La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 27, 1904, Image 5

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lUOTICX Or I EOTORATiaS of , rtb, Rscge forty ntm 47
Pnbtia Lai ds to ettlemeot ua to j .- - - !' . T""?1""
iwtmia ol the interior, Ueu- . ? ""
:'iirAT. i. Washington. D O., ", both tool
riZZi UU4. Notice i areby .aMnei thirty six 361
g'lVentnaton October M, 1904, tb. ip.lx J61 M
stored to rsUlement tfe poUio lands is
she foUowiiig deisribsi areas, wawn
w temporarily wiUdrawn , tor forest
rewrre purposes; aod that the, a dd
pablie lands so restored to settlement
on October 21, L4. U beme ab
ject to eo try filing "J selection at
the United Btatee District Lamd .Office
at La Urtodt, Oregon, . on March 1,
1905: la Township two(2) North, f'ane
lorty -four (44) East, the south-wee'
quarter of Section twenty-four (2t) aud
tbe west hail of Section twenty fire
In Township three (3) orth,
-Kaoge forty-lour (44) East, Beotlons
one (1) to ore (6), both Inclusive, lb
north half ot tbe north-veil quarter of
section 6ix (o), the north half ot
Sections nine (9) andtea (10), 8eo
tious eleven (11) to fourteen (ll);
both inclusive, the north east quarter
of Section twenty. two (22), the nottb
half ot the south-east quarter, of beo
tioa twenty-three '3),--Sections twen
ty f oar (34) and twamy live (iS5), tbe
aoath half ot the south weat quarter of
Section tairty-ooe (31), and rteo-
lion mm y-six (so) ; m Township four
() JNoriii, Kenge forty lour-(t4) Eaa
mo west teu w ne me- west half ol
Section one (1), Beotion two (2) te
eleven (U), both inclusive the north"
Qarlfr o lh, Onvort'l,we8 Wtt
of Section twelve (U): the south west
quarter ot bectiou thirteen (13), See.
twns fourteen qt) tptwBntj three (23)
both iacloslvey the west half of 'the
west half and the southeast qoarter
of the aoaiAtwest quarter iot tsect on t
twenty tear the west naif of Sec J
tion twenty-five (25), Sections twenty
ty-elght (28), the north half of the
south-east quarter, the south-east
quarter of the aoath east qoarter, and
the north-east quarter of the south
west ol Section twenty-nine (29), tbe
, south-west qoarter and the aoath bait
oi toe. uorui west '.quarter of Section
thirtyone (31), and Sections thirty
three (33) to thirty six (3tt), both, in-1
clnaive; , in Township two (2)
North, Range forty-rive (45) West,
Sections one (1), two (2) and three (3)
' the north half oi Section lour (4), the
north half and sooth west qoarter- of
Heotion hve (6), the north hlf, and
the north halt and south-east quarter
ot the: sotMhast qoarterjul Jietion six
(6), the east halt of the east half of
BeoUon nine (9), Sections ten 10 to
toorteen (14),. both incisive, . the east
ballot fiection fifteen (15)' Section
suteen (ItJ), the sooth hall of the
nortif-east qoarter, tb north halt- of
the sonth-east quarter and the -sootb-.
east qonttw of the south-east, qoarter
of Section seventeen (17), the souih
half of the aoath east quarter1 of Sec -tion
nineteeu 19, the sooth west
qoarter ot the south-west fjaarter, the
north-east quarter, and the north halt
ol the south-east qjuarter.or- beotlon
twnty 20,Ue ndrth-west quarter oi
the north-east quarter, the norm half
of the northfwast - qoarter and tbe
south-west quarter ot the i north w-st
. quarter of Section twentjf-one til, the
east half ot .the east halt ol Section
""X twenty-two 22, Sections twsr.ty-three
23 to twenty-six 20, both inuloeive,
. the east halt ot neotion twenty -seven
27, tbe sooth, bait the. south west
qoarter and the north weat qoarter; . of
tue sootn-west. quarter . ot . section
twenty-eight ' 28, ' the 1 south eaat
quarter of the south-east quarter and
j the west half of the west halt', of See"
. v tion twenty nine 29, the esst halt of
the norh-est quarter aud the-uortrrl
east qoarter of the south east quarter
of jSeotion-thirty 30, the southwest
quarter oi.tLe noitueaat quarter, the
west half ol tbe southeast quarter, and
thai west half of Seotlon thirty one 311
the, northwest quarter oi tbe northwest
quarter, tbe east half, and the east
half ot tbe west halt ot Section thlny
two 32, the south halt ol the north
east quarter, the southeast quarter and
the west halt of Seotlon thirty three
33, the east half and tbe so. thwest
qoarter of sectlon thirty four 34, and
all 8 etions thirty five 35, thirty six
3d J In Township three 3 North,
Range forty five 45 Jast, the eaot
bed! and tbe east halt of the west ball
ot BeoUon three 3, Sections alx 6
and seven 7, the east half of Seotlon
tea 10, the west halt of heotion toor
teanfUL the east half rf Seotlon tit
teen 15, 'sections eighteen 18 and
nineteen 19, tne west half, the wrat
half ol the east half aud the southeast
nter ot the soot i. east qoarter of
ion twenty three 23, aud Sections
.twenty tire 25, twenty six 26,
thirty 30, thirty one 31, thirty Hve
(35, and thirty six 3d; All Township
two 11 North.
Kange lorty six 4i
J!sst ; in Township urea
31 IN or
Range forty six 4o - East, the south
west quarter of tbe southeast quarter
and the southeast quarter of tbe south
west quarter of (Section Jve 5, the
west naif of the nurtbeVet qnirter, the
, west half, and the southeast qoarter of
eeotion eight 8, tbe southeast quart
oc of tbe southwest quarrer and the
southwest qoarter ol . tbe southeast
quarter ol Section fourteen 14, the
, northeast qoarter of Section fifteen ( 151
Section aixte a f 161. the east halt end
, the east bait of the west haif of 6ecr
tion seventeen 17 and twenty 2u
, and BecUona twenty one 21 to thirty
alx 36, both inclusive; in Township
five 6 North, Range forty six 48
ast. Sections one 111 to eighteen 18,
both inclusive, the north half of Ueo
tion twentv two 1221. and the north
. weat quarter of Beotion twenty three
lajj; All tnat part oi iown-nip six ioj
. Worth, Range forty six 161 tlast in
J Oregon; In Township three 3 North,
Range forty seven 47 East, the sooth
half of tbe northwest qoarter and the
north bait ol tbe southwest qoarter of
Beotion fifteen 16, Section sixteen
16, the south hall of the sooth half
T . m . a a. a. . .a.
ana tne nortnwest quarter oi mi aouvu
west quarter ol Section seventeen 17
SantloJ. nineteen WJ, the north halt,
tad the northeastquarter of the south
east quarter of Beotion twenty 20 1,
half of tt toatboMi qanxter of Beo
onartap of flartinn twentv seven 171.
the South half Of Beotion twenty elht
.An. ..... .... LL
i v wnm wisiwt n ni tiM dhtiuihi
quarter, the southwest quarter ot the
(northeast quarter and the west half ot
flection thirty 80, the southeast
Quarter ot Section thirty one 131, the
east hall
and southwest quarter oi
bectlonthlrtv twof32. and all beottons
thirty three p3 J, thirty fur 841 and
?or; In Township thr 3 North.
Hi-hite forty aibt f31 kaet- tha
eut qsarter of Section lour 141, the
east half of geatloe sin. 9, Section
sixteen 1 16 the east-half of Seotlons
twenty one 21 and twenty eight (28,1
the southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter, tbe tooth half of tbe northeast
quarter and tbe south hall . of taction
thirty two (32), tbe sooth west qoarter
tbe south hall o( tbe northwest quarter
and tbe east halt of Section thirty
three 33)1 All fractional Township
Ove (51 North, Range forty eight (481
East: r All fractional Township six
16) North, Range forty eight (481
East; All ot the Willamette Meildian.
Oregon , - . T7
W A RlchardV Commissioner
Approved A Hitchcock., beoretarj
oi the Interior r "
fubL'o V Lands- to Battlement And
Entry, Department of the Interior;
GeneraPLaud OUtoe, Washington, J
'i November 8, 190a. Notice is here
by given that on October 21, 1904, the
Aoiint Secretary ot tbe interior restor.
ed to settlement the pablie lands' in
tbe following detoribed areas, which
reserve purposes; and that the said
pQDiio unae so restored to settlement
on October 21,1904, will become sub
ject to entry, filing and selection at
the United states District Land Offices
at I Grande.. Oreaon. and Walla
Walla, 'Washlngtob, oo, March ll 1905:
In Township Una ? 11 SoutnrRanae
vuiny seven in i eat, eectious tniriy
one -f SI -and thirty two. (3i V-and the
sooth west qoarter of Beotion thirty
three S3 ; In . Townahlp two 21
8onth, Range tb!47 eight 38 East,
the south east quaiter of SoUon nve
16; ,Iny Township one 1 North,
balf'of SectYon "one 1 ; In Township
two 2 North, Range thirty-eight 38J
Asst, unions tnuteen tuj, twenty.
and thirty,
ve 151 North.
Range thirty eight 38 East, Brotion
twenty 20, the . west half of Section
tweotv one 211. and tbe north half of
Sections twenty nine 29 -and thirty
ISO) I m Township three 3 North,
Range thirty nine 39 East, Sections
one 1L two 2Cnlne f91 arid sixteen
16, and the south east quarter of
Section. twentr eight 128 ; In Town
ahlp four 4 north Range thirty-nine
law j mat, e sections .thirty ovej (35
55S itmLOtit Hundred and Twcnty-ohc Million Feet of
that partoi Section one (1) lying east
of the Grande Ronde River! All that
"part "of Townahtp-foor 4) North,
Range forty 40 East, lying east of
me uranue ttonde River; in Town-
ip three (31 North. Range fortv one
41 Tiast, Sections one 1 to pix 6,
lh inclusive: All that Dart ot Town
ship four 4 North, Range forty one
141 East, lying sooth a id east of the
Grande Ronde River; All. that part ot
Township five 5 H orth, Raoge, forty,
one (411 East, lyinc south of the
Grande Ronde River; In Township five
5 North, Range forty two 42 East,
Sections thirteen 13 to sixteen 16,
both inclusive, and Sections twenty
20 to thirty six. 36, both iuolusive;
All of the Willamette Meridian. Oregon-
All that part ot Township six
6 North, Range 43 East, lying in
Washington; lo Township seven 7,
north Kange lorty-tnree 1431 HAst,
Sections twenty-four a4) and twenty
five (25), tbe south' half of Section
twenty eight (28), tbe sooth-east
quarter of Seotlon thirty-one (31), tbe
south half and north-east qoarter of
Section thirty-two (33), and Sections
thirty three (33) to thirty six, (36),
both Inclusive In Township nine (9)
North, Range furty three (43) ttaat,
Sections one (1) to four (4), both In
elusive. Beotion seven (7), tbe north
half of Section eighteen (18), and
Seotlon thirty six . 36) ; In Township
seven (7) North. Range forty fonr (44)
ttast, Ueotiona one (l) and twelve (12 ;
In Township eUht (8) North, Range
forty lour 44 East, Sections three 3,
four 4, nve 5 and eight and the
north halt ot Beotion s twenty six 26
and twenty nine 29 ; In Township
nine 9 North, Range forty four 44
East, Sections four 4 to nine 9,
both inoloaive, Sections fifteen 15 to
twenty two 22 both inclusive, and
Sections twenty seven 27 ti thirty
lour 34, both Inclusive; all of tbe
Willamette Meridian, Washington
W A Richards. Commissioner.
Approved. E A Hitchcock, Secretary
ol the Interior
In the Uailer ot tha Eaut)
Jane Ball. Deoeascd. i
To 'ieorn W. Alto and J. W. Allen, belrs-at-law
of Jane Ball, dueaed, and to all btner
uokuowB heirs aad persons oonArned: Urse-
In tbe name of the State of Oregon, '
Vnn &ra harabi died and reonlred to SDDear
ia UieConnty ceurt e( thHtaU of Oregon
lur Ue uouaiy oi uaiaa, ( uounnwu
thereof, at La Grands a theOountv of Union,
on Saturday, the 101b day of December, 1V0I,
at 10 o'olook, la the furenooa of that day, tbea
and there to arm oauae. u any you uv, wuy
tbe netltlonofOaonco Ball, Admlnlntrator ot
the aiove named wlate, pyin for an order '
nrihauM (Viurt. autharisinK. lioeninc. and
empowering blm to sell the real property be-
longing U eald mute, to pay enlale debts
ebould not be granted.
Wltneaa. the Hon. M A. Harrison, Jadge or
the County Court of tbe Stale of Oregon, lor
the tiunty of Onion, with the Seal of aald
Court etnxed this tb day of November Wat,,:
Attest; I HOIhHAMClMb ;!
- NOTICnl vr rutiiWAiuiv
' U. 8. Land OOlos, La Grande, Orec on.
OoLla. llWS.
MoUot ta hereby given that In eompllanes
JTZ tha mat at Oonireaa of
jane a. lfos.entitiM-Aaact for the .sale ot
b?r,1;adi:ntd Wtn'tt'S
E&DNaid "n the pabiio nd states by aci
of Auguati.,ua, ciara s "wa, of fm,
0f Hcuuai8, Tp No,
KftOffV nwS7, m Tf evaf
Mhow that tbe
!rr";i.7: i.,i1nri nnrniM. and te
eetabllab b elalm to aald Und bore the
. KiWUUrUlU RMin v
r, u.
Urande. Oreaoa. on Saturday, the yih
'wum as wltneaa Herbert
Cleer ofCaldwl, Maho; Ralph H Balllg of
iZ,. H.n.umia M Vunof of Hilsard,
n LUlt. w. - . :
aiSSdMBrlbeSr lands are nqueaied to Olf
rz:7- -iT7U. 1 - . i , 1 . .mna an or before
wada, Wias-r,.ujK- .
Two Boys Fcund . $7-000
; 2nd Cliimtd
What is popul-uly; . known
throughout Jackson County as the
"tin can", case, on trial before the
Circuit Court here, has resulted in
dtsagre- ment by tbe Jury. About
ten yean ago two boys, aged Tend 11
and named 0 P aad W O Dsnielsoa
respeetively were employed by itary
H Roberts aad P B O'Neil to clean
out a cbickenbouie onr tbe premises
of tbe latter, and ia pursuing tbe
work tbe boys ooeerthed a eta . of
gild. They disclosed their find 'to
the owners of tbe premises, who took
possession ol it. :;' ''
Sines the boys grew to manhood
they ooneived the idea that tbe1 gold
did aot belong to the owners of the
premises and that it was lost property!
Tbey brought suit for its recovery al
iening that the ball -gallon fruit can
. w-a . ij ,u ' i
Lumber Cut
v ?:.:.::-o.'if '': Saw,
: That the, Ininaa-Ppulson Lumber
Company , of Portland, is tjhe,, largest
Iorabeiing prodooer lathe world and
that its output tor the year 19034 has
exceeded that of any other one cor
poration , is oonceddd by timber ex
ports. While there are mills Of great
er capacity than those of the Portland
i :- ,A,' - - i . .
$ Thea ol tVeJsoUtaxtaJ,rgrdwtb
end prosperityjof fbe oity ofyLa Gran
de has dairned and tbe Improvernents
to be'eaads dunog tbe iyeat bicb is
about tb uihered In will dvatf in
t; insigoinoanoe all 'formsj.'irsnce-ment;-'vi--
J.y' ."
There can no longer be a doubt that
our live little e.ty will sboil - usame
metropglitso proportions. ;(, , , , j
Tbe oear oompletion cf, two electrio
power plants which will make possible
the operation of mills,; factories etc.
the assured bol ding i of the electrio
car line to .all, important points la
this) and Wallowa valleys she unrival
ed agricultural aad timber resources
t'igether wikb is imporUnoe s a . rail
road 'own all eombined, . will assure
and ainport the tarid growth of the
ciiy (iff La Grande. !"
In these superior advantages every
oit sn of the twn fels a oommeod-
ble iHicie, bo , ' to make
rliiiib xo'" lt each tint
(1 it .
. Every b'nMi"g xr'-i t'-d,
if girtnJ acqu r -d il -
fr. t!i bis
vry .foot
bin ihe
. , j : fc,
ay "' aton
whie iMmniuni'y 'and mic'.'w
pdip- fry in
c un'-' the
A I li n t vpiptr n ' ..ti'OrV:
i no' the tnniinl. (! ui- t -tl i
home eeekers fr m tbe v at, who mt
take advantage ol, the cheap rates to
investigate and iovest. , '
Sothing oan bedne abieb will in
spire more confidence In the new
eimer than to see the otd residents
investing n property and1 Improve
meats thus demonstrating their faith
in the growth and stability of tbe
towo.''1";-'-'-'--. ',-vvv,
That Thrcbbing Headache
Would qttlokly leave you, if yon sued
Dr King's New life PlUe. Thoasands
of snfterers have proved their matob-
1 tr nink nAil'.NarVoua Heads
l. r. m.ka-finta'- h niwl iand
mony back if BO. Oured. Bold by
'in a Chicken1 House
it in Later
contained $7000. : . ' :
The ease oocnoled the attention 0 1
tbe Circuit Court all last week. Nine
of tbe jurors voted that the money
belonged to tbe txy finding .It wfclle
three decided in favor of the owner of
the premises. The plaintiffs asked
for a judgment ol 17000, and interest
f roru 1894 until the ' present time
making total of something like $12,
000.: -., . : .", .
Defendants intended that tbey
bad placed tbe gold there duricg the
bard time for. safety, placing more
reliance oa that sort of safekeeping
for tbelr accumulations than a deposit
of tbe same in a,, bank, when hanks
were Crashing rverywheie. r The vioare
will be tried anew at tbe next term of
tbe Circuit Coorl. -.
by an Oregon
MilL V;,v;,';::
company they hove not been kept ' in
continuous operation. w:" ' ' ?
. One hundred and twenty-one mil
lion feet of lumber is the estimated
cut of tbe . Inmen-Poolsen company
for tbe year 1904 the mill working II
boon a day, and seven days each
week. ';, .. "'"'.'.'' . " "" 1 .
! TJ.r.Laad Offioeat La Grande, Orefon
II- ... .. December SI, IMM.
I Nollos Is hereby given that In oompllanoe
Witt the provlalons of tbe act of OongrMe of
Junea, 187S. entitled "An act for the aale of
Imoer landaln the HUtes of Oallfornla, Ore.
Nevada, tnd Washington Territory,
extended to all tbe Public Land HUtes by act
,- as
of Ansnata. 1H92. Jamea O Mdntvre. of
Ui James 0
' o? CUrk, 8
vUle, county of CUrk, 8Ute of Wisoonain
CUrk, 8Ute of Wisoonain
I In this office his sworn
baa this day
filed In Oils
atHtenent No
X&3. for the piJrohe of the
Nhi NVi BecTso, In Towosni? Mo I Sou tU,
Aad will offer proof to show t!iaithe land
soukM Is more valuable fnr Ita timber or
stone than for agricultural porpoeea, and to
etaolUb kit claim to eald land before tbs
Register and Beoelverof thla offloe at La
U'aade. Oregon, on Monday the Sth
day of MarohlWSi
He names as wltaeaaea. Baipa H. Bailie,
of Buckley Wash,. Leonard C bullla, of Perry,
Oregon; Albert Win tent, of Btarkey Oregon;
and M Oeou Coomba ofetakey Oregon.
Any aad all peraons claiming adversely
the above deaorlbed Ian da are reqaeeted to
file their claims la thlt offloe on or before said
6Ut nay of March, UU6.
B, W. TJavIa, Betrlnter. -
U, B. Land Offioe, La Grande, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that
itnemuer. 10. iwi.
in compliance
tbs pr
3, Ufa.
of Cone roue ol
8. ent
entitled "ad act
for tbe aele ol
timber lands la the Htatee of Oallfornla, Ore.
extended to all the Publlo Land HinUm by a t 1
Of August 4, lW, John U .fmtroni, of '
Pendleton, County or t)maUUa,Htateof Oiwgou
has thla day ttled In this offloe hut awoi n
atatemeni No. iil, for the porch or tlK
K HK Hec 9 and NWi SWU HW'A N
of (feci ion No. 10 In Tuwnahlp No. 1 (., hauye
And will oiler proof to bow that the land
aougut is mure valuable for lu tluio. i .
auiue than fur ajfrlcullurul purMMUM, an. I,
eaiai'lUb bU e aim Waaid laud iwiore t:i.
HegtMter auu aeouiver r tula otlli-e at ,r.
Uraude, Oregou, uo Monday, tbe 7lh lu
February, blue.
Ue naiuuaa wltnaei-e! Pter' E. Johnaon ol
H iron, via Kam-U, Or, TUouias J Meeua or
fendi. ton On llarr Kred of l e dlema. Or;
vhuI. .n. Wuuh ..In. I .rrl t.irV " .L
i auu jamos .neu i nuron. via ivaiueia, ua
I . Any audi', pxrauti i-taiuuua aiv.-i-n , th
i Blwvedmcrii ed laud are ntqumlml u 0 '
tueir 'lliu. lu llii uIIU-h on or before ai
27111 ia iruary, m. -
. K W lur ' eir ...
- . U. kV. Land OlJloe, at La. U rand s Or.,
Oct 17. 1U0L
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with tha provlalona of tbe aot of Cong ran of
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for tbeaaleoi
timber lands la the States of Oallfornla, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Waeblngtoa Territory,'
as extended to all the Public Land Htatee b
aot ot August a, 1W2, Herbert K Cleaver I
Caldwell, county of canyon, -late of Idaho, has
this day aled In thla oil Ice bla eworn etal
ment No. stU, for the puiebaee ot tue f
WUaaddWiiaW). andMWU ofL of tfe
Vo. Is ia Towoehip no. 4H, U No. 37 B. W.M
, And will offar proof toabow tnat tha land
sought Is more valuable Cur Its timber 01
atone than (or agricultural purpoeea, and
to eatabllab bl elalm to aaldV land betorv
the Uegiater and Ueoelvar ol tnts oaioe al
La Oraada, Oregon, oa Friday, the 6th day
of January, 1K. m
He aaorfs aa witnesses: William H Brewn
Of Ferry, Orog-on; CUra A brown of ferry,
Lrai. iMnr. of Htiirard. Oteson.
Oregon: tv u. ituiiia, rerry, viegim.
Aav ana all peraone claiming auvvrwviy in.
above-dnorllxKl landa are requeated to flit
tbelr claim In this otnoe oa or before said
6U1 day W Jauoary, , '
iL W. Davis, Bagistac,
V W i. W J V C W
We hsvt made rp our minds to nil evxry roH U Wa!1 Piper in our
store btfort the next spring slock arrive, and in order to Injure a J
eompMe dun-up we have eut the price regardless of former price
Wall Paper from 5 cents "up
We Want to clear the house before March Ut as ws cxped a carload
of W.I1 Wiper to a arrive on that date. We have more Wail Ptptr
now on hand than all the other paper houses in the county. There
fore you will have a greater variety to select from. Our present
stock b complete.
Stackland & McLachlen
Having purchased the uiidertzking goods of E.
Andross $ Co., at an early date we expect to find
suitable quarters and will open the most complete
and up-to-date Undertaking Parlors in Eastern
Oregon. In the "meantime we are prepared to
I , render the test possible
mo -Awttross cjr vos f urniture store. ; r ; ;
We have had many years experience in this
business and know that the public will appreciate
' l the establishment that we will maintain.
m Our prices will be reasonable, and our stock
vuititfjuoLe. Mib cuw3 wiib receive prompt attention,
For the present with E.Jlndross $ Co. , Phone 91
it mmt In mmJLiua
Notay Pablio
Represeating thetEquitable'S&sings'tk Loan Abbo-
elation of Portland,Or., the etrongeat, safest & most
, reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under ' State
supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit
WM. GRANT, Agent
City property for sale.
When you want
the Best
PHONE i85x
A; B. G. Steam Laundry
La Grande, Oregon.
' Startling Evidence
Fresh testimony In great qnaotlty is
constantly coming In, declaring Dr.
K'ng's New Diovery for Consumption
Coughs and Golds to be nnequalfd. A
recent expression from T J MoFarlaud
Iientorvllls, Va. serves as example,
Ue writes: "I bad bronchitis for
three years and doctored - all the ttms
without being benlflted. . Then I ba
gan taking Dr. Ding's New Discovery,
and a (ew bottles wholly cure i me.
Equally effective in curing all Lung
and Throat troubles, Consumption,
Poeumonla and (trip Guaranteed by
: I free, regular slaea 60o and 11.00
' - 1 .
w -
service and will be found .
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