T A jrv a few days more to r I ' 1 '- .1:1, . ft. ,i ' J 1 Ghri s t.m a s:;i,:Q if t s -l-l! JC.t Only purchase SILVERPL - That wearsjalmost as long as solid silver is the kind we keep. Only the "products of the best best known ' manufacturers' find their way into this "store, and every piece -lag the -maker's name and mark on it,. In ad dition we 'add our personal guarantee as to the quality. ,.-. My )')C. assortment Is , still complete it!.-u:! y. .y --- i- i y i 1 f. i , j ' lI j j i I i GHMMS; ' "-: Mil . CLOCKS . Clocks of every style are in this collection and everyone is iTeally .j handsome. Even" the strenuous . little alarm clocks have their own good looks. There are clocks for the bed room, parlor, dinniDg room and hall. All .are . acurate time keepers and 'really' excellent -values. ' Christmas Silverware I never have had such a splendid line of silverware since I have been in business. Gall' : -you w really oodv 1 have just what you wa.it"- 4J jj nc or. . THE JEVEbERi! ... i If I .1 IK SILVERWARE : Especially Interesting : Makers have produced some strikingly handsome "designs this season in Hii'l -.. !' TEA AND COFFEE SETS CAKE BASKETS, PIOCIEJARS,.'., ' PITCHERS, ETC . Many of the most beautiful are shown here. An inspection of our display will provej(a pleasant and profitable way 'of spending an hour or so. We won't urge you to buy but our goods and prices are very OJ JIUT f-llL The display of complete sets and single pieces is the most at tractive to be seen in lthe city. The designs are entirely new and very beautiful and have been worked out with great skill and taste. DC f , REDUCTION SALE '-. '.Mull :0 AX. '(. 'JH.I 1(1 ., ;t O i S.f-iT; r f ... ; O , We hive made np our minds to sell every roll of Wall Paper in our (tore before the next spring stock arrives, and in order to insure a 0 compkte clean-up we have cut the price regardless of former price 6 Wall Paper from 5 cents up We Want to dear the house before March bt as we expect a carload of W II Waper to a arrive on that date. We have more Wall Paper now onhand than atl the other paper houses in the county. There fore you will have.a greater vatietyfp select from. Our present stock is complete. Stackland & McLachlen UNDERTAKERS " I! 7r ..:n . . ' -y , FU1SIERAL DIRECTORS Having purchased the undertaking goods of E. Andross $ Co., at ,anearlfr date we expect to find suitable quarters and will open me most complete and up-to-date unaertafcing jrartors in a astern Oregon. , In the ; meantime we are- prepared to rende'r the lest , possible service and will be found n.i thi AnAroRk& Co! s Furniture Store. L t; -Wehave had . many years experience m'this business and Know mat me puouo wuu appreciate th Asf.ahlijthmtint that we will maintain: r Our prices will be reasonable,' and our .stock' complete. All calls will receive prompt attention GIFFIN & HO G AN: j n un&K.J J J3 'a- v - ' i?v t.7.a.. uri.t.H E. Andross & Co. ., Phone 91 OREGON AVUSICAL- . ' CLUB CONCERT fietter mntlo. better 8lDaers.'Md a greater attraction than erer. Thai was the opinion ol iheaadiouce that gath ered last night In ths auditorium of the High School bulldlog to bear the concert marking. the Cftb annuj toar of the University 'of Oregon. Glee and Maadolia Olube. lThe boys ehow the benefit bt the excellent and ' painstak ing traininn of Professor Irviog M Gleo, their infractor ! It is not numbers that count in col lege glee and maadolia .clubs, bat quality of the musio aung and the manner in which that masio Is ren dered In that department the ' Ore gon College boys hold their Own, giv ing a olerer entertainment ; jtbai will rival that ot the large universities of the ' East. Indeed, as the , present writer has cause tc know Irom person al experience. . on several occasions crack college olubs from well known ew England towns did ' not pnsent the, aplendld entertainment offered last night by the boys ol old Oregon, The programme . was well selected, mostly ot the amusing order of things. One of the notable baritones en tour. Is E R Abbett, president of the Glee and Mandolrn Clubs, aod his strong, mel low voice was heard to advantage Id "Floating Idly" (Atkinson). There was real laughter In the "Ha, Ha, Ha," chorus, and most ludicrous aot Ins in Hearti's 'Love's Language." Robert O Boontree, of this city, Is the club's funny man, and a most ex cellent, cholot has been made In bis caje. He has composure, ' good stage address, and genuine mirth in his makeup. Nothing finer In recent years than his "Peter Grav"-bas been heard here by ooliege boys. The mandolin club boys played well, and their se lections struck a popular chord. In tact, every member ot the programme was encored, and In two cases there were triple encores. The cl no's itiii- eary: Tomorrow, Athena; inesuay, Pendleton; Wednesday Baker Utyj Thursday, La Grande; Friday. Union. Oregon en toar, season '04 '05, heie'a. toyoa. ' you're all right I Portland Oregunlan. . Seats on sale at Van Bonn's ' ' ; " " v ' '; " : ' "WirWeigh't Guaranteed'! Wholesale and Retail deal ers in Hy, Grain, Vege tables and Fruits' ' Carload lots a Specialty Lawson & Zundell Office in Kiipatriok Bldg. Phone N 1113 ' it A a T " i " esesessseeeseseses'eeeeeeseee i RENT, LEASE OR SALE Lots 17, 18, block 102, . Chaplain's Addition. Address bids to ?" care of Observer Tillmann'j Fine Goods Every nonnekeeper wants pun epio i and flavoring extracts. Tillmaon's an mads Cor the.beat family trade. .... . 17-24 es IP t, si. Noiay tablioT, Money to Loan Insurance ' Representing the Equitable Savings & Loan Asso- ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & most , reliable institution on the Pacific . coast, under t State supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit. . , V WM. GRANT, Agent City property for sale. r " . eeas sweswwas)ees)s); "BLOCKLAND BROS '),! t Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POLANDCHINA , SWINE. '--r,y : :x , . ; We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cots wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them Young stock always on , hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmer, and ask you' to compare our paicoB before btving some where else. Oregon SuoirliiFir in!on Pacific Notice of Final Settlement Notice ts hereby gtvn, thai the i undersigned - ESUY NDT1C: Nottrets hereby slven to whm It"'" h.. filed th. flntS acronnt of her dolipsi. " VwTmhoi TiStS Vftw? on UU.e ecQtrlj or the Hurt will an mJ v,V foTlowlnTdcrlbPd animal. One dtik thai WWon, deeeMed; nd tn.t the topt 'VSri Jiffi BrKe?Tomlng two yenr itli my dlleon (he Draper pl about . nr.rthMu.tof Ulaud iMty, und ..wner i-ewime by provlu projy'rtv ana pay- the Court Houie at L Orande, Union touutf, Said ai Oregon, as the plaoe for the bearing of jald now " flnalaocounk All pMM ni-i j , ' i it .nu. t uld time aod . can na Cured Paralysis W S Pally, P O True, Texae, writes -Mv wife had been aufferlug five vears with paralysis in her arm whn 1 was prsuaied to ase Bal.ards Snow l.tnlmtit which cured her all right 1' have also oaed 1 for old sores frost bites and akin eruptions. It d e the work." 25o 60o Xealin Drnit DEPABT Not 8:50 p m No 6 SdOa.m. HaltUike, Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kan- saa City, Bt. Louis, Chi cago auu tanu No 1 6-JOam. HOS 806 p.m. Time Behedul LA UEAMDK, OR Portland. Dalles. Pen. Idletun. Walla Wulla, Dwylon, I'omeroy, Col fax, Moscow, Hpokan& and point ernt ana north via Hpokano eeteeiei'eesee FULL MEASURE . . .. Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry, chain wood $3 per cord. This if cheaper than by the load. You pay for what you get aud get what you pay for. Phone 571 H.W.NIBLEY 4MMMMSvMHOStMtMMMtMllitUsW 19, FROM Nol No 5 8J0pm Portland, Dalles, Pen dleton. Urn tilla, W al lula, LewUton, Colfax, Mohcow, Wallace, War ner. Huokane and other poiaU eaat and nunb via Wpoaane No. IB Inland City. Alicel, Im Ouilv i- birr and Elirlll. Con ceiil lneotiona at tlgin with Hunday Utaut for point In Wal- 0:15 am 'Iowa. Noa'f''; ,1. I!0 U I T7 No 6 i0 a m I 00 -07 JIoDl 6,30 p nx 05 7i. VMf . V- f J ' -"A- .a . J.. v :-i 1 - 1 V Ortan 81 camera between Portland and ban Pranasoo every five days. i ' 1 i ' ' kt. .;. k',i .r' '..v'Vflj,?-''' -.:V Uraasr' A. TO in - - J aMWaAgsnt.0rMn .;, ,J . . , . .. . " ,,v .... .. -- v . ' ; ' Co ' -