La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 21, 1904, Image 3

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    Santa daus can Find Nothing
Better than
EvervPart of it Made ' at Home and
is Pure, Wholesome and Delightful.
If you want somothing Special feave
' orders now,
Loy's Candy Parlors,
- The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon.
When you want
the Best ;
.PHONE' I85i
-. uicdiii iaunary
La Grande, Oregon.
Experienced Piano polisher and wood finisher.
Bar fixtures and Bank furniture and all "stain imitations a
specialty.1 Remodeling and repairing: All kinds of house
furniture polished and repaired. All work guaranteed
Leave orders at Pollman House, Phone, 1466
Startling Evidence
Frwh testimony In great quantity is
constantly coming In, declaring Dr.
King'sNew Disrovery for Consumption
Coughs and Colds to be unequated. A
recent expression from T J MoFarland
Bentorvllle, Va. umi as example,
He writes: "I had bronchitis tor
three years and doctored all the time
without being beniflted. Then I be
gan taking Dr. Ding's New Discovery,
and a few bottles wholly oure i me."
Equally effective in caring all Lang
and Throat troubles. Consumption,
Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by
NewHn Drag Company Trial bottles
tree, regular alzea 60o and II 00
When you want GOOD PRINTING
Call Phone No. 1371
1' t-
Worst of All Cxperiencees.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your last?
Such was the experienoe of Mrs 8. U
Newann, Deoatur, ,Ata "For three
years" she writes endured insuffer
able pain from indigestion, stomache
and bowel trouble Death seemed in
evltable when doctors and all reme
dies (ailed. At leozth I was induced
to try Eleotrio bitters and the result
was mlracolous, I Improved at once
and now I in completely recovered
For Liver' Kidney. Stomaoh and
Bowel troubles Electrio Bitters ia the
only randioine Only 50 ;. It's guar
anteed by Newlin Drag Co.
ftapbere is a difference'
between printing
that "will do" and that
which is the kind you
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasiug, as we have
. the equipment with
which to produce good
printing J and . printers
who understand the art
of printing.
' There is no order too
small or too large to
receive our caret ul
Wf print anything
lrom posters to visiting
The Tuesday Musical held one of the
most Interesting meetings yeeterdty
ever held by the club. The meeting
was held under the direction ol Mies
Allie Stephens. It was an opea meet
ing and an admission of ten oents was
charged. Toe attendanoe was all that
could be desired, and all present were
loud in the praise of Miss .Stephen who
so ably managed the meeting. , ;
Piano 80I0.......... Mrs W W Berry
"The Last Smile," H A Wollenbaufst
Vocl Solo.......... Mrs tl Laughlin
Guitar 80I0.. Mrs A L Biohardson
- "Lenora Maxurka, Aregalo
Vocal 80I0. ........... Mrs J J Catr
Olory to Heaven's Eternal King -Meysr
Helmond -Piano
Trio. . . Mrs Lyle, Misses Mo
Call and Stephana, Tauorede de
Roeatne, 0 0 Cseway
Vocal Quartette. . . .Mesdames Steven
Neil, and Forrest, -Miss Aldrich
Admission 10 Beginning promptly
at 2 iSO p at
Court Proceedings.
Do, supplies for treasurer 12 60
Irla Uodson, stationery as per
bill... ....1170
Lewis Prlntery, supplies as per -
bill..: 13 75
B C'hanoey, piloting snmmons
for sheriff 4 00
L II Wlllett, printing election
notices...; .... 22 75
La Grande Chronicle, publish
ing oourt proceedings 10 92
Geddee Bros, teat of building
for election 6 00
Park Bros, Drugs 8 00
Geo May relief ,., 8 00
Ella Neason same 15 00
Annie Holman, same 12 00
Inez Uuild, same 12 0
John Medlock, same 5 00
Jcbn Hildebraod, same.. 8 00
Daniel tiouder, same.......;.... 10 00
The following warrants were drawn
on toe continent fund.
Marion Irwin, boarding paupers 55 25
John Frawley, stamps 2 65
C. O Penington, phone messages '
eto 6 25
Do, expense delivering ballott
boxes..!......, 25 25
D H Procter, expense 5 60
J B Gilham, Co. clerk stamped
envelopes 67 80
Do, foeight and express 9 05
J tl Morton, stamps 2 60
M A Harrison, Co judge, cariDg
for indigent invalids and
phone 7 85
H P Olive-, insurance premium
on oourt house at Union
and poor farm . 154 60
The following warrants were drawn
on the road fund.
Sprat Moatgomurr. Piling forbridse
at Island City
John A Abbott, 412 feet bridge
J W Wills, Service as supervisor R
D No. 25.
Albert Rootblnr , work on R D.Fo 28
Frank liempc Services as suDCrvssor
No R D 28.
r rank Hempe. work on bridge H D
No 28,
R A Leatham, work on R D No 12
O Sherman, work on R ,D No 27
O W Kuokman. work on state ditch
and bridge
O W Ruotman, ,220 feet wire cable,
Mrs 1H Murphy, Nails and tools for
R D No 21.
R Morris, Work on R D No 21
VanHoaton A Messenger Timber for
O L Huffman, w ork on R D No 81
McKlnnis Bros, Timbers for R D No
E F Jones, Work on R D No 15
J B Ayrea, Work on K D No 16
Grande Konde Lumber Co. Planks
lor R D No 21
EOZ ak. Planks for R D No 26
MuKinnla Bros, flanks for R D No 0
Jos 8wei(el, Work on K D No 1
J W Lewis, work on r d No 9.
E W Devine, work on r d No 29
E W Devine, work on r d No 29.
tioodnouiiri Merc, Co Timbers for
bridge at Elgin,
Bammerville Lumber Co. Timbers
for rd No 8
Stoddard Lumber Co. Planks for
r d No 18
Simon Woodell, work on r d No 8
Tom Ficklin, Removing carcass
from Conuty road
J H Delauey, work on r d No i8.
Rufvis Wrigqt, work on r d 28.
Elgin forwarding Co, Nails tor Co
unty .
Gamins & Weaver, Plank for r d No
John liutr, work on r d 35
L L Cross, Services ss supervisor r d
No 35
P G Chandler, worx on r d No t
O Barnell work on r d No 4.
W W Woods, Hauling lumber Wal
lowa bridge.
Chas E Moore, work and repairs r d
No 2
MeEInnls, Bros Plauks for r d No 27
Cyrus Rash, Crldjre timbers for r d
No 3
8 O Ooff, work on r d No 5 '
Chet Hertlec, work on No S
Willford Henderson, work on r d 3
E W Devine, work on r d Ko 28
Hall Broa. Damages on II all Road,
Portland Aarkets
Chicken reoeipts are very large, and
the demand is rather light, and even
at the present lo prioea, the market
la weak. Theie is a soortage of Ume
geeae and turkeys and the demand la
good and prices strong.
The egg market ia weak, but there
are no changes in quotations. Al
though the receipts are nut very large,
yet there is no oatside demand.
The Onion market is firm but on
changed and the dealers are paying
from 11.10 to 12 25 per hundred, though
the latter prioe is exceptional.
Fancy Burbank potatoea are In good
demand and the prioes grow firmer.
The wheat market remains quiet aj.d
quotations are unchanged. .
Todaya quotations are as follows:
Wheat, export price 87o to90o
Barley, beat. ........ .$22.00 to 123.73
Oats ....820, to 827X0
Hay, timothy. .....$15 to 816
-Burres, Bin and poultry;
Butter best creamery .,..,.280 to 30
Butter, ordinary ,25o
Eggs, per dozen ....3o to 32o
Chickens, per pound... .....9o
Potatoes per cwt 85 to 95c
Onions, per cwt $2.40 to 82.50
A;;!: U, m ei.zo
Peaches, best, per box COo to 75o
Beets, per saok 11.25
Cabbage, per pound.
Steers.... .....13.60
Cows...... 2.75to3
Bolls ....11.75
Stags , 82
Hogs, best.... $4,50 to $5.25
Hogs, feeders $3.25 $4.25
Creamery Butter 65 cents per roll.
Butter Fat 20 cents, per pound.
'I was much afflcted with solatica"
writes Ed C Nud, Iowavlllo Bedgwlok
Co Kan, "going" about on crutches
and suffering a deal of pain. 1 was
induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment
I used three 5Jo bottles, It Is the
greatest l'nlment I ever used, have
leoommeniled it to a number of persons
all express themselves as being bene
fited by it, I now walk without orutch
ee, able to pefrormj a great . deal of
light labor on the farm." Newlln
Drug Co.
Many people who are negjactino;
symptoms of kirjnty iKiblef
hoping Mk will wear awe are
drifting towards Bright s Urease,
which is kidney tabfe in one of
its worst forms.
tops irregularities, strengthens
the urinary organs and builds up
the wora-out tissues of the kid
neys so they will perform their
functions properly. Healthy kid
neys strain out the impurities
from the blood as it passes
through them. Diseased kidneys
do not, and the poisonous waste
matter is carried by the circulation
to every part of the body, causing
dizsiness, backache, stomach
trouble, sluggish liver, irregular
heart action, etc.
If you have any signs ef Kidney
Of Bladder trouble commence tak
at once, as it will cure a slight die
order la a few days and prevent
fatal malady. If is pleasant to
lake and benefits the whole system.
How to Find Out
you can easily determine if your kfd
sys are out of order bv settfnff aside
Keys are out of order by setting aside
for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed
upon arising. It upon examination it
u ciouay or mil icy or baa a brick-dust
sediment or small particles float about
It, your kidney are diseased, and
taken at once . ,
Q. B. Barnaao Testifies After .
Four Year,
tt-lsrtsssef esrfltb) Cttttr. R. T,rttaa
SuMMdlroMrtSM pln toa rmptoauotkMnef.
(UMM diWPTlwrad. I SIB SlM to Skf Ibftt I
bare nerer kmA m return of any ef those arm
torn. Sarins' the four ysars that bare lkpaed,
tod I am erldaatlr eared to tay cured, ang
mrUljr renonMiond Foley's Kidnor Care Mf
SB aulisrlna from kldaar or bladdar liomhla."
On yearling steer, and one yearling
feifer. Both animals branded :. '
horseshoe around each hip bone. Were
lat area on Indian Creek range. A
suitable reward will be paid far them
r lor Information leading to
their recovering,
J Draper
R F D No I La Grannda Or
DAW 12-17 12-81
Driven to Desperation
1 Living at an out ot itha v nlaj
remote from civilization, a family ia
orten amen to desperation in eaae of
acciaent. resulting In Burn. nnt
Wounds, Ulcere, etc. Lay in a supply
of Booklen'a Arnica Salve, it's the
ou earth 25o, at Newlia Drug Store.
Coushin Spell Caused Death
"Harry Duckwell, aged 2 years
choked to death early yetterday morn.
Ing at bis home in the preaenoe of
his wife and child. He contracted a
slight cold a few days ago and paid bat
little .attention to it. Fester lay morn
Ing ho was seised with a fit ot oough
Ing which 1 ontinued for some time.
HU wife sent (ore physician but be-
tore no could arrive, another couglns
spell came on and Duckwell died from
suffocation, St Lours Globe-Demo,
ciat Deo 1 1904." Ballaids Horehound
fc-yrup wound have saved him. 25o. 60c
and tl 00 Newlia Urog Co. 'woowc
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well known Dealers
RomigA SUplea . Baker Broa.
Mo Faylane O. Balaton
Qeddes Broa J.W.White
0. L. Thorn
Remember every pound is guaranteed
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter you
help a home industry and thereby help your own .
business. '
PaBturixed Bweet Cream and Fresh Buttermilk
always onliand. '
La Grands Creamery Co
75c to $5.00
Borne are but
Three fina coal burners at a bargain,
Fine Guitar, new, only . . $710 '
Eight Winchester rifles $2.50 to $ 9.00
Iron Beds . . . 1.00 to 12.50
New Chairs : . .. . .60
New Chiffonier . . , . 8.50
New baby buggy and child bed at wholesale cost.
We carry
d i iiiiii umiiiii tsisui
T) be given at Island City
Mon. Night Dec. 26.
Nellson's Orchestra All am Invited.
Good .time Assnred .. . , Tlokets 11.00
a Srando investment Company,
Wednesday Dec, 21
University of Oregon,
Repertoire bright, catchy
eongs." Selections from
light opera, comic songs
and staunts.
Ihat Thrcbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr King's New Life Pills Thonaanda
ot sufferers have Droved their mateh.
less merit for Siok and Nervous Heads
aohee. They make pure blood and
ouiia ap your neaitn Only 25 oent.,
mony back If not cured. Sold by
slightly used.
Furniture Repairing
Stove Repairs.
....... ,.,J-t,4
a, ussssi
is what you buy when the prioe is
right. If you want to see some of
thai kijd of property don't lose any
time in getting here.
We have a lot (of real estate) for
sale, that other men would buy but
they bave net seen Hi II you see it
fir el and like it, then ll is yours al
the bargain prioe. '
We can't keep ll all.
1110 Ad ami Avcuuo
La Urande, Oregon