La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 22, 1904, Image 3

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    Santa Oaus can Find Nothing
Better than '' !-- r
Everv Part of it Made at Home and
is Pure, Wholesome and Delightful.
If you want somothinjs; special leave
orders now. "
Loy's Candy Parlors,
The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon.
When you want
the Best
PHONE i85i
A B. C Steam Laundry
La Grande, Oregon.
Experienced Piano polisher and wood finisher.
Bar fixtures and Bank furniture and all stain imitations a $
specialty. Remodeling and repairing: All kinds of house
furniture polished and repaired. All work guaranteed
Leave orders at Pollman House, Phone, 1466
Startling Evidence
Freeh testimony in great qnautlty fa
constantly coming In, declaring Dr.
King's New Dlsrovery for Consumption
Coagha and Colds to be oneqoaled. A
recant expression from T J MoFarland
Bentorvllle, Va. serves as example,
II writes: "I had bronchi tia for
three years and d no to red all the time
without being beniflted. Then I be
gan taking Dr. Ding's New Discovery,
and a few bottles wholly cure t me."
Equally effective in coring all Lang
and Throat troubles, Consumption,
Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by
NewKn Drug Company . Trial bottles
free, regular alzea 60o and II 00
Worst of All Experiencees.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minnte will be your lastT
Such was the experienoe of Mrs 8. H
Newson, Deoatnr, Ala. "For three
years" she writes "I endured insuffer
able pain from indigestion, stomache
and bowel trouble Death seemed in
evttable when doctors and all reme
dies failed. At length I was induced
to try Eleotrlo bitters and the result
was miraculous. I improved, at once
and now I in completely recovered
For Liver' Kidney, Stomaoh and
Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is ths
only medioine Only iXK It's guar
anteed by Newlin Drug Co.
When you want GOOD PRINTING
Call Phone No. 1371
ejphere is a difference
'between printing
that 'will do" and that
which is the kind you
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasiug, "as we have
the equipment with
which to produce good
printing and printers
who understand the art
of printing.
There is no order too
1 small or too large to
receive our carelul
Wf print anything
Irom posters to visiting
cards. .......
La Grande, Oregon, Dee list, 1X4
To the producers and manufacturers
of Union County:-.
Gentlemen: I take thia means of
informing 70a, that I have let the con
tract for constructing a suitable Hall
for exhibiting the products and menu.
faotured articles of this county, at the
depot in thia city. Thia hall wUl be
forty feet long, ten feet wide, fourteen
feet from floor to celling, with a glass
iront six feet wide, by forty feet in
length. I And that more can be done
in advertising oar county and valley in
mis way. tban by any other means, as
in this day and age, it is neceisary to
"show" people what you have. Thia
exhibit will be in plain view of all
persons who pass on trains, ' and will
be illuminated when Daeenirar trains
go by in the night. My object in call
ing your attention to thia en tacrine
at thia time, la to have you make time
ly application for suitable spaoe for
kuoh products and articles as you de
sire to have placed on exhibition. It
would also be appropriate for von to
attach to your exhibit, a card with
4 wu. wun, MMMUtMMW, MUU ftUUU OtUVV
brief information as would give the
traveler or home-seeker necessary data
from which to make further investi
gation. This hall will be completed
by the first of February next, and pro
ducts and articles will be placed tor
exhibition by the 16th of same month,
w lulling to treat all peieona, sections
and interests fairly, I respectfully re
quest all parties interested with any
item for exhibition, to correspond
with me in the meantime, and make
arrangements for space. And while
this spaoe is donated tree ol charge to
exhibitors it is limited, and tor the
beniflt ol all, must be so adjusted that
all Interests will be properly looked
after. 1 '-.-... :'
It might be well to suggest, in this
oonuection, that I am very desirous
that every industry of the oounty be
represented. Thia necessarily oovera
quite a range, both in variety and ex
tent It inoludee the pioduots ol the
farm, the orohard, dairy and garden,
everything from field, . forest and
stream. It includes the articles in
the way of output from the various in
dustrial plants of tho county, from our
various flouring ' mills, lumbering
plants too numerous to mention, the
beet sugar factory, woolen mill, im
mense and Inexhaustible stonequarriea,
brickyards, fibre fuotory, in short,
every industrial interest that is etUb
lished aud prosperous. No interest is
barred, but I wish to get this enter
prise so syatematised that it will truth
fully tell to all the story of Union
oouuty's present greatness and indi
oate her future possibilities. By giv
ing me your practical co-operation, we
can jointly contribute to the substan
tial advancement of all with ioj ury to
none. In this matter let oa get closer
together, and by a demonstration that
oannot be questioned, "'show 'em."
Respectfully yours,
Eastern Oregon Colonizing Co.,
by M L Causey, Manager.
Famous English Doctor Declares
That Medicine and Surgery
Have Done Little to Lessen
There is much to be learned, alike
by doctor and layman, In the reading
of the new edition of Dr. A Rabsglia
tl'a "Air, rood, and Exercises," just
Issued by William Wood A Co., of
Ne York. Dr. Kabagliati is sn En
glish physician of the old school and
recognised aa an able one and an auth
ority. Hut he has had the hardihood
to break away from many of the wrong
conceptions of his fellows and to
practically pronounce them ont of
date. .
He begins on the basis that m dl
cineand surgery, with all their boasted
advancement in recent year, have
really not don- much to alleviate suff
ering or lengthen life; that in the bulk
of cases where relief has been afforded
the result would have been acoom
plished as w II or better without any
drug aid at all ; and asserts, as another
and a obiet reason for not using drugs,
the fact that there are not and never
oan be any methods of knowing In ad
vance what the action of any given
drug is going to be . Mhloh assuredly
leaves Utile ground for the drug sys
tem to stand cn.
Dr. Kabagliati, living in England,
has never had an opportunity to In.
, vestlgate the grand new healing solenoe
of Osteopathy. But his book shows
1 him in hearty agreement with Osteo
pathic teachings in many particulars
and if ha would make it a point to in
vestigate, he would - undoubtedly be
come very good Osteopath. His
Hie vlewa oa many questions of diet
sanitatiooand exercise are almilar;
he decries drugs; . and declares that
surgery, although it has its sphere, la
undoubtedly overdone. He has made
an especially deep study, of diet and
on this subject is worthy of the vt ry
olosest attention.
The author speaks impatiently, as
does the Osteopath, cf the men who
allege the uaeleeaness of the vermiform
appendix, who remove It,' and who
claim that in a few years it will have
dlappeared naturally from the body of
civilised man. He goes on:
"it aoea seem a pity tnat men so
abli'and so knowing had not been en
trusted with tve making of man and of
ine world on wbiou ne waa . to dwell.
Aney cn ia nave uone tne work so
much better."
"A atruoture rich in lymphoid ele
ments (like the appendix) has prob
ably a useful part to play in the econ
omy, and It would be far more useful
to saffering humanity, though possibly
less immediately - benefioial to the
prophets, to advise it now to keep the
sppendix vermiform! a'.d other organs
sound and healthy, than to proceed to
remove them in the ay that ia so
freely proposed and carried out."
He goes oi to show thst inflamma
tions of the caecum or of the bowel
frequently follow the removal of the
appendix and adda "Are we then to
exoiae the caecum to prevent typhilltis?
or the bowel in order to prevent en
terlsT Or would it be wise to ampu
tate tbe bead In order to prevent neu
ralgia of the faoeT"
And who will think It over and say
that Dr. Kabagliati and the Osteo
path io physloiaa are not both thor
oughly right when they protest against
the reckless use of the knife upon hu
man beings for tha removal of diseased
organs that could right themselves if
given a proper chance.
Advertised Letters
Akers AM
Derr J
Eidson LA
Fleming CH
Oilman MD
Jones Charley
Marshall Fred
Bakine Louie
Cook Mrs Msry
Davis Fr id S
Englsnd James
Fowies Mrs J B
Helms Orviile D
Look W M
Merriflald Fred
Newman Mrs Agnes Thomas Katblein
Tbe dbeve will be held 14 days and
then cent to the dead letter offloe
when called for phase say advertised
Dec. 21, 1904. o : , J -
G M Riohey, P M
Many people who arc neglecting
symptoms of kidney tsuible,
hoping "It will wear away, are
drifting towards Bright1! Disease,
which is kidney fusible la one of
Its worst forms.
stops irregularities, strengthens
the urinary organs and builds up
the wora-out tissues of the kid
neys so they will perform their
functions properly. Healthy kid
neys strain out the impurities
from the blood as it passes
through them. Diseased kidneys
do not, and the poisonous waste
matter is carried by the circulation
to every part of the body, causing
ditxiness, backache, stomach
trouble, sluggish liver, Irregular
heart action, etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney
or Bladder trouble commence tak
at once, as it will cure a slight dis
order in a few days and prevent
a fatal malady. It is pleasant to
take and benefits the whole system.
How to Find Out
You can saally determine It vour kid
eys are out of order by setting aside
for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed
upon arising. If upon examination it
is cloudy or milky or haa a brick-dust
sediment or small particles float about
in It, your kidneys are diseased, and
taksn at once.
I 0. B. Barhaas Teetlflea After
. Four Years. -
J.' B. Barkaat f OsrOtle Cstttr. 8. V, wrttM
"About four yean aco I wrote ron tallow that
I had bean entirely tired of a aera.a kidney
trouble by toklnf lata than two bottle of IViley'a
IltidMr Cure. It entirely stopped tha brick
dual aedlmeal and pain and ml torn of kidney
aieeeaa dleappeared. I em (lad to aw,, that I
bare never bad a return of any of thoee ermn.
Some dui-tn toe tout yearn that bar lepeed.
and I aa evidently eared to etay eared, ai4
heartily raoonMiand Foley's Kidney Cure M eaj
See sultarins from kidney or bladder livable."
Twe SHies, SOe aetf 100.
j tapirs ffrs;"".ir.:ati
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well known Dealers
.. RomigA Staples Baker Bros. .
Mo Faylane .0. Ralston
- Geddes Bros J. W.White
' 0. L.Thoin
Remember every pound is guaranteed
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter you
help a home industry and thereby help' your own
business. , "
Pastnrised sweat Cream and Fresh ... Buttermilk
always on hand.
La Grande Creamery Co
: " a
W " ' -am
. 75c to $5.00
Borne are but slightly used. : 5
Three fina coal burners at a bargain,
Fine Guitar, new, only . ' . $70
- Eight Winchester rifles $2.50 to $9.00
Iron Beds . . 1.00 to 12.60
' New Chairs : . . .60
New Chiffonier . . . . 8.50
New baby buggy and child bed at wholesale cost.
J Upholstering . Furniture Repairing
J We arry Stove Repairs.
T) be given at Island City
Mon. Night Dec. 26.
Nellson's Orohestra
All are Invited.
Good.tlme Assured . . .. Tickets 11.00
ar tut m
enjoyed by the owners of homes is un
known to those who pay rent. -Make
the start now, and this
will be the happiest yoa have seen.
Be yonr own landlord. Fix the hoase
to salt yoarselt. Don't put It off.
. Borne people keep thinking about it
all their lives while others no more)
able, boy and live in a good homo.
We hope to make yoa happy In thia
mCa Srande Snvcstmont Company,
1110 Adams Avenue La Grande, Oregon
One yearling steer, and one yearling
nelfer. Both animals branded with
horseshoe around each hip bone. Were
laat aren on Indian Creek range. A
suitable reward will be paid for them
r for Information leading to
their recovering,
J Draper
B F D No I La Grannde Ore.
, ' DAW 12-17 12-31
Driven to Desperation
Living at an ont of .the war pac6
remote from civilization, a family ia
often driven to desperation In case of
accident, resulting in Burns, Cuts,
Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply
of liuoklen'a Arnica Salve. It's the
on earth 25o, at Newlin Drag Store.
Coughing Spell Caused Death
"Uarry Duck well, aged 25 years
choked to death early ye terday morn
ing at hia home in the presenoe of
his wife and child. ' He omtraoted a
slight cold a few days ago and paid bat
little attention to it. . Yesttr ay morn
. ing he waa seized with a fit of oough
j Ing which continued for some time.
Ills wife sent for a physician but be
fore be could arrive, another ooueing
sMI came on and Duck well dl.d from
suffocation, 8t Loom Olrra Pemo-
I riat Deo 1 1004." Ball i'iU orehoand
Byrap woand have satvd hlm 25o. 60c
and 11-00. Newlin Drag Oo.
DEPART . TimeBohedul FROM
. 5 fe11 rk Dner. Ft. No 1
8 .0 pm Worth, Omaha, kan- 6jwm
o 6 aaa City, Bt. Louia, Chi- No s
8:30 a. m. cao aud Eaut. SJOpm
Portland. Dalle. Pen- ;
Jt0 Jleton. Walla Walla, 'v.. '
IMyton, Fomeroy, Col
640 am. f, Momow, Spokane.
and point erat and w
- north 'ia Wpokaoa , , . . , , A. .
Portland, Dalles, Pen- , -, -
dletoo, Untttilla, Wal
. MOS lula, Lewbton, Colfka, No
Moarow, Wallace. War
806 p. m. ner, Hpokane and other MO a m
HlnU east and north
' via Hpokane - -
No. IS uland City, AliI, Im-
Oally ex- bier and Elgin. . ton- Ho l
cept iieotlona at fcljtin with
Sunday stajj for polnu in Wal- t:S0m
9:16 a m Iowa.
Ooean 81 eamera between Portlaad and
baa Franoiaoo every 6v day. -
Bk tt MOORB, Agant
First class job printing, Ob
server, ' ! '.,:. . '