La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 30, 1904, Image 1

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1 'A
Sommer House Now
Controlled; by Incorp
orated Company.
Article of Incorporation wet filed
yesterday with the secretary of. state
incorporating the 8ommer ' Hotel
Company. Tha incorporators are M B
Kirtey, John . F Dordon. and A Lv
morris. Tbe company wIlT' have a
capital stock of twelve .thousand Jdol
lara. It la the Intention of the corop-
anylto make man improvements dor-
ins the coming year tbe principal one I
of which will be the erection of ad
ditional rooms.
Tn incorporators ara
all well known business men
city and will soon ut tbs world under j
stand that tbey aa tb hotel bual- 1
T .-. . ' . .
f , T . - ' . -
j, 4 -. . J S. ii i ,n iii1Wi.irtnnnltl.nn niwiiin 1 w w P
Made from the best of Oregon and California wool, surpaisea
etery thing else oa the market for cold weather wearing
appeaiel.7 - : . ; ' -.'.Wx :
$3.50 to $5.50 :m
For Men and Boys
In black and colored; ' epecial
prioei : ' -?
75c, 85c to :$1.25:
At prices that mean a eraart aanng. , muung dm-uwi
QUALITIES handled here and in the . best makes. . If jou
fail to see us about rubbers it is because you are indifferent
to saving money. For we positively can save you money on
Men's Winter Caps 25c to 1.50
Boys' Winkr Caps 25c: to; 65c
ness for sore. Mr Kirtley baa been i
a resident of La Qran h Jfrom - tba-
time tha Blaa Mountains lgaa . to .
sprout and daring bla long residence
here faas never failed "to Impress tha
fact upon ths world that be bailed
from Missouri and that ba will hye
to ba shown. Mr Dordon bss been a
manager of tba Bommer Uoaee Caf
for the past several years and bas a
l.rveclr. la of friends throughout tba
lencihand breadth of the laod bO
will be pleased to Know inai iooiii
bas acquired rights of his own. air
Morris, tbe ptesant manager of, the
Sommer House Is especially known to
tbe traveling pabllo as be for many
years carried a grlpjand visited .tha
trade regolarry iot one of tbe largest
wholesale hoases in the United States
Tbeaew company baa not beld an el
ection of oEoere bat expect to soon.
Stores Closed -
The Observer received a phone just
as wo are going to press stating that
all tbe Orooery stores would, be otosed
Mniutav On wwwwtnt K Km V-.,
Sad Christmas
Tha ft year old daughter of Mr and
n Hteen residing on a ranob near
T J I-
tbe northeia pert
county Montana
tl .''A mh ' A 'tTlKviAftmatal IrAsi
'o'1 8onU night.
IIIIUT UUIUUU Saw m vaaawM www
For Men and Boys
Suitable" fbfall kinds' of wear
and all kinds of weather
1 7"25clo75c;v-
Regular 60o fied Sox '-Qc
v ;: . - .
AnMlioP FAt4 in r Par M
JQUailU VflUlUlb rtliutiibi I VI . in ui, uvv wi
?i Heavy Fire. 1,000
Tokio Deo 30 General Nogl, com
manding at Port Arthur, reports under
today's data as follows: "
Tha besieging army at 10 o'olock
Wednesday morning blow up tha para,
pet In front of Fort Ebrlang 8han and
then oboupled the parapet by assault.
Tbey then conslraotsd defensive works
under the cover of heavy guns and
mounted field guns, delplta the lire of
the enemy. after placing tbe heavy
of iwa, wn?nca ha enemy was ovsm-
nally dislodged, after a atrong resist.
Georgia Growers ; Con
sider this one way to
Reduce Surplus ;
fort Opines, Ga, Dec .80 The far
mars, and merchants of this county
met at Fort Gaines and decided (o
burn their snsre of 1,000,000 bales of
turplus cotton. A starter was made
today when a bon-fire was made .of
oolton on lha streets of Foi t Gaines.
It is not yet determined where it will
stop. v The farmers bava decided " to
set tbe paoe and are moving deter
minedly. A 'large crowd . psraded
with much apeotaoular ceremony.
The object is to show that tba farmers
are ready to sacrifice a lew bales for bf the masses. , . . '
A Rough Crowd
Enterprise Or.. Dee 28 -A crowd of
hoodlums celebrated Christmas hero
by undertaking to take possession of
tha town Christmas night. After tak
ing on' a good sized jag" they proceed
ed to several barns and captured three
cows and then drove them to the town
pound. Tbey went to three of tbe
stores and secured three band carts
and tied a out to eaob eow's tail.
One cow, belonging to Dr E G Kirby,
ran to tho barn and in attemp' Ing to
go In tha door her tall was torn out by
tba roots.-. Another cow, belonging to
G IBatcliff, bad her tail broken in
three places, and tha third oow, ba
lODging to T B brag has not bean found
at this tlme v
Warrants ware sworn on( for tbe ar
rest of Boy Dale, Edward Bloom and
Bandall Boswell and they are now In
jail awaiting; trial. Others are Impli
cated in tbe affair and tbe feeling is
very strong against tho effendera.
Uregoa Journal. , j i
Three men - were killed instantly
and two injured today, one so Jadjy
that be died soon afterward by an ex
plosion of four boilers at the sawmill
plant of Walworth & Neville at Wal-
ville, Wash. Tba explosion occurred
immediately: after tbs mill started for
tba afternoon run. ; . .
More Homes-
Dr. Downs, who 'recently' arrlvad
from Iodiaii Territory, baa . purchased
property on I street between 8 and 7,
and Is arranging to immediately com-
manto tba conatraotion of a neat $1500
cottage.- ': 'i .
Next Monday, Peter Jacobs com
mences a $1000 residence on bis prop
arty in tba Old Town. " '
Killed or Wounded.
ance. : Tha whole Tort rail mso oar
hands at 7 :30 o'olock In the avanln g.
"The Japanese casualties in tho cap.
tore of the heights are estimated at
1000 killed and wounded." ' "
.. A later dispatch states that the third
Buasiaa garrison of 600. escaped. ., , ,,.
News of the latest Japanese success
at Port Arthur Eas been received with
wild , demonstrations of '( rejoicings
throughout the empire and tha fall ol
ton the first of tha rear.
. . , . .
Pin Creek - Drifting! v
Oh tba snow, the beautiful now 1"
Bielghridlng is now tha prevailing
fashion and ba who posseseeth not a
well body outter' Is not Vin It.. 4
Tha aaw mill cam pa ara all. bustle
and stir, and the woods resound with
the sound of the whopper's az" While
over tha air oomes tha chimes of bolls
and oraak of runners on the frozen
snow as the great "sleds" haul their
monster loads of forest' products to
the numerous saws there to be convert-
ad into building material. ,
Our Fiber Factory is fast Hearing
completion and all aorta of "rlga" mav
ba seen- "hieing thitherward. - lade n
with tbe: needles from our pine forests,
They expect this to baa grant Industry
and It la surely one deserving . tba
hearty co-operation of our community
which was so fortunate as to - gears
tbs enterprise. ...')
. Under the direotion of Mrs. .Qrlggs
oar school is making rapid progress
and as in tha past ws may say Dry
Greek la "second to none." l ,
, ButoheriDg bas been a great . fad of
lata and should yon .take dinn ar , out
jou may expeot "epare rib" or "ox tall
soup." - j1.":1- "r- ;'' '
' It Is rumored that Cupid' baa been
getting busy sgain but aa our. rei orte
have not been oonflrmed we will men
tion no names. :
. We had an Invitation to be present
at our sobool house on Christmas ave,
so the "hogs were slopped early,' tba
owe palled in a jiffy and, are tbe old
ranoer nodded his pate wa beaded oar
course toward that noted seat of learn
ing. Arriving there, here magnificent
specimens of forest fir adorned the
rostrum and tha branches of these
forest monarohs were heavily laden
with rih and costly presents, the
tokens of love and esteem... , Tba school
under f the able instruction , of Mrs.
Griggs rendered an entertaining and
Instructive programed conoludcd ' with
the appearance of Santa Clans, and - his
request that Rev. Willis of ..Elgin , re
mind as why we celebrate this great
holiday and what meads this giving
of presents to our loved ones.
Columbus ' Fisher andwife' spent
Chrlstmaa with his parents. -
Chester Colt and Mother spent Xmaa
in La Urande with their brother and
son Joie Chester reports sie.igbtng
rather thin at the county seat. , ... l .
' Summerville Siftings
Mr Ed Lcgan made a business'' trip
to La Grande Tuesday. .
RsvNeedbam and his singer .Mr
Powers left for Union elaiijt where
they will hold meetings. . We all, ao
row to see them. go. V ''-
, Mr Lannan and son made a busi
ness trip to La Grande Tuesday,- -
There a danoe here Monday , night
Dea 26 which was well attended by all
end there will be a Masqurada ball
here Jan S. '. '
Mr Gap On Is making preoyetions
a'.' ' ataWVJ-
ior putting op nu ice. , avu
?: , ;.y
.. Mr A B Oonley wbo with bis wife
bas been yUitiog in the eity for sever
al days baa been confined to bis room
ai the Bommer hotel fortbe but two
days wUh sickness. - - '
. Miss N Barnard left this morning
for Baker City. :
. Portland, Do 30. Tha barge Moo.
arrh, moored along lds tha Orlantal
liner Arabia, capsized today and one
of tbs six men working on her was
drowned. ' -!. --
Tbe Monarch was loaded with coal.
which was being transferred to tha
steamers bold. Tho aooideat was sud
dsn and It is presumed the man who
was drowned was caught by the coal
and carried with it to the bottom of
tho river, , ' ; ... -
; Whist Club
Mr and Mrs Mouldsn snterlained
the WbUt Club Wednesday evening J
airs owaney ana UDesier sewiiq te
cared first factors and Mrs Lilly 4 and
Dr L D Bsavia seoond. : r
Cleveland 04 Deo SO Arrangemen
it is said, have been oompleted for
bail up i tV $40,000 for -Mrs Cassis L
Chadwl sk. The money is to lui
nished according to report by asynd -cato
of which- Attorney Andrew 8
Qoigley of Cleveland is spokesman.
The giving of Mrs Chad wick her free
dom is said to be frowned on by tbe
federal authorities, who, while they
wilt not infringe on the prisoner's
rights, will discourage such a proofed
' ' Senatsr MltohU was bora,- Jans 92d
1835, and was 69 years old on bis last
birthday on the 22nd day of last Jane.
, vTbe rueh o! Holiday trade is over and business
in general has got back to its normal condition. ' I
wish- to 1 inform , all my patrons, and those not my
patrons but who are liable to be. that I am now in a
position to take care of alt at6h, blook and1 jewelry
repairing with diapatch. I have secured all the neces
sary help in all the laieaLtoflla oijA.teriala ' kuawa
to' the trade, as well jas the beat workmen that money
can procure. , .'' ...
' ' 'All repair work is'undeir my personal supervis
ion and I guarantee each and every piece of work done
'to be finished inJ first class workmanlike manner,rand
to give (witluirp ftttejtfiopXt Ptf.oLikCl9tioj.
-All work sent by mail or express will receive the same
careful attention s i! delivered in person, and to be
nr.imntlv returned in first clasa condition, t :
; Thanking my patrqnsfor their past liberal
patronaee auu aasunug tusw t
give thefn perfect satisfaction in tue iuiure. i renuua
as ever. ' : ;J'-H-- PEARE, v.v. :. : i. ,
Next to Newlln'e Drug 8tore.v Jf La Grande's Leadina Jeweler,
4. 4'
M . . . . J.
Coughs are warnings of something amiss in throat or
lungs. Don't mind the cough, mind the cause,. , Use a
remedv that will aa to the source of trouble and cure
that. Such a remedy is our'
White Pine
i It cures promftlv and thoroughly becatise it cures in- the
rifcht mauner Believes irritation; hels inflamed. ur-f
faooa. nnanni tha cnnirh. anrli
while it cures. A splendid
it is SO iood to cure and so
50 cents.
Senator Mitchell Ap
pears Before Grand
: ; Jury.';;;!L;:,''. V''
. Portland, Deo. 28. Bent with mors : ,
than three soors years and ten, lean
ing upon the arm of his law . partner,,
mumA ami shit hitir1. lha senior aen-
who for tbe moat part of a quarter of a
century represented .bla state In the
federal conferees, today went into the
government's Inqulsitoiial chamber to
tell what he knew concerning the frauds
against tha government ho had aerrsd
0 long, and whioh I It believes have -
been perpetrated upon It in the, ao-;
quisitlon of public lands. ; ? '
Tired and careworn he oama from
tha jury room at tha noon hoar, to re
turn la tbe afternoon .' I Later when tha '
senator left the court house 'apparent
ly tervous and worried, it was stated
that the investigation, ao far aa Mlt. j
ohell was concerned, was ended. What
transpired In the chamber la unknown
lurther than Mitchell vent Into it
with no m ire favor than ' would hava
been extended to tha humblest citizen
of thie aouuty. Neither the request
that he ba confronted with any testi
mony tbe government may have found '
to hia detriment, nor that he ba furu
i.t tha nanaa of hia accusers were
ia wKuihtr h waa allowed? to
make any exoulpatory atatement la not
known outside of tha Jary room. "
, No further indlctmenta are txpaotad
today or tomorrow,"
. . r
. vi
. 4
; i
; ; . r
Cough Balsam a ;
remedy for children because.
t i:u I ....
good to tace. rnce ana
rMLheaana (.srrenetOaaSO H r li t
; i .
' ) .
f. !
-i -. - i
v t
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