1 X, .3 LSILVERPLATE . That wearsalmost as lonz as eoim silver is the kind we keen Only th. products of the best best known manufacturers find their way into this store, and every piece has" the maker's name and mark on it,' In ad dition we add our personal guarantee as to tke quality. WHICH DEPENDABLE J. H. pi 1 V '""ItJ ear THE JEWELER 4 fi CLOCKS i Clocks of every ' style are in this collection and everyone is really"; handsome. Even the strenoons little - alarm clocks have their own good looks. There are clocks for the bed rnptfl, prlor, dinning room and hall. All are acurate time keepers and really excellent values. THE STOCK T HE QUALITY THE THE STYLE PRICES IS COMPLETE GUARANTEED IS CORRECT ARE RIGHT Now is the time to make selections . ) Ktuut3II0N - SALE SILVERWARE Especially Interesting" ' 4 Makers have prod need some strikingly handsome de'signs thi88eason in TEAJAND COFFEE SETS CAKE BASKETS, PICKLF4 JARS, . PITCHERS, ETC Many of the; most beautiful areshovu here. - An inspection of our' display will prove a pleasant and profitable way of spending an hour or so. We wont urge you to buy but our goods and prices , are very tempting. I : JILVERWARE The display of complete sets and single pieces is the most at- tractive to be seen in the city. The designs are entirely new and very beautiful and have been worked out J with great skill and taste.'' SENATOR CLARK'S MOTHER DEAD We have made np our mind to sell every roll of Wall Paper in our itore before the next spring stock arrives, and in order to insure a complete cltan-up we have cut the price regardless of former price Wall Paper from 5 cents up We Want to dear the house before March 1st as we expect a carload of W II Waper to a arrive on that date. v We have more Wall Paper ' now on hand than all the btherpaper houses ia the county. There , fore you will have a greater variety to idect from. Our present stock b complete. , Stackland & MeLaehlen PAINTS.'1 eiliS" AND 'SEASS i t f UNDERTAKERS' ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS Having purchased the undertaking goods of 25. , Androssfy Co., at aneatXy date ice expect to find suitable quarters and will open the most complete . and up-to-date Undertaking Parlors in Eastern Oreidnl l Jri the meantime we are prepared to ; render the best possible service and will be found ' at the Andross $ ColsWarniture Store. 1 ;' We have ' had many years experience in this' business and know that the public will appreciate the establishmen t that we will maintain. Kr - Our prices will be reasonable, and our ; stocky complete. All calls will receive prompt attention GIPPIN & HOQAN. For the present with EAndrossCq, Los Angeles, Deo. 19. Mra. Mary Andrews Clark, mother of Senator William A Clark and of J Rosa Clark, is dead at her home In this city after an illness of but three days, Mra. Clark was nearly 92 years of age. Ar rangements for the funeral await her son, J Ross Clark, who will arrive from Sao Francisco tarly this morn iDg. Senator Clark, unaware of the te" ious illness of his mother, has sailed for Europe Port Arthur Silent Che Foo, Deo, 19. There is no Dews from Port Arthur today. SPECIAL SCHOOL' MEETING - ' -.. . ..... i 11 Notice is hereby given to the , legal voters of .School District No. One, of Union County, State of Oregon, that a Special School Meeting of said District will U held at the High School Balld ng in said Dist riot on the 28th day of December, 1901, at two o'olook in the afternoon, (or the following objects : To levy a tax for the support of the schools daring this and the ' ensuing year and for the purpose of levying a tax for the payment of interest on t be bonded debt of the district and for the purpose of levying a tax to provide a fond with whloh to payoff the bonded debt of the district. , Dated ibis 12th day of December 1901 Geo. W Hansen, Chairman Board of Directors. i A ttest: A 0 Williams, District Clerk Heart'Ruttenn& UndigUd food and gas In the stom ach located just below (the heart, presses it an I causes heirt palpltat ionr When your heart troubles you in that way take ilerblne for a few days. Yoa will soon be ail right, 60o. Newlin Drug Co Cured Paralysis W BiBaily, P 0 True, Texas, writes "Mv wife had been sufferiug five years with paralysis in her arm when I was persuaded to use Ballards Soow Liniment which cured her all right. I have also need it for old sores frost bites and skin eruptions. It doea the work." 25o 60o 11.00 Newlm Drug Co .5 ' Important Notice All persons' knowing themselves in debted to me will please call at the harness shop and settle up before Dec 30, ion. r ) : K Any bills not paid before that date wi I be placed in the,hands o an at toi aey for collection. - J H Chllds Phone 91 . Notice of, Final Settlement Notlo to hereby (tlven to whom It mar eon No", to hwhy (tlvn. that the nndenlKiied rem ttuU there eaian to m; pl.oe about July Ih.aflled theUnal aowunt ofherl..lng a e Int. 1B04. two mlloa north of Ferry on DUIe eculrtj orUiaUwt will au tmamunt or Mai Hat tlie following deeorlbed animal, Ona dark- Uia J Wat.n, 'tm4. nd that the toanty brown heifer, part Jemey, romliig two year C-rt Disappointed .lloaday tha i 2nd day cl oH, without vl.lble brands or ear mark! Jannary hk, at 9oelwk p. in. m the time, and Paid animal baa been Uken up by m and ia the Cim Home at Im WrntMe, union miDi lion to the name, will apinrat wild lima and with mw n.Mln ..n .Km TWu mtf nluM .Ivilll 4 mile Dortheaat of liland Cltv. and owner final aooount. All pennus hi-g hiit ob)ec; oia have ume by proving propnrtv and pay- llonn to the aama, will apiarat aain tin .han. ' . uriuiluir niw. and otlcr aald obicci on! thereto. Hnma In Old TnwnJ 1 Hrnnda. UrMOIL i . - IDA MBA V IClerutrlS . ... : . . " I . . v ..... ... ikj l. I ui il a una 2ui iiajr oi novemuer. iwn. i aa uhjhm via... ww, Public Sale Three quarter sections all plow land t miles south of Island City in a body or ill divide to suit. Only 25 00 per acre Mostly seeded fall grain others ask 15,00 and 50.00 See Powers the MinnisoU Landman Ml was muoh afflcted with sciatioa" writes Ed C Nad, Iowavllle Sedgwick Co Kan, "going" about on crutches and suffering a deal of pln. 1 was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment I need three 60o bottles, It is the greatest liniment I ever used, have recommended it to a number of persona all express themselves aa being bene fited by it, I now walk without crutch es, able to pefrorm a great -deal of light labor on the (arm." Newlin Drug Co. ......... Shingles, ' Shingles " Two oar loads of first class shingles just reoeived by the Stoddard Lumber Company..' ' y.if Pblio Money to Loan Insurance Representing the Equitable Savings & Lo'an Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & most reliable institution on the Pacifio coast, under State ! supervision. Loans made short or long time to suit. ! ' WM. GRANT, Agent City property for sale. iMIIttltiaitmi t . t ! tt-ttttttimtt0ata.j BLOCKL AND BROS. Island City, Oregon breeders ofJ"BERK8HIKE"?aod oTaTTCCHITIa SWINE. ' " . . . We now have eight young'bucks, pure tbred, Oots wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need, ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hoga, as we breed them 1 for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before buving some where else. weedeee siesveisiataiej AAiai . . - - -'rr-w-w-v-WW-W Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord, lft-inch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than bv the lnnd. You pay for what you get a&d get what you pay for. Phone 571, H. W. NIBLEY a ,.(tn)M , MX . There is one t lasof singers that al ways take glee clubs. The unlverei ty of Oregon's ttjrgregation of 20 men with a stunning repertoire appear here Decemiier 21. Fine impiaouations an i soli nu. ii hem. The treat of the sran In things musical. Admissioa 50 oeuts will be charged , GOOD BEEF can be had here dally. We are very careful In the aeleotlonit we make when purchasing our miiats, and our judg ment Is never at fault, Good beef is a, strong factor in health-building. It makes bone nnd muscle. WE PROVIDE the begt of beef, and other meats, and j sell tbem at very fair prioen. You'll I be satisfied with the quality of beef Walt ft Vita i ri If nn w nrtvoria ao m m diIa here. - 1 . i v.. .,"M.l ... i . Na. lis . 4 . - - , ... . t ., i,t hr . . J- Uv, Bock & Thomas jv- aVMt ."'Hi ; t . - i i