c I t 1 11 ) - ! i f ! U : ..0- a a a NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGED FOR OLD GOODS If you want anything in our line you need not pay any cash as we will take your old furniture or any thicg jou may have of talue and let you have any thing we have. We also have a fine lot of good, dry wood, for which we will take all furniture or anything you may have. Just Phone us 1681 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Rtmember we still buy o4 eH tilt kinds I Second Hand Goods, js Jt . j . Thone J 58 J LOCAL ITEMS WHAT SOME PEOPL L AND OUT OF TOWN ARE DOING. th AT COST I am dosing out all my BOYS' SHIRTS CAPS AND UNDER WE A R Have a big assortment of Boys' Sweaters ' Aflat Cost A. V. ANDREWS Gents FurnUheriand Tailor. , TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa-Grows without Irrigation Brome Grass, Red Clover, Alfalfa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk. Seed Wheat, Balled Barley Oats, Etc. The only seed house in Union county. H.AZ.OL-IMER JEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571. It 1 reported that skating at Oro Dell and Perry ia fln. . Mr A E Haynea, of Union Is la the city on business matter. Mr J Conley from th Cora is la city today on a bnaineaa trip. Mr J L Keller and Mr A L DemariM of Milton. Ore are visitor In oar city Hon Chai Cochran of Union ia mix ing with bia many friend la th olty today. ' Mr Geo Miller and wife of the, Cora re rlsltlnginth city and jar gueiti at Hotel ttommer., Four car loadi of sheep arrived this morning from Pendleton to be fed beet pulp at the factory. Mr Andy Sullivan and Mr. Jeff Ay era who have been to Summervllle, re turned bom thla morning. Mia M Bannard ona of the Baker City High school teachers .la a - guest of Miss Alio McKinley. Mr. Nat Elisor left this forenoon for Elgin to finish up the business of bis on Albert at his sawmill near that plaoe. Mr. Johnny Shea leave Saturday for Baker City to apend New Yeara with her parents Mr. and Mr. David Klnsey. - '-- '-- ; Mrs. Molly Barker, of Cove, who ',wlth her two little children, ha been visiting her daughter, Mr. Perry, in Pendleton, for several days, returned to La Grande this morning and will leave for home today. Mis Q W P.'eobstel of Milton was operated 'on yesterday for the append iolti by Dr Wlllard Smith, Dr Bacon slating, Th operation wa nndoub tedly aacceasf ul as the patient 1 Buff ering no inconvenience a result of the ordeal. . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE lor Union County. In the nutter of the Estate of Jane Ball, deceased Notice la hereby given that the undersigned a admlniatr.tor of the etUt of Jane Ball, deceaaed, pnnuaut to an or der of the above entitled Court, made and en tered on the Uth day of December A. D 14 will (tow and af tet Wedaetday the lit day ot Feb Everything you want want for that R SUNDAY MINNER Is Awaiting Your.Order at C. RALSTON'S NEBRASKA OROCERY STORE Oor. Fir and Jefferson 8ta, Married Last Evening At th knni of Prof and Mra. H J Hockeeberry, at 5 o'clock last evening RfcV. E B Uaysot the First rTesDy terisn ebaich united ia marriage Mr E Edgar Galbreatb, of Los Angeles, CaL, and Mrs. Mary B 8tphenon, a skter of Mrs. Hockenberry, and who baa been making her horn at tb Hotul Foley In tbU city for a few jnoatha past. Mrs. Stephenson' bom baa former ly been in Pittsburg for many years and has known Mr. Gal breath for 83 year having resided in Pittsburg np to about ten rears ago. mud Is now on of the leading attorney in Lot' Ange les. Mrs, Stephenson mads many friend In this city, was accomplished in music and bad several French scbol- are her, twin very thorough In that language. Mrs. Clara T Lyi played th wed Aina march and after the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the Hockeoberry bom to the Immediate family oulj. Mr. and Mra. Galbreatb left last niaht lor Lo Angela where they will make their future home. Hans Knutson a Scandinavian sail or on Ih bark John Buss was wasted from the bow-Drit into the sea out side the Columbia bar, Tuesday and was drowned. A heavy gale was klnerlnir and he was net seen alter he fell in:o the sea. ' - ShinglesShingles Two car loads of first claa ehlngl just received by th Stoddard Lumber Company. fcvtnwn a -. have same by oalilng at 2014 Second Bt and Identifying .12-29-1-8 Yvanted Immediately Logging teams, good . wages Grande Bond Lumber Co, . J In order to make room for large Stock of ladles' and Children's shoes. 1 quote the following prices on Men's M -J D Air ftfC , 1 Men s Best Box Calf and Vici Kid. regular $5 for $3.75 and $4 00 Men's $3.50 and $4 00 Box Calf and Vici Kid $2.75 and $3.00 Boys' Shoes from $1.00 to $2.00 7 ; Dvil I u All lines of men's and boys' shoes . reduced in price, and every pair guaranteed to be from rww and upto- p date stock. ' v ! QaALlTY SH0E S19RE j T. M. STUBBLEFIELD. I ; baves you money. ra j Your shoes repaired in up-to-date Style. M i FURNITURE .EMPORIUM:), MI wa muoh afflcted with eoiatlca', write Ed 0 Nud, Iowavllle Bedgwiok Oo Kan, "going" about on crutchu and suffering a deal of pain. 1 wa induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment j Z Iosedtbree 60o bottles, It 1 thjl greatest liniment I ever used, have i leoommended it to a namber of person We are now showing the most complete line of furniture ever displayed in this county. A visit to oar establishment will rep y you for here are to be found the latest in art and comfort. A few HOLIDAY flnOOF.STmvfl; - - Rockers from $2 to I67.6C, Morris chairs $12 to $26, Iron beds $3 to $23, Dining tables, Center tabler, all prices, Chafliners 10 to 35 dollars, Bed room suits, beauties from 16 to 65 dollars. Folding beds, Lounges, Hall trees, Rugs Art Squares, Portier curtains, pictures, eto , .. .The above is only a suggestion and comprise the latest creations. Come and look E. ANDROSS HOUSE furnishings! Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave ( laths Count, Court otth. state of Or.,on P" themBelve a being bene- mea oy n, i now wan wiinoat oraiun es, able to pefrorm a great deal of light labor on the farm." Newlin Drag Co. For the bat and whitest bread use Jer reary a D MOJ, crowed to sell at private aale ! ley Cream Flour. for oaan to the hlvheat bidder, subject to eoo- ejmaUon by tha Ooort, all the right, titlo aud ntereat of aall decedent, in and to th. fallowing described real eUte, towit: An undivided on. halt lnieret in lots 1 and 8. and all oC lot S in Block 104 of Chaplin's Addition to la Grande, Oregon; an undivided one half Interest in and to lot ia and the north twenty -ona feet of Lot 7 In Blocfc 14 in Arnold'i Addition to La Grande, Un ion County. Oregon lUbjeot to the life estate of George Ball, therein, and a mortgage of $70o on Lota 1 and 1 in Block lui aa aforesaid, or so much thereof aa ia nsceauar, to pay estate debts. Dated at La Qraude, Oregon, and first pub lished thia December 2Sth, 1U04. CEOHUB BALL, Administrator. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878. MOTIVK FOR PUBLICATION. ,U. B. Land Oulce, at La Urande, Or.. Oct It. lUW. Notice ,1a hereby given that In compliance with the provialona of the act of Cougraaa ol Junes. 1878. entitled "An act for the aale ol tiiuberlanda In the State of California, Ore gon, aevaaa, ana waamngion lemiory,' aa extended to all tho Fubllo Laud Htates bj aot ol Angu.t 4, lsiU, Herbert K Cleaver ut uaiaweu, couuty oi u.uyon. State oi launo, um Uiii day 6I1 in thla ollloe hi aworn atok' nient Ko, lot the purchase ot tne N4 I WU andBWUHWU and N Wi SB.X of ttco. Nu.liu Townsbiu No. sH. KNo. it E. W.M And will ollor Drool lonbow that the land sought Is more valuable for it timber or sloue than for agricultural purposes, aud to oHlublish his claim to aald laud before the ttvgisler and Keoclver ol tnls oQloe al La Urande, Oregon, on Friday, the 6lb day ol January, luUik He names aa witnesses: William U Brown of Perry, Oregon; Clara A Brown of Perry, Oregon: K H. Bullls, of Perry, Oregon; Ben jauiin xoung. of Uilganl, Oregon. Any and all persons olaliulug adversely the above-dworlbed lands are requested to file their claims in this ottloe on or before said 6th day of January, 1WK. S.W. Davis, BegUter. OUR SPECIALTY Fall Line "Perlerred Stock" . Canned Goods. SHOES Good School Shoes e specialty When you want the Best . PHONE i85i Ae B. G Steam Laundry La Grande, Oregon. Jeriey Cream Patent Flow. Every lack guaranteed by Romij & Staples. Grocer. DINE WELL ON NEW YEARS and foa will far well all tbe rest rf tb year. To be sure of the right start eat your New Year dinner HERE t It will Include el) tbe delicacies of the season aud soma oat of saason. Tbe aervloe will be perfeot, tb cook ing a delight. Tbe bill will ehow too that the cost of living ha not Inoreaa ed here at any rate. MOD EL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We tell weekly Meal Tloketa Cash $450 7 MErAT Market Btell well & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE -.AND . RETAIL . BUTCHERS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. 9 ' ,- ''.-.,. "JUST SPLENDID" There is no doubt about our line being complete, up-to-date, and always fresh. Here are some pleasing things at pleasing prices: Extra select Desert Yellow Peaches,. . ..... .per can 30c , Extra select black TartarianChereies. . . ; . ... .per can 80o Extra select Cuthbert Raspberries... per can 80c Extra select Blackberries per can 25c Sugar-loaf grated Pine Apple .per can 30o Sugar-loaf sliced Pine Apple per can 25o ROMIG & STAPLES, Grocery and Bakery. .: La Grande. Phone 43 J iMiinninmimnnmmmnmaa,lttMtt HOUS E E CL Lad. Ed AN I NG Our semi-annual House Cleaning sale of : ODD ENDS, REMNANTS AND BROKEN STCfQS v" p - The Golden Rule- Company 10fiQ11f10f O 1 3 ' i " . 130S-1310-1312 Adama'Avenn. Largest Stpre Smallest Prioes X - ...... 1 . X Ski i V; r ; mm ;- ; i. r w: i, .1. ; lX:Mi mini , , ,., , t