La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 27, 1904, Image 3

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75c to $5.00 -. j
Borne are but eligbtly used. .-
Three fin coal burners at a bargain,
. Fine Guitar, new, only . . $7.50 .
Eight Winchester rifles I2.C0 to $ 9.00 .
Iron Beds . . . ' . 1.00 to 12.60
New Chairs : . . .60 , .
New Chiffonier -. . . 8.50
New baby buggy jued chilJ bed at wholesale eost.
Upholstering ' . ,
w ; ' We carry Stove
. - THE . V;
is how ready lor the market and ' will be sold at
reasonable rates. ' , This addition contains some
of the most handsome residence Biter to be found
in La Grande. This epleudid "addition has been
held off Upmarket' for several years, the" owner
.- believing that the time had not arrived when it.
Vould be properly appreciated. Now ia the time
to buy and insure good returns on the invest
; ment. The O'Connor addition is nicely located
. in regard to schools, churches and the business
district. ' . - ..! ;. ,V ,
DR. " GEO.
" Corner Park and Oak
Whm;" you ; I want GOOD ' PRINTIN G
- Call Phone
5 v ? :! I '
Furniture Repairing
... ...s...1
8t. . Phone 2141
No. 1371 , ; ;
aTp here is a difference .
between printing"
that "will do" and that
which ia the kind yon
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasicg, as we have
the . equipment with
which - to produce good
printing " and printers
who understand the art'
of printing. .. ';.
."Triai' nn ATnnr too
small or too large to
receive our careiui.
attention. , , , ,.,
W print anything
from posters to visiting
-- "! I -
This year Christmas fell on Sunday,
and it aa eelebrated throughout tbe
world by all brancbea of the blatorio
Catbolis eborcb. Christiana ol all
names will la mind and heart go ereo
onto Bethlehem and there worship the
oew born Klog. About 1934 years ago
waa born there a man Jeeas Christ ot
the Virgin Mary, in accord a noe with
prophecy. TradiUon taya that ha was
bora la a manger - oare because there
was no room for film and his mother
in the Inn. In the torn to century,
mora than 1500 years' ago, the am press
Helena, the mother of Constanline the
great, billt over the cava in -whioh
our Saviour waa born a magnificent
Church, which inoludca three contents
and three chapels, and it waa dedicat
ed to Bt. Mary, and ia usually called
the Church ot the Nativity, Palestine
haa bean daaolated by war many
times during the laat fifteen centuries,
bnt this Church has been spared and
iaoneoLthe oldtet Charcnea in the
world. Like the Church of tbe Holy
Sepulcher at Jerusalem, this Church
ia used in common by tbe Greek, La
tin, and -Armenian Churchea, each
baring a chapel therein. It is said
that all the inhabitants of Hetbelem
are Christians. Every morning before
daylight tbe faithful o to this church
and there worship the God-Man who
was born, there- They are not liae
many American Christiana, too sleepy
or "tired" to go to. -the sanotaary to
worship God. Bethlehem is about five
miles south of Jerusalem to Judea and
its modern name ia Heth-Labam. King
i Daid . waa born there , and Ruth
I gleaned la the fields nearby 'ine
grave 01 K&onaal is near loere. cu
Jerome, the great scholar ot the West
ern church lived in a cave near the
Church ol Nativity nearly thirty years
and there studied and translated into
Latin from the Greek and Hebrew
tongues the Old and New Test amenta
and wrote other books in the 4th and
5tb centuries and he and other saints
were purled In the. Church of Bt.
Mary. To every loyal Christian Beth-
ehem ia tbe birth place of the Sav
iour and a a acred place ot the firBt
rank. Pilgrimages bave ben made to
this little city of David by the faith
ful tor nearly two thousand years
Who would not have liked to have
spent Christmas morning there and
beard in faith tha song of the angels as
the shepherds it on tbe morning of the
first nativity and worship the Christ,
as the Wise Men did with gifts oi gold,
frankincense and myrrh nearly, two
thousand years ago. . Though small in
population no other city surpasses
uethlehem in interest to the faithful
Christian. On Christmas day all the
faithful eo in spirit "even unto Beth.
lehem." . i .:
O little town of Bethlehem,
How still we see thee lie;
Above the deep end dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by;
Tet in thy dark streets shlteth
The everlasting light;
The bopea and fears rf all the years
; .Are met in tbea tonight."
Portland Markets
The receipts of turkeys today waa
very large and the market prions are
oonaequently lower. The market
is some wetker in respect todresed
turkeys and live ones also There are
however,, slight changea in the prices
Tbe chioken market la somewhat
improved over that ot last week, but
is not vet very storug. Wild game is
coming in in small lots and finds
good sale at tbe quoted prices.
During the past few days it baa been
ascertained that fully twenty cars ot
fancy Oregon fiurbank potatoes have
been purchased by dealers here for out
side shipment. ,
, 'Onion growers are now offering their
stocks at' from S2 10 to $2.25. but a
number ot tbe larger growers are hold
og for an gdranoe in quotations.
" It is reported that an advsece in the
price of creamery butter will likely
occur in a few .days, ae it ia stated
that tbe ereameriea are unable to sup
ply the demand with the best quality
Todays quotations are as follows :
Wheat, export price ....... .87a to 90o
Barley, best. ... . . . . . .$22.00 to 123.75
OaU ....128. to 127.00
Hay, 'timothy $15 to $10
Butter best creamery . 280 to 30
Butter, ' ordinary. . .. ............. .2So
Esse, per dozen .....20c to 32o
Chickens, per pound....".... 10c
Potatoes per ewt .....7Bo to 11
Onions, per cwt .v..... .....12.50
Apples, beat, per box f 1.25
reaches, beet, per box COo to 75o
Beets, per sack........ ...11.20
Cabbage, pr pound. . . . ... ......... le
Steers....... .............. .....3.50
Cows........ ........ ...... .J.76t53
BnUs ,. ..............1.75
Stags ............2
Hogs, best. ....... ....$4,50 to 15,25
Hogs, feeders $36 N.25
Creamory - Butter 65 cents per roll.
Butter Fat 20 oents. per pound.
Theodore Roosevelt. ........ .Prei dent
John Lay Secretary ol Stale
Leslie M 8!:aw.. Secretary ot Treasury
W 11 Tuft Secretary oi War
E Uitrhcock. .Secretary of Interior
Paul Morton. ...... .Secretary ot Navy
James Wilson .Secretary of Agriculture
Wtn H Moody Attorney General
Robt J Wynne.. Post Master General
Melville W Fuller Chief Justice
Victor II Metoalf. Secretary Commerce
US Pension Commissioner
,...W 8 Richards
U 8 Land Commissioner. .Eugene W&e
Ohaa. W Fulton ) n a funatora
John U Mitchell p "U S ST"0"
Binger Herman.. Congressman 1st Diet
J N Williamson. .Congressman 2nd Diet
Geo. E Chamberlain Governor
F I Dunbar . .Secretary of State
0 a Moore.. ...fcUte Treasurer
J H Ackerman bupt Public Instruction
J R Whitney State Printer
A M Crawford.:..... Attorney General
C EWolverton ) -
LR a Be&n Supreme Judges
r' A Moore )
Oswald West. .Agent State Land Board
OB Bellinger .....U 8 Diet Judge
W F Mathews .....U S Marshall
D M Dunne. Colleotor Internal Revenue
John Hall.. ...... ..(J 8 Diet Attorney
MA Harrison .............Judge
James B Gllham.. Clerk
C C Pennington.. ........ ...-.Sheriff
D H Proctor.-. ......... . .Recorder
Jaa. P Morton.. " ...Assessor
John ' Frawley.. ..Treasurer
E E Bragg . . . .Schdol Superintenden t
Arthur Curtis. ... . .-. .Surveyor
3 O Henry . ....... a:. . . .. . . . .Coroner
John E Hough... .....Justice of Peace
J H MoLaohlin..... 7....;. Constable
1 Cll' K urjfituwiko .J.;.'l(..,..
D Slater ..................... .Mayor
W H Bohnenkamp, G E Fowler, 8 A
Gardlnier, J W Kennedy, L D Reavis,
A L Richardson.
Bayborn . . . .'. .. . .... ..Marshal
It V Wade.............Depty Marshal
Chester P Newlln ... .......... Recorder
E.J Walsh ................ .Treasurer
W Knowlea'.. .....City Atty
H O Oilman.'..". Water Superintendent
Fred Synhorst.. Street Superintendent
Directors J
Geo.- Hanson, chairman; Henry Young
F 8 Ivanhoe, F KUpatrlok, David bay.
A O Williams ! .Clerk
11. J Hookenberry.... Superintendent
G M RioHey .;...' Post Master
Ad Gilbam . . ; ,". , . .". . Assistant
Robeit Eakin . .Judge
Leroy Lomax. Distrlot Attorney
A A Roberta . . . Receiver
E W Davis. . . ...... . . . . . . . . ...Register
W A Worstell
Walter M Pierce, between Umatilla,
Union and Morrow.
Jay Dobbin, between Union and , Wal
lowa. ..'',..':"'-.. : . -
i " Vf anted Immediately. ;
Lodging teams, good waea Grflnde
Ronde Lumber Co, t
. "1 was much aiBcted with soiatioa'.
writes Ed C Nud, Iowaville Bedrfwlck
Co Ivbd, "going." about on crutches
and suffering a deal of pin. 1 was
induced to try Ballard's Snow Llnhiient
I used three 6O0 . bottles, It is tb i
greatest l'nlment I ever used, nave
leoommended it to auamber ot persons
all express themselves as being bene
fited by it, I nowwalk without orutch
es, able to pefrorm j a great deal of
light labor on the farm." Newlln
Drug Co.
Cured Paralysis
W S Bally, P O True, Texas, writes
Mv wife had been eufferlug flv
years with paralysis in her arm when
1 was persuaded to use Ballards Snow
Llnlmeut which cured her- all right.
I have also used it for old sores frost
bites and skin eruptions. It does the
work." 25o . COo ll.liO-Newlin Drug
CO I:-" '.;;. . ,.; ,." :
Heart Fluttering ;
. Undigested food and gas in the stom
ach located just below ,the heart,
presses it an I causes heart palpi tat-
ionr When your heart troubles you
in that way take llerbine for a few
days. You will soon be all right, 50c,
Newlln Drug Co.
Wanted Immediately
Longing teams, good .wages Grande
Ronde Lumber Co.
.' Pay Up
The public i 1 hereby notified that
I bave disposed ol my feed store to
J. W. White and 1 desire to thank
tbe public generally for their . libera!
patronage in tbe past and that parlie
now owing me wiU please 011 and set
tie with me personali s or they can call
at the La Grande National Bank who
will receipt for all bills. 11-11 to 12
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
. At the Following Well koowa Dealers
Komig & Staples . Baker Bros.
Mo Faylane . . . . . C. Ralston
. Qeddes Broa " J.W.White
O. L. Thoin
Remember every pound is
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter you
help a home industry and thereby . help your own'
bu8ioe83. .
' Pastnriied sweet Cream and Fresh Buttermilk
always on hand. -
La Grand Creamery Co
, Santa Claus can Find Nothing
; Better than
: ; Ev;rr P?1".. it Made at Home and 1,
is Pure, Wholesome and Delightful,
If you want somothlng Jspedal leave -
orders now.
Loy Candy Parlors,
The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon,
mm 1 mm
fey' -i.';-' 'y3
Srande Snvestmont Company,
lllU Adams Avenue ;
One yearling steer, and one yearling
heifer. Both animals branded with
horseshoe around each hip bane. Were
last sren on Indian Creek range. A
suitable reward will be paid for them
tor information leading to
their recovering,
J Draper '
B P D No I La Grannde Ore.
D W 12-17 12-31
. Driven to Desperation
Living at an out ot the way place,
remote from civilization, a family ia
often driven to desperation in case of
accident, resulting in Burns, Cuts,
Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, it's the
ou earth 25c, at Newlin Drag 8tore. .
Coughing Spell Caused Death
"Barry Duokwell, aged 25 years
choked to death early yerterday morn
ing at his home iu tbe presence of
his wife and child, lie contracted a
slight cold a few days ago and paid but
little attention to it. fester lay morn
ing he was seized with a fit ot ooiigh
ing which continued for some time.
Ills wife sent for a physioian bnt be
fore lie could arrive, another enuring
atell eame on and Duokwell died from
n(fonti(n.8t Lours C lobe-Demo
1 rat Deo 1 1904." Ballai ds rioreliound
tyrup wound bave aaved h'm. 25o, 50o
and $1.00. newlln urag uo.
Tim wears almost as long as solid '
silver is the kind we keep.' Only the ;
. products of the best ktown manufact
ures find their way into this store,
and every piece bus the niaker'a name
and mark on it. In addiMon we add
. our personal guarantee as to tbe qual
enjoyed b the owners of home a Is ai,
known totboae who pay rent. H
Main fl.a ....,3 .!
Masaaav aio aiV IIUW If UU LUiq , , .
will be the happiest you -ave seen.
' Be your own landlord. Fix the houee
to.tuit yourtelf. Don't put it -off.
Some t eople keep thinking about K
all their lives while others no more
able, buy and live in a good home.
We hope to make you. happy in this
La Grande, Oregon
I ..... tj,.,yjr
Not Salt tAke,'t)pner. Ft. Not
8:50 pm Worth, Oniftlm, Kan- j;,I(iia
No 6 Man Clly, Ht. luU, Cui- Nn
8;M) ..m, fao ttuit KaiiU , tM p m
Portland. Dalen. Pun- ' . ; ;
JJoi dlotun. Wulla Walla, Ka
. iniyUm, 1'nuteroy, Col-
fciOam, fxt Miiw, Bpolutne. ,M 0 m
uud point tfrt nd
uorUi via bpukitue
. I'ortUuul, D11oh, I'n-
. Ulolon, Urn tills, .
WO 5 lula, LowMon, Colfax, ' Notf '
Motcow, dilute, War-
8 A3 p. ru. nor, Hyukatic auil other 8;30 m
, . point eaul ud nuriti .
' via aliokun ' '
No. S2 Inland City. Aliol, Im- v : '.
th.ll ex- liter and Klui. Con- Kohl
CTpl nevtioiiB at Kigin wlcb
Bumlay wx lor .oliiui in Wai- 6;30pm
B:lia m luwit. ; t . -
Cloean Wl enmcr bet n Portland and
loan franuiaoo over j live Jayn.
.K.C MOORE, Ageut.