II i i "4 tt i i. 0 .1 i . i . v try IProlessioiial T DTOrM r."TT v EXPERT ACCOUNTANT COIoa with J.T.Williamsoo. La Grande Fartlee wishing the servleee of a com petent bookkeeper are aas red satis factory reaulta. Prices reasonable C. B.Cauthorn DENTIST Offlc Over Hill Drua; 8tor La.Gracde, Oregon ' Dr. V A CHARLTON VETERINARY . SURGEON. Office af A T Hill's Drug Store La uranae, Uregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 : Malheur County Investment . -For Investments In MALHEUR COUNTY Write to C, T. McDANlEL Ontario....;. Oregon Lod&e Directory. lAQLKS-La Uranda Atn. mFOK UaeU very Friday Bliht la K A V hall it. I p n VUitlng biwUkera tnritad; toaiUDu, . C U tkwkwaU, W ..Tllla, W BM . OF AMERICA Ocrart Mai JiarioD, Mo 22 Xnta aaoh Tuaaday la KiS'a hail. iSruiiarl ara luTMed la at land, OJ Vaadsrpool kaciM. . 100 --lA Grand. Sfi o naeu tnma nan nary uurai; Diunt, VlalUifi W eutdially (BTtted to attend. . ' Klaebvt H U U E Ooolidga, Baa. . A. F. A A. M. La Grand Lodm io. meet .wry in ind srd Bator ujjr oi e&cn montn. AO Williams Seo, 0 D Huffman W. J4 1 EaBTErM STAB OKU Hop. Chapter No 1 meeta il aocond and fcurtb Wednesday 4 web mouth at i0 p ra In Mawnic T.mpl. Mary A Warniok. eaO 8TAR ENCAHPMKNT No 81, I. 0. 0. T. wy Bra. and third Tborail. In th. "" in uua rwiuwi nail. Vlaiuu. ball. Vlailfuf broth- m aiway. weioom. Geo, Ball.ltorlb. For the next The. Somm- K"Z TW( - V" tt i i - u I II M l i 1 I II .1 I f I 1 I'Ljf -iowing uenerous uiier ior Ai HOLIDAY TRADE I California Claret Wine Finest California Raspberry Wine r JUUlini Wine 35e a quart bottle, 3 bottles $1.00 Best Bottle Seer, quart bottles, $2.50 per dozen, $1.25 per half dozen MoBrayer Best Whiskey; eight years old, per quart bottle $1.00 Old 0. P. S. ten year old Whiskey, per quart bottle $1.00 Old J. B. Pepper, eight year old. whiskey, per gallon $3,50 Old Hermitage, 15 year Imported Tort Wine Imported Sherry Wine Please send in your or.ltr your neamt iieifcht or express office. jSomnicr House Cafe ' A- L. XIORRIS, Proprietor;' ORDINANCE NO. 3C0 8erie'l904 Ao Ordinance granting to th La Grande Water Storage Company (a private corporation) and il successors, and Meigna, tb right aod privilege, for a period of thirty years, to erect and maintain poles, and other ap paratus, and to place thereupon wires, conductors and other appliance and to lay under ground such wires and appliances for the trans cUion of electricity and , electric currents and power for operating and furnishing slectrio lights, telephones, electric motors and other electrio power, in over and under tbe streets, alleys, thoroughfares and pnblio highways within tbe City of La Grande, Union Ocunty, Oregon and to exeroli tbe I right and privilege of so operating and furnlrbiog eleotrio lights, tele phone., electrio motors and eleotrio power witb'in said City. Section 1 The City or La Grande, hereby grants to the La Grand Water Storage Company , its succes sors and assigns, the rigbt and privi lege to place, erect, lay, maintain and operate in tb streets, alleys, avenues, ' thoroughfares and publio highways in said City pales, wirrs and ctber appliances, apparatus and conductors, for the transmission f electricity atid eleotrio currents for electrio lights, telephone system.' el ectrio power and other lawful uses therewith connected, such wire or conductors as may be strung or fixed upon poles and other fixtures to b suspended rot less than thirty feet eojve en groan a wnere to same shall cros any street, alley or pnblio highway, and not less than thirty feet at any other plaoe within tbe city (except in bouses, buildings, stations sod storages) or suob wires and ap pliances may, at' ths option' 6f tbe grantee of Ibis franohise, its snocee sors and assigns be laid under ground in pipee, oonduits and sueb other t ap- tio House Cafe TEN DAYS ZOO t UUUl v uvivi'Vp v r"", ' 25oaqudrtbottle,5vottle3$l.VU old Whiskey, . per gallon $4. 00 75o a quart bottle 75o a quart bottle at once. We prepay charges to parstaa to be osed ss may b se ssry and proper to operate and maintain tbe same in an efficient and saf manner. Section 1:-It ahall be lawful for tbe La Grand Water Storage Con-pan, it eaooeasors and' assigns to ' mak any and all-needful and proper excava tions 1 any of tb streets, alleys, avenues, thoroughfares and public bigbwsys within tb Citj of La Grand, for tbe purposes of erecting and main taining poles or other support for aaid wires or other conductors or U tb repairing of tb nam or for tb pur pose of laying down, soalntaining and operating said wires, apparatus or other conductors and storage , stations under ground and for repairing tbe same, said work to b don in eom pllanoe with tb necessary rules, reg ulations, ordinance, ordinances or ders and laws of said city which are now In force or which may be enforced during the continuant of this fran obli. passes or adopted from , time to time by the aaid City of La Grand, and the aaid work shall b don in a pre per aod saf manner and to the aatlsfaotlon of said City. 8ection 3: That whenever the said La Grnde Water Storage Company. its soooessors or assigns In tb opera tion of its property under this fran chise, tball disturb any . such streets. alleys; - avenues, . tboroughfarva or, public highways, it or they shall re store tb sam to as good order and oonaition ae tney were just prior to tb tiit of being so disturbed and a soon ss practicable, and without any unnecessary delay or within such Urns at tb Co incil of t aid Cltv mar dlreot fey resolution or order, and fail ing to 8o so, tb said City ' of La Grand shall bar tb right to tlx al reasonable 'time wltbln which saidt repairs, and restoring of said : streettl or v , tboroughfar so disturbe tor bed, be oompleUd. and npon failos of suoh repairs being ao made by th) said grantee of this franchise, It suc cessors or ass gns, the City oi La Grand shall cans suoh repair t b mad. at the expense of tb said La Grand Water Storaij Uoiupaay, its saccessors or assigns, and satch sx nens shall be paid by sail' s-rantaa of of tbls franchis or its sid auecessora ot autgns to be a Ilea ripoa th nron- erty thereof. , , Section 4: -Th'. iKUa and th ngtU ind pr- -Ha. hrln eontalneA I to Che raid La Gra . Jal""- Water f toiag Company, It uooesaora I ilgns upon tb express eoadt- and a and oonaldaratioa that for O .. p drpose of it government and oanr en. lenoo ;, said Cy of La Grand Bh.n ave the right and privilege to .tuob and maintain upon the pole paoed by said grantee in tb xroij 0f ju frn chlee Over tbe streets a, thorough fares as aforesaid, and If tQOh wires as aforesaid are placed . Underaronnd, to as any and all wire whloh th City may require for fir alarms or polio or telegraph aervl'j free of obarge to said City t v Section 5: Th rights aod privilagea and irsnouls herein granted shall con tinue snd be in force for a period of thirty (30) years from th passsge ot this ordinance, providing. (1) said gr nte shall perform and comply with tb condition , herein above expressed and (2) that in ease th aaid grantee herein, lis successors or assigns shall fail or ref ae to operate aaid system for a period ot six months continuous ly, this f ranch is shall be forf sited. 1 Section 6: -That tb aaid La Grand 1 1 Water Storage Company it successor andassigna shall not be exempt durieg th coustrootlon of said system and ths maintenance and operation of th same, for all damages arising from th neitUct of said grantee auoti socceasors atd asilgns or th employee thereof. In such construction maintenance, or operation thereof and aball aafely pro- eot artd guard ail tbe excavations and GOOD BEEF can be bad ber dally. W are vary careful In he selection we mak when purchasing our mata, endour Judg msnt Is never at fault. . ; Good beet la a atrong fa tor In heal b-balldlna. It makes bone rod tuuscl. . ' . WE PROVIDE ths best o! beet, and other meats, and sell tbem at very fair prioea. You'll be satisfied with tha quality of beef you obtain, it your purchases ar made her.' - Bock & Thomas Script ; Script OiltAirWI torast iwiw, a(prov4( aa- lod, ready tot immaUuil. aaa aoj wbara. lXMai ptk. r. r, a t. aaney. bajnber ol Commerce Bldg, ronlaad, Or , "ft.;JfL..-.vll? 0LASSini!D IF YOU HWE ANYTHING TO SELL LET THE PEOPLE Hi AR ABOUT IT THROUGH "'. THIS DEPARTMENT AND YOU Wia FIND A: BUYER.1 IF YOU WANT TO BUY EX PLAIN TOUR WANTS THROUGH. THESE COLUMNS. . For Rent ihabailding formerly oo-npied by tbeJBalvation army. ., ,Kor full par titulars and rates Inquire of Mrs 8 0 Zuber. Aug. 31 1 1 FOB KENT Deslrabl hot-ksepltg rooma George Ball. ". FOB BENT On six room bono. . Centrally located on Third ' Street , betw.en Main and Park streets. ' As . ply for particulars to W W Klnsey. For Sale Kresh Cow guaranteed -good milker To aell cheap if aold at . once. In quire at M U Kirtley livery barn. FOB UAL Two organs and a aewicg marnin. Will b aold at m Iwgain , if sold at onoe i Inquire at 403 wag goner street. WDlnkl. ' . 15-22 ' , . ; V ; GR EENT OB 8ALEV-160 nor farna ' well lmurovel. Will either rent or aell ' Inqair of tn. Moss, La Grand Rural Fre. Delivery Not 1. M mile north of Iaiitnd City. Dec 6 January 6V' yy 1 WANTED Sawa doo "' to 111 at ' my George Ball. rel- Wood forfait.. . -10 Inoh.'i feet and pole wood, all dry and told at lowest prices.' 'fhon 1281 ' ;., H. Atkinaon ' 6t Old Town 8tor ORDINANCE NO. 300 ;r ' Beriosct' 1904; 3 . orks so made In the construction, imaintsnano and operation of - aaid system against injury to parsons and property both to th City and to tha pnblio.' : : ' J--; ' ' Rsotlon 7: That tb right, privile ges a bd franchise herein granted ahall I subject to, and llsbl to cancella tion by proper action of th i oonoil ot the City of La Grande, unless aaid La Grand ; Water ' Storage Company shall commence the Installation of their aaid Eleotrio Light Plant, with in on year .from date -of passage of this ordinance, and prosecute work on the sam with reasonal 1 rapidity and diligence. . '. ' ; ' i.,-. U , Section 8: That in case any person shall desli to move any building cross any streey or alley, of tbe City of La Grande, over wbloh said La Grand Water Storage Company hav strung wires a In this ordlnan. pro vided and It ahall be necessary to re more tb wires In order to permit such building to be ao moved, tb aaid La Grand Water Btoiag Company shall npon twenty four hoar notice by tb Street 8aprinten lent, remove said wires, at Its own expense ; la can aid Company aball neglsot or re fas to rsmov said wires after aaid notice, then tb 8tret Superintendent .saay remove tbe asm and tb : xpns tnertof ahall b a lien against the aaid property of aaid L Grand Water 8(orag Company .. t,P Bectloa 9:ThU ordin-nc ahall b publttbed la tb La Grand .Evening Observer; for on issus thereof, pub lished la LaGrsndo, Orgo, and shall fa fall fore and ffct from and after Slat day of December, 1904:, ,. Passed by th Council of tb City ot La Grand, Union County, Oregon, this tb SUt day of December, A, 0. 1904 by six coanoilmen voting therefor. Approved this 23rd day of Decemqer 1904. . i D 8 LATER, Mayor AtU.t:-CliE3TER P. NEWLIX, Becordar of tb City of ' La Grand. Thar Is on class of singers that al ways take glee club. The unlvsrsi ty of Oregon's aggregation of 20 men with a stunning repertoir appear her December 2L . Fine imperaouatlont and solo naoibers, The treat of tb season la things music!. ( Admission 30 osnts ill ot charged t Pay Up . The pnblio I hereby notified that I b ave disposed ol my feed I tor to J. W. Whit and 1 desir to thank tbe pnblio generally for their libera! patronage in tb past and that parties now owing me till pleas eall and est le with me personalis or they can oall at the La Grande National Bank who will receipt for all bills. ' 11-11 to 1J-1 O.O.JOHNtfON.' Mr A. R Kane, a prominent drag- gws oi caiier cpnngs, sLansas, says: -U'namberiain'a Htomacb - and Liver Tablet are, in my - lodgment,., tbe most superior preparation of any thing m ut tt.aay.ior . oonstipation , Tney are sure u action ana who no ten- oency to nauseate or sal by Alldioggiita. gripe.' For dvertisccnts i 1 Ladies W. win mak von a box coat for l uonsr than voa oev for a ready - mad fHrmenr and von nav two hn drd patterns t- plcx from. , We a ao oorer bn tons, press clothes and olean vour ooat and von hav a chance to win a am ik ..... Jnll.. naki In nnr wu ' . " j -.w.. - - stor,; n Al Andwa, Giit furni b uksu. ; ; :- Fhon No 231 ! Home Cured tit V arris meat market now naa a complete line of their famous ibome! a . v ,.... i - .a v.. r. ! Y ' old eastomer know what this means. A aampl order will conxinoe all of Ibo : soperiority of oar horn oared swat,: u.-l. tt.. , u..L.t Public Sale iTbre quarter sections ail plow" land 4 rail sooth of Island City in a body or fiU divide fcTauitLVOnl 28 ( Mr acr ; MoaUy awded'fall iralatbr m. m a caw o JTi - il aak 4R.O0 and BO.00 fie Power tha MinnlsotaLlman'';' '': : ; ; - . ai ,, lit NOtlCe 11 persons knowltiV the'mselres in lebtedto me will pleas "nil at" th harness shop and nettle up before Dc 30,' 1M4 Any bill not paid befor that date wi I be placed la the hands of to at twir for collection " J H Child $1 ,687,B( The Bulletin just issued by (be United States : Goveromeot, after months of careful research, shows ; that in the Western Stat7ther.tw hase annually goods U the ; Ori' this 1 basis the 2250 : families ' visited I ' xrith each issue of the Daily and Weekly OB' '. SERVER annually purchase merchandise to the amount of . The natural logical conclusion cannot be otherwise. : ihan that no wideawake Witness man who L will tfckiv the few moments necessary to contlnce himilelf of tha . accuracy ol the above statement, can afford to miss y -h opportunity of placing each mouth) before this An ad under such conditions, properly Ulcen r caw' U of will most certainly bring eaormouseturns fin' iha . investment ' .;( ' Sfe-r- These Presentations, of? Should receive the most careful considsration of 1 every business house whose volvme Wias!nealila?4l pends uponthe patronage of Uiis city and county.r? . THE -First Class SPECIAL SCHOOL f IIEETl',3 NoUc 1 hereby glvtn 3 tl. legal voters of School District No One, o Union Coonty, tot of Oregoa, t-at a Special ticbool vieetins of aaid li'rlot will be bld at tb Hiith fehool Btllp ag 1 all. Dlatri. on he tat h day o: Decsmbsr, l90i, at two o'clock la tb i afteroonn, for th following object.: To levy a tax for tb support of the sohools during this and th ensala year and for tb pnrpoe oi levying tx for tbe psimeat of InUwpet on bonded debt of tb district and for th pf rpos of Wvyinx a tax to provid a fnud with wbloh to payoff th bonded d.bfoftb"dlatrlbt. , ., Dated bis 12th day of December 1904 Geo W Han-en, . Chairman Board of Dirrora t st:AC Wltllsms, IKsiri t Clara Try 'lie O'ryr f'r fir' h8 . . . u.,.u J0D rra. 1 r Duwlutioa Notice , . - Not e is hereby tlvu tnat tb oo pannersblp hntoforeexlstms btwn w t Pasotil J 8 Paaob ami U V raci nndr tb nam t Pch Bros , ha- this dav been dissolved ty mutual d' ' s-Dt. O Pa h retiring. J A Pvh aod G W Peach, wno wUl o.Hlna th . DIUDeM M PMOb Broa., will pay al W , ouUtnJing lebta aod collect ad ac count do th old Ann. " 15 -' iiea unaui viwou - 28b day of Nov. 1904. W G Pea h 1 a Pe . a w . 11. 23 12, Now Ready for. Sale Tb peool of this enty are now Notified- that tb O'Connor addition la W J!a8 iCholr lot aaorb bad remttrkablv ' . . tk . i no Vim 'Last re Idenoe lot in the oity Pr I S3ns wiSHing nrprnHHsnnoarv what ther want by got g I 'tie Do" tiJl to m this sdliraw 1 onr on i iseae unoiow a.ieciioa ow- for some on els aeu th lot you aaafift.. tfnr f all rfttanvintlnn at t"ttn- artyand quotation call opba' Dr O'Connor La Grand Or - ... . . - Phon Main 2141 Oor Park and Oak Btre a !'.'! i,; !ii' fit ;.rr 'fl. amount of $7,50 hia'niiOUntiwt army of purchasers. , TS J ob. Work ; )0 -4- 1 H '1 il i i V t I!