La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 23, 1904, Image 1

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    .e Following Well kuowa Dealr- ,
raw u
g& Staples Baker Broav
hvlane 0. Balaton
0. L. Thorn 4
vd it guaranteed
rrr c
i i
State Closes its Case. Defendants Introduce
Witnesses to Prove Self
Defense -
It is thought thsi ths Rtsor out will
be girtn to the jury this evening . The
state baa tu mm In and the defease t
-um presenting- iu witness.
The first witness to be exemlned after
the caes bad dho opened for the atata
07 Attorney Crawford and the defense
bed outlined iU rca by ; Attorney
White, waa Dr. Whiting of Elgin. Dr.
Whiting teatified to being the attend
ng physician, and told of finding a
gunshot wound In wrlat and alao one
lo the shoulder. The ahoolder wound
wu jnet a little back of the front and
about mid we, between tba point of
the ahoolder and the neck, the coarse
of the ballet ranging downward and In
to the left long Ha alao teatified to
finding : several onto or bruises- on the
head. It nan the wound in the
houldar - which i-aosed death. Dr.
Whiting testified to taking Mr. Rosa
d; lug statement whloh was introduced
as evidence which la as folio wa: .
Baaor Mill, Union (tountv,
January 29, 1904
I boilers that I am about to die soon
fiom the "results of my wounda.
On drif ing np to the first akidway,
Baaor put on hie coat and stepped In
.front of me, with bis right hand on his
&at pocket on his gon remarking 'can
you aae this skidwayt" My reply was
"yes." "Then pat there logs there,"
said Baaor. I replied. "I cannot get
these sleds In position to do what is
right "He asya Xou pot them logs
there.' I told him "Al, you got a gon
hare to do me op M I told him that 1
wanted no trouble, that'll we, could
n't agree that I would quit and' that
would end the game. He still insist
ed that, lie would mane me pot them
in. I told him I would not. Then
drawing' his gnu and crowding toward
me, I took my east book to push him
off. I backed nps fast aa I could,
but my sled was ia .the way. Aa he
advanced toward me he had his gun
pointed at mo, j and I need my cant
book on him to push him; off. Then
Need Rain
(Southern California ia" drjlng np
There has been no rain at all this
fall, tbe hay crop is a failure and
stockmen are greatly disoonrsged. j
We like to make our tdyertisino; helpful. We believe that
the reason holiday huing ia often bo Irvine, ia aimolv b-
cause the right goods and the
aerp migut do ngns at nana tne exact girt that would
please jou best, bat without tbe advertising to suggest the
gift, your selection is difficult and my go amiss Altogether.
We believe if yon would read our advertisement carefully you
will be saved much labor and worry. We believe yoa will be
able to do much of your Christmas shopping right at home;
that you can there pass calm judgment upon tbe suitability
of the respective gifts, and then come to the store with half
the labor accomplished.
m -
If you cant reform bins, see to it at
least that he amokee good cigars
We have fine goods put np In boxes
of 13 and SS for the holidaya. Ton
. can rely upot, the quality of the
cigars we offer Tbey are brands
that thw moat critical smokers ia
town have passed judgement on.
- tl.20 and $2.00 per box.
Larger boxes if you want them.
Ink Stands.
s -... '. ' -.; .
A little Item now in large demand.
They do to chink in most anywhere,
and we have them in ri't, silver,
glass, etc, COo to 43.00.
K 1
cams the clinch. With my right band
around bis neck and with my left band
sad did all I could to hold It. While
noiajng vaaor ana tne gun the beet j.
could, Henry, Lylea struggled to get
the gon which I gave up Signed,
'FW Whiting)
. T MHigginbothoinl witoeases
Frank Mointyre.i
Henry Lylea wu tbe next witness in
troduced. He testified to being an eye
witness to tbe quarrel and
also to the killing which
followed. He gave a graphic descrip
tion of the affair, and "tarnished oon
sidsr ible amusement for the spaotators
as he became considerably excited dar
ing the delivery of - hia evidence. He
reoited in detail how Baaor and Roes
met, and from hia version oi the quar
rel and the .fight would tend to make
Basor the aggreaaor. He reoited a dia
logue purporting to have been held by
Boss and Basor in whle -. vile language
waa freely need. Hia evidence was
practically as follows: ' .
UstesUfled to seeing Ross drive In
to the yard and seeing Baaor pick np
hia coat, pot it on, put hia right hand
Into his coat pocket and advanced to
meet Boss. ,,When, they met, Basor
said to him 'right there is" the "place
to put those Iors" pointing with his
left hand 'o tbe place where he wished
the logs to be unloaded. .The quarrel
then commeuced, Boai accusing Basor
ofbariaga gun. Lyles then recited
the quarrel which took place. This
quarrel was replete with profanity,
both Basor and Roes oalllng each other
liars and vile names with equal free
dom. He testified that Boas punched
Banor in tbe face with 1 the pssvle,
whereupon Basor drsw hia revolver
from hia coat pocket and fired three
times at Boss, two of the shots taking
effect He then testified to assisting
in separating the two men.
. Lylea waa anppoeed to be the atate'a
star witness and waa subjected to a
very rigid examination.
The detenae brought its star witness
Mr. Burleigh, on the atand this morn:
ing and attempted to show by him that
Boas waa the aggressor: His testi
mony waa abjut tbe same as that of
the state's witness, Mr. Lyles, with the
exception that he did not make the
right people do not get together
Pocket Books.
Large lines of tin latest for men
and women) especially large assort
msnt of gift pocket books for ladies .
A very sensible, servtnable present.
250 to S3 SO,
: Books.
There ia hardly a person who bas to
buy Christmas gifts w io should not
consider the selection of books, se
tbey are equally desirable for old
and young. Tbey are treasured for
life time and never lose their value.
Large aa our stock was last year, it
is almost doubled this season. Tbe
variety ia greater and tbe stock '
dead man Boas the aggreaaor aa did '
Mr. Lyles. The introduced
aereral witneaaea to abow that Baaor
ahot la aelt defense.
The defense placed the defendant,
Albert Baaor, on tbe atand. lie told
hia atory in a atraight forward manner.
He atated that be met Boas
at the akidway by appointment and
that be tried la every manner possi
ble to get away from him when the
trouble oommenoed and while It was
oeouriag. Ha testified that be did not
shoot Rasa an til he had been a track
and then only ahot beoauae be believed
that Rose was about to kill him.
North Yakima, Wash. Deo. 23
Robert Straborn of 8pokane, preei-
wu h site Nonnwesi Water A Light
Oo. of thia plaos said today he eame
nsro wua .no proposition to buna a
Charged as Land Conspirator jby Federal Grand
Jury, Other Indictments will
Follow I
Portland Journal
. A true bill was found yesterday
afternoon by the federal grand jury1 a
gainst State Senator V P Mays, charg
ing him with conspiring to defraud the
United States of ;a portion of its pub
lic lands, and further Indictments are
imminent SB Ormaby and 0
Loomls, tbe two former employee of
tbe land depart mint who made false
reports upon the fraudulent entries In
township 11-7, era believed to be now
under lnveetigation.
It Is well known that tbe govern
ment expects to aeenre tba indictment
of both Ormiby and Loomis, and dar
ing the Puter trial Mr Heney openly
denounced them as members of the
oonspiraor to defraud the government
JAW Heidecke, who wsa employed
by Puter and Taapley to accompany
both Loomis and Ormaby when they
viaited township 11-7, wsa before the
grand Jury all the morning.
Tbe indictment of Maya ia regarded
aa but the begin! ng of tbe grand jury's
work, and even mire sensational de
velopments sre . expected In the near
future. .
throughout Is larger. It includes
all the latest and most popular
novsls, together with standard fic
tion, poetry, etc. Also hooka for
girls, boys and tbe little onee. You
can find anything you want and can
be suited, no matter what price you
want to pay. We sell most books for
leas than poblisber'e prloes, often
muob leas, and these low prices pre
vail throughout the holiday season.
You will want perfumes of course
end it you desire a splendid assort
ment to piok from, high quality and
close prioee, we shell expect to
supply you. Fanov bottles 25o to
$7.60. An especially fine line of
standard odors in handsome bottles
from 25o to 50c Original ionnd
bottles of standard high grade ex
tracts for those who wish to make a
snperb perfume present.
OxforJ Bibles.
The best gift of all In many ioitsn
ces. Tbe cheapest ones are extra
good, with limp covers, maps, tables
etc Have a large variety to choose
from if yu oome at once, tl to S6.
system of -electric roads at Horib
YftkimaJ; Ha bad his plans complete
tbe money assured but on arriving
local met; backing eastern capitalists
asked him to give way for them. Tbey
have a plan to build an eleotrio sys
tem and'will be rctdy tbe first of tbe
year to 4o the .preliminary work.
Tbbse new men made arrangements
with Mr.'Strahorn for electric poer
from his ew plant now building IS
miles np the Naobes rler. Mr. Stre
born says! tne road is a sure go, Tbe
passiog oi ths company's water and
light franchises by the. city oounoil
last night, doubly snored tbe system.
8trabornis tbe man who desired to
porobase'toe La Orande aater plant
and put la a sewerage system tea
patal Scuffle .
At Neeberg, Ore Deo tS Willie
Connie aged 14 while engsged In a
friendly scuffle with other boys fell
and brckskbis neck, dying in tently.
,- - . ,
I Tbe Indictment ag ilnat Mara waa re
turned at 4 25 o'clock yesterday after
noon and ball was fixed by Sndge Bel
linger at $4,000. Tbe bond waa signed
thia morning by A L Mills, president
of the Eirst National bank, and by
Frank M Warren. Senator Maya went
in person before Judge Bellinger and
asked time ia which to movt, or plead
and the request was granted .
The charge against Mays Is that he
conspired with Horace O McKinley, 8
AD- Puter, Marie L Ware, Emma
Watson, Dan W Tarpley, Bobeit Simp
son "John Doe and Robert Doe," all
named in the indictment as co-defendants,
to defraud tba United fetates out
of a portion of its publlo lands In town
ship 24 eouth, range 7 east, of the Wil.
lamette meridian, by means of false
and forged applications, affidavits and
proof a.
- In brief the indioimenta charge that
the homestead entries were made in
township 24 7 by msthoda similar to
thoae used in township 11 7, wbiuh
were exploited daring the Paler trial.
Toilet Cases and Celluloid
We have some beautiful toilet and
dressing oases in plush, silver and
celluloid. Prloes from 95o to 112. :
Fountain Pens,
A fountain pen is the busy man or
or woman's friend. It is a perpet
ual convenience it it ia a good one,
and a constant annoyance if it isn't.
We ruaraotee thoae we sell to be
flrst-olssa, Prices differ a little
probably more than the quality of
the pens. From $1.00 up.
' Abundance of Games. .
Every game that goes into the borne '
helps to make home more attractive
for tbe children and often for the
We have attractive gamee at bait
prioee, between 10 oente and 11.00
Authors, Adagrams, Bachelor, eto.
Spelling boards, a most desirable
gift for little folks, spelling blocks,
from 40 cents t 76 cents, i Jrokinole
end oi her board gamee np to tS-SO.
Japanese, and I Russians Engage in a Bloody
. Battle, at the Point ol-Bayonetv
i Russians Lost Position f
Tokte Deo 13 Acother wedge' was
UZmj, Utivea into tne Koseian defense
st Port Arthur importani positions
north of pigeon bay suooumblng to a
swift and peslstsnt of the Japanese. .
lbs Bussiaos held on until? fairly
overrun and then after being killed or
driven from tbe torts gained reinforce
ments and made a terriflo counter at
tack which failed. 1'"
Oifioial dispatcher received here
state that the charge was made: at
ooiooK mis morning. Tne entire
right eolumo of the army sweat down
on the Bassisns from tbe emlribnos
north of Uousanyentso on Pigeon bav
Fierce resistsnoe aras offered at tbis
point but the Japanese held their foot
iug drspits a heavy fire.
At 7 o'clock after more fighting of a
desperate cbsrscter ths Russians were
dislodged from tbe heights oo ' the
peninsula' west of Houaanyentao ths
bayonet coming Into play until a
largt portion of tbe Snssians were
killed or wounded. Tbe defenders
. --: T-t i a a iv T'e ; h hi
The Bigjjne b at
A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist
Lowest Priced - ' r
it mi n tpii si
tut a
25 Per Cent off
Until the first of ths
8tor will be sold at a 25 per cent discount , J
This is your opportunity to1 get your Holi-
day Hat at a bargain. . i
The latest in braided handle parses and ,
Peirzy bags. Soinethinir new in enmha mil
At a discount. The
finest line oi rib-
bons ever shown in until an. 1, lor 6V-S t ,.
the city. O ...:siC HcenU op.: Ci l?Axi J 1 "i
Perfumes Toiled Soaps and Powders X
Switches, ; Pohrpa
This s positiyely a
be secured here. r, .
LIBS. j. R. FORREST, 1 1 "
- Milliner - S
I r r
v .-
v ! i' , jf. i
UVsw (ICIiaaavu ajwHVftswaasiB eww-ai -
decimated ranks reformed in the val- ' '
ley below.
Buasiaa rslnforoements' were re-f:,
oelvad but not in snffloisnt aumbers
to eada s'gei the iapanesa occupation,! fJ "
Tba Russians offered , a desperate
cogbtetf attack in tbe hope of reoocu p. r t
yio ineir lost grounu out were lair
ly moved dowa. ; N ' . v - j -t
One Rusiisn gun which was left In-;
tact in tne loss position , was otuisea . '
against them. '-' ' !- :
f Ths offioial diipatob carrying the '
foregoing iBloraatioa conotuded ' by".
ss log: '-At present our ooonpation- :
of ths positions gained Is , praptlcally itj U
seenre.". . ...
Pioneer AVineiv
r JsoksoaJ alcbraoken. is"; dead at
8ante Crns Cat, aged 81 iy eara. He
waaa- membef ottha 1lm territorial
legislature of ' Ariaona and "ita ' first .
speaker, and the di ooverer of tbe
famous McOracken gold mine.
ti ti a n. u c
1 n i Best Goods i
um mm hi m it itm .
' Ti:,or:;c;''?v
on' all Hats
TMAPMMra TTni iyi'th
if.l 5 t v- (
Handkerciiiefs .
Special line jast re-
ceired. Fro m nnsr
new line and eari nni '
" i
' v. L
Hs . J it; J
- MfM4HM44vM4444444l