- --..-,.. v. ' f r i volume ;v LA OtlxNDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON TUESDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1904 NUMBER 5S f': i i i ft t t if h MASONIC OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED Cirand Installation Services of the Masons Will i ". ..-...OccurJii .Thi$,,City ..T?il?,,..'';. ; " Evening. Tbe installation ot tha offioers who have bean lately elected In La Grand Lodge No 41, A F fc A M in the La Grande Chapter No 9 B A If and H?;? C?"-p'." y.z 13 O S ""-'-! place at the lluonio Temple thli evening. The intulUtion of (he of fioera who have been eloctfd in the three different department of the o der will take place conjointly each ol the chapters and the lodge witne ting the installation of the other, it being a quasi pnblio ceremony. The parties - who will be installed, at offloers thlr evening will be as follows: "Blue Lodire" No 41, A F & A M Dr ME Hall Worshipful Master, F A Kilpatrio Beai ir Ward n, C Bali ton Juoior Warden, A 0 Williams Secre tary, J M ttrry Treasurer. - In La Grande Chapter No 9.B A, M Frank Kilpanck HP.MK HlLkio; F M Jackson 8ciibe, E J Reynold. Captain of the host, W J Churci Principal 8ojourer, J M Berrv 8ec. 0 T Bcon B A Captain, 0 W No,r Maste. 1st Veil, Mac Wo ids Mat r 2 nd Veil, Frank Holmes- Master 3.(1 Veil. . The officers of O B 8 are as follows : M: Mettie Aidrich Worthy Matwu. fi M K H .11 rtVrtby Patron, Mr. W H BtitiuFiiLanip Aspect t M trail, Mias Mary Wtrnck ec:etry, Mr. Rwnirt '.,r 11 Cfta-u'e, Mis h'ii N Cutiductiek, Mi F Lfl y A ooOi.m Conductress, Mr Dr. H.ll Adab, Mrs Charles Noyrs Roth, Mrs J R Forrest Esther, Mrs vie Cran dall Mnba, Mrs Bee o Electa. Clra TLjlrtChnpl.iin.Mr Allricrt Mr- olttU, Mrs MioWood vVardrr. Paul Lederly 6eiitintl, Mrs Neliie Organist. . ; ' ' Tiies. installation eervios will pry bully t e the most imposing ceremon ies of the kind ever i eld io Lr. Grande and extremely Urge ettsodeuoe is confidently ex pec ed by the members. LITTLE NEWS FROM K SEAT OF WAR Toklo Deo 20. It was announced today that eight officers and 66 sailors were killed during the efforts ot the Japanese to destroy the remnant ' of the Huwlan Port Arthur fleet." . . Yokohama, Deo ' 26 The steamer Mansha carrying ten foreign navy at- , tachea four peers and 17 members of nail T i . .i and other officials, sailed today for Port Arthur to permit an inspection of tha conditions in the vioiolty of the bolckaded port. BttiaBV,maaiiiaiiaB(jiaaTsiBlBa and 1':.- Mad from the baet of Oregon and California wool, surpasses Terythinf ele oa the market for cold weather wearing appeareL $3,50 to $5.50 GERMAN SOX For Men and Boys In black and colored, special prices 75c, 85c to $1.25 WOOL SOX For Men and Boys Suitable for all kinds of wear and all kinds of weather 25c to 75c Regular 50o Red Box 40C' COLD WEATHER IS PREVALENT Wgehinrton, Deo. 27. Reports to the weather bureau show th-4 the first decided cold wave o' the season ' is spreading lapi'lly over the eaat slope of the Rocky mountains. The tem perature today liolow zero n the Da- kotaa, Montana and western Wyoming with a minimum reading of 30 degrees below at Hat re, Montana. ... RELIGIOUS SECTS SHOW INCREASE They Show a Larger ; Percentage of Growth Than In- Previous Years; WILL V MEET AT FAIR Cheyeune,' Dec. 7. The mercury registered 4 degrees below aero here this mrnlng. ' " ' , . An unknown msu vras fonn l frozen to death ntar ttie Union depot. The culd wave is accompanied by a biuh wind. ' COLD IN KiNSAS Abilene, Pec. 27. Central Kansas is covered with ttleet and a high north wind prevails. The temperature Is falling. SNOW IN SALT LAKE : Salt . Luke, Deo. 27. There was a heavy snowfall hee Christmas and to- 'lay, thers being three Inches of snow on the Kronnd. . Methodists of the Pacific northwest are planning for what will be known as the Le ls and Clark Methodist con ferenoe, to be held in Portlaod in con nection with the exposition. Five conferences ' will unite in the great gathering, j including tne Montana, Idaho, Colombia River, Puget Sound and p Oregon -conferences. Each of these , organizations has appointed boards oi commissioners, who will meet in the Tavlor-street MethoJist church In that city January 11, at nbipli fmo plans for the gathering will le di sen sued and a program ar ranged for the conference. " 1 ' Too Cheap Oregon Gold Baker City Deo. 26 A $75 gold bar from the new strike on the Mayflower mine in the Cornucopia district was brooght In to Mauager Boggs tonight. Much Interest is manifested aa the ore is running high. ' : Must Not Retreat ' Mukden, Doo. 20 General Ko.ro. patkin, addressing the troops, said to day: ''You must never allow vour selves to ret'eat. Even in the case of the smallest detachment having form ed a plan, it must be carried out to the end. , ,; MARRIED HARRIH-NEVIUS-In this city on Saturday, December 21, at 8 o'clock p m., Mr. Ernest Frederick Harris and Miss Winifred Paul.ta Nevius, the Kev. W ebb of Cove oiDclating The rites were performed in the parlors at Hotel Somn er, and the beautiful and impressive ceremony of the Episcopalian chirch, incluJing the ring service, was carried out in its entirety. Mr. Harris Is a well known and well respeoted young man of this city, and the bride is an accomplished, well known and well loved young lady of EUiu. It is a pleasure for the Ob server to join with their many friends In wishing thise-tlmabfe young coup le a wedded life long and happy. , Metfs Rubber Goods! At prices that mean a smart saying. Nothing but FIRST H QUALITIES handled here and in the best makes. If jouM fail to see as about rubbers it is because . you are indifferent H m ana . m to sating money, r or we positively can save you money on these goods. . w . A. .... - Men's .Winter Caps 25c to $1.50 ; Boys' Winter Caps 25c to 65c FIRST CHRISTMAS , IN OREGON tij ciiriaimas seveu cabins aere covered and the floors laid. Toe chinks wre filled with clay and the fire logs were set roaring in the caps cious chimneys that filled au entire end of eaob cabin. Ou. Cliriettnas d 1805, they moved in wet blankets and all wit- rjutods of firearms and Christmas salutes. Thus, the first winter home of civilized men on tbe great Colombia river, has an abiding charm, not unlike that of Plymouth or Jamestown Lewie and Clark at Foit Clatsop, from "The Conquest," by Mrs Eva Dmery Dye. t Many of tha aealthy farmers who have money which Is not tied up in business lika soma ot us eould make a clean up by investing in real estate in almost any portiou of the town bs- ' Everybody's Magasine has announ ced that the more copies that were ild at 10 cents the more money she ju'oli-liora lost and that hereafter the pitas will be 15 cents. Ii has - long been known to those familiar with tlia printing business that the low prices of tbe current publications were throw ing an extra burden upon tbe adver- tiseri and tbe stand taken by Every body's will be watshed with interest by tbe jther publishers of the ' low pJoud standard magssines and if .- it does not a .act tbe circutaticn to any material extent will doubtless be fol lowed as it nhould be, Nearly all religious sects, as their figures of growth for last year are an nounced, show a larger percentage of increase than in previous years, aaya tha Herald. ' " . In several denominations tha ratio ot jrowtn exceeds the usual ratio of In crease In the population -This ia no tably the casein tba Episcopal Church, which last year gained 3 per - cent on its membership of previous year, and was la the population growth estimated at about 2 per cant. Tba Episcopal Church baa added 25,915 to Its mem bership, making Its present . figures 807,351. - : ' - . In tha Presbyterian Church tha in crease In membership last year was at tha rata of 2 W pr cent. Tba Southern Presbyterian Church, a much smaller boity than the Northern, Having bat 239,888 members, gained 2 par cant last year. Tha ratio of gala by tba Methodist msmbershlp is not so large as la tha other bodies named, bat was 14-5 par eaat, or almost aa mooh as tha estimated ratio of population grow ' th. . For tba previous year tba Math odlst ratio waa only 1 par oent. ina body - baa now 3,064,735 member s, of whom about 200,000 are connected with foreign conferences and mlaalons. " It Is Mated In the Fresbjtsrlaa hand book fo. 1906 that tba religions of tha world ava 1,430000,000 adhsrente, di vided as follows: ChristluJity, 477,080,158; Confucian Ism, 2S6.000.000i HinduUm 190,000 000; Mthammsdaniam, 178,83472; Buddhism. 147,900,000 Taols and Shlntolsm, 57.000,000; Judaism, 7,050,. 000, and various heathen faiths, 118,. 129,479. . Change Quarters,) The official, at tbe United ' States land office at this plaoe are busy In deed today. What with tha -usual routine of business , and tha . work in removing the files and reoords from the building wbiob they have former ly oocupied on Washington Ssraet, to their new quarters in tbe Foley building on Adams Avenue, ithe 'Re gister, Receiver and tba entire" office force are keptoo the jump ' Te rooms into., which . they , bava moved In tba new Folry btilding are vastly superior in every respect to tba roams formerly occupied. r -t It is not only now situated mora centrally, but tbe light, the steam heating and tbe ptnsr conveniences make it a more desirable place for all the offloials and a credit to gar 7 Unole 8am who always wdu his represen tatives Id the best quarters that - ceo '- . uibund.'nj, : ;.xiaitt There is a strong flre-pioof vault in tha new building, and all tba records' . files etc will be transferred today and the moving entirely completed. The storms during Ibis unpleasant season of tha year do not appear to ' check tha building of resldeooes in all parts of tha rfly . ,; 5' SC m" ? ;. U '? VfyJ Real estate all. over tba city la be, ginning to change hands more rapidly and la peroeptadly advancing la value. ; Parties contemplating tha purchasaof property should do s st noe for ! a tery short time values will double. there will be no comparison betwaea the prices now and In June next. Remember tha Leap Tear ball at tba , L D 8 ball next ' Thursday evening. ' All respectable people are invited. 4 -v' - ' . ' - - '.' ' " ... .' . . :'.'. .. ;; ' o U C O ku Y AO i , jt O K v -v . . : .. . Don't Ccughs are warnings of something amiss in throat or lungs. mind the cough, mind the cause, Use a remedy that will go to the source of trouble and cure thati" Such a remedy is our -, White Pine Cougli; Balsam ' . ' . ' ' t, ' - ' ' " '" '"" "' " --Y i& It cures promptly and thoroughly because it cures in the right man-. ner. Relieves irritation, heals inflamed surfaces, loosens the cough, . and soothes and strengthens while it cures. A splendid remedy for children becauee it is so good to cure and so " good to take. . .Price , 25 and 60 cents. ..; r THE NEWLIN DRUG CO LA GRANDE - e OREGON : . . '. v. . ! it e v T s v . .f'-W . -i : l :i i i j f , '.-.X ' , rt! v '', ' r -V. A .. U ' '. ,; " t ' - '' fore the big rise in' property takes ' : ir-. ....... . ''A . r rr plaoe. wftt4wwafiwdl ji