NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGED FOR OLD GOODS II you want anything in our line you need not pay any caah as we will take your old furniture or any thing you may bare of value and let you have any thing we have. We also bsve a fine lot of good, dry wood, for which we will take all furniture or anything you may have. JuBt Phone us 1581 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Thane 1581 Remember we still bay and ef Second Hand Goodj sell m kinds J J ' . .. - AT COST I am closing out all my . BOYS' SHIRTS CAPS AND UNDERWE AJEl Have a big assortment of Boys' Sweaters " AU at Cost ' a; v. and r ews LOCAL jrrEMs WHAT SOME PEOPL IN AND OUT OF, TOWN ARE , r: DOING. Gents Furnisher and Tailor. TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House Union County. A. V. Olivei JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 y Everything you want want for that If S6IND AY WINNER Is Awaiting Your Order at C. R ALSTON'S NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and Jefferson 81a. W E Klnzie visited Pendleton yes terday, - Frank Clopton 'ot Pendleton is hers adjusting the firs loss of tbe 8hsmrock saloon. Mr and Mrs J A Carlson of Kernels pent Ohrlatmaa this jear In Pendle ton. ; . , ,.' D W Jackson who has been in cbarg of tbe Pendleton yard engine during the illness of A Gostofson has returned. mere is about ue incbee of snow at tbe CovgiTing the people of that section of the country fins sleighing inoe Saturday. ; , Hisses Maaret Potter and Edna Sohllke will entertain the members of tbe40lclabandefjnvltd r lends at tbe home ot ths tatter thlesrenlng Miss L B Lorens returned from the Cove last night " where she spent Cnristmas with her folks. ' Mooday night was tbe coldest of the season' Observer W A Worsts!! says the thermometer : was 7 above. Last uight it was 18 above zero., Star Encampment No 81 L O. O. V Thr iu be a speolsl session next Thursday evening Deo 29th Edmund Bobinson 0 P -4 small blaze last evening in the Bock 4 Thomas 1 smoke hoose eaueed tbe firs bell to be rung. . The damage was slight. ; Woskmen are busy today at work ia the building on Adams Avenue, foimer ly oooapled by Mis Langhlin, prepar ing the entire stock for removal to ths store of N K West. Tbe Rev J D Gillllsn ot tbe Method- lit church at this plaoe left this morn Ing for Union where he will conduct services and will, on returning, stop ovsr at Island City in pursuance of his duties there. v;.' y- r;;.... Mrs White from Colorado' who. has been vUiting her son, Mr Jsmes White ot this plaoe for some time, left this forenoon for Denver, Colo. - Mrs R J Boddy of Ladd Creek, who has been visiting relatives and friends at Athena, returned to this elty today and will leave at once tor her borne. Mr Ben Burnett and wife from Stark . .a a A ey trrtvea in tne city yeeieraav on business and, after spending the night here, returned home today. Mr Claude Braden and Mr Dolph Peebler of Ladd Creek, who attend, d tbe Xmas ball at Island City last even ing, are In tbe city and report en ex cellent time at tbe ball. Judge and Mrs W R Ellis who spent! Christmas with Receiver and Mrs A A Roberts returned tt their home in Pendleton this morning.' George Good all, assistant secretarr of th- Lewis and Clart commission, is in the pl y to spend the holidsyi with bis parents Mr nd Mrs 'Goodall The fuueial services of . Mr John CiIhbs weie held at tbe Central Church of t'hrut thisaftt rafxin nt wo o'clock, and was atten led by a la'jte congrega tion of relatives ana frl nds. Tbe in terment took place immediately after tbe funeral In the MasoniR cemetery. ' To not forget tbe specUl scho o meeting whlnb wll be held in ths HUh Bcbnol building tomorrow after noon. Tbe official meet notice appears in tbla Is ue, It states the time, the place and the matters t be disposed of by the meetings. ; , ; . , L08r A obilds kid mitten, Finder please ret u i B"to Helen Bartlett, LOST-On theatieete Saturday even In, an 18 jewel Elgin niovemen watch, finder please leave bare and get reward. J ; -' - Jersey Cream ' P.tert Row. Every tack guaranteed by V' Roml & Staples, Grocers. The Salvation Army of Greater Few York distributed 68JCS- Christmas dlanera to the poor yesterday, The minsters of this city and eotttty are reqsested to call at the O B & 2f freight office and make application for tbelr reduced rate. Tbe necessary blanka are now on hand and should be filled out at once. - Last season wss a particularly noted one tor arsssteroos isuoreo m iae dramatis field. . Bnt from the aloosh of failures issued on dram at io effort ot such extraordinary luocswrul pro portions as to e&ll for more than pass ing comment la the theatrical world This property was "For Mother's Sake" and little Marie Heath, the star, made the bit of her Ufa. y 3 -e Music B P Tait tbe pioneer maio teacher of Grande Sonde Valley is still in tbe rinir. Durinc mv vacation I made it my business as well as pleasnre M at tend concerts .operas, -end in fact everv thine in mv line of bntinrte and I foood tbat I as a teacner and interpreter ofmusio and still in tbe front rank. Pupils who do not "wish tbs full conservatory course msy take tbe popular piano course. This plac es tbe Duoil in position to . play tbe populer mus'iO of tbe day, Churoh and Sunday 8ohool musio. The Violin popular oouise . ' places tbe pupil In position t" play ll kinds oi dance musio ss well as ligbt - over tures. Quite a number of musician who have been under my Instruction ate now making good money a teach' .r.H niointn. PuDiu who are nn der my o re will be thoroughly in etrnoted in musio. ;; B, J. TAIT, teacher B. oflrHBall.1 Tbe , Brotherhood of Locomotive firemen will give a Christmas dance) at j Commercial Club Hall on the night ot J Deo SO and supper will be served by J J Mr J f Johnson the gen i al proprietor j of tbe Spokane Cafe at his place on I e Depot Street. IS .: - ' - -. ' I In order to make room for Iirge StocX cf tl.S r.i Children's shoes, I quote the following prices cn Men's tad BoyYshoest -r Ken's Best Box Oil and Vic! Kid. tt&ix $5 fcr .: ao r J Art .-. Men's $3.53 and $4 00 Box Cal' and Vki Kid $2.75 and $3.00 - ' Boys' Shoes from $I.C0 to $2.C3 El N 9' All lines of men'a and boys shoes reduced In price. and every pair guaranteed to be from rwvr end up to date stock. .' . ' " . ' v - V 7, ; T. M.; STUBBLEF1ELD.;;. .y . Saves you money. ''. Your shoes repaired in up-to-date Style. n 1 sees e ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooeaosseeesws) FURNITURE EAPORIUAVi We are now ihowine the most complete line of furniture r ever displayed inhis county. A rieit to oar establishment will rep f you for bere are to be found tne latest in an ana ..-.J- : "i . '.t (nt v onnnnflTIftllsi. -' - vuuiivir. ' n ivn w w A lew Rockers, from $2 to I87.5C, Morris chairs $12 to $23, Iron beds $3 te $23, Dining tables, Center tabler, all price. Cbafliners 10 to 35 dollars, Bed room suite, beauties from 16 to 65 dollars, Folding beds, Lounges, Hall trees. Rug Art Squares, Portier curtains, pictures, etc - - - . The abore is only a suggestion and comprise tho latest creations. Gome aod look : ... ". .: V.'': ', EANDROSS Residence Phone 367 HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Are Wanted Immediately V jeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tiOffsittir teams, good wages Grande Lumber Co. 'jShinglcs, Shingles Two oar loada of first class shingles just received by the Stoddard Lumbar Company. " ' . . Tillmann's Pine Goods . Every housekeeper wants purs splo ea aod flavoring eztraoU. Tillmann's are made for the best family trade. r it - For the best and whitest bread tut Jer sty Cream Flour. OUR BPEOIALTY Fall Line "Perferre I Stock" Canned Qoodi. SHOES Good School Shoes a specialty DINE WELL ON NEW YEARS and yon will fare well all tbe rest of the year ' To be sore of the right start eat your New Year's dinner - s HERE - It wilt Inolude all the delicacies ot the season sud some out of season. Tbe service will be perfect, the cook ing a delight. The bill will show yon tbat the oost of living baa not increas ed here at any rate, v , r MODEL RESTAURANT , J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. . OPEN DAT AND NIGHT We sell wetkly Meal . c A Ca8h......y4v MEAmMARKE I Si .t 8tellwell A Vandermuelen, Proprietors. 7' .", WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. Highest market price paid tqr all kinds of butchers' . took Hides, pelts and furs. ;, Also chickens A poultry.1 j ! "JUST SPLENDID" ! Notice to the patrons of La GranJe Light aud Power Co. Tbat on and after January 1st we will install a day circuit in this city and take this means of notifying our ; natrons. Any changes to be made in lights which can not be turned off during the day should be arranged as soon as possible. . Those deeiring power can confer with us at any -time regarding prices of motors, rates, etc We have motors priced as follows, 1. o, d. can "rancisoo; i.b. p. bp 1 hp 2 hp 3 hp ........$ 37 75 44 60 95 60 104 15 123 85 5h. . .,......$192 00 10 h p .. 279 75 15 h p ........ 887 70 20 h p ........ 452 50 SO hp 655 65, To this price must be added freight from San Francisco to La Grande. For information call at office ot LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. There is no doubt about our line being complete, 1 up-to-date, and always fresh. : Here are some pleasing things at 'pleasing prices: Eilra select Desert - Yellow Peaches,. ...... .per can 30c Extra 6e t ct black TartariaoChereiea. . . V. . . .per can 8O0 Extra select Cuthbert RaspVerries... .per can 80c Extra select Blackberries .............. . . .per c 25c Sugar-loaf grated Pine Apple . . . . . . . . . . .pee can SOo Sugar-loaf sliced Pine Apple k...v. ....... ..per can 25o e ROMIG & STAPLES, Grocery and Bakery. 1 La Grande. Phone 431 "r " " '. " ; - " '- ; ' . ,-;V :.,. r- -',:'?' v-j :."...: : ; ;..;'-. . ''y''yy' 'r y '.'Zi77, '7 ! v.. ; :.. .!. -. , . i'.-i".'-: ....''-'. . ; : :.- 7 77 :'.7- t;'-7 -r. ;:':y- ,-,;- ' ; ' 7i'i"- .. -.. . i- , ; .. ,r - v, ..... "'. '""V1.. 1 T:V'"'; '" v"'.'-:' "'- :J.,''::''77'.r'.7- '777 - v.'yY?77't f:'-i.;-V';' -' ' . --' ' ; -. - . :' ' -.-.-',.'.; :-.:. y7 .'' .:: ". -:'7-7 7: -7." V'v-. 4 :. ' ' '"7!:" ' '; '' '.''n,j'.'.- (Vvii(i.'." The olden M " ;'". v- .' ' - .' ' i" . r ' ' -tr . ' . t , v . '.: '.,'' . . .' " ' r , i , ft ';: -. : t -("'' Big Department Store - .. -,... !, ' T"- "' V' ' " ' '' ' j ' ' - '."."-',.' : "-iv. -' . .: . v.-:.'.-,. . ' .. v ' ' - t-v ' " ' . '"'' "'-"'-r w ;,. . ; ... ': ' - - ; -I -..a." ' : u. ,W .' . . '. , . . ., . ... ; , ... . . ... . - j--.- .- - ,; ''': ", ' : .;..,,; ;. .. ; ' - "V- :-'r::'----h.77,.-t777, ' ; ' " ' :7',":'- '' ' "."' 'r'7'-7 "." "' ' . "i . ' . "' f.i ' ;' . ' ...,"..'' f' " 'V ,:. ... ' ... ..... : . .... .... . . ... ; . 7' 7 7 . TZ". 7:'7 . '. v- ' - - .-" V,'." ,v ,...........,MM,ft(asssssstttssssssss