La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 28, 1904, Image 1

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Trains Blockaded' Teleaaph Lines Demorrlized,
-. Telephone Made Mtorse than ; ;
; ; Useless.:': V;:.-::;;"?-va--- , r
Kansss City, Dm 28 This portion
- of tbe ronthwert ii in the grsep of . a
severe blisxard which extendi through
; Missouri into Nebreka sod Iowa, over
. tba whole of Kansas and into Okie
: homa and Indian territory Nearly
' a fort of anow bat fallen and b'own
by tba high wind baa demoralised
treat ear trafflo In the cltiea and de-
layed or etalled many railroad trai-a.
" The temperature ta near tba aero
mark. North of Kansas City tba
elect wblob preoeeded tba anow baa
Made from the best of Oregon
, i .. . -;,. r,: . . - .y-Jy " ' -
n - ........ .... : : ": , ,
Tervthing elie on the market for cold weather wearing
appeareL ' ; . . . ' ',,, , . :.-
For Men and Boys
In blacV and colored, special
75c, 85c to $1.25
At prices that mean a smart saving. Nothing but FIRST
QUALITIES handled here and in. the best makes If yon
fkil to see us about rubbers it is because you are" indifferent
to saving money. For we positively can save you money on
these geoda. ;-.-v.,;-;; -. , ; :'- ' . .
Men's Winter
Boys' Winter Caps 25c to 65c
...,- fe. i .rr...iiiri. inr.ur- I ( ' - . "
broken down many telegraph wine
and communication with many pointa
in Nebraska! Iowaard northern Mia
eourite Impoeaibte, ' S '
Topeka Deo 18 Owing to the pre
facing bliisard atreet railway trafflo
ia pratioally suspended and traina are
late or abandoned on all the railroads.
The temperature U at sero
- New York Deo 28 Rain end aleet
and California wool, surpasses
For Men and Boys
Suitable for all kinds of wear
and all kinds of weather A
Regular 60o Bed Sox JOc
Caps 25c to $1.50
following the bevy nowitorni bare
paraljBd tratif portatiuo and bid'.y
erippled tle' toletrtpb aerfioa. All
through tbe and in PbODiyWaDU
tbe wria bare brvkn down with
Wigbiol Iu "New York" rain,
abow and aleet foraied a oratt of ice
over everything and tba whole city ta
like a great Ifcating pond.. Tbe aab
orben trolley ervios te elmoU paraly
if d and tbe elevakn) line are nnable
to keep anything like ecbtduld time.
. WebinKioQ Deo 28 The weaibar
bnrt-aa r-porU iba norm thai reached
Oregon coast Saturday morning haa
moved eontbeaatward to the Tnaa
ooaat. nortbeaatward into the middle
Mleeonri valley. In tba Uat 24 boars
tbe atorm baa increased greatly io
intenaity aad forms today tba most
aevere atorm of the seaaon through
out tbe middle and lower Miaaiaaippi
valley, Tenoeaaee and tbe eait golf
atates. Bain, anow Or aleet baa fallen
at practically evt'ry etation weatof
prevaila between the If ieaiaaippi and
Rocky lfountaiaa. ' !
Indianapolis, Dec 28 High wind
are, prevailing today througbont I
diana. At Elkmavilta scboolbouse
was unroofed and several children in
jured. ' AtVincennee tbe wind un
roofed the Blackford glass plant and
blew down a portion of the walls. ,
Bt raul, Deo Xo A. blisiard pre
vailed throughout Uinneeota and Wla-
oonain. Tbe snow is pilling up In
drifts delaying street and eteam rail
way trafflo. Trains from the Paclflo
ooaat are (ix to 20 hours late.
Mr and Mrs H O Rineharl of Bum
merville left tbis forenoon for a ten
days visit to relatives and friends in
Walla Walla and Dayton Wasbj T
seven indictments
of Albany now
Agregation Two John Doe Indictments
Issued. Who are Mr. Hermann's
"Very Good Friers'" " 3
Portland, ' Deo. 27. Tbe federal
grand Jury today returned seven in
dictments 1 1 connection with the land
fraud oases now . under . Investigation.
The large number In tbe batch and
prominenoa of three of the number
witn the two mystarious "John Doe"
Indictments make the' day the moat
sensational since tbe jury reconvened
In Its present sessions. The most im
portant Is the indlotment against Dr.
William H Davis, mayor ot Albany,
Ore Second to tbia aad ot hardly less
importance are tboaa of Salmon B
Ormsby, formerly government agent,
and Clark B Loomls, at one time a
forest reserve superintendent. '
Henry A Young and George Soren
eon are not so wall known. Tba in
dictment atates that there are two
others, John Doe and Richard Roe,
Implicated, wboea true namss the Jury
does not know. It will be recalled
that two mysterious personages figured
prominently in the Indictment return
ed against State Senator Franklin P
Mays last - week. Tba charge in the
lndlotmers retained today ia that the
indicted men entered into a oonspir
acy on December 29, 1901, having as
their object tbe defrauding of the gov
ernment of tbe Unit d States out of a
portion of Its publio Lands In township
11 south, range 1 east, and that by
means of false and forged applications,
false and torksd affidavits and proofs
of homeete&d entry and settlement,
soma in tba names of real and some In
tbe names ot fictitious parsons. - the
New Training Cart
Mr N K Wentt'ie owner of aev ral
fine race h )rae which have won prts
ea io tbia and tbe adj lining atats
dupDg the leat aeaaon, tbia morning
reoeiti'd at tbia place a training oart,
the ftke of whioh baa never ben seen
in La Gran la. . AUhoagh built some
thing oo tbe order ol the old ' crt,
tbe seat In this one is a great deal
Inwer. th . hiwila kra inmi' aloaer to-
getber.and tbe entire vehicle only
weighs forty pounds; It Is, ta the
front part ot bit store on Adams Ave
nue and all lovers of the raoe course
should makeaA tntpeotion , of - the
dainty little vehiole. ,, .' ,
F I Dunbar's Report!
The,Obeetver received on last Mon
day tba biennial report of F.. I Dun
bar, Secretary of tbe state of Oregon
to tbe 23rd Legislature Assembly of
tbe state wblob will meet io 8lm on
Jan 9 1905. It it a book of 408 pages
filled with natter showing the fioan
olal condition of the state, and other
important transactions from October
1, 1902 to Sep ember SO, 1904, inelu-
sive. it also gives tne Beoreurys
estimate as be it required by law to
do, of tbe appropriation the, coming
legislature will be required to make
to carry out the various laws now on
the statute book unless tbe laws are
changed. ' ' ' v ",' ;!... ,;;
r Joint Installation
' There were over one hundred pre
sent last evening to witneas tue beau
tiful inat llation ceremonies of the
Maaonio Royal Arch and EaststnStar.
At tbe oonolusi m a sumptous ban
quet was served, and it was past mid.
night befote the friends bade each
other good nigbt. Tbe Maaqnic or
der in this city is strong both numorl
oal'y and flnsnolally. They own tbe
finest equipped ball in the state out
eHe of Portland r. ' ' "
New Star in Land Fraud
government was induced to issue pat-
ant to the lands. , t,f
It is oharged that In furtherance ot
the coneplraoy William H Davis swore
to an affidavit before 8 B Ormsby in
which ha said be had resided upon tbe
olalm token by him as by law required
and that the conspiracy vu a part of
the one entered upon by B A D Pater,
Horace G McKlnley, D Vt Tarpley and
Emma L Watson. .
In tbe Indictment Just returned Wil
11am H Davis, mayor of Albany and
chairman of tba Republican county
central committee ot Linn . county. Is
the central figure. .
In 1901 0 E Loomls cam to Albany
to make a report oa tha claim of , Dr.
Davis, la company with about 49 other
claims help up by the department. The
government asserts that Dr. Davis be
came uneasy about this time and wrote
to Blnger Hermann, then commission
or of tbe general land offloei asking his
advloe In regard to his filing. ' Ue al
so asked Mr. Loomls, according to tbe
government, to write the department
In regard to bis olalm
Under date of March, 1901, it Is al
leged, Loomls wrote a personal 1 letter
to Mr. Hermann asking his advice in
relation to tbe claim. , . . . ...
The letter olosed, so the government
asserts, with the statement that Mr.
Looms would be glad to gala any, In
formation whfeb might be of ose to
soma very good friends" of Mr. Her
mann's la Linn county. : " '
fcfa QUd JurV tO'Fumish Him NamtS' Of Wit
, ,
nesses who Accuse Him of Implication
in Land Fraud.
Senator John II Mltohell does not
want to enter into tbe land fraud case
with any handicap. He has sent tba
following letter to the forman of the
grand Jury. The government aaaoree
Mr Mitchell that be wUl be aooorded
every right and privlledge whloh would
be auowed any otner otuawn wuu iumt
be aommoned before tba grild Jury '
Tba government alao intimates that be
will be accorded no prlviledgea which
the most bumble oitiseo would Dot
receive at the bands of hi government
The following la the letter which Mr
Mitchell handed to the foreman In per
son. .
Pordand. Or., Deo 23, 190i W U
Wade, Esq., Foreman Federal Grand
Juryt Portland, Or-Dear Sir:' Street
ramsw ln this city lor tbe past 10 days
and press dispatches from this city to
all parts of the United .States are to
the effeot that I am being oharged
with complicity with others in certain
Oregon land frauds, and that tbe Jiry
of which yon are the foreman Is inves.
tigatlng aoob obargea. I nave hereto
fore requested of tba prosecuting
officers, HonC Franols J Hsney, assist
ant United States diatriot attorney, and
Hon John H Hail, United States die
trlit attorney, the privilege of going
before your body for. ths r purpose of
anawering, nnder oath, any charges
. . ,2,
The era ol the eubttantal growth
and prosperity of ths city of La Gran
de bas dawnsd and tbe improvements
to be made during tbe; year wblch is
about to be ushered ia will dwarf in
to iasignifiosnee all former advance
sasnt,. ' C2'w icJ-'.'.-
There can no lnnrer be adnnttt tht
ul luit" . n"
oat live ittue cvty will -sooa assums
metropciitaa proportions.
Tbe near completion of two eleotrio
power plants wblob will make poaelbla
tbe operation b! mill', faotoriea' etc
tbe assured buiding o( the electrlo
oar line to all ' important points ' In
this and Wallowa valleys the unrivaU
ed agricultural and timber retouroes
together wiib Its importance as a irsil
road town all combined,' will assure
and support the- rapid growth ' of "the
city of La Grande. .
In these superior advantages aver)
oitisen of tbe tewn feels a oommend-
- ?-7 ' nwHtBafnnwiwaawannwaBgBwnaHwaH
i I" it -- w , III . , . .
Coughs are warnings of ''something amies in throat : or
lungs. Don't mind the cough, mind the cause, Use a
remedy that will go to the source' of trouble and cure
that Such a remedy is our - . . . '.' V T
White Pine Cough Balsam : ;
It cures promptly and thoroughly because it cures in the
right manner, n Believes irritation, heals inflamed sur
faces, loosens the 'cough, and soothes and ; atrengthens
' While it cures. A splendid remedy for children because
It is so good to cure and so good to take. Price 25 and "
oo cents.'1-
v. .. l-; V
that may have been lodged with year
body sgsinst me. whloh In any wise
Implicates me la any suoh frauds.
"( therefore 'respecUully'luk yon,
and through yon your associates com
posing 'be lederal. grand jury now la
eeaslon In this city, tbe privilege ol
swerlng, - under oath, any and all
such charges that may bare been
mads Just aa '-soon aathu government
bss oonoludel faking olsuoa testi
mony as It desires to bring before yon
lif support of any tibarges against me.
"If, therefore, yon will kindly advise
ma when all such testimony has bean
submitted on the part ol tha govern
meat 1 will then be ready to go before)
you in answer to any suoh charges as
may be made, sad. I respectfully ask
that on my appearance before yon at
the "does of tile government e 'easeras
above suggested, that I then be advis
ed fully aa to tha precise charges, If
m,d' ln m nd oI n
tore of tbe evidence submitted by the
government In support thereof. And
also should be glad if not deemed tm
proper by your advisors that ' tba
names of tbe witnesses making tba
same be) admitted to me at , that time.
"Hlnoerly trusting I will be aooord
ed this privilege I am very - rwspaot
faws ml wi, -to m.k.
doubly surs" let eaoh put'
foith bis
" Every building ereoted, every foot
of .ground acquired and improved
belpe not alone ths owner : but tba
whole community and inoresMs ths
V'jue of property la au sections oi ma : 5
Oity.. X'i r.; " iirf
...... . ' .. I
All hiu vau Bin m wi awt i - j i :
tton of tha thousands of disiitisSed t, j
hMu aAalraM IrAm lha tul. whA will tT i f i
. . . " sfM
.Will t-.i v
tsksadvantsgeof lhe cneap raws to ,
Investigate and invest,. . U l U
t Sotbtng can be done wblob will ia- ?-
apira'morc confidence la' tha - new !j j . ''-j
emer than to see the old residents l-i'K1
investing -n ' property and Improve- j i
msuts thus demooitrst ing their faith i
in tbs growth
towa. i -C-'-V:
and stability of ths I
' Shinktes. Shingles
Two oar loads of first class shingles)
Just reoelved by tba Stoddard Lumber
Company. H-
fi'f : ",.
;) t
nr.. ;
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