LA 01 tAHvt OBSERVER VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON MONDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1904 NUMBER 52 5 1 11 'U HURT BY THE TRAIN Passenger Receives Seri ous Injury. tbe train, but when he reached this plaoj be iu s WMk, from the pain that wm unable to go farther and so b stopped off bar for the eerloes of a physician. Dr Motitor attended to bla wounds, and It waa nec-eesary to Uka two atltchea In bit upper Up. Tba Injuria sustained although vary painful ara not aeriooa and Mr Wat rou w'dl rewms bla Journey to 8ho bona, Idaho to which place ha waa. enroute whaa tba aooldent oocarad. At but r porta Mr Watreaa waa rating easily bat wu stilt to weak to mote about . RUSSIAN OFFICER DESCRIBES BATTLE Washington waa Beverly hart thla morning In attempting to board pass- engar train No 0 aa it . waa tearing Pendleton. Aa Mr Watross waa at tempting to board tba train, In some manner ba slipped and the ratalt waa aaaTarafall, Although ba waa severely bruited otbarwiaa, the worat hart waa a cat nn tba lip Ha succeeded in making Exhibit Hall M L Causey informed an Observer .epresentatlve thit afternoon that ha would let the contract for the eons tr not ion of the Exhibit Ball Monday. There will ba thousands paaa through oar olty daring 1905 and tba great majori; ty will narar forget the exhibit that can and will ba mad at oar depot of onr raribd products. - Japanese Won Their Point, but With Sacrifice Blood Flowed in Rivulets. Great Accidentally Shot Spokane, Dae. 19, Ex-Chief of Po lice B M Woydt, waa accidentally shot this afternoon, tha ballet passing through bis body about three inohea above his heart . His revolver fell from Its bolster, striking a rock and discharging tha weapon. Ha baa a a slight chance for recovery. Obe Foo, Deo. 19 For ferocity and of the wonnded, eonae t . .m " " the straggle for the possession of High bill wu probably tha most re markable in the history of the siege of Port Art bar a siege noted for slaughter. The statement is based on an interview which the correspondent of the Associated Press bad with Com mander Mizseneoff, executive - officer of the battleship Poltava op to tba time that vessel was disarmed and OfiOODDODDflBDODBB - a 4) w 4i 4i 4 4 . ' 4i 4 4 4 4 4 . sa il m m m See us about Books DOOOODBBBBBBOfllM . .... ......... . . 4 . - 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 who, as already told, headed tha ' prepared huge piles ol wood , coal and For the Holiday Forehanded We wish to speak of our Holiday Line this early because many will appreciate the hint Our goods are all here. They are ready for inspection. The line is by far the finest we have ever shown. Too many things to specify here, we don't want to specify Just yet, we want you to see -the goods while the line is unbroken. You know the advantage of early choosing. - - Prompt buyers always avoid the rush and get choicest picking. Prices are as low as they can be and the very article you would most prefer may not wait We have provided for you. We have the books suitable for Xmas gifts. We have the newest and most popular publications, as well as choice editions of standard works. Books not in stock will be pleased to order for you." Libby's Cut Glass y. Don't bay cut glass unless "Libby" is cut in the glass, then you know you have the best. " of whom bad . . .. . - surcease for their dying agonies. "Eventually, aa in similar instances which were to follow, we retired, leaving the work of driving the enemy from the sum-sit to the resistless guns of iha neighboring forts, notably those of Liaoti mountain. "The Japanese adopted a ouhous expedient wbich assisted them great ly in tha third assault. They had party ol seven Russians wno lets Port Arthur in a sailboat December 16. "The Japanese were compelled to clamber up the slopes of tbe hill, in many oases without firing, in the face of one of tbe most murderous deluges ever poured torn rifles and maohine guns. I was there and it saemed to ma that flesh and blood would ba nn able to stand our fire for a minute. The enemy went down in squads and companies, but always toere wer others grimly coming forward. Their bravery was beyond praise as was that of our own men. Sometimes tba fighting was hand to band, with the muszles of tbe rifles at tha breasts of the contestants, the bayonets be ing used as swords. The sid 's of tbe hill were strewn with bodies and the snow was crimsoned with the blood corn stalks wbiob tuey ignited, tbe wind being' in tbe faces of the Bus- sians. Tbe resultant fire was im mense and the flames and smoke oom polled the Russians to retire. AWFUL SLAUGHTER "The red glare from this fire dis oiosed a ghastly picture more infernal than ever dreamed by Dante. "The assaults thus far bad cost the Japanese easily 11,000 men while our own were under 2000 Tbe sides ol the hill were' literally covered with dead and wounded. The trenches were rivulets of blood an every vis ible spot was dyed crimson . "Wa might retake the hill,' said General Stoesael but tbe hi'I is not of sufficient importance to us to Justify further sacrifice." Returned Home - Mr. A B Conley and wife, Mr. Ed Conley and wife and Mr J J Conley returned yestaiday morning . from Ban Kranoisoo Mr. A B Conley left this city several days ago to Los Angeles where he met the members of his fam ily who have been touring the east for some time past. Tbe party, consisting of Mrs. A B Oonley, Ed Conley and wife, and 3 J Conley, have been visiting In several plaoealnthe eaatern states and also in tha southern states. They were pleasant visitors at tha St. Louis Fair and visited relatives in Illinois. They slso vieited New Orleans and in El Paso Texas, where they witnessed aev era! bloody Spanish bull fights. The entire party was well all the time they were gone and expressed themselves as delighted with .the entire tour, and well pleased with the courtesy with whloh they were treated at every point on the trip. After meeting the party oeeded with them to the Catalina Is lands where they spent an enjoyable ime, afterwards returning to Los An geles. From this plaoa the party went to San Tanoiaoo tor a few days, but Mr. Conley states that, after the wom en of the party got their faoea turned home, nothing could atop them ani tha consequence wu that the party re turned sooner than he had contempla ted. This however, la only like all people.who love their homes, it seems unusual and unfamiliar not to be at home when the Christmas tide rolls aroand. WOOLEN MILLS BIG ORDER $27,000 White Blanket Order from One Firm PASSED BAD CHECK A Smooth Young Man Passed Forged Check and is Arrested. Another esse of misplaced confidence developed in this city Saturday. This time the smooth yrung man presented a letter and a cbeok purporting to be from the Baker City Herald and pur chased goods to the amount of forty oue dollars. The check called for thirty five dollars and waa accepted aa good at N K West's store. A few miuutes attar the check waa cashed, In - duties that tbe Judge Brown of Baker City asking him to arrest the party and hold blm until be could come down and get him,. Officer McLaohlen waa soon on the trail of the smooth young fellow whooonid "think of nothing else today" and discovered that he had taken to tall timber. He had secured a team and driver at the City 8tables ani was on his wsy to Hilgard when he was overtaken by Mr MoLaoblen at Perry. Be Is wanted at Baker City for forging a check on the Baker City Herald to the amount of twenty one dollars. Ha answered to the Dame of MoClegg while here. Some of the Co. L boya may remember him aa the man who acted as business manager for the blind man wno gave s me sort of a sort of a show In the armory a few days ago. Married TIFFANY WILLIAMS I a this city on the afternoon of December 17th. Mr Albert H Tiffany and Miss Berths Williams Justice of the Peace, Jno. E Hough officiating. A matrimonial ship was christened and Jauncbed upon (he sea of m itri mony by tbe . Justice at bis beauti fully deootated office In this olty. Tbe performance of oeremonies of this kind Ms toe most pleasant part of all the performs, and Rate for Exhibits Portland, Eeo. 19. The Interested railroads have agreed upon a rate of 60 cents a 10J In oarload lota fiom Bt. Lonls to Portland for exhibits of var lous kinds destined for the Lewis and Clark exposition. J P Wilbur superintendent of tbe Union Woolen Mills, closed a deal Thursday by which a great "aale was made. 127.000 worth of white blan kets were sold to one Boston firm. This is the largest individual sale ever made by tbe Union Woolen Mills or for that matter by a ry woolen mills of the northwest. Two other orders have also been received of recent date involving $3000 each. At this rata in order to comply with tbe demands for another year tbe oapaolty of tbe y mills will have to be about doubled. Mr . Wilbur ii the most thoroughly skilled woolen mill man in tbe north west today and the gtgantio propor tions of the business of tbe mills is wholly due to his efforts. It is lar gely to the interest of tbe people -of Union that Mr. Wilbur remains here. Should bis connection be severed with tbe mill it would be next to impossible to find another man to fill bis place I acceptably. Scout. ' : A Store With A Record We have been doing busi ness in this town for 5 years Iu that time the town has nearly doubled in population During the same tine our business has increased FIVE FOLD. ' In other words our business has made a great deal more rapid increase than the town has. There are dozens of reasons for tnis all of which you will perceive if you begin buying drug store goods of us. In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In the second place we had ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of 'pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand ing. In ttie third place we have kept our eyes wpen nnd attended to business until we know the deaan lj of "the people of this town. " " A. T. Prescription Druggist HILL, La Grande, Or terested parties thought it beat to call'M thfc y000- opto are awsre of the il rw .I a a it i i i i Or ar THE NEWLIN DRUG CO LA GRANDE OREGON s r-aoBDoaoaaraaaoaaoaaiiaBaoooaDaBo op tbe Herald and learn if the cheok was alright or not. The information was to the effect that the check was worthless and that the party waa want ed in Baker City for passing other checks. The yoang man who passed the check had not removed the goods from the store, and when he returned for them his attention was called to tbe fact that tbe Herald had stated that no cbeok bad been issued to bim. He expressed himself as greatly sur prised and stated that he would see Mr Roe, the general manager of the Herald, in a few days and he bad no fear but that tbe matter would be tak en oare of all right. He then asked for the check and when it waa banded to blm he banded Mr. West forty dollars in bills and received five dol lars change. Mr. West asked blm "if that wonld be all" and the man ans wered that It was aU that 1 can think of today." Thus ended tbe first chap ter. The second chapter began in about twenty minutes wben offloer McLach lan received a phone from Sheriff fact that the Justice enjoys such oere monies next only to tbe bride and goom themselves, and as they are also well awsre of tbe crupulous neatneM and the floral decorations which the Justice keeps to decorate his offloe at all times for occasions of this kiod, tbe young people when a move of this kind is contemplated, call upon Judge Hough. The contrasting parties are well known throughout the entire county and are residents of tbe Mt Glenn settlement. Their many frienls and tbe Observer joins in wishing them a pleasant and suooesafu!. tnarrien life. i J T Jarman has accepted a position with Book & Thomas the La Grande oattls dealers and will be engaged iu buying cattle for this firm and looking after heir interests in thla section Haines Record. . Thomas B Aklns of Enterprise and L E Aklns of Joseph are in the olty on land office business. HA TS 25 Per Cent off on all Hats Until the first of the year every Hat in the store will be sold at a 25 per cent discount This is your opportunity to get your Holi day Hat at a bargain. Novelties The latest in braided handle ' parses and Peggy bags. Something new in combs and baretts. Ribbons Handkerchiefs At a discount. The finest line of rib bons ever shown in the city. Special line just re ceived. From now until Jan. 1, for 5 cents up. Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and . Powders Switches, Pompadours and Bangs Collars This (s positively a new Hue and can only be secured here. - MRS. J. R. FORREST, : v r Milliner - .: ) J, - - v. .r l . M ,