.Si ';:;' 1 -(,'' , eui it 1 a 11 m I a ' o a ."0 ? HA , 25 Per Cent off Until th 9 first of the year every Eat' in the. vior4 will be sold at a 5 per cent disccant This is your opportunity to fet your Holi day Hat at a bargain. Novelties . --! in brok..d handle pursM n I . 9- a ' P'tTSJ 8inething new in combe and betta. -I Ribbons ? 5 A .iicpqnt. i? Tb J si finest, line 'ol ' rib- ; IxJ bone f ver howa is the city. Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and Powders 1 Switches, fniPosjjjadwrs j and, Pangs f Collars'- Tbie s positively be secured here s LIRS. J. R. t, .km i-,vi m. imi; w:it 5 ti-irf r'ifv.'l t f pi;?!. .wbii ,,r uj "'J v.i5-i1 sai , Iff:. VI I A. T. HILL. Prex!ptlo; Dniist ; , f ftl 'Lowest Prices ONE DO LL; A f? A v : i a 1 . Toucan get a preUy street , own, e, aiao nave P WV.'. 4'.. 1- ' CHRISTMAS GUI A HOl2(CMy GOODS . ..t . . f f . i ; tJJ J i ? 'in: . nr i ; E; vrELLMAN:& 00 Xia Q-raude Ulii dsm taa i in ri I- , ad !!,.... a- Hi- Capital Stack fully urple-fuue . t UabUity ef Bhareholdert- ' 1,090 - ' . We dea general kankiag and exchange business. r-rafts'boughtandloM etf eartsrn antforeigartaaks. f f, 08IlljPAliMEIl, Fresident D ; d riimgaQaQaiiiiiiiimao o sv trj) sjtjjn)sj OmCUSi DIKXCTOUt OaBxPaiaaa... rreddeat J. If. Berry, J. 1L Okuaak J.CBaur TlsereaUeat A.B.Oealey,ee.UClea. J.ILCavaoa. Oaahier Tsr.fJee. rabaer 'r.IslxTaaaaAwLC3am., Asw.Oaahlra , r La Grande Watiowalt B nir J . mfisWWfJrawia) ' .: f rAPITAl: IMTH imt tie. m mm m 'O rriaeMalseaklsaaM tlwjeaaicaUs exabaeie eej ; kuaiiJm a yartealthtwecU. .CWeeltoas a insslalty . or 0 ia o p 6 e -EesdTlio DailyObserver T S on ' aiT Hats . . - -. m-1 a) ' i J- Hindkcrchlefs i Special line jatt re. reeived. From'; now until J4n. 1 for 5 cents up. : i I - new ; lice and can only i ii :i 'V FORREST. i.x aw. i ni.vi. '. ' m;.i '."jj. ! v'Tv .v., tit J (,t: n-s J .1; !. ,lii. .Ir. Mum "1 '! .( 41 Ulttrtlltf- rl -S 'rV (41 tOVV("H fli. .. v J. -'I f '.ii'!' t: nv. niu1 v:o't f-,nw,a-ti t.!' 1 c . , I n',;;i , ,nia leuitu .yum-m rofvr it; : hat at the BAKU AI cempiate line or if . 1 f. Hi. .1 d f i IT! I" ! ir m.'t Qreflron, I4MIV Ah.MV04 44 a a q a q wvji 4UJ1 .11(1 .TVs 'M .hrO OREGON paid 60,031 , 13,900 a u tp M.'VfEJOElBER, Cashier ej o 1 i . rVaade Evening Observer T BBOS E4itta Pr p EotorW t th Grand. Orscoa HUJftUr. Poet OCce at La y ma ' ooad CUm Pnbliabed daily except Sunday nue Tear iti edraDCf , , , . , $8 50 , tn-ctba in advance. .3 50 Per month . , . . . . .65e 8inle copy . ; . ; . . . . i '. t r i . 6c TUESDAY EVENING, DEC 26. 1994 ,: Th Chetrlu! Heart I?- There aertr ni a da M long . ., lildldoot bare n tod. M There never was a Ban so poor . Be did not have s friend. , .tT: And when the long day la at end , it bringt time ol reet, " ' And he who haa one staedtaat frlead i Can count himaIf aableai. t There never wi a cloud that hid ' :; "The sunshine all from eight.' - 1 There never was tire eo ead ! i It had notaome dellpht. r j Parehin.ee for tti thee sen as last J Hay break the dark, clouda through, And glorr gild the sunset aklee - l I ' Till heaven seems just In view. -' -r j 6o let'e not be dlscooraged,' friend, When ahadows trroaa our way. : ' j Ol hope and trail I've- eorne to lano 1 8o borrow from me, i pray k rl Qood friendaare we; thanfor. eat immi. VTheugh woildly wealth we lack. Behold the ana breaks forth at last .Aad diivea the dark clouds back! VALUE OF WATER POwER j t - . -. -i . t. . The unused wstor 1 powe in the numerous streams of Union County, if known and measured by its capacity to produce wealth aod'tt'fi'ndibg-eipressed tn dollars and cents the turn would be so 'enormously 'large as to be astonishing. r Suppose some one , would., undertake to make an inventory of the wealth producing ' elements of Union County-he would find little dif ficulty ( in " determining ,the value of the soil , ' timber ' and minerals but who cn compete the value of bur running -water? We are 'just now standing . at me open aooror a new age- do- ceuse anew element, as it were, is taking a ootrolling position nmone Che ' eoonotnic forces. That, element Ii 'electricity, and and its use will make a requisi- won upon tue, water laiis.. uas 'cadeiaud running' wlirs ttu tlie world that is both marvelous and enormous. The age of steam is in its last decade of Supsriorty when I steam was the d jrmmanl force id , doing . the mecanical work of the world coaI,Va8 th; reservoir ;of po.vfer that was drawn upon as the in- tiatory energy Id il ctu; leam engines at work. -t Prior to the employment of steam'as a mov ing force cool mines had com parative little value, but when the larger part of the worid's heavy work waa per! orsned,. by steam the value cfv coal became so enhanced, that the' owners of the f world! a available : supply were tnodght' to be ' masteri of the earthr " v .;. Before steam became tbe do minant power in doing the work of the clvilixed world had i man set forth to make' an inventory of the wealth producing utilities of England he' ' would ' scarcely have given, coal aplace' on ihis document, but when steam made its ibnormottsly "Urge demand bponvt1icoaf mines the'' w6rld rocognizeid in its coal mines line! most valuable of all the prime elements r ' " ": ,! u rt . .That inqning water will jr 4 suori ume oear ' a- similar re lation, to the mechanical energy that is doing ) ! the worlda work there can. be little Idoubt vThe nearness of that Utne mav 'be eaUmatei ylfin'duig'out tojwhat extent running, waters .ia now used for the ' development of electric energy Vfr"'' IthM rftcent meetme o! the Brit- ith Artoci&ti0I, tor tbe Adrance- meot of Science, presented ac curate tatiitice, which he had personally collected, showing that no lees than 1,500,000 horre power derived from waterfalls u now being utilized in various parti of tbe world for tbe de elopment of eletno energy. Of thia 'great "total,- "which- he believed did not represent the full truth for be thought that the real aggregate is 2, 00 0,0 U0 horsepower, nearly one third must be credited to the United States" . To generate steam to a mil lion and a half horse power work would require the con sumption of 8,000,000 tons of coal, .' , '.x MThe era of waterfalls seems certainly to have dawned, Every cataract will become a focua of industry as every river valley has always been a center of 'popu lation, and Professor "Bingham's prediction that Niagara is to , be the industrial center of America may be fulfilled within a gener ation." : " ' i v.- i! i- ' ' Population and wealth dur ing the age of steam,' 'gathered about the coal hods in , the ; age of electriocity they will gather va wkr iueuu kuen every . . . . ... 1 . mountain stream will' nave a value. '': ' " ineman.wno nas not any thing to boast of but his illust rious ancestors is, like a potato the only good .belonging to him is Under the ' ground. Sir T Y.V-'J ' . t ! - Fun is expenaive.i ,: Thirteen lives have been lost in football during the' past season, and deer hunting in .Wisconsin closed last week with a total of 16 hunt ers shot to death, mistaken for wild animals. Nothing oould be more sug gestive of 20th century progress in the state of Oregon than the daily published accounts of .tele phone extension, of the' ingtall- auon of-elect no .power plants and the projection of irrigation entarnriftfi 'a l K 'I The State (oard of Agricul ture wouldl like9 Van appropri ation of f 38,600 to wipe out 1 M 4 SX Aitit . aa mortgrge 01 f iv,vjuu a9 well as speoial indebtedness aud to finance the State Fair for the coming season. Really, it looks aa though the annual show -was not so huge a 'financial success as it might have been, A, lUlBElf tlND, ACTJONE 3, 1878 . O. ..Laad offlos at La Urande, Oregon llL 'J 1 5.1 Ieoember 21, iM. HoUo It hereby gtren that la ooinullanoe with the provlalona of the not of Oongrea of vuwii uii. f buun Aa k ior me sale Ol ton, win oer lanaa in tne Biate of Nevada, and Washington Territory." aa attended to all the Public ot Anguat Villa, ooai m aii ue ruouo latno. niate by aot i. LSI JaniM I! UnlntM nrNlilla. villa, ooanty of Ctork, tSUle of Wiaooaain o. taia day filed In thU otTioe hi awora tawoient No. S&i, for the parohaae of the lownsbip NotSoutn, Aud Will offer proof to ahow l!iaitha IkbiI oaa-nt I mora valuabla fiw lu umu. .uua ui oue than fur agrloultural purposes, and to Miutiaa aiaaiifc.m ui u a in.i tiMrjipA th. u-auae. Oregon, day of March. IMS nwr no MMieiTiiv m Monday tbe 6tn offloa al pfBuckley Waah.. Loooaxd C. Bullla, of Ferry, Oregon: Albert Win tara. aT HuriTZ imok' iia Jum i. ii u.. 1 1 and M Oaoar Coomb oletakey Oregon. ' " Any and all persona claiming adversely the above deaoribed lands are requested Hi nle their olalma la thlaofflo on er belore said 6t day of Mama, UU6. . . :,.,.t , ,. lb W. Davis, Bagtater. TIHBER LAND, Aa JUNE -3, WliL e.- NOTICE FOR PUBUCATlON. . H. H, Land pfbea, La Urande, Oregon. i Deoamber. Id. iwoi, ' letlo Is hereby given tnat in eommtuno. wltnthe provlalona of tne ao( of Oonsreaa ol June a, ls7.an4Uiad Manaot for toe aale ol Umber Uada la tha 8lau of Uailfbrnla, Ore. on, evada,and Waahlngtoo XerrlWry," aa stats men. Ni day jifi atX Bsc 9 and NW t n.l ior mm piijxmsi. ir th. astWitrn wt KwarUH KltWH, OWUuU iNQa Ui la ToawnaHlp U uv u sU8a xw wav aw 'M BWU HX Mo.1 iCiiania Aad will ooer proof to show that th Una Bought Is more valuable ft iw umber or stoue than far agricaiMiml porposes. and. to astatillaa bis aourn to said tanotafore iha r " . swTwr es vua onsee at La Urande, On!0,a Menday, Mw Slsiu February, Immw - . "n. , !'. MeattuiMsawltaeases; Peter & Johnson of "run. via aameu, or, Tnomaa 4 Moans of ."""' xarrjr aeea of rsuaieum. Or. aad jaaiea AUoa m Haioo, via ajuaeliTor. ' Aay aud an prrsoaa eiauniag adversely the Move assented lands are requested to 0 tbetr Claims la Uiim mil Via iu iw.n.v. --. j Waaajerasw,a'.-,i..n . ... . , nnf; .t. j. -st. W. Data. , itarastar. ' First class job printing, Ob- 7 . " uMiM Biate by act of Auguat 4, mL John U jmatrong, f PandleioB. Coaaty of UsaaUlla, Wats of Oregon 11 wis amy uea u uiia ,mia Ht. BLOCKL AND BROS Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POLANDCHINA 8 WINE. ".We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cote wold aid shropshires, ready for service, anyone need. . mg choice bucks, should aee these to appreciate them Young stock always en hand, and always" glad te have you call and see our hogs, as we brerd them for in the-Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before ( ; boring some where else. ' se isessssMsnseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesseee FUklV M EA8URE? t : V Chain " Wood' by the Cord 7- 128 cubic feet to; the cord. 16-inch 'dry chain 1 wood Z per cordV This is cheaper than by the : load. You pay for what you get and get what you pay for. Phone 571 TIMBER LAND. ACt JUNE 3. J378- NOTICE F02 PUBLICATION. UO'o V. 8. Land Offio at t Qnndo, oia. Oct 1. 1904. NottMti hereby gtren that la eompilaao wiltatheprovUionaofUieaot of Oouf rent el Janet, W8,enUled "An eat for toe emle ol Umber Uuida In tbe State of Oailiornla, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a exwoaea w an uw ruuue utuu nna uj aui oTAufualt, UtU, WUliam U Brown, o terry, county ol union, HUle ol Oregon nae wla day oied In tnla Oliloe nil eworn ilatemeut Mo. Sti, for the pnrenaMOfUie KJtot 8 WH ofrJeciiooNolaudN X N W M iJeotion No. 17 Id Xowtuklp Mo. ,4 8, 12aOf K, M W at. And will oOer proof to enow that - the land eouicht la mora valuable . for Ita Umber or atoue than for agrloulturai parpoaca, and to i eautuuan ner ouum no mua uuu oeiure uie Hegiaterand Ueoalver of thla offto at La Janaary, IW6.IJ"'' ' ' '"' " lie namea aa wltnaaaea: Herbert B Clearer Of Caldwell, Idaho: Kalph H Bullia, of ferry Oreou: BeujeiniQ K Voung, of Uilgard, Orv on; William U Longtoy ofUilgard, Oregon. ' Any aud all peraout elaiiuiug adverael) the above deaoribed lanla are reqneated,to fllethairelaima la thla omoeoa or belore laid 7th day of January, Itwa. " ' i . .. K, W. Davia, Beglatei i TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i ' U. B. Land Offloe, La Orande, Oregon Notice to hereby given that In eompiutnoe , With the provlalona of the act of Ooogrme ol June , U7, enuud "An act for tbe aale of Umber land lit the State of Oaltf Mrnla," Ore-1 gon, Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory, a extended to all the Fubtio Land Htate by act of Anguat 4, 18W, Kicbard A. Crawford, of La Urande, oounty of Union, btata of Uregon, haa thla day Hied In thla oftloe bia aworn auto ment No. &M&, for the purohtute of the U b&X N )4 blijtof bee No. it, Tp So, 3, Uouth KauBeNo.il7, kCw. M.. - And wlU offer proof to ahow that the land ought la more valuable for lta Umber or atoue than for agrloultural purpoaea, and to eatabllah hi claim to aald iaoa before the Kegieterand Heoolver of Uua offloe at La Urande, Uregou, on Monday, the 27M day of February, Uuo. Ueoember It. WOi Ue nauia aa witneaseer " S Sreedlore, of ' 1 urande. Or, Lee V oung or llllgard. Or, Wm Dixon of Ullgard, Or, and I W Crawford of La Urande, Or. any and all person claiming adversely the above deacrlbed lauda are requeated to hie their clalma in this oinoeon or before said arto day of February, HKJ6. , :. - iv i.a .1 lX . B.W. Da via, BagUter, Notice to Creditors -V . a. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ? NOTiUiCld UH&EaY U1VKN that letters Of adminlitraUon tiara been iiianed hv tha T Oounty Court of Union Oounty, Oregon, to Mary C. Hwaugeropon theaatateot Heymonr oeauger, ueceaaea. ana an persona Having claiiua against aald esuta ars hereby notiaed to present the saina, wUh proper vouobwa. to the said administratrix at bar realdeno at Kanioia, Oregon, within alx naonus from the wh, ui urn wium Dated at La Urande, Oregon, thla Sad. day of Deoeiuber, A. O., 1MM. , MAUV 0. 8WAUGBB AdminUtratrU of the esUtto of Seymour awauger,deoeased. f Notice of Final SetUementr Notice is hereby given, that tha undersigned eoutrlxof the last will and teatament nf Mar. uw iuo uuai swooeui 01 nar ooinn aa ax tha J Watson, deoeased; and that the Ooanty Ounrt has appointed Monday the 2nd day of aauaary inu, his ciucs. p. m, aa ine time, ana the Court House at La Urande, Union- County, Dnalaooouuk All person bavlag any ebjeo tiona to the same, will SDueaTst aald tlma and on, as the piaoe for. toe hearing ol said place, and ofler said objeolous thereto. . . lUAMBU. fcxeootru. Qisnse, Oregon, November aku, WW. M ESflAY Nonce "' Notice Whereby riven to whom It mav arm mrai uuw uere came io my piaoa about July 1st, 1MH. two miles north of ferry on Dixie Flat the following deaoribed uIhuLiiim ri.M. i,.u umc,ia,niiv,(i9iuiui w year old. without visible branils. or uj nL.ri,i Said animal has been taken up by ma and is now with my oatUeon tha Dnuwr mAum s miles aortaeast of Islaad. Ulty. n4 owner eaa have same by proving property and pay. Ing charges.. J J afo BUttK, noine inoia lown, ia urande, Oregon. Ostted thla Ith wxj of Movember, iw? NOTICE OF, Fill AL 8KTTLiMEXT Notto la hereby ktven ta all whom H. m4 oonoera:- " . k . .. . , That Nellie O NellL administratrix of th estate of Alfred T Nelil, deoeased, has flled her final report In the admlnlstraUon of said ipan and any objections thereto Dated thlsioth, day of November. Administratrix of tha estate of Alfred 1 VRi.i.ie a. nih t Rector of Str Luke Athbomhatn, Ootario, TestiHu to the ' Good Quiiitki of Chataderlairt's , v-V'O Remedy Aabborubam. Ou.. Aonl 18. 1903. i mink it is only rigbtt&n I should an you what a woodartul , effect Obamberlaib'a . Conga itemed baa tirodaoed. Tbe daj balora Eater 1 waa ao dutretbed . witb a cold and oough that I did not tbink to be able1 to tana any dutiea tbe next day, aa my vote was almoat ebeked by the. oougb Ibe aama day - I,.reoaired ao , order Iroia yoo lor bottle ol, yoarCoagb Remedy. 1 at onoe procured a sample bottle aud took about three' doeee ot tbe medioioe- Xo my great relief .ine oougb aad cold had completely-'tliBan-paarad aad I waa able to. preacu tbtee timea oo Kaater Day. 1 koow that tbiaiauid aud tffeouve cure waa due to your Oough itemed. I make Ibis tertimoaial witboot solicitation, being tbankfal lo bare found auob a God. aeoi remedy, Keepectlully youra, ' .A.Laagfeldt,M. A, Rector Ol tit. Lnka'a Uhnrnr. I H. W. NIBLEY laaaoeeowo jt. -r t ? H Fine Organs J Jfob $46, $48, $52, $55 The well, known and 1 popular facinc Viueen. , Very handsome styles. Payments $8.00 . dewn - -and $4 a month. Write I-, us for particulrrs. Mail ; j Order? ; promptly and carefully filled. ' :J Eilers Piano House 1 1 1 351 Washington Street, f corner Park y Portland, Oregon Large etoros alaoj 8pokane and Seattle, Wash., and Boise, Idaho;. ; FOB- 11 t'- RENT, LEASE OR SALE Lots 17, 18, block 102, Chaplain's Addition. - it .. Address'bids to -PW ;are - " of Observer f)O'iSS9OS9av0SI8l818)a 'r i CENT 'OP Oo 5. atr cash purchases of; 8i.w or over on- meats and lard unail July 1, 1905. A complete stock of meats, poul try, lard, hams, etc. i . . Phone 1601 ' ,' . 'I. HARRIS eirjajaiiagjr) y Thaa is why people com hew for men's and ibv . boys', woes 1 m 10 ST-aS. 'bw ; V 5!;r ill CM. . o): ' hi) mi&.iZM ,. :si: i ' '' W'lwt'aiatiiiaWssji.Mw.iisai i.ia ' ' j F j'w, TM'JyE. TUt line ii ,ouf ipec- . laity.- Here is where priee d ; j quality are combined. ;i , ; I ;Cw PRESTON, : Cki ci.i:. nennr CTDFFT ; ' jpwaitt '.i.r 1 . - ;;:., r Pall Welghr Guaranteed -p.-!,.'.!,, JrVholesale and Itair.deal era in. Hey, Grain, Vege ''tkblesancT Fruits Carload lota "a Specialty Lawson c Zundell Office in Eiipatrick Bldg. I 1 "T1 t 1 A- gaw ' lit 5 aiata. J aa 'LAORANllS muaa i;-vjsi A A Campbell Swinton, at. Tula remedy ia for sale bv All Dm Phone No 1113