3C - -. Xmas News .s ..ftflor til kinds of second band goods. If yor want to tell call as ap by phone. We also have a bargains left: Bed Lennpei.. 13 BO Sofa '" -OF- GREAT IMPORTANCE 3 --. Chairs 25c and up Wood Beds . . w X 1 B " I; I !; XT' i 1 I t - I .' I M " . -.;; ' , Young 14 Old1 Merry, old,St,Nick roi- v wort ifta, -i. i,iltiu,i i,. J ,. ,. tends a hearty invitation to call and mopoot the most Extenoivo -line of Xmkfl Goods :Jfet: :va.p ever, .brought ;to ! lia Grande. : -1 If 0 in AU Udies' Suits. I 111 .J!.. C--L -1. . All UOIU MCUIli . v . ; 't i . - ' ' , AU Ladles' Cravenette Coats. ---- - All Udies Tailor Hats. All Ladies' Trimmed Hats. All Misses Hats. All Children's Hats. Al? 's'Unlcrjlra f'( All ladies' Overwear. All Boys' Underwear. All Childrens' Underwear. 2. ft ' A , , ... j . 1 1 ii"vnti iiiiitnmin mr- mr. Ttt,'sM,39airaiiai2K. u . ' j 1 I BV--r-l.- 1 i. . .ff. "ill II, 1 (IH 1 II Ilfl II II 111(1 T . P-"..'.! .7 K I ( llr ill. il II II! I Ifl ljn' t.il' il II it: 3. ?I i 7i.si . -'""ft ;1P-'1MP rLL..I.'..J. ' 7- ' t, ntdiii!!,ipMW-r" il., 'v-' '" AT SPECIAL ! .1 .M 'J . : 1 . :;i.t.l, t'I'J : . ;-. i . ' REDUCED PRICES .1? i .a ,:!:; .. !..... ' J . Until,,; December 25th S.'l : i. (.Ill I,. ) (if ONE DOLLAR Yoq canget a pretty street hat at the BARGAIN Stora. , We ( also , h aye a complete line of CHRISTMAS GIFTS HOLIDAY GOObs ! ' A .-. ' j V f T 7 i i i " . 'ivy ? 1 i i s E U WELLMAN & 00 LaQrande - Oregon 0 QQQQQQ Q FrTt-t-a-rjsa' nnrl TroHpro Q National Bank,. m a D UGKANDE;,;'-'OREGONv 1 Capital Stock faUy"aW p Sarplas rvlnd t S - a 13,000 n Liability of Shareholders - "60,000 " ReiponsibilHH , - r43L00O ' We d a jseneraf tankiag and exchange "business. " Q I rafU bought ad sold bkterftod foreign banks . ' .U : vUJ0SEPAIr4fEB,fwdent , ,, s Q J. W SOpiBER, Cashier annaocaanannDnonDannan Kz Qrznde Evening Observer CV lEr ulpOS., Editors Pr pi Entered at Kthe. Pot:0fflc atLa Grande, Oregon,, as .Beoond Class MaU Matter. ' mi- HSWS- S --5-9 Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. $650 Six months in advance. . . .3 60 Per month . . . i '; : . . ; ..... ,65c Single copy ; 6c FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 23. 1904 f . .. f., ; , . . ,. Unto as a child is born, nnto na on ia given ; and the government shall be npon bis shoulder: and hii nun shall be called Wonderful.' Connaellor the mighty God, tLe eTerUfting Father tbe Prince ot Peace. Of the Increase of ais government and peace there shall be no end. Isaiah iz, 6,,7. the children, is aflrect eawa-1 ,It is WslWeet-'-' to- riote ; the dant of this old festival in hon- improvement n the little 1 peoi r cw ' ..: ::sr!-. j or of the sun. ; Traces of it exist in Iceland whfre1 the "service-trea'' is adorned with, burning lights Christmas night. The English yule log is a faint survival of festival. But it is beyond these that I wish to draw your atten tion, back further even than the Druid mysteries of the Gallic forests. ' It is to China, that home of all wonders and of all history. . It has been shown that as long as 247 B C a tree with a hundred lamps and flow ers was placed on the steps of the . audience-hall This ap pears again in the records of Princess Yang,' who lived 713 755 A D and who caused a hundred-lamp tree 80 feet high to be erected on a mountain. It was lighted during New Year's pie as Christmas time appro aches. 'Hoaannah to King David'a Bon. wno reigns on a superior throne! " I . - ------B w hiuu tk Prima f t,....ni. ki-h. 1 uieut and the lliumirifltinn wa w - ww muw Buvw vi uoaioui; UVU I f M Who brings sulfation down to earth, seen for hundreds of miles, ec lipsing tne light of the moon. This candle-tree is no longer lighted in China, being replaced 1 Let ever nation, every age, In this delightful work engage ; Old men and babes in Zion sing Tbe crowning glories 01 her King, I omoEist MftlCTOUt ' W Ose.f Aura.. Pmldeat I. M. Berrr. J. IL Ohurvik II J. H. Bur Visa rrwMat " X B. Oaalar. Gaa. L. cw ' J.M.CumcB. iwtJHsJhbr t"r. ralaer . I. L. If iTMa.aad CUe L ClTr- Asa. Oaakkrs 5 L a Grande ' Nations a a La GfaaJey Oreicoe a . XTMisq a WW wnm ansaeaa, ,1171 tTOpuacywaange a ' , - i all 4rM of tie wwld." ObUetUU a eetalty. - a d o a o ta a il o p s t en SjESSwSS! !!mm m -, . tiiM iu lui ',.!( rttjll V,iVUle(. i 1 1 Most of us know that' the Christmas tree comes to us di rect from Germany. 1 And ',we know of the tree-worship of the Druids which obtained in Eug- land and France, and which probably had some influence ou the later use 6f the tree in the Christian festival. ' But we do not all know that a similar fes tival with the tree as a crown ing feature is' observed among many heathen nations and that it comes from sun-worship which is older than history The revival of the sun after the wiuter solstice has ever been the subject of rejoicing and of celebration by ceremonies which represent th6 new . light 0 ur city warrants are , now settled for 90 'cents' aad there is every indication thst the "Qt cent mark and even better, will be reached after' the first' of 'the year. ' ,j : 11 : ,! " "u President Hill, that meek and humble magnate, has ' discover ed the Interstate '.Oommefce Commission to be "a hanehtv ef autocrat and a direct menace to the Republic;':; It's tptf so it is! : . v..'j l-lV,-;". V Stewart, of Nevada.- baa ' in troduced a bill ; in the ' Senate raising the salary of the v Preei 3entto $200,000.' And if the bill should happen to reach the Executive office it would meet with a cold, yet strenuous, .veto! The Pendleton Tribune ' has just issued an illustrated s ediJ waw .'ir?' t.Ii fine urg 1 1 L'-- -i. $46, $48, $52, $55 .-.'...I- The well kn own and popular Pacific Qileeu. . : "Very1 handsome styles:' " "Payments' $8.00" ddWn l V. us fpr:particulrrsl Mail'"" carefully filled:''-.::.: : ' ' ? V l'23't Eilcrs Piano House by an unusual number of Un-JZ'"T- '""""T1 edl" 1 vslu ' , "on containing an exhausted lOlllD. WU1K 1 H rH niinrr anam v ft B'"J-r 8W n f.h nrln.t.io. .J .i - lUMuoviKia uu io , oox.w.asniDgtOQStreet,, corner Park 1 Portland, iL. Oregon Large storosf also .Spokane ud SeatUei Wash., and BeiseIdahol I a uoiumtj here. A suggestion of the tree "however, still k sui vives in Japan.;-; At the New Year ; two evergreen trees are placed with- out, on either side of the door Thoir tops are tied together witn the sacred band of straw and various objects, dried lobst ers snd oranges are fastened to their branches. Stewart Culm, in Woman's Home Companion. sources of Pendletou and Uma tilla Co It reflected credit to the publishers as well as the county which furnishes the Tis 's of such an undertaking. Fmst class job printing, Ob server, S)S) H m mm m m m ' Amalgamated Copper people have asked for a fraud order against Tom Lawson's circulars, because, as they allege, his state ments are false and he profits by them. The probability is strong that the real reason is that Amalgamated folk are los 10 PERCENT OF On all cash 1 purchases of $1.00 or over on 'mafa ' nA lardunsilJuly l,,1905;f A complete stock of meats, poul try, lard. hamselc;';. 1 r 1 ?. 'ACS, Preiiaratorv YTT 5 Commercial Umversity g; MfMmonumr Oouroee Boarding school tor youn.- mea a boys. Box 348 University Park Station, Portland Oct, TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE r..i s!v.j 3 That, is'whr n'flAnU'rtntn.- here for men's And ' hv Kaw' YhnAa The JrE.TUtHne is our epeo- alty. Here is where Drl2 f nd ... - "1 -1 4 Bead The Observer brought back to the world. Our ing by them. But it is of no .Phone 1601 k I. HARRIS r ; ' ' quality ae combined. trfift. with ita nmall fani11t its importance, as the request has 1 .1 ! C W. PRESTON. r gilded knicknacks and toys for . 3. e. ...... Shoe SpecUiist bEPOT St REET 1 k, ni id it, - y, I.