La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 19, 1904, Image 3

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Santa Qaus can Find NotHing
Better than
Everv Part of it Made at Home and
is Pure, Wholesome and Delightful.
If you want somothing Special leave
orders now.
Loy's Candy Parlors,
The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon.
When you want
the Best
A. B. C Steam Laundry
La Grande, Oregon.
Experienced f iano polisher and wood finisher.
Bar fixtures and Bank furniture and all stain imitations . a
specialty. Remodeling and repairing: All kinds of house
furniture polished and repaired. All worb guaranteed
Leave orders at Poll man House, Phone, 1466
Startling Evidence
Fresh testimony In great quantity ia
constantly coming-in, declaring Dr.
King'sNew Discovery for Consumption
Coughs and Colds to be uneqaaled. A
recent expression from T J MoFarland
Bentorvllle, Va. serves as example,
He writes: "I had bronchitis for
three years and doctored all the time
without being beoifited. Then I be
gan taking Dr. Ding's New Discovery,
and a (ew bottles wholly cured me."
Equally effective in caring all Lung
and Throat troubles, Consumption,
Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by
Newlta Drug Company Trial bottles
free, regular sizes 60o and 11 00
When you want GOOD PRINTING
Call Phone No. 1371
Worst of Alt Experiencees.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that eveiy minute will be your last?
Such was the experience of Mrs 8. II.
Newson, Deoatur, Ala. "For three
years" she writes "I endured Insuffer
able pain from indigestion, etomache
and bowel trouble. Death seemed in
evitable when doctors and all reme
dies failed. At length I was induced
to try Eleotrio bitters and the result
was miraculous. I improved at once
and now I ui completely reoovered.
For Liver' Kidney. Stomaon and
Bowel troubles Electrio Bitters is the
only medicine Only 50c It's guar
anteed by Newlin Drug Co.
There is a difference
between printing
that "will do" and that
which is the kind you
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasicg, as we have
the equipment with
which to produce good
printing and printers
who understand the art
of printing.
There is no order too
small or too large to
receive'' our careiul
attention . -
We print anything
lrom posters to visiting
.cards. '
Portland Markets
Chicken receipts are very large, and
the demand Is rather lisht. and even
at the preaentlo prioes, the market
Is weak. There is a saortage of Urns
geese and turkeys and the demand is
good and prioes strong.
1 The egg market ia weak, bat there
are no changes in quotations. Al
though the receipts are not very large,
j yet there is no outside demand.
' The Union market ia Arm but an
, changed and the dealers are paying
Iroin li 10 to $2 25 per hundred, tboogh
the latter price is exceptional.
Fancy Burbank potatoes are In good
demand and the prioes grow firmer.
The wheat market remalnsqaiet ai.d
quotations are unchanged. s
Todays quotation areas follows:
Wheat, export price. .......87o to 90a
Barley, best $22X0 to 123.75
Oats ..................$20. to 127.00
Hay, timothy US to $16
Burrsa, B333 and pouLTar
Batter best creamery...... 28 to 90
Batter, ordinary ...25o
Egs, per doxen .....2Gc to 32Wc
Chickens, per pound 90
Potatoes per owt ....85 to 65o
Onions, per owt $2.10 to 12.00
Apples, best, per box SL2S
Peaches, best, per box ..... .60o to 76o
Beets, per taok 1125
Cabbage, per pound ljfa
... .....13.60
....43.75 to S3
best..... MJUto 15.25
Hogs, feeders.. 3.25 14.25
Creamery Batter 65 cents per roll.
Batter Fat 26 cents, per pound.
The Angers ol an expert osteopath
are a ble tc detect every fibre of the
body structure that is out of harmony
as qaiokly as the ear ol a musioian can
deteot a dieoorded note.
. Tillmann's Fine Goods
EverT honrokannarranta nnr anln.
es and flavoring extracts . Tillmann's
are maae lor the best family trade.
1 . 17-Zt
One yearling steer, and one yearling
heifer. Both animals branded with
horseshoe around each hip bone. Were
laBt sren on Indian Creek range. A
suitable reward will be paid (or them
r for . information leading to
their recovering,
J Draper
R F D No I La Grannde Ore.
DAW 12-17 12-31
Cured Paralysis
W S Bally, P O True,' Texas, writes
"Mt wife had been suffering five
years with paralysis in her arm whan
I was persuaded to ase Ballards Snow
Liniment which cared her all right
I have also used it for old sores frost
bites and skin eruptions. It does the
work." 25o 60c Sl.eO-Newlm Drug
Co '
Business of County.
H Tata1 an, same
6 00
6 00
6 20
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 0(1
6 20
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
e 00
e 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
e 00
e 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 09
0 00
6 00
6 00
E L Owsley, same
W H Stoner, Judge and mess of
J? E Enloe, Judge of election. .
John Baker, Judge of election. .
Win Miller, Clen of election..
ff K Nordhoff, same
W I Bissonett, same
J P Clark, Judge of election. . .
Jas McCoy, same
J M MoCall, Judge and Mess
of election
Grant Key, Clerk of election..
H .0 Thompson, Clerk of
Arthur YVarnlck, same
J W McAlister, Judge of election
Dexter Eaton, same
O E Bolden, same
W p Shtrwood, Clerk of
Jai H Gutridge, same
' E l W Kammerer, same. .......
H O Gorham, Judge of election
J II Currant, same
S Vandeoar, .Judge and Mess
of election
G O Rinearson, Clerk of
A Rollins, same
J O Plloher, same
C.E. Henderson, .Judge of
Chas R Patton, same
S J Marshall, same....;
J B Weaver, Clerk of election
John Raney, same...
C G Maxwell, .same
C F Robertson, Judge of
U Coal well, same...
P Mimoaugh, same..
W I Stoddard, Clerk of election
Will Kelley, Clerk and Mess
of election
Axel Johnson, same...... .....
M D Sanderson, Judge Jot
H Hog,' same
J W Tattle, Judge of election
A Mess of election
9 40
E Logaa, Clerk of election... fi 00
WUGleeu, same 6 00
ODMoDoweU, same....". 6 00
T J Lof tus. Judge of election. . 6 00
W 8 McMUlian, same........... 6 00
J B Ay res, Judge and Mess
ol election " 14 00
J H Jones, Clerk of election.... 6 00
EE Junes, same. 6 00
A J Sullivan same.... a oO
W Y ChrlatlansoB, Judge of
- election..;. 6 00
Chas W Chandler, same . 6 CO
W H Russell, same 6 00
H V Spenoer, Clerk of election
Kb Wade, same 6 00
John A Hog, Clerk & Mess of
election "" 9 60
Andrew Wilkinson, Judge of
election 6 00
Fd Mitchell, Judge of election.. 6 00
UJ uobuanberg, same... 6 00
H O Bidwell, Clerk of election 6 00
UP Oliver, same. 6 00
J A Gllfilian, same. 6 00
K E Foster, Judge of election . . 6 Oo
N FFkklin, same..... 6 On
8 DCorrey, ssme..: 6 00
Waldo Perry, Clerk of election.. 6 00
F W Davis, dark and Mesa of .
election 060
L H Gardiner, Clerk of election. 6 00
OW P Ellsworth, Registering
voters. Nov Election ........ 1 00
Jos Jones, Hauling election
supplies 6 00
L J Keavis, Renting building and
registering.....: ...103j
G O Osboro, rent of building for
election 6 00
E B Morelook. registering voters 4 70
School Dist No 10, rent of build.
ing for election 600
H Iuurwt, special N deputy Not
eltotion 6 00
Jos Jones, same.... 6 00
Josh Hopper, same... 6 00
Chas McCrearv. same : 6 00
J 0 Christiansen, same.... .. . 6 00
GW Harris, ssme...... 6 00
J B Thompson, same 6 00
Ij Landers, sime 6 00
W H Briggs. same 6 00
fl W Holmes, same 6 00
U S Howes, same 6 00
D C Crawford, same 6 00
A W Arnold, same 6 00
John M Jones, same 6 00
a M Penlngton, tame 6 00
A J Vnndevanter. same 6 00
John Welch, same 6 00
O w Oliver, same 6 00
Jim Btz, same 6 00
Fred L Drake, repairing type
writers.; 88 00
Florence Dobbin, costs case
Dobbin t Union Co 17 00
Pao States Tel Co, phone service
Sheriff's office 27 70
came, oleik'a office 7 00
Same, poor farm..... 1 00
La Grande Light & Power Uo.
lights 7 00
John Wilson, wood 2 75
O O Johnson, wood 6 00
David Bay, blaoksmitbing 3 50
Union Eleo Light Co, lights for
poor farm 7 00
J M Selder, commissioner's fees
for Nov. -TT. i8 60
Robt Blumenstein, tame 19 60
C T Bacon, examining Miller
insane.. 6 00
Dr G L Biggers, examining Anie
Keavis insane 5 00
Alex Slater, caring for insane.. 4 35
b V Ferguson, repairing public
property for county 4 60
Clark E (founders, M D services .
as county pbysloian 29 10
Jos Wright, Mdse. for paupers. . 19 25
Albert Winters, serving notloe
on coroner.,
4 10
25 00
4 70
5 00
8 30
9 85
4 80
1 70
1 70
6 80
7 90
3 90
1 70
1 70
3 90
6 15
3 80
1 70
19 00
1 70
1 70
8M Goff, stock, inspector for
S M Goff, registering voters. ...
8 M Goff, juror, oiroult oourt
Nov term
3 M Goff, J P fees state v Ras-
J C Christiansen, const fees
state v RasmuBsen
John E Hough, J P fees state v
J H MiLaoblin, const fees state
t Denny
Walter O'Bryant, Wit fees same
J J Carr, same
L Ray burn, same
John E Hough, J P fees state v
J H McLachlin, const fees state
v Prillaroan ,..
John Harvy, wit fees v state
Wm Wenham, same....
Ed Bussey, same
Paulina Prlllaman, same
John Harvy, ssme
John E Hongh, J P fees same. .
J H McLachlin, const fees same
Isaac Shafer, Wit fees state v
J H McLachlin, const fees same
Isaac fihafer, Wit fees same
Irene Vandermeuien, same
(Continued Tomorrow)
On all cash purchases of
$1.00 or over on meats and
lard unsil July 1, 1005. A
complete stock of meats, poul
try, lard, hams, etc.
Fhone 1601
toughing Spell Caused Death
"Harry Duck well, aged 25 years
choked to death early yeHerday morn
ing at bis borne in the presence of
his wife and child. He contracts I
alight euld a few dayssgo and paid I m
little attaotion to it. V eater lay moi u
ing be was seized with a fit of ooogh
Ing which ontinued for some time.
Ills wife sent for a physician but be
fore be could arrive, another couging
Dell nama on mA Dunks II fi A
suffocation, fit Lours Globe-Demo
cri wa x law." jsaiiaias rtorebound
6yrap wound have saved him. 25c. 50c
and 11.00. Newlin Drag Co.
Driven to Desperation
l uviiig at an out or the way place,
j remote from civilization, a family is
often driven to desperation in ease of
acciaenl, resulting In Burns, Cuts.
Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the
on earth 25c, at Newlin Drug Store.
Notice Of Final Account
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned, . Administratis of the
estate of William Spenoer, deceased,
has filed In the County Court of Union
County for the state of Oregon her
final account as such administratrix,
a ud the Court has fixed Monday the
19th day of December 1004 for hearing
any objections to said .final account
s 1 J for the final settlement thereof
1 t td this November 19, 1904
Minnie M Spenoer, Administratrix
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter
A.t the Following Well known Dealers
Romig Staples Baker Bros.
Mo Faylane O. Ralston
Geddes Bros J.W.White
0. L. Thom
Remember every pound ia guaranteed
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter yoa
help a home iudustry and thereby help your own
business. -
Pastnriied sweet Cream and Fresh Buttermilk
always onjhand. '
La Grand- Creamery Co
I '- 75c to $5.00
Some are but
Three Tin coal burners at a bargain,
Fine Guitar, new, only ... . . $7.60
Eight Winchester rifles $2.50 to $ 9.00
Iron Beds . . . 1.00 to 12.50
New Chairs : . . . .60
New Chiffonier . . . . . . 8.50
New baby buggy aad child bed at wholesale cost.
J Upholstering
J We carry
r 1
To be given at Island City
Mon. Night Dec. 26.
Nellson's Orchestra
Good time Assured '
jCa Srande Snvcstmont Company,
1110 idama Avenue, La Grande, Oregon
Wednesday Dec, 21
University of Oregon,
GLEE and .
Repertoire bright, catchy
conjs. Selections from
light opera, comic songs
and staunts.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if yon sued
Dr King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers bave proved their match
less merit for Bick and Nervous Heads
aches. They make pure blood and
build op your health. Only 25 cent-,
mony back if not oared. Sold by
Newlin Drug Co.
slightly used. .
Furniture Repairing '
Store Repairs. .
.. ....,,,
All are Invited.
Tickets 11.00
"'f" ?
is what you buy when the prioe is
right. If you want to see some of
that kiad of property don't lose any
time iu getting here.
. We have a lot (of real estate) for
sale, that other men would bay bat
they beve net seen it i If you see it
first and like it, then it is yours at
the bargain price. .
We can't keep It all,