0 Induction Sale " 1111 - 1 .1 HAND PAINTED WARE AT A REDUCTION Largest -ijdne both, solid and : Plated. iri TJiiioii Gonnty . . t V ...... . mm mm mm mm mm m mm ii am am awa ht "- mc mm mm mt aw mm m mm mm. mm mm mm mm mm mm am m m mm aa i mm mm mm . . mm ' ' awa w a am mw mm aaay axa mm mm am mm mt mm mm wm mt rm mi rat mv m mm , .it - v, u mile V A Evcryth ina which ishould'b fpiW in a RrstClass Jcwelclrv Sfejire . ' ' -.j- . . . .... , , . , . - " i: : f.T . i... -s NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE HOLIDAY GIFTS r " T.HE JEWELER : ; ' V : ' ' . i . i ,.,, , ,.. , ,:, '.n REDUCTION SALE We have made np our mlndi to tell every roll of Wall Paper in our ) itore before the next , mrinc stock arriveti and in order to insure a ( CORlDlfte dtUloUO we hav oil the nrice retfardlMt nf former nrlee Oj Wall Paper' from 5 cents up e Want to clear the home Before March as we expect a'carJoad We Want to clear the house, before March lit as we expect i of W Jl Waper to a arrive on that date. We have more Wall Paper now on hand than. alUDwither paper house in tr county. .There fore you will have a greater variety to (elect from. Our present 'I Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS 0IHS AND i GLASS UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Having purchased the undertuHng goods of E. i Maaross a-fjg.y ai an cany aaio we expect zonnai , euuLLULe (jtturrers ana wm, open zno, jtiqsu qorrfpwi6j and up-toat6TJfideHakin4 Parlors in"asierU Oregon. . ttii'the meantime we are" prtp'ared'ta renaerjtne vest posswte service ana wno oe,jpuna. at theylmross $ Cols Ffirnitute Stove. fc I f We nay had -mhylfy ears' ,'epirUnMnihis businessjpndjchow thatfhd publio tvill appreciate the estabfimeit pfal we unit' Trifiyntainj -4 Qurpriee8 jvill. W reasonahlettnd mr stock ooTApfotei rJlll calls iqiU receive -prompt' attention FortMprtosmtwUhjE.JlndrQss grUo. Phone 91 Notice of Final SeniV7 ESUY NDriCfi Motto la hereby rlwn, Viftt fti andnritnied hnJ fllad the Onal aoroant afber dolngi m ex catrtz of the lut will iMtunent or Mar tbA J WUod, deeeaaed; and that tbe Ooanty - Cnrt haa appointed Monday lb tod day cl J a Dairy 1006, at I o clock p. m. aa tba time, and me coan qooac at Lat uraifcjei u atnn conn vrecoo, aa toe place lor vue oariDg 01 Motloa la barony fftren to whom It may eon earn that there came to my place about July let, IWt, two tnllea north of Ferry on Dlile Klat tne following deacrlbed animal. On dark brown heifer, part Jerney, oomlof two year oM, wit hoot Tlvlble bramln or ear marka Kaid aolntml haa bean taken np by me and la 'now with tfiTcatlleoo the Draper place anon! 4 mllea nortneaatof Uland City, and owner flluluflMiiL All DMimil hm-HMff tLtlv Ahiao tiona te Uia aame, will appear at aald time and , ean have aaote by proln projrtT and Jay Place, aadoOetaald obiealona thereto. Ituehanrea. EUBOBK, ' IDA at BAY, Kseentrtx. I ilome la Old Town, I Grande, Oregon, UaBOiaiiarnnaaif Mi, We. Ml OaAad tbJa rt day of Morember, istui. Series ot 1904. An Ordination terjlng a tax npon tbo taxable property within the City of La Grande, Oregon, for general ani pecial munloipal porpoaea. , Tbe city of La Grande Doea Oidain Aa Followa: ' Section one: That there be and hereby ia leried upon the taxable property within the City ot La Grande Union County, Oregon, a tax ot 6 milli on the dollar for general manl olpal parpoeea ot tbe Olty ot . La Grande, Oregon. '! Section two: That there be and hereby ia levied upon the taxable property within the City ot L Grande Union County, Oregon, a tax.of 8 milla on the dollar tor tbo purpoee ot pay ing tbe interest 'on the outstandiiin bonda ot the City of La Graude, aai i internet becomilig dne on tbe 1st' day bt Jniy 1905 and the first day of Jan -aary 1906, and for the farther porpose Of repaying money heretofore borrowed tor the purpoee of paying interest on aald bond's.- . -t j Section thiee: That the levies of aid taxea set oat in Sections one and two of this ordinance shall be made and collected upon the property with in the City of La Grande, Oregon, as shown by tbe asseismeut thereof as made and returned by tbe County as sessor tc the County Clerk of Union County for the year 1904. : 6ection four: That the money aris ing from the tax levied by virtue ot Section one of this ordinance, as fast as collected, shall be tamed over to the Treasurer of theMy of La Grande and shall by him be placed in the gen etal fond of said.Uity That the money arising from the tax evled by virtue of seotion two of this Ordinance as fast as collected, shall be tar .ed over to the Treasurer of the City of La Grande, Oregon, and shall be by him plaoed in and kept as m pedal fund for the payment ot inter -1 est on the outstanding bonds of the City of La Grande, Oregon, as herein provided and for the purpose of re paying money heretofore borrowed by talk City for the purpose of pay In in terest on said bonda. Seotion Five: That all of said taxes hall be collected in rash and no part thereof shall be payable In City war. rants. , , rVotion Six: That the Recorder sbali certify this ordinance to the County 01ik of Union County, Ore- con, on or bet we the first day of Jan nary 1906, to be carried npon tbe as. Snstment roll and tbe tax to be collect- I In the manner provided by law. Recti n aevt-n: That this Ordinance hall be publl.hed in tbe Ia Grande Evening Observer for one iaaoe there of, and shall be la full force and take effect from and after the 17th day of December 1904. !'- :' ' - : Passed by tbe Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 21st day of December 1904, by six members voting therefor. -, approved this 22nd day of December 1904 ' ; J D Slater, Mayor. iAttett: Chester P Newlln, Recorder of too City of. La Grande. , ; j mMnMMtinimMeMStvMMvvtvHtMtafmvt JNotay rabuo Insarauce Full Weight Guaranteed ,; rVbolesale and Retail deal ers iu Hry, Grain, Vege tables and Fruits Oarload lots a Specialty Lawson & Zundell Office in Kiipatrick Rldg. Phone No 1113 I Money1 to Loan' Representing tbe Equitoblej8aving8 &' Loan "Asso ciation of Portland,4Or., tbe strongest, safest . & - moat reliable institution on tbe Pacific) coast, uocler Stale supervision. Loans made abort or long time to suit, . WM. GRANT, Agent ' City property for sale, v r, v V M.MM...sa.l IMISIMtJ -FOE- RENT, LEASE OR SALE ' Lots 17, 18, block 102, . Chaplain's Addition. Address bids to 'P" care of Observer BIJOCKLAND BROS i Island City. Oregon 4 1 Breeders of BERKSHIRE and , POLANDCHINA SWINE. We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Oots wold and shropsbires, ready for service,-anyone . need ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them Young stock always on hand, and always lad to have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paiccs before buvini; some where else. -v:i Tillmann's Fine Goods Every nonekeeper wants pure eplo ea and flavoring extracts . Tillmann's are made for the best family trade. 17-24 FULL MEASURE 1 Chain wood lby the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. .19-inch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the load. You pay for what you get and get what you pay for. Phone S7i H. W. NIBLEY e eetoaseo9seteeo Cured Paralysis W 8 Bally, P O True, Texas, writes Mt wife bad been suffering five years with paralysis in her arm whn I was persuaded to use Ballards Snow Liniment whloh cared her all right. I have also used it for old sores frost bite and skin eruptions. It does the work." 25o 60o Sl.oO Newlin Dr.iir Co That Thrcbbin Headache Wonld quickly leave you, if you used Dr King's New Life Pills Thouwtids of sufferers have proved their mitoii ieas merit for s ;ck ami Nervon aohM. 'iev make pore Moot an nuild npyoir bwiith Only 'J5 on mon y back ii n -t ourcd. Sold b. Mewlm Drug Co. I I NX. 1 X - '"-iv.-. i-nj, V .if -"V ' Ml W 1 y. ' , ; a VJ - i