LA tiKANO ING VOLUME 'V LA GRANDE. UNION.COUNTY, OREGON TUESDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1904 NUMBER 53 EVEN 4 i Mi i? 6 : MONEY MAKING SCHEME Took Girs to Europe for a Pur pose. New fork Deo 20. That Mrs Uhad wlok'e open-handed hospitality in takn2 iftyn2 rr.niia rro U.i known families of Cleveland society on a toar of Europe was reall) a cold bloded basinesa proposition la the latest development of the ease , In which (his rauarkabl women figures t as the high priestess of freozied flu anoe ' According to a dispatch from Wash ington Mrs Chad wick nsed the yo ng women tn a gigantic smuggling deal The young women didn't realize that QOQQDQDDDQDQDDQO Helpful Holiday Hints See Our Ad Tomorrow ' - We wish to speak of our Hdiday Line this eailj because many will appreciate the hint. Our goods are all here. They are ready for inspection. The line is by far the finest we have ever shown. Too many things to specify here, we don't want to specify just yet, we want you to see the goods while the line is unbroken. You know the advantage of early choosing. Prompt buyers always avoid the rush and get choicest picking. Prices are as low as they can be 4l, and the very article you would See us about Books 4. . We have provided for you. We have the books suitable for Xmas gifts. We have the newest and most popular publications, as well as choice editions of standard works. Books not in stock will be pleased to order for you. I m 'a Libby's Cut Glass Don't buy cut glass unless "Libby" is cut in the glass, then you know you have the best. . THE NEWLIN DRUG CO LA GRANDE caoaonaoaaraaaaainaoBanaaiaaBBBii , thev wer? merely tools of a mercenary J wouieu bat thought that the was an oDlig:Du aod kind hotess when she j permitted them to oonreal $20,000 or (more in diamonds to each of their r 'spe"tlve per-oos and In their baggage all of which escaped customs duties. Treasury otfii lals are questioning the voting women as Mrs Cbadfffck's 10 young guests made the European tour to care of a well known excursion even rv. The expenses were fiO.MOO By smuggling $200,000 in J diamotds wiin ine aid oi the girls, Mrs (Jaad wiok probaMy cleared a handsome pro fit on the trip bbe bought t be dia monds in France and Holland , An accHent occured at the Electric Light Plant and the engineers l:g was . broken by allying piece of the en gine. ' ' The Methodists have decided to ex-, hlblt their Christmas tree Saturday evening Instead of Monday. It will be seen at 7 sharp as the German Church will nae the same room after tL 4uouiuuiui jtre through There will be two trees both church possess log one. Blockiand Brothors received another fine Poland China hog this morning from the Hazzelwood people This i Is a spring hog and weighs 400 pounds,' Mr Blookland was pleased when he saw his new porchaae and freely expressed himself to the effect that this U the finest spring hog the firm has ever owned. BCCOOCBCtlDODaa . - ' 4 t most prefer may not wait- ' ft 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 OREGON 4 GOVERNMENT HAS NET SET CLOSE The Meshes are Arranged to Capture the Large Fish as Well as Small Ones. Portland Journal . . Behind the closed doors of the feder i giand jury room began this mora- ing the inquisition whioh Is expected to result in the indictment of the greater criminals In the huge conspir acy to deraud the government of Its publio lands. Fear has aeized the conspirators and confessions have been made implicating men high In publio life and in the affair) of the state. Senator John H Mitchell and Con gressman Binger Hermann are hurry ing home from Washington to face the grand Jury and make an effort to clear themselves of complicity tn the frauds BtiOrmsbyand 0 E Lonmls, the former employes of the land depart ment who made false reports upon the fraudulent homestead entries of the Puter-McKlnley ring, must fare a rig id examination before the grand jury and it is confidently expected by those familiar with the facta that they will both be indicted. State Senator Frankl n Pierce Mays must explain his dealings with the conspirators and another state senator Is also to under go inquisition. Men of prominence in this city and In the state are deeply involved, and the army of witnesses subpoened by the government plainly shows that no gnilty man will be spared. GOVERNMENT NET 18 WIDE Never in the history of the country has the government made more extra ordinary efforts to sift a crime and to bring the criminals to justice. The conduct of the investigation has been taken wholly oat of the hands of the LA GRANDE IS BOUND Every Indication Points Increase There Is Plenty o Room to Expand. The phenoaainal growth, during the last nine months of the city os La Grande s umpiecedented iu the bieto-y of any town in Eastern Oregon m Idaho. One can scarojly form toy idea of what La Grande was a year ago of complete is the obange by the num ber of new dwelllogs constructed and nnder construction in all sections of the city that the identity of the city at it wa a year ago fs almoet lost, and white we notice with pride the enormous and substantial growth dur ing the last nine months we can look with absolute oert air ty for the coming year to rival all expectations of the most siDguine believer in La Grande The completion of the two electric powei Ian ts in the early-spring will be a means of bringing In a number of new enterprises which will aid ma terially in the op building of the city The assured building of the eleotrio road to the Cove and other parts of the valley will stimulate the growth of La Grands and wh?n contti notion will have beuun in Febiusry, look for an impetus in sale of property and ad vance in prices which will be surpris ing. , There Is a good d al of property changing hands and a number of oat district attorney's offloe and is direct ed Solnlv h Fnn 4u J H'TICJ. ItZ keenest detectives of the secret service have been detailed on the cases and they are now assembled In this city. Among them are man of national rep utation whose skill in the detection or crime has made them famous. Every man who la suspected of com plicity la the land fraudu is nnder the closest scrutiny. The utmost pre cautions have been taken to prevent the escape of any of the guilty persons. The extraordinary precautions that are being t ken Indioate the govern -m nt's determined purpose to get to the bottom of the great conspiracy and to punish those concerned In it. MITCHELL AND HERMAN COMING Interest naturally centers in the qneatipn whether Senator Mitchell and Congressman Hermann will be implies, ted by the evidenoe to be submitted to the grand jarv. Both officials were Interviewed in Washington before their departure last evening and both ex pressed themselves as confident of es tabllshiua their innooense. Thev re. for to the Investigation as "malicious persecution" on the part of Seoretary Hitchcock. Senator Mitchell end Congressman Hermann will arrive In Portland Fri day evening, and will undoubtedly be given an early opportunity to. app ar Derore the grand jury. Against Her manu the government has some verv strong evidenoe. Muoh of it relates to facts which were published last sarins during his campaign for re-eleotlon to oongresi. , - TO GROW to Rapid and Constant side parties looking over the city. During the next two years real estate will inoreasd in many instances five fold City property will never be low in La Gaande again . Srme parties will make money on real estate and that soon, for in no enterprises can money be made more quickly than in real e'tate in a rapidly growing town and that with perfect safety to the investor. We will watch the outcome with interest. Gontract Let M L Causey this afternoon let the contract for Exhibit Hall to Pete Bos quet for a little In excess of 1500 The building will be forty feet in length try ten wide and the ceiling will be fourteen feet. It is expected that it will be ready by the lfith of Feburary. SUMMERVILLE REVIVAL The revival services being conduct ed b) Rev Need man and Mr Powers becoming a great success. Much interest is being aroused and many converts are being secured. The singing by Mr Powers is a great aid. PUBLIC BUILDING FOR BAKER CITY Washington, Dec 19 The Secretary of the Treasury today sent to Congress a recommendation that an appropria tion be made for erecting a poh'lc building at Baker City, Oregon, on a site heretofore aqaired. No amount la named. Hitchcock Confident Washington, DO., Deo. 19. Secre tary Hitchcock was asked this morning about the charge made that he. had been responsible for drassln Mitchell end Hermann into the land fraud cas es, bat refused directly to answer any questions. He contented himself with saying that the charge were more eer- toasthan Mitchell and Herman be lieved. and that tfc MA rrrir.! entirely to their connection with the oase recently tried in Portland. lie also declarad other prominent men would be brought into the cane before long. He Is very confident t bat the evidence agalnat Mitchell and Hermann will sustain bis suspicions. Against Railroads Washington, Deo. 20 In a decision handed down by Chief Justice Fuller in the case of Johnson vs the Southern Paolflo Railway Com Dan v. the Bnnreme Court of the Unite ) States today prac ncatiy neia Ibst all oars, lnolading lo comotives, should be equipped with uniform, automatic oonolinaa The court a!so held that dining cars cannot be exempt from the requirements o the safety appliance law when In nae, even though empty. The Lyle Tuesday Musical la giving a very entertaining program this after noon. CHRISTMAS GOODS The Big Line is at HILL'S, DRUG STORE A. T. HILL. Prescription Druggist Lowest Prices Best Goods H ATS 25 Pct Cent off on all Hats Until the first of th year every Hat in the store will be sold at a 25 per cent discount This is your opportunity to get your HolU day Hat at a bargain. Novelties .The latest in braided handle parses and Peggy bags. Something new in combs and barett8. Ribbons At a discount. The finest line of rih bous ever shown in the city. Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and Powders Switches, Pompadours and Bangs Collars This s positively a be secured here. MRS. J. R. FORREST, 5 Milliner ' WILL MOVE HERE La Grande will Soon H ave a Foundry and , Machine Shop. m. T tm - - . . w tnMMii) ui iseiwa wasa who spent several days In our city with a view of opening a foundry, maobine shop and general blacksmith shop has leased the Alexander property on Elm street for a period tt five years and expects to arrive with several car loads of machinery about the first of Feburary. There is certainly a first class open, ing for just such an Industry aa this ss there are thousands of dollars of repairs that annually leave thisoounty and Wallowa county that should be taken care here. Mr Fitzgerald has been engaged in this line of work for a number of years in Dayton and be lelvea this a much better field or he would not move here 'The residents of Acme addition have made a much needed Improvment tor their section of the city by building a long line of cinder sidewalk. This will give them an opportunity to reauh the main t art of town without resort ing to fait boats or stilts. . nmimtiiM Handkerchiefs Special line just re ceived. From now nntil Jan. 1, for 5 cents up. " new line and can only m f! ! !"." a. . V