear consump
tlon or p -eumonia, it will, bovevvr,
be nest for you to take that great rem
edy mentioned by W T MoQee, oi
Vanleer, lean. had a coogh, for
fourteen years. Ncthln helped me,
antil I took Dr King's New Dlsooverr
for Consumption Coughs and Cvlds
which gave Instant relief, and effect
ed a permanent cure." Unequalled
Quick cure, for Throat and ling
Troublee. .At the Newlia drug store,
price 60o and 1.00,'goaranteed Trial
ma Srande Jnvesizzpdd Company,
1110 Adaina Avenue ' Is Grande, Oregon
any case of
that is
not beyond
the reach
of medicine.
can do mores
B. Spiegel, 1204 K. Vlrgfada SI.,
f vauaville. lad.. wree: "Forever five
fears I was troubled with kidney an
ladder affections which ceased me much
pain and worry. I lost flesh and waa all
tun down, and a year ago had Ss
abandon work entirely 1 had three of
the beet physicians who did me no rood
and I wa nraot(rIlw (Him. 4 jii-
Poley's Kidney Cure waa recommended 1
and the first bottle gave mo great relief, ,
.i.-LI.1.? ,OBO M" i was i ,o.
VBSHSMayai wiuvaja
The Dry Land Alfalfa Grows without Lrigatloa
Brome Grass, Red Clover, Alfalfa and all kinds of
Garden Seed in bulk. Seed WhV Balls) 1 Barley
Oats, Etc. The only seed house im Umltn county.
Is quick to realize that in
buyiDg prices counts, but
Tflhen she buys meat she
knows qualit counts. Both
conditions are fully met
with here with telling
effect. 6
Meat Market
m sao, ios aid Hex
A: T. HILL, Druggist
K-4it HEfat.iMgltf,-.
4k s a tf-k mimt ST
Union PiciFjr
f - .1 r ii m ' .
1 knew no; one, 3 for fourweeks, ' T1 aU$ed D"th
when I waa sick with tvnhnU .n-i al"ttarry UuOkwell, aed;25 Veara
kidney trouble," writes Mrs Annie ?Uoked : deatn ear1' Xterday mom.
Hunter of Pittaburir Pa W -h t n8 " hs hotnej iu the j.reaonoa nf
got better, although 1 had lone of the ,, ?i J child- He contracted a
best doctoral could get, I was bent ,d a f9w day ago and paid bu
uUUu tu . i eater lay morn
ing which continued for some timi
ilis a-jfa 8eat for a phyaioian but be
ore he could arrive, another cSuguTg
fcpell came on and Duokwell died from
double and had to rest my hands on i
my aneee when I walked. From thi
terrible afflioition I was rescued by
Eleotrio Bitters, which restored my
health and strength, andiow I can
a. walk as straight as ever. They are
simply wonderful." Guaranteed to
cure stomach, liver and kidney disord
ers at the Newlin drug store price 60c
DKPA.RT Time8ohedul nnll
No a Hall Lake. Denver, Ft. No 1
MP Worth, flmh, kan- tJWam
lo MClty.8t.lA)uU, Clii- Not
.m. oao and East. 8 JOJp m
Portland. Dalits, Pen.
dlalon. Wall. Wall, v
Daylon, Pomeroy, coi-
aad pouiM miuj apm
north via Spokane
Portland. Dillea, Pen. "
dlelon, Cmtblla. Wal
WOS lula, Lewbtoo, Colfax, No 6
Mo-cow, Wallace, Wr
S p. m. ner, Hpokaiw aod other 8.30 a m
point eaat and Bono
via Bpokano
Ke. 8J Itland City. Alkel, Im-
Oallrcx- bier and Elgin. Con- Ho II
cepl neotiona at klgla wltb
a adar Kta for points la Wal- giSOpm
ScUam low.
Oomu Steamert between Portland end
baa taaaaoo evarjr are daya.
i c: i
1 ''ST'
i a ... . .--
K U MOOaa, Aent.
"A i.iaYlL...j.-Ai